29 research outputs found

    Auxin canalization and vascular tissue formation by TIR1/AFB-mediated auxin signaling in arabidopsis

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    Plant survival depends on vascular tissues, which originate in a self‐organizing manner as strands of cells co‐directionally transporting the plant hormone auxin. The latter phenomenon (also known as auxin canalization) is classically hypothesized to be regulated by auxin itself via the effect of this hormone on the polarity of its own intercellular transport. Correlative observations supported this concept, but molecular insights remain limited. In the current study, we established an experimental system based on the model Arabidopsis thaliana, which exhibits auxin transport channels and formation of vasculature strands in response to local auxin application. Our methodology permits the genetic analysis of auxin canalization under controllable experimental conditions. By utilizing this opportunity, we confirmed the dependence of auxin canalization on a PIN‐dependent auxin transport and nuclear, TIR1/AFB‐mediated auxin signaling. We also show that leaf venation and auxin‐mediated PIN repolarization in the root require TIR1/AFB signaling. Further studies based on this experimental system are likely to yield better understanding of the mechanisms underlying auxin transport polarization in other developmental contexts

    ToxGen: An improved reference database for the identification of type B-trichothecene genotypes in Fusarium

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    Type B trichothecenes, which pose a serious hazard to consumer health, occur worldwide in grains. These mycotoxins are produced mainly by three different trichothecene genotypes/chemotypes: 3ADON (3-acetyldeoxynivalenol), 15ADON (15-acetyldeoxynivalenol) and NIV (nivalenol), named after these three major mycotoxin compounds. Correct identification of these genotypes is elementary for all studies relating to population surveys, fungal ecology and mycotoxicology. Trichothecene producers exhibit enormous strain-dependent chemical diversity, which may result in variation in levels of the genotype´s determining toxin and in the production of low to high amounts of atypical compounds. New high-throughput DNA-sequencing technologies promise to boost the diagnostics of mycotoxin genotypes. However, this requires a reference database containing a satisfactory taxonomic sampling of sequences showing high correlation to actually produced chemotypes. We believe that one of the most pressing current challenges of such a database is the linking of molecular identification with chemical diversity of the strains, as well as other metadata. In this study, we use the Tri12 gene involved in mycotoxin biosynthesis for identification of Tri genotypes through sequence comparison. Tri12 sequences from a range of geographically diverse fungal strains comprising 22 Fusarium species were stored in the ToxGen database, which covers descriptive and up-to-date annotations such as indication on Tri genotype and chemotype of the strains, chemical diversity, information on trichothecene-inducing host, substrate or media, geographical locality, and most recent taxonomic affiliations. The present initiative bridges the gap between the demands of comprehensive studies on trichothecene producers and the existing nucleotide sequence databases, which lack toxicological and other auxiliary data. We invite researchers working in the fields of fungal taxonomy, epidemiology and mycotoxicology to join the freely available annotation effort.Fil: Kulik, Tomasz. Uniwersytet Warminsko-mazurski W Olsztynie;Fil: Abarenkov, Kessy. University Of Tartu.; EstoniaFil: Busko, Maciej. Poznań University of Life Sciences; PoloniaFil: Bilska, Katarzyna. University of Warmia and Mazury; PoloniaFil: van Diepeningen, Anne D.. University of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Ostrowska-Kolodziejczak, Anna. Poznań University of Life Science; PoloniaFil: Krawczyk, Katarzyna. University of Warmia and Mazur; PoloniaFil: Brankovics, Balázs. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre; Países Bajos. University of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Stenglein, Sebastian Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnolológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología. Laboratorio de Biología Funcional y Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Sawicki, Jakub. University of Warmia and Mazury; PoloniaFil: Perkowski, Juliusz. Poznań University of Life Sciences; Poloni

