332 research outputs found

    System architecture of MMIC-based large aperture arrays for space application

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    The persistent trend to use millimeter-wave frequencies for satellite communications presents the challenge to design large-aperture phased arrays for space applications. These arrays, which comprise 100 to 10,000 elements, are now possible due to the advent of lightwave technology and the availability of monolithic microwave integrated circuits. In this paper, system aspects of optically controlled array design are studied. In particular, two architectures for a 40 GHz array are outlined, and the main system-related issues are examined: power budget, synchronization in frequency and phase, and stochastic effects

    Engineering synucleinopathy‐resistant human dopaminergic neurons by CRISPR‐mediated deletion of the SNCA gene

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    An emerging treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD) is cell replacement therapy. Authentic midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neuronal precursors can be differentiated from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). These laboratory‐generated mDA cells have been demonstrated to mature into functional dopaminergic neurons upon transplantation into preclinical models of PD. However, clinical trials with human fetal mesenchephalic cells have shown that cell replacement grafts in PD are susceptible to Lewy body formation suggesting host‐to‐graft transfer of α‐synuclein pathology. Here, we have used CRISPR/Cas9n technology to delete the endogenous SNCA gene, encoding for α‐synuclein, in a clinical‐grade hESC line to generate SNCA+/− and SNCA−/− cell lines. These hESC lines were first differentiated into mDA neurons, and then challenged with recombinant α‐synuclein preformed fibrils (PFFs) to seed the formation for Lewy‐like pathology as measured by phosphorylation of serine‐129 of α‐synuclein (pS129‐αSyn). Wild‐type neurons were fully susceptible to the formation of protein aggregates positive for pS129‐αSyn, while SNCA+/− and SNCA−/− neurons exhibited significant resistance to the formation of this pathological mark. This work demonstrates that reducing or completely removing SNCA alleles by CRISPR/Cas9n‐mediated gene editing confers a measure of resistance to Lewy pathology

    Determining the location of the α-synuclein dimer Interface using native top-down fragmentation and isotope depletion-mass spectrometry

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    α-Synuclein (αSyn), a 140-residue intrinsically disordered protein, comprises the primary proteinaceous component of pathology-associated Lewy body inclusions in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Due to its association with PD, αSyn is studied extensively; however, the endogenous structure and physiological roles of this protein are yet to be fully understood. Here, ion mobility-mass spectrometry and native top-down electron capture dissociation fragmentation have been used to elucidate the structural properties associated with a stable, naturally occurring dimeric species of αSyn. This stable dimer appears in both wild-type (WT) αSyn and the PD-associated variant A53E. Furthermore, we integrated a novel method for generating isotopically depleted protein into our native top-down workflow. Isotope depletion increases signal-to-noise ratio and reduces the spectral complexity of fragmentation data, enabling the monoisotopic peak of low abundant fragment ions to be observed. This enables the accurate and confident assignment of fragments unique to the αSyn dimer to be assigned and structural information about this species to be inferred. Using this approach, we were able to identify fragments unique to the dimer, which demonstrates a C-terminal to C-terminal interaction between the monomer subunits. The approach in this study holds promise for further investigation into the structural properties of endogenous multimeric species of αSyn

    Forecasting of a complex microbial community using meta-omics

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    Microbial communities are complex assemblages whose dynamics are shaped by abiotic and biotic factors. A major challenge concerns correctly forecasting the community behaviour in the future. In this context, communities in biological wastewater treatment plants (BWWTPs) represent excellent model systems, because forecasting them is required to ultimately control and operate the plants in a sustainable manner. Here, we forecast the microbial community from the water-air interface of the anaerobic tank of a BWWTP via longitudinal meta-omics (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics) data covering 14 months at weekly intervals. We extracted all the available time-dependent information, summarised it in 17 temporal signals (explaining 91.1 of the temporal variance) and linked them over time to rebuild the sequence of ecological phenomena behind the community dynamics. We forecasted the signals over the following five years and tested the predictions with 21 extra samples. We were able to correctly forecast five signals accounting for 22.5 of the time-dependent information in the system and generate mechanistic predictions on the ecological events in the community (e.g. a predation cycle involving bacteria, viruses and amoebas). Through the forecasting of the 17 signals and the environmental variables readings we reconstructed the gene abundance and expression for the following 5 years, showing a nearly perfect trend prediction (coefficient of determination >= 0.97) for the first 2 years. The study demonstrates the maturity of microbial ecology to forecast composition and gene expression of open microbial ecosystems using year-spanning interactions between community cycles and environmental parameters

