648 research outputs found


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    This paper introduces a novel approach to integrate IOT with an intelligent Industrial Load Management System. A virtual control system is designed to balance the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load of an industry by recovering heat from hot chemical gases to produce electricity and by disconnecting the low priority loads automatically during power shortage periods. This approach takes advantages of the LabView’s better hardware support, rapid configuration, MATLAB’s ability to perform complex calculations and newer innovations helping in cheaper ways of realising internet connected devices. An intelligent power generating system which works on waste heat recovery mechanism comprising a boiler turbine system is modeled using MATLAB and a human machine interface is developed using LabVIEW. The system that is modeled in MATLAB can be simulated by LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit (SIT) toolkit. The SIT provides a seamless integration between MATLAB/Simulink and LABVIEW

    An Interactive Health Data Science Platform for Exploratory Analysis of Health Outcomes – a Case Study with Colon Cancer

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    Disease prediction is an important aspect of early disease detection and preventive care with wide range of applications in healthcare domain. Previous studies used image processing techniques, statistical and machine learning models to predict diseases. Prediction accuracies vary with data type and the target. Often the data is processed through models under different data conditions to identify what works best for a scenario. This results in tweaking the code, running multiple iterations making these methods usable only for people with technical skills. An interactive platform is developed that hides the technicalities and allows the users to change options like target disease for prognosis, feature selection method, sample size, ML algorithm. With this, multiple approaches can be tried and compared to find a combination of the options for an efficient outcome. Colon cancer is used to perform a case study to test this platform. 2 selection algorithms and 3 ML models are used. Although both selection methods identified identical features as significant for colon cancer prediction, the order of the features based on the scores is different. Hence, the machine learning algorithms performed similarly with both the selection methods. Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Decision Tree had accuracies 87%, 86%, and 83% respectively

    Gas Composition Effects in a CI Engine Converted to SI Natural Gas Operation

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    Low-carbon fuels such as natural gas (NG) have the potential to lower the demand of petroleum-based fuels, reduce engine-out emissions, and increase IC engine thermal efficiency. One of the most rapid and efficient use of NG in the transportation sector would be as a direct replacement of the diesel fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines without any major engine modifications to the combustion chamber such as new pistons and/or engine head. An issue is the large variation in NG composition with the location and age of the gas well across U.S., which would affect engine operation, as well as the technology integration with emissions after treatment systems. This thesis describes the use a conventional CI engine modified for spark ignition (SI) NG operation to investigate the effects of methane and a C1-C4 alkane blend on main combustion parameters like in-cylinder pressure, apparent heat release rate, IMEP, etc. Steady-state engine experiments were conducted at several operating conditions that changed spark timing, engine speed, and equivalence ratio. The study found that C1-C4 alkane blend operation increased peak pressure, IMEP, and indicated thermal efficiency compared to methane, for all the operating conditions investigated in this work. This suggests caution when translating methane-based experimental observations to real world NG operation, even for NG with high methane percentage as the one used in this work. As many NG studies in the literature used methane as an NG surrogate, a better understanding of real fuel effects in diesel-like combustion environments could be important for the successful conversion of conventional diesel engines to NG operation


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    The major challenges in the formulation of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) using hot-melt extrusion (HME) are the selection of an ideal polymeric carrier, optimization of HME processing conditions, and screening of the physical stability of the ASDs. Addressing these challenges using traditional approaches require extensive experimentation and large amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) which may not be feasible during the initial stages of product development. Therefore, there is a need to develop material-sparing techniques for the successful formulation of ASDs. The objective of the present study was to develop material-sparing techniques that can be used as pre-formulation tool during the formulation of ASDs. For this purpose, mefenamic acid (MFA) was used as a model drug and four chemically distinct polymers with close values of the solubility parameters, viz. KollidonŸ VA64, SoluplusŸ, PluronicŸ F68, and EudragitŸ EPO, were used as polymeric carriers. The selection of an ideal polymer was carried out based on the solubility parameter approach, melting point depression method, thermodynamic phase diagrams, and Gibbs free energy plots. Then the HME processing conditions were determined based on a material-sparing technique using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The physical stability of the ASDs was estimated using the modified Avarami equation. Based on the results of the melting point depression, thermodynamic phase diagrams and Gibbs free energy plots, EudragitŸ EPO was found to be an ideal polymer for the preparation of amorphous solid dispersion formulation of mefenamic acid. The design space for HME determined using DSC method showed that when 20% drug loaded MFA-EPO blends was heated at a rate of 5.5 °C/min to a temperature of 146 °C, the resulting ASD contained a residual crystallinity of 13.6% and drug degradation of 3.8%. The physical stability of the MFA-EPO ASDs determined using a modified Avarami equation showed that the rate of recrystallization changed significantly with the change in process temperature as compared to the change in the relative humidity. The study results show that the time frame and experiments required in the formulation of ASDs can be significantly reduced by using the material-sparing techniques developed based on the theoretical and experimental approaches

