329 research outputs found

    Parent involvement towards children’s reading habit: A focus group survey from Nashik, India

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    Abstract Purpose - This study was carried out to ascertain parents’ attitude about reading related activities of children, to discover parents’ efforts for instilling the reading habit in their children, to understand the challenges faced by parents in inculcating reading habit in their children, and to suggest possible solutions to the parents’ difficulties related to their children’s reading habits. Design/ Methodology - The research was conducted using the Survey method, with Focus Group Discussion used as the data collection tool. The research sample was 24 parents of pupils who were studying in the primary and secondary Marathi medium schools in Nashik district. An anonymous data was collected Qualitative descriptive analysis was carried out of the collected data. Findings - It was observed that parents knew that pleasure reading was important for the overall behavioral development of their children. However, less than half of them performed any substantial activities to instill the reading habit in their children. Children’s excessive usage of the internet, time constraints, children’s disinterest in reading, and parents’ incognizance about the effective reading material were the main challenges faced. Originality/ Value - This study is one of the first one of its kind in the Indian scenario. Uniquely collecting parents’ real experiences through focus group interviews, this paper provides concrete solutions to the difficulties of parents in inculcating reading habits among their children. Paper type - Research pape

    A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled, phase IV, proof-of-concept, comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Swasawin asthaloc tablets when given as add-on therapy in patients suffering from mild to moderate persistent bronchial asthma

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    Background: Asthma, known as “Tamaka Shwasa” in Ayurveda, as a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways associated with increased airway hyper-responsiveness, recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing, particularly at night/early morning. The key component to improving control and preventing attacks is the avoidance of triggers. Swasawin Asthaloc tablet, a polyherbal proprietary medication, is claimed to be effective in asthma. The Objective of the study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Swasawin Asthaloc tablets when given as add-on therapy to patients suffering from mild to moderate persistent bronchial asthma.Methods: The study was initiated after receiving Institutional Ethics Committee approval. Patients suffering from mild-to-moderate persistent bronchial asthma were randomized to 2 study groups after written informed consent process for 6 months. Group I received the study medication Swasawin Asthaloc tablet (1 tablet twice daily) in addition to regular anti-asthmatic medications (inhaler ± oral medications). Group II received Placebo tablets in a similar dose as add-on therapy. The study efficacy parameters included spirometry, breath holding time (BHT), Asthma symptom score and Ayurvedic Asthma symptom score.Results: 60 patients were enrolled in the study, of which 50 patients completed the study. In case of spirometry, both FEV1 and PEFR values showed statistically significant improvement at the end of 6 months therapy. Significant improvement in the Breath Holding Time (BHT), Ayurvedic Asthma symptom score and Asthma symptom score was observed in the active group as compared to the baseline (p <0.001).Conclusions: Add-on therapy with Swasawin Asthaloc tablets helped in reducing bronchial inflammation and improving asthmatic symptoms by virtue of its anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory and antihistaminic properties. Hence it can be used as add-on therapy in patients with mild-to-moderate persistent bronchial asthma and may decrease the need for rescue medications especially steroids

    Prevalence of self-medication practices in the Maharashtra population: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Self-medication is a significant issue in public health, with varying global prevalence. It is one of the major causes of the emergence of antibiotic resistance in India. The study's objective was to identify the pattern, cause, and adverse events of self-medication in Maharashtra's urban and rural areas. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a pre-populated questionnaire; including information on age (18-85 years), non-prescription and prescription medication use. Age, gender, past medical and medication history, social history, and self-medication pattern, frequency, reason, source of information, and adverse events noticed as a result of self-medication are all sociodemographic questions on the questionnaire. A percentage analysis was used to examine the data. Results: Study states that out of 400 sample, 76% of the individuals self-medicate, with painkillers (49.4%), antacids (23.7%), antibiotics (15.3%), being the most often used drugs for ailments like headache, fever, bodily pain, and acidity. The top most medications taken for self-medication are paracetamol (53.1%), pantoprazole (30.43%), ondansetron (13.62%), and azithromycin (12.46%); 66.07% usage of prescription drugs as self-medication was found. The most frequent causes of self-medication were discovered to be mild illnesses, the easy accessibility of medications, and chemist recommendations, 8% of those surveyed had adverse events, and sources of information were chemists, past prescriptions, family members, and acquaintances. Conclusions: In Maharashtra, self-medication is a prevalent practice that primarily utilizes over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. As a result, consumers should be made aware of the hazards of antibiotic resistance and other pharmaceuticals

    Note on a bumper catch of Threadfin sea catfish in shore seine

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    For past several years catfish did not form a fishery at Karwar located in the Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka. However, during the routine observations on the fish landings at Aligadda Fish Landing Centre, Karwar, an unusual bumper catch of about 3 tons of cat fish Arius arius was recorded from shore seine (Yendi bale) in the early hours of 28th July 2018. locally known as "Billi Shade", the catch was so heavy that it was difficult to drag the net to the shore and the haul was partially harvested at sea itself. The net operated by around 40 fishers at a depth of less than 8 metres, was 400 m in length


