46 research outputs found

    Kohalike ja invasiivsete röövtoiduliste suurselgrootute elupaigakasutus ja toitumissuhted Läänemere põhjaosas

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneRöövtoidulised suurselgrootud, peamiselt vähilaadsed, on rannikumere toitumisvõrgustikes oluliseks lüliks põhjaelustiku ja kalade vahel ning ühtlasi nad reguleerivad väiksemate selgrootute arvukust. Läänemere põhjaosas elas selle rühma esindajaid seni ainult kaks liiki – läänemere krevett (Palaemon adspersus) ja põhjamere garneel (Crangon crangon). Hiljuti lisandusid neile kohalikele liikidele kaks võõrliiki – elegantne krevett (Palaemon elegans) ja rändkrabi (Rhithropanopeus harrisii). Kohalike ja võõrliikidest röövtoiduliste suurselgrootute leviku, elupaigaeelistuste ja toitumise uurimiseks kasutati olemasolevaid põhjaelustiku leviku andmeid, spetsiaalselt uuritavatele liikidele suunatud proovide kogumist loodusest ja laborikatseid, kus rakendati muuhulgas loomade raadiomärgistamist. Võõrliigist kreveti levik oli ulatuslikum kui kohalike krevettide levik. Võõrliik oli kohalike krevettidega võrreldes enam seotud elupaikadega, millele on iseloomulikud etrofeerumise tunnused (kõrge toitainete kontsentratsioon, lühiealiste niitjate vetikate suur hulk). Krevettide toitumisuuringud näitasid, et uuritud Palaemon liikide toitumisintensiivsus ja toidu kooseis ei erinenud. Seega on kohaliku ja võõrkreveti roll rannikumere toiduvõrkudes sarnane, ent võõrliik võib troofilisi suhteid ümber kujundada piirkondades, kus kohalikud krevetid puuduvad. Kõige kitsama elupaigakasutusega oli põhjamere garneel ja Palaemon liikidest oli võõrliigi P. elegans spetsialiseerumise tase mõnevõrra kõrgem kui kohalikul liigil. R. harrisii eelistas põisadruga (Fucus vesiculosus) elupaika mis viitab sellele, et põisadruga elupaik pakub krabile aastaringset stabiilset elupaika ja et mitmekesine põhjakooslus võib saada seetõttu krabidest oluliselt mõjutatud. Doktoritöö tulemused näitasid, et elupaikade iseloom ja seisund mõjutab kohalike ja võõrliikide levikumustreid ning võõrliikidest selgrootute kiskjate saabumine ja kiire levila laienemine Läänemere põhjaosas toovad kaasa täiesti uue ökoloogilise funktsiooni (suuremõõtmeline kiskja) või juba varem regionaalselt esinenud funktsiooni leviku piirkondadesse, kus see varem puudus.Decapod crustaceans, such as crabs and shrimps play an important role in coastal ecosystems as they prey on small benthic invertebrates and at the same time they are an important food item for fishes. Until recently, this group of macroinvertebrates consisted of only a few species in the northern Baltic Sea, including only two species of native shrimps – Crangon crangon and Palaemon adspersus. However, very recently two non-native crustacean predators arrived – the shrimp Palaemon elegans and the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii. Data from available databases were used together with field sampling and laboratory experiments (incl. radio frequency positioning technology) to describe the geographical distribution, habitat selection, and feeding of native and invasive predatory crustaceans in the coastal areas of the northern Baltic Sea. The distribution of the non-native P. elegans was wider than that of native species. P. elegans was associated with lower salinity, higher concentrations of nutrients and higher proportions of ephemeral filamentous algae, relative to P. adspersus. According to results of the experiment on feeding activity, P. elegans performs a similar role in the coastal food web as the native congener, although it may rearrange trophic interactions and introduce new ecological function in the most eutrophicated areas previously lacking any native shrimp. Among the studied shrimps, C. crangon had the highest habitat specialization. The non-native P. elegans showed slightly higher habitat specialization compared to the native P. adspersus. The invasive crab R. harrisii preferred habitats with bladder wrack where the diverse native community may become heavily impacted by this novel large-bodied predator. This thesis showed that the successful establishment of non-native predatory invertebrates can introduce new ecological functions (large-bodied predators) or considerably strengthen already existed ones, while the heterogeneity of habitats has varying effects on the distribution patterns of native and invasive species

    Trophic interactions between native and alien palaemonid prawns and an alien gammarid in a brackish water ecosystem

