1,011 research outputs found


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    Background: Hyperglycemia is a condition where the body experiences an increase in blood glucose levels and insulin can’t be used appropriately. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience hyperglycemia where there is an increased level of angiotensin hormone which can cause hypertension. The main approach of this study is to correlate the association of blood glucose levels with hypertension. Materials and methods: The type of this study was descriptive correlation. A total of 210 subjects were selected for this study of which only 166 samples were the responders and a Random sampling technique was used to analyze the subjects. The level of blood glucose was examined with semi-automated analyzer and a sphygmomanometer was used for blood pressure analysis. Results: The obtained data were integrated with “The Pearson correlation test”. Of the total population included in this study, females were the responders and most of the responders had “Diabetes mellitus”. Conclusions: Samples with high levels of blood glucose had a great risk of high blood pressure. The level of Blood glucose is interrelated with the level of blood pressure in individuals with the condition of hypertension. Recommendation: It is recommended for aged people to always maintain their blood glucose level to lower their risk of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension

    Saving of Power in Wireless Power Transmission System using IR Sensor and Relay

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    As all we know that today’s live is not possible for a moment if we think without electricity after our basic needs that are air, water, food, cloth and shelter. Because without it we can not think about our mobility, But it has also many disadvantages because of the transmission of electricity through wire which cause many time sock due to which living thing may get injured or many time they get unexpected death.                 Hence for establishing the transmission of electricity without hazards today’s world started working on the removal of the net of the wires over the world and this is possible only by transmitting electricity wirelessly.                 This principle was early given by a charming and mysterious inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla(1891-1898) by inventing Tesla coil. But in wireless electricity transmission, there is a lot of wastage of energy when power is transferred to the load. If there is no loads are available around the receiving antenna(coil), power will be wasted and this is a one of the major disadvantage of this principle.                 So by using IR Sensor we can save this power from being waste which will allow the antenna to transmit the power only when the objects are available to receive this transmitted power


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    Background: The most abundant anion in our body, along with sodium, is chloride (Cl), which is primarily obtained through dietary sources. Studies indicate that greater dietary Chloride intake raises blood pressure, and higher serum Cl seems to be linked to decreased cardiovascular risk and death. This indicates that serum Chloride reflects risk pathways independent of blood pressure, serum sodium, and serum bicarbonate. It is uncertain how serum chloride affects a patient's long-term survival after developing pulmonary arterial hypertension. Methods: This study included patients with hypertension, idiopathic or heritable, who had a basic metabolic panel when they were diagnosed with hypertension. Results: Over time, serum chloride had no obvious impact on systolic blood pressure. Only serum bicarbonate among electrolytes demonstrated an independent impact on longitudinal blood pressure. Conclusion: This study has shown the association of chloride with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Recommendation: More studies are now needed to elucidate the mechanisms of the association between low serum Chloride levels and mortality outcomes if more studies confirm and extend our findings. Our findings may be applied in clinical practice to recognize persons with high-risk hypertension as Chloride measurement is a critical component of routine clinical screening.

    Study of the clinical spectrum of AUB (FIGO AUB Systems) and women’s attitude towards its management at Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital, Gaya, Bihar, India

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    Background: AUB has significant impact on quality of life of women related to health specially in developing countries including India. FIGO AUB systems are universally accepted. Aim was to study the clinical spectrum of AUB according to the FIGO AUB systems and women’s attitude towards its management.Methods: Cross sectional prospective study was carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ANMMCH, Gaya, a tertiary care center, among women of 15-55 years age groups having complain related to abnormal uterine bleeding, for 1 year from 1st May 2019 to 30th April 2020 on 1000 patients. Data was collected and analyzed by percentage and proportions.Results: Prevalence of AUB was maximum among 15-30 years age group of patients (46.80%). Most of the patients belong to lower (62.5%) class, rural area (68%) and were anaemic (62.5%). Ovulatory dysfunction (55%) was most common cause for AUB, maximum patients choose surgical management (hysterectomy) but after counselling, most of them shifted to medical management.Conclusions: This study suggests more conservative approach for management of AUB and emphasizes the importance of awareness for clinical spectrum of AUB among women so that they can be self-motivated for early treatment and unnecessary hysterectomy can be avoided

    Mortality and morbidity associated with illegal use of abortion pill: a prospective study in tertiary care center