    Discovery of Volatile Biomarkers of Parkinson’s Disease from Sebum

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that presents with significant motor symptoms, for which there is no diagnostic chemical test. We have serendipitously identified a hyperosmic individual, a "Super Smeller" who can detect PD by odor alone, and our early pilot studies have indicated that the odor was present in the sebum from the skin of PD subjects. Here, we have employed an unbiased approach to investigate the volatile metabolites of sebum samples obtained noninvasively from the upper back of 64 participants in total (21 controls and 43 PD subjects). Our results, validated by an independent cohort (n=31), identified a distinct volatiles-associated signature of PD, including altered levels of perillic aldehyde and eicosane, the smell of which was then described as being highly similar to the scent of PD by our "Super Smeller"

    Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan

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    The northern part of the South China Sea is characterized by widespread occurrence of bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) indicating the presence of marine gas hydrate. Because the area covers both a tectonically inactive passive margin and the termination of a subduction zone, the influence of tectonism on the dynamics of gas hydrate systems can be studied in this region. Geophysical data show that there are multiple thrust faults on the active margin while much fewer and smaller faults exist in the passive margin. This tectonic difference matches with a difference in the geophysical characteristics of the gas hydrate systems. High hydrate saturation derived from ocean bottom seismometer data and controlled source electromagnetic data and conspicuous high‐amplitude reflections in P‐Cable 3D seismic data above the BSR are found in the anticlinal ridges of the active margin. In contrast all geophysical evidence for the passive margin points to normal to low hydrate saturations. Geochemical analyses of gas samples collected at seep sites on the active margin show methane with heavy ή13C isotope composition, while gas collected at the passive margin shows light carbon isotope composition. Thus, we interpret the passive margin as a typical gas hydrate province fuelled by biogenic production of methane and the active margin gas hydrate system as a system that is fuelled not only by biogenic gas production but also by additional advection of thermogenic methane from the subduction system

    Alterations of oral microbiota and impact on the gut microbiome in type 1 diabetes mellitus revealed by integrated multi-omic analyses

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations to the gut microbiome have been linked to multiple chronic diseases. However, the drivers of such changes remain largely unknown. The oral cavity acts as a major route of exposure to exogenous factors including pathogens, and processes therein may affect the communities in the subsequent compartments of the gastrointestinal tract. Here, we perform strain-resolved, integrated meta-genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic analyses of paired saliva and stool samples collected from 35 individuals from eight families with multiple cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). RESULTS: We identified distinct oral microbiota mostly reflecting competition between streptococcal species. More specifically, we found a decreased abundance of the commensal Streptococcus salivarius in the oral cavity of T1DM individuals, which is linked to its apparent competition with the pathobiont Streptococcus mutans. The decrease in S. salivarius in the oral cavity was also associated with its decrease in the gut as well as higher abundances in facultative anaerobes including Enterobacteria. In addition, we found evidence of gut inflammation in T1DM as reflected in the expression profiles of the Enterobacteria as well as in the human gut proteome. Finally, we were able to follow transmitted strain-variants from the oral cavity to the gut at the individual omic levels, highlighting not only the transfer, but also the activity of the transmitted taxa along the gastrointestinal tract. CONCLUSIONS: Alterations of the oral microbiome in the context of T1DM impact the microbial communities in the lower gut, in particular through the reduction of "mouth-to-gut" transfer of Streptococcus salivarius. Our results indicate that the observed oral-cavity-driven gut microbiome changes may contribute towards the inflammatory processes involved in T1DM. Through the integration of multi-omic analyses, we resolve strain-variant "mouth-to-gut" transfer in a disease context

    ERK2 Suppresses Self-Renewal Capacity of Embryonic Stem Cells, but Is Not Required for Multi-Lineage Commitment

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    Activation of the FGF-ERK pathway is necessary for naĂŻve mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to exit self-renewal and commit to early differentiated lineages. Here we show that genetic ablation of Erk2, the predominant ERK isozyme expressed in ES cells, results in hyper-phosphorylation of ERK1, but an overall decrease in total ERK activity as judged by substrate phosphorylation and immediate-early gene (IEG) induction. Normal induction of this subset of canonical ERK targets, as well as p90RSK phosphorylation, was rescued by transgenic expression of either ERK1 or ERK2 indicating a degree of functional redundancy. In contrast to previously published work, Erk2-null ES cells exhibited no detectable defect in lineage specification to any of the three germ layers when induced to differentiate in either embryoid bodies or in defined neural induction conditions. However, under self-renewing conditions Erk2-null ES cells express increased levels of the pluripotency-associated transcripts, Nanog and Tbx3, a decrease in Nanog-GFP heterogeneity, and exhibit enhanced self-renewal in colony forming assays. Transgenic add-back of ERK2 is capable of restoring normal pluripotent gene expression and self-renewal capacity. We show that ERK2 contributes to the destabilization of ES cell self-renewal by reducing expression of pluripotency genes, such as Nanog, but is not specifically required for the early stages of germ layer specification
