53,354 research outputs found

    Особливості анатомічної будови черешків вічнозелених представників родини Dryopteridaceae Ching

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    The petiole anatomy of four evergreen ferns of Dryopteridaceae Ching family (Polystichum acrostichoides (Mich.) Schott, P. munitum (Kaulf.) C. Presl, Cyrtomium fortunei J. Smith., Dryopteris varia (L.) O. Kunze) has been studied. The form of petiole transection in D. varia is channeled; in other species it is round. The hypodermal sclerenhyma consists of 7–14 layers of cells, and is about 250 μ thick.Описано будову поперечного перерізу черешків 4 вічнозелених папоротей – інтродуцентів відкритого ґрунту: Polystichum acrostichoides (Mich.) Schott, P. munitum (Kauif.) C. Presl, Cyrtomium fortunei J. Smith., Dryopteris varia (L.) O. Kunze. Форма перерізу у D. varia жолобчаста, у інших – округла. Відзначено суттєвий розвиток гіподермальної склеренхіми, яка складається з 7–14 шарів клітин і досягає у товщину 250 мкм

    Slovakya’nın Çeşitli Lokalitelerindeki Ceviz Ağaçlarındaki (Juglans Regia L.) Mikroparazitik Funguslar Ve Yayılmaları

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    DergiPark: 245863trakyafbd2000-2003 yıllar arasında Slovakyada 43 lokalitenin kentsel kısımlarında bulunan ceviz ağaçlarının (Juglans regia L.) sağlık koşulları, ağaçların bulundukları yerler ile parazitik mikrofungusların bulunuşları, yayılmaları ve zararlarının belirlenmesi ile ilgili olarak,değerlendirilmiştir. Ağaçlarda tespit edilen patojenler şunlardır: gövdelerde; Melanconium juglandinum Kunze, Cytospora juglandina Sacc., Gibberella baccata (Wallr.) Sacc., Phoma juglandis (Preuss.) Sacc., konidiyal durumdaki Tubercularia vulgaris Tode ile birlikte Nectria cinnobarina (Tode ex Fr.) Fr., dallarda; Melanconium juglandinum (Kunze), Cytospora juglandina Sacc., Gibberella baccata (Wallr.) Sacc., Phoma juglandis (Preuss.) Sacc., konidiyal durumdaki Tubercularia vulgaris Tode ile birlikte Nectria cinnobarina (Tode ex Fr.) Fr., Diplodina juglandina Hollós, Dothiorella gregaria Sacc., yapraklarda: Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Ces. et de Not. Ve anamorf Marssonina juglandis (Lieb.) Magn., Ascochyta juglandis Boltsh., Microstroma juglandis (Bér.) Sacc., Mycosphaerella juglandis K. J. Kessler, anamorf Cylindrosporium juglandis F. A. Wolf, Cryptosporium nigrum Bon. ve meyvelerde: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz amp; Sacc. teleomorf Glomerella cingulata Stoneman (Spauld. amp; H. Schrenk) ve Septoria epicarpii Thüm. Belirli lokalitelerde Marssonina juglandis tarafından yapraklara verilen tespit edilmiştir.During 2000-2003 the health condition of Juglans regia L. in the urban environment of the 43 localities of Slovakia was evaluated in relation to the location of the trees and the assessment of occurrence, spread and harmfulness of parasitic fungi. We detected on stem the following pathogens: Melanconium juglandinum Kunze, Cytospora juglandina Sacc., Gibberella baccata (Wallr.) Sacc., Phoma juglandis (Preuss.) Sacc., Nectria cinnobarina (Tode ex Fr.) Fr. with conidial state Tubercularia vulgaris Tode. On branches: Melanconium juglandinum (Kunze), Cytospora juglandina Sacc., Gibberella baccata (Wallr.) Sacc., Phoma juglandis (Preuss.) Sacc., Nectria cinnobarina (Tode ex Fr.) Fr. with conidial state Tubercularia vulgaris Tode, Diplodina juglandina Hollós, Dothiorella gregaria Sacc. On leaves: Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Ces. et de Not. and anamorph Marssonina juglandis (Lieb.) Magn., Ascochyta juglandis Boltsh., Microstroma juglandis (Bér.) Sacc., Mycosphaerella juglandis K. J. Kessler, anamorph Cylindrosporium juglandis F. A. Wolf, Cryptosporium nigrum Bon. and on fruits: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz amp; Sacc. teleomorph Glomerella cingulata Stoneman (Spauld. amp; H. Schrenk) and Septoria epicarpii Thüm. The degree of leaf damage was determined by Marssonina juglandis to Juglans regia on selected localities