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    Background: In India, medical method of abortion is allowed for first 7 weeks of intra uterine pregnancy. As per WHO it is safe and effective method for termination of early pregnancy under medical supervision. It is done by using mifepristone (200mg) and misoprostol (800mcg). These drugs are not for contraception but are abortion pills. Women use the abortion pills for unintended pregnancy inspite of using various method of contraception due to lack of knowledge, apprehension, poverty, denial, and ignorance of contraceptive use without any medical supervision (illegal use) and become victim of unsafe abortion. The main aim of this study was to find out mortality and morbidity associated with illegal use of abortion pill.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, TMMC and RC Moradabad, a tertiary care center with history of intake of abortion pill (mifepristone and misoprostol) for 1 year from 1st May 2015 to 1st April 2016 on 120 patients. Data was collected and analysed by percentage and proportions.Results: Illegal use of abortion pill was more common among 30-39 years (55%) group of women and mostly were grand multiparous (81.67%). In most of the cases husband brought the pills (85%) from advice of chemist (70%).The most common presenting complaint was excessive bleeding per vaginum (66.3%). Most common complication was moderate anemia (38.3%).Conclusions: The present study recommends medical method of abortion is safe and effective under medical supervision. Illegal use of abortion pills without supervision results in serious complications. 

    Mathematical Study on Prey-Predator Dynamics Under Effect of Water Contamination

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    A significant class of water pollutants emerging as a threat to human and aquaticpopulations is Per-and-polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The primary concern linked to PFAS is that they exhibit bioaccumulation potential as their perfluorocarbon moieties do not break down or do so very slowly under natural conditions, which is why PFAS has often been termed “forever chemicals.” These chemicals are disposed off in aquatic bodies via improper disposal methods, and because PFAS are persistent, they accumulate or concentrate in the water environment. Subsequently, these chemicals hamper the aquatic population and further enter the human food chain via direct consumption of affected aquatic species and drinking water. In this study, a mathematical model has been developed to understand the alarming consequences of PFAS on human and aquatic populations and the various challenges being faced due to inadequate treatment and management of these chemicals. The model has been analyzed for stability at the equilibrium points. Numerical simulations have also been carried out to support the analytical findings. The analysis demonstrates that rising PFAS contamination is extremely hazardous to both aquatic and human populations and immediate control methods need to be devised to restrain their increasing levels in water

    Mathematical Study on Prey-Predator Dynamics Under Effect of Water Contamination

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    A significant class of water pollutants emerging as a threat to human and aquatic populations is Per-and-polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The primary concern linked to PFAS is that they exhibit bioaccumulation potential as their perfluorocarbon moieties do not break down or do so very slowly under natural conditions, which is why PFAS has often been termed “forever chemicals.” These chemicals are disposed off in aquatic bodies via improper disposal methods, and because PFAS are persistent, they accumulate or concentrate in the water environment. Subsequently, these chemicals hamper the aquatic population and further enter the human food chain via direct consumption of affected aquatic species and drinking water. In this study, a mathematical model has been developed to understand the alarming consequences of PFAS on human and aquatic populations and the various challenges being faced due to inadequate treatment and management of these chemicals. The model has been analyzed for stability at the equilibrium points. Numerical simulations have also been carried out to support the analytical findings. The analysis demonstrates that rising PFAS contamination is extremely hazardous to both aquatic and human populations and immediate control methods need to be devised to restrain their increasing levels in water

    Assessment of Surface Water Quality by Using Water Quality Index of Sanbarish Pond of Morang District, Nepal

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    A study of surface water of Sanbarish pond has been carried out to examine the quality for drinking and other domestic purpose as well as to evaluate the water pollution status of wetland on the basis of the presence of different physicochemical and microbiological parameters. For calculating the WQI, the following 11 parameters have been considered: Temperature (ambient and water), pH, turbidity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), Cl- (chloride), EC (Electric Conductivity), DO (Dissolved Oxygen), TH (Total Hardness), PO4–P (Phosphate – phosphorus), NO3-N (Nitrate – nitrogen), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand).  The WQI for these samples has been found to be mainly from the higher values of turbidity, DO and PH of the wetland water. The result of WQI has indicated the calculated value (ÎŁSIi = 95.59) showed the good quality for drinking as per the classification given and needs some proper treatment before consumption, and it also needs to be protected from the risk of contamination. The mean value of fecal coli form recorded was 1166.67 MPN/l00 ml which was crossed the WHO guide line

    Arsenic in Surface Waters: A Report from River Ganga and its Tributary Jamania at Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

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    An investigation has been carried out to examine the arsenic pollution status of River Ganga & its tributary Jamania during pre-monsoon period of  2017 at Bhagalpur, Bihar (India). Altogether 17 water samples from different sampling sites along with their geo co-ordinates have been investigated for the value of arsenic using FTK test as well as spectrophotometer method. Throughout the study, arsenic value ranged from 10.69 ppb to 55.92 ppb. Out of the 17 water samples, the values of arsenic in 13 samples were from 20ppb to 54.1ppb. The concentration levels of arsenic in all the 17 river water samples and 2 public water supply samples (source: river water) in the present study were found above from the permissible limit of WHO (2008) and BIS (2004-2005) standards for drinking which is 10 ppb (part per billion)

    The Geomycology of Elemental Cycling and Transformations in the Environment

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