58 research outputs found

    One-loop radiative corrections to the helicity amplitudes of QCD processes involving four quarks and one gluon

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    We present analytic results for the one-loop corrections of the helicity amplitudes of the QCD five-parton subprocesses involving four quarks and one gluon obtained with a standard Feynman diagram calculation using dimensional reduction.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX, ETH-TH/94-14, KLTE-DTP/94-

    Nagy pontosságú Monte Carlo programok nagyenergiás részecskeütközések leírására = Precision Monte Carlo tools for collider experiments

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    Nem pontosan a terveknek megfelelően, mégis nemzetközileg elismert eredményeket értünk el a QCD két területén: a sugárzási korrekciók számításában és a Monte Carlo partonzápor programokban. Sugárzási korrekciók számítása Teljesen numerikus eljárást dolgoztunk ki egyhurok QCD amplitúdók számolására, és elsőként számítottuk ki az N-foton (N = 4,6,8) amplitúdókat. Fél-automatikus eljárást fejlesztettünk ki parton szintű súlyozatlan események generálásához, amelyekre közvetlenül lehet partonzápor programot alkalmazni. Ezzel a módszerrel a t tbar és a t tbar + jet keletkezésnek hadron szintű hatáskeresztmetszeteit számítottuk ki, amelyek az első sugárzási korrekciókat pontosan visszaadják az erős csatolás szerinti sorfejtésben. Kifejlesztettük a második QCD sugárzási korrekciók számításának általános elméletét. Duplán feloldatlan tagok kivételével az összes levonási tagot integráltuk a feloldatlan partonok faktorizált fázisterén. Monte Carlo partonzápor programok Rekurziós egyenleteket írtunk fel, amelyek segítségével vezető rendű partonzáport lehet generálni hadronütközésekben. Az eljárás újszerűsége abban áll, hogy figyelembe veszi a különböző amplitúdók közötti interferencia tagokat akkor, amikor azoknak vezető rendű lágy, vagy kollineáris szingularitása van. Figyelembe veszi az elsődleges kölcsönhatásban keletkező partonok szín és spin korrelációit is. | Although not precisely as planned, we made internationally recognized progress in two main areas of QCD: exact higher order computations and Shower Monte Carlo programs. Exact higher order computations We developed a completely numerical approach to computing one-loop QCD amplitudes and for the first time we computed N-photon (N=4,6,8) amplitudes numerically. We devised a semi-automatic approach to generate unweighted Monte Carlo events at the parton level that can be interfaced with shower programs. Using this method, we produced predictions for the hadron level cross section of t tbar and t tbar + jet hadroproduction which are correct up to next-to- leading order accuracy upon expansion in the strong coupling. We presented a general subtraction scheme for computing QCD jet cross sections at next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy. We integrated the subtraction terms over the factorised phase space of the unresolved partons except the doubly-unresolved subtractions. Shower Monte Carlo programs We specified recursive equations that can be used to generate a lowest order parton shower for hard scattering in hadron-hadron collisions. The novelty of the approach is that it incorporates quantum interference between different amplitudes in those cases in which the interference diagrams have leading soft or collinear singularities. It also incorporates the color and spin information carried by partons emerging from a hard interaction

    Singular terms of helicity amplitudes at one-loop in QCD and the soft limit of the cross sections of multi-parton processes

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    We describe a general method that enables us to obtain all the singular terms of helicity amplitudes of n-parton processes at one loop. The algorithm uses helicity amplitudes at tree level and simple color algebra. We illustrate the method by calculating the singular part of the one loop helicity amplitudes of all 23 2\to 3 parton subprocesses. The results are used to derive the soft gluon limit of the cross sections of all 242\to 4 parton scattering subprocesses which provide a useful initial condition for the angular ordering approximation to coherent multiple soft gluon emission, incorporated in existing Monte Carlo simulation programs.Comment: Latex,13 pages, ETH-TH/94-

    One-loop helicity amplitudes for all 2 -> 2 processes in QCD and N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    One loop corrections to the helicity amplitudes of all 2 -> 2 subprocesses are calculated in QCD and in N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using two versions of dimensional regularization: the `t~Hooft-Veltman scheme and dimensional reduction. Studying the structure of the soft and collinear singularities, we found universal transition rules for the squared matrix element which can be used to translate the results obtained in these schemes to the results valid in the conventional dimensional regularization scheme. With explicit calculation it is demonstrated that the one loop helicity amplitudes of the 2 -> 2 subprocesses calculated using dimensional reduction in the N=1 supersymmetric SU(N)SU(N) gauge theory respect the supersymmetry Ward identities. Our transition rules can also be used to calculate the next-to-leading order Altarelli-Parisi kernels in the dimensional reduction scheme when they satisfy supersymmetry Ward identities as well.Comment: 40 pages + 1 table, uses LaTeX and table.tex, ETH-TH/93-1

    Object Persistency for HEP data using an Object-Relational Database

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    We present an initial study of the object features of Oracle 9i - the first of the market-leading object-relational database systems that supports a true object model on the server side as well as an ODMG-style C++ language binding on the client side. We discuss how these features can be used to provide persistent object storage in the HEP environment

    One-loop Singular Behaviour of QCD and SUSY QCD Amplitudes with Massive Partons

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    We discuss the structure of infrared and ultraviolet singularities in on-shell QCD and supersymmetric QCD amplitudes at one-loop order. Previous results, valid for massless partons, are extended to the case of massive partons. Using dimensional regularization, we present a general factorization formula that controls both the singular epsilon-poles and the logarithmic contributions that become singular for vanishing masses. We introduce generalized Altarelli--Parisi splitting functions and discuss their relations with the singular terms in the amplitudes. The dependence on the regularization scheme is also considered.Comment: 15 pages, 1 Latex fil

    QCD Corrections to Photon Production in Association with Hadrons in e+ee^+e^- Annihilation

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    A detailed investigation of the theoretical ambiguities present in the QCD description of photon production in e+ee^+e^- annihilation is given. It is pointed out that in a well-defined perturbative analysis it is necessary to subtract the quark-photon collinear singularities. This subtraction requires the introduction of an unphysical parameter in the perturbative part of the cross section. The subtracted term is factored into non-perturbative fragmentation function. The dependence on the unphysical parameter cancels in the sum of non-perturbative and perturbative parts. It is pointed out that for Eγs/(2(1+ϵc))E_{\gamma}\le \sqrt{s}/(2(1+\epsilon_c)) the non-perturbative contributions are suppressed. Using a general purpose next-to-leading order Monte Carlo program, we calculate various physical quantities that were measured in LEP experiments recently.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, 1 table (available by request), LaTeX, ETH-TH/92-2

    Three-jet cross sections in hadron-hadron collisions at next-to-leading order

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    We present a new QCD event generator for hadron collider which can calculate one-, two- and three-jet cross sections at next-to-leading order accuracy. In this letter we study the transverse energy spectrum of three-jet hadronic events using the kT algorithm. We show that the next-to-leading order correction significantly reduces the renormalization and factorization scale dependence of the three-jet cross section.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTEX