58 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Regulation of Chicken Apolipoprotein A-I Gene Expression

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    Deregulation of a set of critical cellular genes has long been speculated as a cause of the oncogenic transformation induced by v-Jun oncoprotein. In the past several years, extensive efforts have been made to identify such genes. Several target genes have been identified that are specifically associated with the v-Jun induced transformation phenotype in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF). We have undertaken the objective to identify and characterize the genes that become deregulated in response to, or as a consequence of, Jun-induced transformation. By exploiting the difference in oncogenic potential between v-Jun and c-Jun in CEF, the chicken apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) gene has been identified in our laboratory as one of the target genes whose expression is repressed in response to v-Jun overexpression in CEF. The overall objective of this study is to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms by which the apoA-I gene expression is regulated, especially by the v-Jun oncoprotein. In this study, we mapped the v-Jun responsive elements within nucleotides −311 to +19 upstream of the apoA-I transcription start site. Biochemical analysis of functional domains of v-Jun indicates that DNA binding specificity of vJun and its ability to heterodimerize with diverse partners are absolutely required for repression of apoA-I transcription. Further, the sequences between amino acid residues 108 to 128 in the amino terminus of v-Jun proteins that contains the acidic region III of its transactivation domain are important for its repressor activity. In addition, an enhancer located between −6.8 kb to −6.0 kb upstream of the transcription start site of the apoA-I gene was identified and characterized. The enhancer is capable of stimulating transcription from the apoA-I promoter in a distance- and orientation-independent manner and is CEF-specific. Sequence information of the enhancer revealed that it is 791-by long and contains many putative binding sites for known transcription factors. Deletion analysis of the enhancer activity indicates that there are many modules, both positive and negative, located within the 791-by enhancer region. Nuclear transcription factors Sp1, C/EBP, HNF-3, and an unknown factor were found that might interact with the cis-acting elements of the enhancer

    An Object-Oriented Algorithmic Laboratory for Ordering Sparse Matrices

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    We focus on two known NP-hard problems that have applications in sparse matrix computations: the envelope/wavefront reduction problem and the fill reduction problem. Envelope/wavefront reducing orderings have a wide range of applications including profile and frontal solvers, incomplete factorization preconditioning, graph reordering for cache performance, gene sequencing, and spatial databases. Fill reducing orderings are generally limited to—but an inextricable part of—sparse matrix factorization. Our major contribution to this field is the design of new and improved heuristics for these NP-hard problems and their efficient implementation in a robust, cross-platform, object-oriented software package. In this body of research, we (1) examine current ordering algorithms, analyze their asymptotic complexity, and characterize their behavior in model problems, (2) introduce new and improved algorithms that address deficiencies found in previous heuristics, (3) implement an object-oriented library of these algorithms in a robust, modular fashion without significant loss of efficiency, and (4) extend our algorithms and software to address both generalized and constrained problems. We stress that the major contribution is the algorithms and the implementation; the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. The initial motivation for implementing our algorithms in object-oriented software was to manage the inherent complexity. During our research came the realization that the object-oriented implementation enabled new possibilities for augmented algorithms that would not have been as natural to generalize from a procedural implementation. Some extensions are constructed from a family of related algorithmic components, thereby creating a poly-algorithm that can adapt its strategy to the properties of the specific problem instance dynamically. Other algorithms are tailored for special constraints by aggregating algorithmic components and having them collaboratively generate the global ordering. Our software laboratory, “Spindle,” implements state-of-the-art ordering algorithms for sparse matrices and graphs. We have used it to examine and augment the behavior of existing algorithms and test new ones. Its 40,000+ lines of C++ code includes a base library test drivers, sample applications, and interfaces to C, C++, Matlab, and PETSc. Spindle is freely available and can be built on a variety of UNIX platforms as well as WindowsNT

    Unravelling small world networks

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    New classes of random graphs have recently been shown to exhibit the small world phenomenon - they are clustered like regular lattices and yet have small average pathlengths like traditional random graphs. Small world behaviour has been observed in a number of real life networks, and hence these random graphs represent a useful modelling tool. In particular, Grindrod [Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002) 066702-1] has proposed a class of range dependent random graphs for modelling proteome networks in bioinformatics. A property of these graphs is that, when suitably ordered, most edges in the graph are short-range, in the sense that they connect near-neighbours, and relatively few are long-range. Grindrod also looked at an inverse problem - given a graph that is known to be an instance of a range dependent random graph, but with vertices in arbitrary order, can we reorder the vertices so that the short-range/long-range connectivity structure is apparent? When the graph is viewed in terms of its adjacency matrix, this becomes a problem in sparse matrix theory: find a symmetric row/column reordering that places most nonzeros close to the diagonal. Algorithms of this general nature have been proposed for other purposes, most notably for reordering to reduce fill-in and for clustering large data sets. Here, we investigate their use in the small world reordering problem. Our numerical results suggest that a spectral reordering algorithm is extremely promising, and we give some theoretical justification for this observation via the maximum likelihood principle