    Co-occurrence of depression and chronic diseases

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    INTRODUCTION Depression is a common and serious mood disorder mainly manifested by sadness, anhedonia, lack of hope and interest in activities once enjoyed. According to WHO depression is a leading cause of disability and inability to work worldwide. Chronic disease is every condition lasting more than 1 year and requiring medical attention. The aim of this article is to show challenges of depression and chronic diseases coexistence. DISCUSSION Depression might be a factor causing difficulties in diagnosing chronic diseases as patients are less likely to cooperate. On the other it might lead to worse compliance and higher risk of chronic diseases’ development. Studies show depression coexisting with chronic illnesses is a valid problem for public health and aggravates the course and effects of treatment of those conditions. Treating an underlying disease is as important as treating depression itself as it might lead to reduction in symptoms of depression. Moreover doctors should choose drugs having regard to depression as well as lingering conditions. SUMMARY Depression still seems to be diminished and ignored in patients with chronic illnesses even though it is proved to have a destructive influence on the health of patients. It is of high importance to raise an awareness of doctors on that subject and its scale.  There are plenty of treatment methods for depression in case of chronic diseases co-occurence which gives hope for improving a quality of life of patients and achieving better effects of therapy of an underlying disease

    Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity – characteristics and differences

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    Introduction Celiac disease is a quite common condition resulting from the interaction of genetic, immunological, and environmental factors, with the main environmental factor being exposure to gluten. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) affects individuals without celiac disease or wheat allergy and is characterized by intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms related to the consumption of grain products, without accompanying damage to the intestinal mucosa. Discussion Gluten is a grain protein that is resistant to digestive enzymes and accumulates in the intestines, leading to tissue damage and the release of tissue transglutaminase 2 (tTG2) enzyme, which increases gluten immunogenicity. The presence of HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 gene variants in the genome is a necessary condition for the development of the disease, but it does not always lead to celiac disease. The pathomechanism of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not yet fully understood. Diagnosis of celiac disease involves serological tests, genetic tests, and histological examination. Conclusions The only effective treatment for celiac disease is a strict gluten-free diet, which involves eliminating wheat, rye, barley, and triticale from one's diet. Further research is necessary to search for effective therapies. The approach for NCGS involves introducing an appropriate diet - either low FODMAP or gluten-free

    Pathway: a fast and flexible unified stream data processing framework for analytical and Machine Learning applications

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    We present Pathway, a new unified data processing framework that can run workloads on both bounded and unbounded data streams. The framework was created with the original motivation of resolving challenges faced when analyzing and processing data from the physical economy, including streams of data generated by IoT and enterprise systems. These required rapid reaction while calling for the application of advanced computation paradigms (machinelearning-powered analytics, contextual analysis, and other elements of complex event processing). Pathway is equipped with a Table API tailored for Python and Python/SQL workflows, and is powered by a distributed incremental dataflow in Rust. We describe the system and present benchmarking results which demonstrate its capabilities in both batch and streaming contexts, where it is able to surpass state-of-the-art industry frameworks in both scenarios. We also discuss streaming use cases handled by Pathway which cannot be easily resolved with state-of-the-art industry frameworks, such as streaming iterative graph algorithms (PageRank, etc.)

    Irritable bowel syndrome – modern ways of treatment

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    Introduction Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most frequent functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.  Main symptoms are recurring stomach ache connected with defecation, changes of frequency of defecation and/or stool’s consistency. Cause of IBS is still unknown unlike its pathomechanism. Continuous research allows doctors to understand and treat it better. Discussion Diagnosing IBS might be difficult even for the most experienced doctors due to its uncharacteristic symptoms. Therefore diagnosis should be made by using Rome IV Criteria. IBS is divided into 4 subtypes  basing on clinical picture: IBS with predominant constipation, IBS with predominant diarrhea, IBS with mixed bowel habits and IBS unclassified. Classification is being performed with the use of Bristol Stool Chart. Choice of remedy should be made depending on the subtype of IBS. Pharmacological treatment is symptomatic and focuses on relieving pain, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Drugs that can be used are: loperamide, rifaximin, antispasmodic (e.g. hyoscine), antidepressants or laxatives. Treatment should also contain nonpharmacological methods. Nonpharmacological techniques which are proved to help patients contain regular physical activity, body mass reduction, low-FODMAP diet, using probiotics, psychotherapy and supplementing soluble fibre. Conclusions IBS is a big issue for public health as it is lowering quality of life and is generating big indirect costs. Difficulties in diagnosing are increasing those costs. That’s why it is of high importance to find more effective therapy. Raising awareness among doctors is crucial as plenty of methods are available to treat the disease which allows to reduce symptoms and costs

    First steps towards mitochondrial pan-genomics: detailed analysis of Fusarium graminearum mitogenomes