    An Experiment To Analyze The Impact of Steam On The Productivity of The RF STALAM 85 kW Yarn Dryer

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    Radio Frequency has been one of the most commonly used technologies in the processing industries like textile, rubber, paper and many other industries for drying purposes. The RF STALAM 85kW is a machine used to dry the yarn obtained after the dyeing and hydro extraction process. This machine uses radio frequency to remove the moisture content from the dyed yarn. In this research paper, I would like to share the findings of an experiment conducted on the RF STALAM 85kW yarn dryer machine. In this experiment, I have three trials each with and without the steam at variable conveyor belt speeds. At the end of the experiment, I calculated the per day production to conclude the optimum speed to run the RF STALAM 85kW yarn drier machine to obtain maximum production with and without steam


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    The present study was carried out to assess the air pollution effects on micro morphological and biochemical parameters of Muntingia calabura and Ixora coccinia. In polluted area samples the number of stomata and unclogged stomata were found to be less then control, where as the number of clogged stomata are found to be higher in the polluted site when compared to control. The stomatal pore length and breadth were also found to be less in polluted area in both the plants when compared to control. The number of epidermal cells, trichome length values was found to be less then control in both the plants. While the trichome number was found to be less than control in Muntingia calabura and more then control in Ixora coccinia. The stomatal index in both the species is higher than the control. The amount of chl. a, chl. b, total chlorophyll content were found to be higher in control samples when compare to polluted samples. But relative water content, ascorbic acid, pH and air pollution tolerance index were found to be higher in polluted site samples when compare to control samples


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    The First Principles Density Functional Theory study is conducted on BCC Co-Al based solid solution which obeys Vegard’s law. Chemical bond energies are calculated beyond 1NN interactions as second-nearest-neighbor and third-nearest-neighbor chemical bond energy values are significant and contribute to the total energy of the alloy. Elastic energy developed in the alloys due to the atomic radius misfit between solute and solvent atoms is also considered. Effects of atomic ordering on 1NN, 2NN, and 3NN chemical ordering energies and lattice parameters are investigated

    Development of an Energy Efficient Stern Flap for Improved EEDI of a Typical High speed Displacement Vessel

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    The surge in maritime trade is leading to large scale deployment of high-speed displacement ships by all nations. Cargo vessels are designed for a voyage in pre-determined routes at consistent speeds. On the other hand, high-speed displacement vessel engines designed with a capability to cater for top speeds are under-utilised during their normal course of operation. This sub-optimal utilisation impacts efficiency and increases emissions. In this study, a most favourable stern flap is designed for reducing the energy efficiency design index of a typical high-speed displacement vessel with a slender hull. CFD simulations and experimental model testing were conducted for 12 different stern flap configurations for determining most favourable flap design in the Froude no of 0.17-0.48. Performance of the most favourable stern flap was established by calculating, energy efficiency design index (EEDI) and fuel consumption based on typical operating profile. NOx, VOC and PM emissions were estimated in with and without flap condition. Studies demonstrated that the stern flap reduced effective power demand, average fuel consumption and emissions by about 8 per cent, which when considered for the ship’s operating life cycle, are significant. The most favourable stern flap reduced EEDI by 3.74 units and 1.98 units as compared to the bare hull condition and the required EEDI respectively, thereby demonstrating that EEDI could be used as an index to indicate stern flap efficiency
