666 research outputs found

    Ministry issues for the Church of England.

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    Volume 1 is substantially written by the author. The introduction explains the genesis of the Report - a call for a strategic national overview of the whole range of Ministry issues. Chapter 1 highlights key aspects of the changes in the contexts during the last two decades. These include church attendance, culture, mission, youth, women, laity, clergy numbers, finance and the national organisation of the Church of England. Chapter 2 describes the research methods. These included documentary material, field work throughout the country and beyond, and close collaboration with numerous colleagues. Chapter 3 employs papers from sociological and theological contributors on aspects of the history and theology of ordained ministry. This includes recent ecumenical developments. Chapter 4 provides both text and analysis of the little-known Canons, Regulations and especially Bishops' Statements of 1978, 1992 and 1994. Major themes emerge. Chapter 5 provides a historical survey of key events and reports on ministry strategy since 1964. These indicate important national developments, and, of special significance, emerging common patterns in diocesan strategies. Chapter 6 explains how areas of current uncertainty about finance, the law of employment and data protection, clergy numbers and ministry development affect strategic thinking. There are also four Working Parties now preparing major Reports. Chapter 7 addresses the unchanging aspects and the changing role of the stipendiary clergy, especially the episcopal, missionary and managerial elements. Chapter 8 offers Conclusions about a vision of the Church, the present key planks of strategy, and seven areas where strategic development could be pursued. Finally, I propose Recommendations for a way ahead. Volume 2 starts with Chapter 9. This consists of brief essays in thirty-five key areas. The expert contributors have mapped the situation at present and often offered some historical perspective. They have frequently pointed up issues to be addressed and listed the vital Reports etc. for those who need more detail. Crucial statistics are given at various points with numerous Tables, graphs and diagrams. The Bibliography includes all works cited in the Report, and other books etc. found useful in the years of writing. Appendices offer detailed information on 19 areas

    Charge Transfer in Organic Semiconductor Systems Probed by Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    In the present work, charge transfer in organic semiconductors is investigated by means of photoemission spectroscopy. Organic charge transfer systems consist of electron donors and acceptors and in some cases exhibit new electronic properties that are not observed in the individual constituents. Examples are metallic conductivity and changed optical or transport gaps. The main focus were interfaces between donor and acceptor molecules that were prepared as thin films by thermal evaporation in ultra-high vacuum. In particular, the strong electron acceptor F6TCNNQ was combined with several scientifically relevant donors, with the aim of achieving a large charge transfer. As reference systems, potassium doped F6TCNNQ and the interface between F6TCNNQ and gold were studied. In both systems, a large electron transfer to F6TCNNQ with similar spectroscopic signatures was observed. The investigated organic interfaces all showed charge transfer that manifested itself in form of changes in the core levels of F6TCNNQ that were similar for each system. Also, new occupied states in the former gaps of the molecules were found. For every investigated interface the Fermi energy was pinned above the respective highest occupied molecular orbitals which entails semiconducting behaviour and no metal-like delocalised charge carriers. For the combination of F6TCNNQ and dibenzopentacene, a blended film was prepared by co-deposition and compared with the corresponding interface. It was found that the electronic properties of the blend are initially determined by electrostatic interactions, whereas annealing leads to a large charge transfer due to a temperature induced change of molecular orientation. Moreover, the acceptors F2TCNQ and F16CoPc were used in order to compare systems with the same donor and different acceptors. Differences in the degree of charge transfer and interface morphology were observed. The last part of this work addresses the electronic properties of an organic rectifier that was fabricated by collaboration partners. It is built up of an organic heterojunction of two phtalocyanines (CuPc and F16CoPc) between two gold contacts. The energy level alignment across the device and the charge transfer reactions at the different interfaces are discussed with regard to the functionality of the device

    SIV infection results in detrimental phenotypic and functional alterations of the naive and memory B cell compartments that are initiated during acute infection