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    There is a gradual shift from representing a species’ genome by a single reference genome sequence to a pan-genome representation. Pan-genomes are the abstract representations of the genomes of all the strains that are present in the population or species. In this study, we employed a pan-genomic approach to analyze the intraspecific mitochondrial genome diversity of Fusarium graminearum. We present an improved reference mitochondrial genome for F. graminearum with an intron-exon annotation that was verified using RNA-seq data. Each of the 24 studied isolates had a distinct mitochondrial sequence. Length variation in the F. graminearum mitogenome was found to be largely due to variation of intron regions (99.98%). The “intronless” mitogenome length was found to be quite stable and could be informative when comparing species. The coding regions showed high conservation, while the variability of intergenic regions was highest. However, the most important variable parts are the intron regions, because they contain approximately half of the variable sites, make up more than half of the mitogenome, and show presence/absence variation. Furthermore, our analyses show that the mitogenome of F. graminearum is recombining, as was previously shown in F. oxysporum, indicating that mitogenome recombination is a common phenomenon in Fusarium. The majority of mitochondrial introns in F. graminearum belongs to group I introns, which are associated with homing endonuclease genes (HEGs). Mitochondrial introns containing HE genes may spread within populations through homing, where the endonuclease recognizes and cleaves the recognition site in the target gene. After cleavage of the “host” gene, it is replaced by the gene copy containing the intron with HEG. We propose to use introns unique to a population for tracking the spread of the given population, because introns can spread through vertical inheritance, recombination as well as via horizontal transfer. We demonstrate how pooled sequencing of strains can be used for mining mitogenome data. The usage of pooled sequencing offers a scalable solution for population analysis and for species level comparisons studies. This study may serve as a basis for future mitochondrial genome variability studies and representations

    Newspaper reports about the last days of life and the exequies after death of Empress Maria Theresa Habsburg in the light of selected German-language periodicals.

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie ostatnich dni życia oraz egzekwii po śmierci cesarzowej Marii Teresy Habsburg w świetle wybranej niemieckojęzycznej prasy periodycznej oraz różnic i podobieństw, które ujawniły się w przekazach zamieszczanych na łamach gazet. Wydarzenia, o których rozpisywały się periodyki, miały miejsce w Wiedniu, stolicy monarchii Habsburgów, w dniu 8 listopada 1780 r. oraz w okresie od 22 listopada do 3 grudnia 1780 r. Gazety wykorzystane w pracy tj. Wiener Zeitung, Real Zeitung oraz Stralsundische Zeitung ukazywały się w granicach Świętego Cesarstwa Rzymskiego oraz reprezentowały trzy odmienne, oddalone od siebie miasta, różniące się wielkością, wiodącym wyznaniem oraz podlegające różnym panującym. Dla wyjaśnienia nieścisłości, które pojawiły się w przekazach wykorzystane zostały również inne źródła pochodzące z epoki. W pracy przedstawiony został także wpływ przywileju cesarskiego posiadanego przez poszczególne periodyki na propagandowy wymiar przekazu. Ponadto wytłumaczona i ukazana została na przykładach praktyka przedruku informacji z gazety do gazety. Na tekst składają się trzy rozdziały: Niemieckojęzyczna prasa periodyczna i jej specyfika; Ostatnie dni życia i śmierć Marii Teresy w przekazach prasowych oraz Czuwanie przy zwłokach i egzekwie.The purpose of this BA thesis is to present the last days of life and the exequies after the death of Empress Maria Theresa Habsburg in the light of selected German-language periodicals and the differences and similarities that appeared in the news published in the newspapers. The events reported in the newspapers took place in Vienna, capital of the Habsburg monarchy, on November 8, 1780, and between November 22 and December 3, 1780. The newspapers that were used in the work i.e. Wiener Zeitung, Real Zeitung and Stralsundische Zeitung appeared within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire and represented three different, distant cities, differing in size, leading religion and subject to different rulers. Other sources from the era were used to explain the inaccuracies that appeared in the newspapers. The work also presents the impact of the imperial privilege held by individual periodicals on the propaganda dimension of newspaper coverage. Moreover, the practice of reprinting information from a newspaper to a newspaper is explained and illustrated with examples. The text consists of three chapters: German-language periodicals and its specificity; The last days of Maria Theresa's life and death in press releases; the Wake and the Exequies

    Der tausendjährige Kalender

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