    Keanekaragaman Paku-pakuan Terestrial Di Kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Sicike-cike

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    Penelitian keanekaragaman paku-pakuan ini telah dilaksanakan di Taman Wisata Alam Sicike-cike Kabupaten Dairi Sumatera Utara pada bulan Juni sampai Oktober 2018. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan Metode Purposive Sampling. dan dalam pengambilan data digunakan Metode Kuadrat pada tiga lokasi berbeda (jalur yang berada di ketiga danau) denganukuran petak 3 m x 3 m. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan 20 jenis paku-pakuan, yaitu Selliquealima (V. A. V. R), Gleichenia linearis Brum., Oleanra pistillaris (SW) C. Chr., Ctenopteris tenuisecta (BL) J. Sm., Humata repens (L. Fil) Diels., Phymatopteris triloba (Houtt) Piehi., Ctenopteris contigula (Fort) Holtt., Lycopodium plegmaria L., Vittariasp., Hymenophyllum productum Kunze., Davallia denticulate (Brum) Mett., Ctenopteris mollicoma Ness & BL., Polypodium percifolium Desv., Christellasp., Cyatheaceae recumutata Copel., Neprolepis sp., Elapoglossum robinsonii Holt, Leucostegia pallida (Mett) Copel., Selaginella wildenowii (Desv) Backer., Drynaria sp. INP tertinggi pada lokasi I adalah Gleichenia linearis Burm. sebesar 40,35%, pada lokasi II adalah Hymenophyllum productum Kunze. sebesar 28,02% dan pada lokasi III adalah Selliquea lima (V.A.V.R) Holtt. sebesar 48,06%

    Collisional ionization rates for lithium and beryllium-like ions

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    Collisional ionization rates for lithium and beryllium-like ions deduced from time history of spectral lines emitted by these ions in hot plasma

    Cavity reactor critical experiment, volume 3

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    Cavity reactor critical experiment - volume


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    Pteridaceae is a monophyletic family composed of 50 genera and about 1,000 species. In Brazilian territory, it is the family presenting the highest specific diversity with 196 species. In Rondônia State, it is represented by 10 genera and 141 species. Studies floristic constitution of Pteridaceae in the state are incipient. So, the study aims to perform a floristic survey of the family Pteridaceae for the state of Rondônia. The data obtained come from collections performed in the grids of ESEC Cuniã, Porto Velho (RO). Identification keys were elaborated presenting descriptions, illustrations and geographical distribution. It was observed, the occurrence of the genera Adiantum L., Hecistopteris J. Sm., Polytaenium Desv., Vittaria Sm. Of these, the most representative was Adiantum (nine species): A. cajennense Willd. Ex Klotzsch., A. humile Kunze, A. obliquum Willd, A. terminatum Kunze ex Miq., A. tomentosum Klotzsch, A. tuomistoanum Prado, Hecistopteris pumila (Spreng.) J. Sm, Polytaenium guayanense (Hieron.) Alston and Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm.. I was concluded, therefore, that the family Pteridaceae is not yet well represented in the Cuniã class, because so far only four genera and nine species have been recorded.Keywords: Amazon; Rondônia; Ferns; Taxonomy.Pteridaceae e uma família monofilética constituída por 50 gêneros e mais de 1.000 espécies. Em território brasileiro é a família que apresenta maior diversidade específica com 196 espécies. Em Rondônia, está representada por 10 gêneros e 141 espécies. Estudos da constituição florística de Pteridaceae no estado são insipientes. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo, fazer o levantamento florístico de Pteridaceae no estado de Rondônia. Os dados obtidos provêm de coletas realizadas nas grades da ESEC Cuniã, Porto Velho (RO). Para a identificação, foram elaboradas chaves de identificação com descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica. Observou-se a ocorrência dos gêneros Adiantum L., Hecistopteris J. Sm., Polytaenium Desv., e Vittaria Sm. Desses o mais representativo foi Adiantum (nove espécies): A. cajennense Willd. Ex Klotzsch., A. humile Kunze, A. obliquum Willd. A. terminatum Kunze ex Miq., A. tomentosum Klotzsch, A. tuomistoanum Prado, Hecistopteris pumila (Spreng.) J. Sm, Polytaenium guayanense (Hieron.) Alston e Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm. Conclui-se, portanto, que a família Pteridaceae ainda não está bem representada na grade Cuniã, pois até o momento foi registrado apenas quatro gêneros e nove espécies.Palavras-chave: Amazônia, Rondônia, Samambaias, Taxonomia