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    Macroalgae are an important habitat for small mobile invertebrates such as gammarid amphipods and palaemonid prawns. Gammarid amphipods are important grazers of micro- and macroalgae whereas palaemonid prawns are feeding on macroalgae and small aquatic invertebrates including gammarids. Recently the invasive palaemonid prawn Palaemon elegans established in the Baltic Sea. As P. elegans occurs within the same habitats as the native Palaemon adspersus, it is expected that this invasion modifies the existing trophic interactions. To address this question, we experimentally investigated the feeding of the native P. adspersus and the invasive P. elegans on the benthic macroalga Cladophora glomerata and on the invasive gammarid amphipod Gammarus tigrinus. In the course of the experiment neither G. tigrinus nor Palaemon spp. had effects on filamentous macroalgae. The presence of prawns drastically increased the mortality of amphipods with no difference in the feeding efficiency between the two prawn species. To conclude, the alien prawn does not add an extra function to the trophic system of the coastal ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, due to its progressively increasing densities and wide habitat range, P. elegans is expected to exert stronger predation pressure on gammarid amphipods as compared to P. adspersus alone

    The influence of preparation conditions on the electro-acoustic properties of the PZT-type piezoceramic sensors

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    The possibilities of the application of the microstructure analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman scattering methods for the fast and reliable control of the quality of piezoelectric ceramic sensors at every stage of preparation are shown

    The influence of preparation conditions on the electro-acoustic properties of the PZT-type piezoceramic sensors

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    The possibilities of the application of the microstructure analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman scattering methods for the fast and reliable control of the quality of piezoelectric ceramic sensors at every stage of preparation are shown


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    Abstract. Crisis phenomena in the modern economy of Russia, as well as the world as a whole, unstableinternational relations with sanctions, destabilization of the political situation in Ukraine cause the relevance of the study of the development of border regions as a sphere of interaction of neighboring states, depending on social and economic development, needs and level of conflict. It can cover trade, investment, agro-industrial complex; cross-border cooperation can develop in multiple areas, contributing to the development and strengthening of economic, cultural, humanitarian relations between the border territories of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, facilitating the creation and effective development of economic and social infrastructure in the border areas. Due to the situation in Ukraine, the question arises of the need to study the influence of the unstable political and economic development of the neighboring state on the social and economic development of the Belgorod region as a border area. Main results: the features of the development of the Belgorod region as a border territory, the impact of the political and economic crisis in Ukraine on the socio-economic development prospects of the region, and the features of international cooperation of the neighboring regions at the present time are considered.Keywords: Social and economic development, border region, border, import, export, migration flow, embargo, patent

    Overcritical states of a superconductor strip in a magnetic environment

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    A current-carrying superconducting strip partly penetrated by magnetic flux and surrounded by a bulk magnet of high permeability is considered. Two types of samples are studied: those with critical current controlled by an edge barrier dominating over the pinning, and those with high pinning-mediated critical current masking the edge barrier.It is shown for both cases that the current distribution in a central flux-free part of the strip is strongly affected by the actual shape of the magnetic surroundings. Explicit analytical solutions for the sheet current and self-field distributions are obtained which show that, depending on the geometry, the effect may suppress the total loss-free transport current of the strip or enhance it by orders of magnitude. The effect depends strongly on the shape of the magnet and its distance to the superconductor but only weakly on the magnetic permeability.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    The Implementation of Managed Entry Agreements in Central and Eastern Europe : Findings and Implications

