261 research outputs found

    The Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution Invites You To: All Things ADR

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    Please join Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution for All Things ADR, to learn about Cardozo\u27s Alternative Dispute Resolution activities and societies.https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/event-invitations-2023/1038/thumbnail.jp

    The Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution Invites You To: All Things ADR

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    Identification of Links Between Points By Series of Images

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    The article presents solution to the problem of objects detection by series of their images without any prior information about outer characteristics (shape, color, etc.). The presented approach is based on detecting connections between separate points of objects. The authors developed an algorithm that uses movements of a fixed number of points measured at discrete instants of time as input data. It was tested using real experimental data. As a result, a matrix of links was obtained, which can be used for identifying separate objects. In future articles, the authors will offer the improvement of the proposed approach for quantifying the nature of connections between different points of a single object. It will help determine the object structure, it’s weak and strong parts, internal defects, etc.     Keywords: series of images, points movements, links between point

    The Wonderful Story of the Repeal of Don\u27t Ask, Don\u27t Tell and of How the Military Did Adr Proud

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    Common rail injection system of marine diesel engine

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    Većina modernih brodova koristi pogonski dizelski motor kao svoj glavni pokretač, zbog svoje jednostavnosti u radu, robusnosti i ekonomičnosti goriva u usporedbi s većinom drugih mehanizama primarnog pokretanja. Common rail sustavi imaju prednosti u odnosu na uobičajene mehaničke i elektronički upravljane trzajne pumpe. Mogu se koristiti bilo koji tlakovi prilikom ubrizgavanja, u bilo kojem trenutku opterećenja motora ili brzine vrtnje, s kontrolom brzine ubrizgavanja blizu mlaznice; što omogućava poboljšanje performansi u cijelom rasponu opterećenja motora. Među potencijalnim operativnim koristima su niža potrošnja goriva; niže emisije NOx; bez vidljivog dima pri bilo kojem opterećenju (i mogućnost pokretanja motora bez vidljivog dima); i niži troškovi održavanja.Most modern ships use a diesel propulsion engine as their prime mover, due to their ease of operation, robustness and fuel economy compared to most other primary startup mechanisms. Common rail systems have advantages over conventional mechanical and electronically controlled jerk pumps. Any injection pressure can be used at any time of engine load or speed, with injection rate control near the nozzle; enabling performance improvements across the entire load range of the engine. Among the potential operational benefits are lower fuel consumption; lower NOx emissions; no visible smoke at any load (and the ability to start the engine without visible smoke); and lower maintenance costs

    Tsiviilellu siirdumise tõlgendused Eesti Kaitseväe tegevteenistujate ja tegevteenistusest vabastatud endiste kaitseväelaste näitel

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    Uuringus osales viis intervjueeritavat, kes kõik on olnud tegevad Eesti Kaitseväes. Intervjueeritavad valisin kasutades mugavusvalimit ning lumepalli efekti. Intervjuusid analüüsisin kasutades kvalitatiivset teemaanalüüsi. Intervjueeritavatele anonüümsuse tagamiseks ei sisalda bakalaureusetöö intervjuude transkriptsioone. Edasise teadustöö tegemiseks on need kättesaadavad töö juhendajalt. Bakalaureusetöö uuris kaitseväe teenistuses olevate ja teenistusest vabastatud kaitseväelaste tsiviilellu siirdumist. Teooria põhines peamiselt kultuurišokil, mida kogetakse ühest kultuurist teise liikudes. Intervjueeritavad liikusid kultuuride vahel mitmel korral. Esiteks minnes Kaitseväkke tööle, liikusid nad tsiviilkultuurist militaarkultuuri. Kaitseväes tööl olles ning missioonile minnes kogeti samuti liikumist ühest kultuurist teise. Liiguti rahuajast reaalsesse sõjakoldesse. Sarnaselt militaarkeskkonda liikumisega toimus üleminek ka vastupidiselt. See tähendab, et kaitseväelased tulid tagasi Eestisse ning mõned neist siirdusid tsiviilellu olles kogemuse võrra rikkamad. Intervjuudes küsisin kaitseväelastelt, emotsioonide kohta missioonil olles ja sealt tulles. Eesti kaitseväelased kultuurišokki oluliselt siiski ei kogenud. Viiest intervjueeritavast on tsiviili siirdunud kolm kaitseväelast. Kultuurišokki esines paaril üksikul juhul. Uuringust selgus, et intervjueeritavad ei tegele oluliselt tsiviilellu siirdumise tõlgendamisega, pigem võetakse edasi liikumist kui elu ühte loomulikku osa. Kaitseväelased kartsid kõige enam majanduslikke raskusi ning uue töökoha mitte leidmist. Olulisena toodi välja perekond ning nende geograafiline lähedus. Töö edasiarenduseks leidsin mitu võimalikku suunda - karjäär tsiviilühiskonnas, alkohol kaitseväes ning riskikäitumine ja teenistusest lahkumine.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4681647*es

    Специфика международно-правовой защиты культурных прав уязвимых групп населения

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    The article analyzes the cultural rights. It is reported that the States today shall not only protect cultural rights in general, but also shall pay special attention to protecting the cultural rights of vulnerable groups (women, children, elderly, disabled, minorities, migrants, indigenous peoples and individuals living in poverty). On the basis of a number of international instruments, particularly the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, concluded that international legal protection of each vulnerable group has its own specific features.В статье анализируются культурные права человека, при этом указывается, что государствам сегодня важно не только защищать культурные права в целом, но и уделять особое внимание защите культурных прав уязвимых групп населения, к которым относятся женщины, дети, пожилые люди, инвалиды, меньшинства, мигранты, коренные народы и лица, живущие в условиях нищеты. На основе анализа ряда международных документов, прежде всего Международного пакта об экономических, социальных и культурных правах, делается вывод, что международно-правовая защита каждой уязвимой группы населения имеет свою специфику

    Bar Mitzvah Celebration and Alumni Reunion of the Divorce Mediation Clinic

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    The Cardozo School of Law and the Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution are thrilled to invite you to join us for the Bar Mitzvah Celebration and Alumni Reunion in honor of the 13th Year of the Divorce Mediation Clinic.https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/event-invitations-2023/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Cardozo Arbitration Day

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    Arbitration Day

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    Join the Cardozo Dispute Resolution Society and the Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution for a “Pathways to Arbitration” panel discussion featuring Jeffrey T. Zaino, Betsy Hellmann, Charles Moxley and Luis Martinez. The discussion will include an introduction to the arbitration process, career pathways into arbitration and current issues in dispute resolution. The evening will conclude with a networking reception with Cardozo alumni who work in arbitration.https://larc.cardozo.yu.edu/event-invitations-2023/1029/thumbnail.jp