336 research outputs found

    The natural brackets on couples of vector fields and 1-forms

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    All natural bilinear operators transforming pairs of couples of vector fields and 1-forms into couples of vector fields and 1-forms are found. All natural bilinear operators as above satisfying the Leibniz rule are extracted. All natural Lie algebra brackets on couples of vector fields and 1-forms are collected

    On lifting of 2-vector fields to rr-jet prolongation of the tangent bundle

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    If m≥3m \geq 3 and r≥1r \geq 1, we prove that any natural linear operator AA lifting 2-vector fields Λ∈Γ(⋀2TM)\Lambda \in \Gamma (\bigwedge^2 TM) (i.e., skew-symmetric tensor fields of type (2,0)) on mm-dimensional manifolds MM into 2-vector fields A(Λ)A(\Lambda) on rr-jet prolongation JrTMJ^rTM of the tangent bundle TMTM of MM is the zero one

    Natural operations of Hamiltonian type on the cotangent bundle

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    summary:The authors study some geometrical constructions on the cotangent bundle T∗MT^*M from the viewpoint of natural operations. First they deduce that all natural operators transforming functions on T∗MT^*M into vector fields on T∗MT^*M are linearly generated by the Hamiltonian vector field with respect to the canonical symplectic structure of T∗MT^*M and by the Liouville vector field of T∗MT^*M. Then they determine all natural operators transforming pairs of functions on T∗MT^*M into functions on T∗MT^*M. In this case, the main generator is the classical Poisson bracket

    On canonical constructions on connections

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    We study  how a projectable general connection Γ\Gamma in a 2-fibred manifold Y2→Y1→Y0Y^2\to Y^1\to Y^0  and a general vertical connection Θ\Theta in Y2→Y1→Y0Y^2\to Y^1\to Y^0 induce a general connection A(Γ,Θ)A(\Gamma,\Theta) in Y2→Y1Y^2\to Y^1

    Lifting vector fields from manifolds to the rr-jet prolongation of the tangent bundle

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    If m≥3 and r≥0, we deduce that any natural linear operator lifting vector fields from an m-manifold M to the r-jet prolongation JrTM of the tangent bundle TM is the composition of the flow lifting Jr corresponding to the r-jet prolongation functor Jr with a natural linear operator lifting vector fields from M to TM. If 0≤s≤r and m≥3, we find all natural linear operators transforming vector fields on M into base-preserving fibred maps JrTM→JsTM

    The twisted gauge-natural bilinear brackets on couples of linear vector fields and linear p-forms

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    We completely describe all gauge-natural operators CC which send linear (p+2)(p+2)-forms HH on vector bundles EE (with sufficiently large dimensional bases) into R\mathbf{R}-bilinear operators CHC_H transforming pairs (X1⊕ω1,X2⊕ω2)(X_1\oplus\omega_1,X_2\oplus\omega_2) of couples of linear vector fields and linear pp-forms on EE into couples CH(X1⊕ω1,X2⊕ω2)C_H(X_1\oplus\omega_1, X_2\oplus\omega_2) of linear vector fields and linear pp-forms on EE. Further, we extract all CC (as above) such that C0C_0 is the restriction of the well-known Courant bracket and CHC_H satisfies the Jacobi identity in Leibniz form for all closed linear (p+2)(p+2)-forms HH

    On the existence of connections with a prescribed skew-symmetic Ricci tensor

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    We study the so-called inverse problem. Namely, given a prescribed skew-symmetric Ricci tensor we find (locally) a respective linear connection

    The natural transformations between r-tangent and r-cotangent bundles over Riemannian manifolds

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    If (M,g)(M,g) is a Riemannian manifold, we have the well-known base preserving   vector bundle isomorphism TM=~T∗MTM\mathrel{\tilde=}T^*M given by v→g(v,−)v\to g(v,-) between the tangent TMTM and the cotangent T∗MT^*M bundles of MM. In the present note, we generalize this isomorphism to the one T(r)M=~Tr∗MT^{(r)}M\mathrel{\tilde=} T^{r*}M between the rr-th order vector tangent T(r)M=(Jr(M,R)0)∗T^{(r)}M=(J^r(M,R)_0)^* and the rr-th order cotangent Tr∗M=Jr(M,R)0T^{r*}M=J^r(M,R)_0 bundles of MM. Next, we describe all base preserving  vector bundle maps CM(g):T(r)M→Tr∗MC_M(g):T^{(r)}M\to T^{r*}M depending on a Riemannian metric gg in terms of natural (in gg) tensor fields on MM

    The natural operators of general affine connections into general affine connections

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    We reduce the problem of describing all Mfm\mathcal{M} f_m-natural operators  transforming general affine connections on mm-manifolds into general affine ones to the known description of all GL(Rm)GL(\mathbf{R}^m)-invariant maps Rm∗⊗Rm→⊗kRm∗⊗⊗kRm\mathbf{R}^{m*}\otimes \mathbf{R}^m\to \otimes^k\mathbf{R}^{m*}\otimes\otimes ^k\mathbf{R}^m for k=1,3k=1,3

    On almost complex structures from classical linear connections

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    Let Mfm\mathcal{M} f_m be the category of mm-dimensional manifolds and local diffeomorphisms and  let TT be the tangent functor on Mfm\mathcal{M} f_m. Let V\mathcal{V} be the category of real vector spaces and linear maps and let Vm\mathcal{V}_m be the category of mm-dimensional real vector spaces and linear isomorphisms. We characterize all regular covariant functors F:Vm→VF:\mathcal{V}_m\to\mathcal{V} admitting Mfm\mathcal{M} f_m-natural operators J~\tilde J transforming classical linear connections ∇\nabla on mm-dimensional manifolds MM into almost complex structures J~(∇)\tilde J(\nabla) on F(T)M=⋃x∈MF(TxM)F(T)M=\bigcup_{x\in M}F(T_xM)
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