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    Funding Information: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, both The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska, also have special funds and budgets in place for the financing of expensive medicines, which are innovative and under patent. Similar earmarked funds are available in Scotland (the New Medicines Fund funded by the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme [PPRS] rebates) [35] and England (the Cancer Drugs Fund) [36]. However, support for such earmarked funds is mixed. While they facilitate access, critics raised issues about fairness towards other disease areas and patient groups that are not eligible for special funding [3, 39]. Further, the views of a Patient and Clinician Engagement meeting in Scotland [37] and the end-of-life criteria in England [38] offer opportunities for special considerations affecting medicines for end-of-life and very rare conditions to be taken into account in the health technology assessment process. Funding Information: The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Jan Jones from the Scottish Medicines Consortium, Scotland, for contributing to the discussion with information on Scotland, Drs. Lyudmila Bezmelnitsyna and Anastasia Isaeva for contributing to data collection in Russia and Dr. Kate?ina Podrazilov? from SZP ?R for providing information on the Czech Republic. Alessandra Ferrario was a Research Officer at the LSE Health at the time this research was conducted. She is now a postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, USA. Email: [email protected] No sources of funding were used for this study. The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest. However, Di?na Ar?ja, Maria Dimitrova, Jurij F?rst, Ieva Grei?i?t?-Kuprijanov, Iris Hoxha, Arianit Jakupi, Erki Laidm?e, Vanda Markovic-Pekovic, Dmitry Meshkov, Guenka Petrova, Maciej Pomorski and Patricia Vella Bonanno work directly for national health authorities or are advisers to them. Alessandra Ferrario, Tomasz Bochenek, Ileana Mardare, Dominik Tomek, Luka Voncina, Alan Haycox, Panos Kanavos,?Olga L?blov?, and Brian Godman are academics and independent researchers also working with national and regional health authorities and others to improve the quality and efficiency of prescribing, and Tarik Catic, D?vid Dank?,and Tanja Novakovic are involved with pharmaceutical, pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research groups in their countries. Olga L?blov? has also carried out remunerated consultancy activities for A&R Partners, Baxter AG and Instytut Arcana and Ileana Mardare has signed a consulting contract with Ewopharma A.G. Romania. The content of the paper and the conclusions are those of each author and may not necessarily reflect those of any organisation that employs them. Publisher Copyright: © 2017, The Author(s).Background: Managed entry agreements (MEAs) are a set of instruments to facilitate access to new medicines. This study surveyed the implementation of MEAs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) where limited comparative information is currently available. Method: We conducted a survey on the implementation of MEAs in CEE between January and March 2017. Results: Sixteen countries participated in this study. Across five countries with available data on the number of different MEA instruments implemented, the most common MEAs implemented were confidential discounts (n = 495, 73%), followed by paybacks (n = 92, 14%), price-volume agreements (n = 37, 5%), free doses (n = 25, 4%), bundle and other agreements (n = 19, 3%), and payment by result (n = 10, >1%). Across seven countries with data on MEAs by therapeutic group, the highest number of brand names associated with one or more MEA instruments belonged to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC)-L group, antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (n = 201, 31%). The second most frequent therapeutic group for MEA implementation was ATC-A, alimentary tract and metabolism (n = 87, 13%), followed by medicines for neurological conditions (n = 83, 13%). Conclusions: Experience in implementing MEAs varied substantially across the region and there is considerable scope for greater transparency, sharing experiences and mutual learning. European citizens, authorities and industry should ask themselves whether, within publicly funded health systems, confidential discounts can still be tolerated, particularly when it is not clear which country and party they are really benefiting. Furthermore, if MEAs are to improve access, countries should establish clear objectives for their implementation and a monitoring framework to measure their performance, as well as the burden of implementation.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Variation in the prices of oncology medicines across Europe and the implications for the future

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    Introduction/ Objectives: There are increasing concerns among health authorities regarding the sustainability of healthcare systems with growing expenditure on medicines including new high-priced oncology medicines. Medicine prices among European countries may be adversely affected by their population size and economic power to negotiate. There are also concerns that prices of patented medicines do not change once the prices of medicines used for negotiations substantially change. This needs to be investigated as part of the implications of low-cost generic oncology medicines. Methodology: Analysing principally reimbursed prices of patented oral oncology medicines (imatinib, erlotinib and fludarabine) between 2013 and 2017 across Europe and exploring correlations between GDP, population size, and prices. Comparing the findings with previous research regarding prices of oral generic oncology medicines. Results: The prices of imatinib, erlotinib and fludarabine did vary among European countries but showed limited price erosion over time in the absence of generics. There appeared to be no correlation between population size and prices. However, higher prices were seen among countries with higher GDP per capita which is a concern for lower income countries referencing these. Discussion and Conclusion: It is likely that the limited price erosion for patented oncology medicines will change across Europe with increased scrutiny over their prices and value as more medicines used for pricing decisions lose their patents combined with growing pressures on the oncology drug budget. In addition, discussions will continue regarding fair pricing for new oncology medicines and other approaches given ever rising prices with research showing substantial price reductions for oral oncology medicines (up to -97.8% for imatinib) once generics become available. We are also seeing appreciable price reductions for biosimilars further increasing the likelihood of these developments

    The existence of pupil’s development in establishment of children’s extra education

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    The article is devoted to state system’s ninety-year anniversary of a nonschool education – an extra children’s education. It represents three occurrences: an individual development of foster child from extracurricular child's association and the scheme of pedagogic work’s methodic security furthering to effective realization of the extra children education’s program.Статья посвящается 90-летию государственной системы внешкольного воспитания – дополнительного образования детей. В ней представлены три события индивидуального развития воспитанника внешкольного детского объединения и схема методического обеспечения деятельности педагога, способствующая эффективной реализации программы дополнительного образования детей