761 research outputs found

    Searching for Lodging: An Analysis of Selected Pismo Beach Hotels\u27 Search Engine Marketing Practices

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    Search engines connect users to websites and became a distribution channel for many products. In the case of hotels, it is essential that the hotel’s website appears among the top results when potential customers search for lodging in a certain area. The purpose of this study was to examine search engine marketing best practices and performance among non-national hotels in Pismo Beach, California. The researcher performed popular keyword searches to evaluate performance and examine strategies of the top performing hotels. The analysis discovered that the top hotels shared website design characteristics, the majority of search engine optimization is performed by a third party, and the results page is dominated by non-hotel websites. Poorly performing hotels should consider outsourcing website design, looking at industry trends, and allocating resources to search engine marketing

    Consumer behaviour in E-Commerce : Millennials in the USA, Washington D.C area

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    The target of this thesis was to understand consumer behaviour in e-commerce. The target area is the Washington DC area USA from amongst young adults between 21-34 years of age classified as millennials. The impact of technology changes and variables influencing the selection process of an e-retailer among the millennials was studied. A research with help of a survey to total 285 participants in four different shopping malls was performed in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area conducted between April 1st and May 31st 2015. The findings of the survey show that both the number of consumers who use the Internet for both assessing a product and retailers that are selling via Internet is growing in the area of this research. Consumers are also purchasing with more frequency on the Internet and as such the importance of the Internet is becoming a crucial aspect to understand consumer behaviour. The items purchased on the Internet range from small purchase items of iPhone cases to large purchase of vessels and work trucks with prices ranging on the thousands of dollars. Trust is imperative on the Internet and along increasing competition it is the all more important to have a strict control of what goes in the Internet and what goes out to the Internet in regards to ones business. On a personal note, I had an experience purchasing a truck replacement part from a farm ways out in Pennsylvania farmland. The seller at the conclusion of the transaction re-marked how without “this Internet” we would have never met or known we existed. I believe that simple remark summarizes all the importance of E-Commerce

    Identificação de sinais e sintomas visuais associados à exposição aos dispositivos emissores de luz azul / Identification of signs and symptoms associated with exposure to blue light emitting equipment

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     Computadores, smartphones e tablets são agentes da denominada “era digital”, considerando sobretudo à ampliação do ensino à distância (EAD). Embora fundamentais para o trabalho, lazer e comunicação, estes dispositivos emitem quantidades significativas de radiação óptica de luz azul através de suas telas, cuja exposição excessiva tem sido associada a problemas oculares e de visão, entre outros. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da exposição à luz azul emitida por dispositivos eletrônicos e lâmpadas LED em trabalhadores de um escritório administrativo, relativos à saúde visual e qualidade do sono. A coleta dos dados foi realizada a partir da aplicação de um questionário com roteiro estruturado, cujos participantes foram escolhidos aleatoriamente. Os resultados indicaram que os sintomas oculares mais comuns, relatados, foram tensão ocular, hiperemia e irritação/ardor, compatíveis com a Síndrome da Visão de Computador (SVC). Dificuldade para adormecer e manter o sono também foram citadas. O conhecimento quanto a existência da luz azul e possíveis riscos associados demonstraram-se baixos, tanto por parte dos participantes quanto da empresa, que não orienta seus funcionários acerca do tema

    Minami Nobuko\u27s View of Early Childhood Education and Children Analyzed through the Practices at the Tsurumachi Kindergarten

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    本稿では. 南信子の鶴町幼稚園における幼児教育の実践を.一次史料『第拾七匝修了記念アルバム 鶴町幼稚園』に描かれた生活や遊びの内容から明らかにする。南信子は. 1942 (昭和17) 年度の鶴町幼稚園における遊びや生活の中で.子どもの内側から湧き出てくる 1 人 1 人の思いや考えを受け止め.子どもが自由に表現する想像/創造的な活動を展開していたことを記念帖に綴っていた。また.戦時下における鶴町幼稚園では.国家主義による影響や基督教保育連盟の指示に応じる中でも.キリスト教の行事の記録は残っていた。しかし同時に.幼稚園における子どもの活動は.戦時社会をそのまま映し出していることも示していた。南信子の戦時中のキリスト教幼稚園での幼児教育の実践では.子どもの主体的に動き出す自由作業や経験に結びつく対話.さらにリズムやごっこ遊び ・ 劇等を通じた.想像/創造的な楽しい経験が繰り広げられていた。それは.たとえ戦時体制の状況であっても 子ども1人1人の内側が動き出す素直な心を尊重し.なかでも子どもと祈る神への祈りを重視したものであった。それが南の自由な教育であった。In this paper, I clarify Minami Nobuko\u27s practice at Tsurumachi Kindergarten through the activities, lives, and plays recorded in the primary historical material The Album to Commemorate the Completion of its Seventeenth Year (1942). Minami Nobuko notes that she deeply understood the wishes and the deep thoughts of each child, and that they expressed their imaginative and creative ideas freely in their play. It also recorded some Christian events under the influence of the wartime nationalistic regime, and the instruction of the "National Christian Educational Association." At the same time, however, the materials showed that the children\u27s activities at the kindergarten were reflective of wartime society. Minami Nobuko\u27s practice of education showed that there were various kinds of fun activities carried out at the Christian Kindergarten during the wartime period, such as creating original art of the children\u27s free will, rhythm, make-believe games, drama, and conversations leading to other activities. Even in a wartime period, she respected the honest mind of each child and cherished prayer to God with children. That was what Minami\u27s liberal education was about

    2.科学研究の主観性について(公共政策学と産業政策論の統合をめぐる課題について : 総合政策学序論研究の試み)

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