    A note on Mackey topologies on Banach spaces

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    [EN] There is a maybe unexpected connection between three apparently unrelated notions concerning a given w*-dense subspace Y of the dual X* of a Banach space X: (i) The norming character of Y, (ii) the fact that (Y, w*) has the Mazur property, and (iii) the completeness of the Mackey topology mu(X, Y), i.e., the topology on X of the uniform convergence on the family of all absolutely convex w*-compact subsets of Y. To clarify these connections is the purpose of this note. The starting point was a question raised by M. Kunze and W. Arendt and the answer provided by J. Bonet and B. Cascales. We fully characterize mu(X, Y)-completeness or its failure in the case of Banach spaces X with a w*-angelic dual unit ball in particular, separable Banach spaces or, more generally, wealdy compactly generated ones-by using the norming or, alternatively, the Mazur character of Y. We characterize the class of spaces where the original Kunze-Arendt question has always a positive answer. Some other applications are also provided. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Supported in part by MICINN (Project MTM2014-57838-C2-2-P).Guirao Sánchez, AJ.; Montesinos Santalucia, V.; Zizler, V. (2017). A note on Mackey topologies on Banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 445(1):944-952. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.08.030S944952445

    Exotic C*-algebras of geometric groups

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    We consider a new class of potentially exotic group C*-algebras CPFp(G)C^*_{PF_p^*}(G) for a locally compact group GG, and its connection with the class of potentially exotic group C*-algebras CLp(G)C^*_{L^p}(G) introduced by Brown and Guentner. Surprisingly, these two classes of C*-algebras are intimately related. By exploiting this connection, we show CLp(G)=CPFp(G)C^*_{L^p}(G)=C^*_{PF_p^*}(G) for p(2,)p\in (2,\infty), and the C*-algebras CLp(G)C^*_{L^p}(G) are pairwise distinct for p(2,)p\in (2,\infty) when GG belongs to a large class of nonamenable groups possessing the Haagerup property and either the rapid decay property or Kunze-Stein phenomenon by characterizing the positive definite functions that extend to positive linear functionals of CLp(G)C^*_{L^p}(G) and CPFp(G)C^*_{PF_p^*}(G). This greatly generalizes earlier results of Okayasu and the second author on the pairwise distinctness of CLp(G)C^*_{L^p}(G) for 2<p<2<p<\infty when GG is either a noncommutative free group or the group SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb R), respectively. As a byproduct of our techniques, we present two applications to the theory of unitary representations of a locally compact group GG. Firstly, we give a short proof of the well-known Cowling-Haagerup-Howe Theorem which presents sufficient condition implying the weak containment of a cyclic unitary representation of GG in the left regular representation of GG. Also we give a near solution to a 1978 conjecture of Cowling. This conjecture of Cowling states if GG is a Kunze-Stein group and π\pi is a unitary representation of GG with cyclic vector ξ\xi such that the map Gsπ(s)ξ,ξG\ni s\mapsto \langle \pi(s)\xi,\xi\rangle belongs to Lp(G)L^p(G) for some 2<p<2< p <\infty, then AπLp(G)A_\pi\subseteq L^p(G). We show BπLp+ϵ(G)B_\pi\subseteq L^{p+\epsilon}(G) for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0 (recall AπBπA_\pi\subseteq B_\pi)

    Gas cavity reactor simulation experiment final report

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    Gaseous cavitation reactor simulation experiment using uranium fluoride fue