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    For a healthy pregnancy and delivery of a normal child, different group of medicines taken for each month of pregnancy is described in Ayurveda as Masanumasik Kashayas (monthly antenatal decoctions). Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of Ayurvedic practitioners regarding Masanumasik Kashayas. Methodology: Following ethical approval, a cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among Ayurvedic physicians from Mumbai region. Results: Of 130 questionnaires distributed, 120 physicians responded (92%). Although all the physicians were aware that Masanumasik Kashayasare described in the Samhitas, only 60% knew the number of Kashayas (decoctions). 85% knew the rationale for prescribing these Kashaya s(decoctions) and 93% agreed that these Kashayas (decoctions) improved pregnancy outcome. However, in clinical practice, 45% participants said that they prescribed Kashayas (decoctions) only in patients with bad obstetric history while 52.5% prescribed in regular ante-natal care. 83% preferred Vati (tablet) form rather than Kashaya (decoction) as patient compliance was better. All physicians who prescribed said that there were no adverse complaints and the pregnancy outcome was good. Conclusion: The study thus showed that all Ayurvedic practitioners were still well versed with Masanumasik Kashayas and prescribed these kashayas (decoctions) for a good pregnancy outcome in clinical practice with some modifications like usage of only 9 Kashayas (decoctions) and Vati form (tablet)

    Implementation of Power Clock Generation Method for Pass-Transistor Adiabatic Logic 4:1 MUX

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    we proposed a sinusoidal single phase power clock generation method for 4:1 MUX which is designed in adiabatic logic form. For the power clock generation we presented radio frequency (3 KHz to 3 GHz) DC-AC converter. We have also obtained square wave from RC square wave oscillator consisting of cascaded NOT gates. This square wave and its inverted and phase shifted version are used as gate-drive signals for MOSFET switches those are used in the LC sine wave resonant circuit. The obtained power clock is then applied to a 4:1 MUX which is implemented in Pass-transistor Adiabatic Logic (PAL) style to illustrate power saving. It is observed that PAL 4:1 MUX is about 2 times more power efficient than that of conventional CMOS 4:1 MUX. If for 4:1 MUX, PAL logic is implemented in place of conventional CMOS logic, power saving per MUX that is achieved is about 47%. A 1 µm technology with ml2_20 as library is used for obtaining simulation results. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    Marine turtle conservation programs in villages of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

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    Maharashtra is active in sea turtle conservation and its citizen actions with support of forest department are highly commendable particularly in some regions of southern Maharashtra. During the surveys conducted at Harne and Kolthare villages of Ratnagiri in March 2019 it was observed that local volunteers known as “Kasav Mitra” identified by Forest Department, in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra are undertaking beach patrolling and relocating the eggs to secured enclosures for multiple reasons such as the egg sites being too close to tide water level, beaches open to public that can result in eggs being unknowingly crushed by beachgoers, or dug up by dogs or targeted poaching

    Linear and nonlinear substructured Restricted Additive Schwarz iterations and preconditioning

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    Iterative substructuring Domain Decomposition (DD) methods have been extensively studied, and they are usually associated with nonoverlapping decompositions. It is less known that classical overlapping DD methods can also be formulated in substructured form, i.e., as iterative methods acting on variables defined exclusively on the interfaces of the overlapping domain decomposition. We call such formulations substructured domain decomposition methods. We introduce here a substructured version of Restricted Additive Schwarz (RAS) which we call SRAS. We show that RAS and SRAS are equivalent when used as iterative solvers, as they produce the same iterates, while they are substantially different when used as preconditioners for GMRES. We link the volume and substructured Krylov spaces and show that the iterates are different by deriving the least squares problems solved at each GMRES iteration. When used as iterative solvers, SRAS presents computational advantages over RAS, as it avoids computations with matrices and vectors at the volume level. When used as preconditioners, SRAS has the further advantage of allowing GMRES to store smaller vectors and perform orthogonalization in a lower dimensional space. We then consider nonlinear problems, and we introduce SRASPEN (Substructured Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Exact Newton), where SRAS is used as a preconditioner for Newton’s method. In contrast to the linear case, we prove that Newton’s method applied to the preconditioned volume and substructured formulation produces the same iterates in the nonlinear case. Next, we introduce two-level versions of nonlinear SRAS and SRASPEN. Finally, we validate our theoretical results with numerical experiments

    Multiple carcasses of Olive Ridleys along Malvan Beach

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    The Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) is protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Maharashtra government along with NGOs are undertaking several efforts in conservation of sea turtles along the coast. There is a state sponsored incentive program of `500 for locating and sharing information with forest officials. Malvan coast in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra is known for turtle and fisheries interactions. Occasional turtle nestings can be seen between November to April