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    Multiple B cell abnormalities have been described in humans infected with HIV. These abnormalities include hypergammaglobulinaemia, diminished B cell response to mitogenic stimuli, lymphoma and a depletion of the memory B cell population. There is also evidence to suggest that B cells in HIV infected patients are functionally impaired. The initial antibody response to HIV infection is slow to appear and antibody responses to B cell mediated vaccines in HIV infected individuals are less robust and less durable than in uninfected individuals. Although B cell abnormalities have been characterized in humans, efforts to link these abnormalities to a specific defect within the B cell compartment have not been entirely successful. The SIV/macaque model of HIV infection of humans provides a means for addressing questions about the naïve and memory B cell populations, whose activity may be differentially compromised by HIV infection, but lacking is the ability to resolve these functionally relevant B cell populations in the rhesus macaque. In this study, we established CD27 as a definitive memory B cell marker in the rhesus macaque. Further, we demonstrated that the naïve and memory B cell populations are depleted from the periphery within 14 days of SIV infection and that the memory B cell population recovered more quickly. We also showed that chronic SIV infection resulted in a loss of CD40 mediated naïve B cell survival, indicating a potential mechanism through which SIV infection may lead to the production of non-reactive or self reactive antibody producing cells. Together, these findings demonstrated that B cell dysfunctions associated with SIV infection are not limited to the memory B cell population as previously thought, but rather that naïve B cell deficits may be more severe than what has been observed in the memory compartment. Increased focus on abrogating alterations that occur within the naïve compartment have the potential to improve viral control in infected individuals. This study of phenotypic and functional B cell changes over the course of infection will aid in the development of strategies that have the potential to improve prophylactic and therapeutic B cell mediated vaccine efficacy


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    Ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) are ubiquitous in circumpolar freshwaters, but their ecological role is not well understood. Little research has been conducted on the influence of environmental variables on ninespine stickleback in stream environments, and while they are understood to be generalist feeders, their diet in stream environments is equally understudied. Determining diet is difficult due to biases inherent in all standard diet analysis methods. Morphological gut-content analysis (M-GCA), DNA metabarcoding of gut contents (D-GCA), and stable isotope analysis (SIA) are currently three of the most frequently conducted diet analyses; and while combinations of these methods are commonly used to counteract their biases, limited analyses have compared all three. The aims of this thesis were to address these knowledge gaps by determining the impacts of tundra stream characteristics on ninespine stickleback condition and abundance, characterizing their diet in these streams, and assessing the relative benefits and disadvantages of the above-mentioned diet analysis techniques for determining the diet of small stream fishes. The impacts of environmental factors (e.g. temperature, nutrient concentrations, prey and predator/competitor abundance) on condition and abundance were present but limited, likely due to both the tolerant nature of ninespine stickleback and carry-over effects from over-wintering environments. The generalist nature of ninespine stickleback was confirmed by M-GCA and D-GCA results which described a high occurrence of abundant stream invertebrates in the gut, namely Orthocladiinae and Chironominae. In contrast, SIA estimated Arachnida and Tanypodinae to be the most significant contributors to diet over a longer period, suggesting a diet shift over the summer due to either a change in stream invertebrate community composition, or prior feeding in a different environment. Biases of each diet analysis technique were consistent with prior reports, with M-GCA being biased towards hard-bodied organisms, and D-GCA being biased towards soft-bodied organisms. The findings of this thesis contribute to a growing understanding of ninespine stickleback ecology in tundra streams and indicate the importance of studying connections with lentic over-wintering environments in future research. Finally, this research complements other research being conducted in the Greiner Lake watershed on tundra stream food-web dynamics and stream metabolism

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    Die Bedeutung des russischen Fernen Ostens für die Asien- und Pazifik-Politik Russlands

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    Es wird allgemeinhin anerkannt, dass Russlands Schwenk hin zum asiatisch-pazifischen Raum seit 2014 vorrangig eine Hinwendung zu China ist. In der Asien- und Pazifik-Politik Russlands hatte das Hauptaugenmerk ursprünglich auf der Entwicklung des Fernen Ostens gelegen, aber die zunehmende Betonung der eurasischen Komponente insbesondere in der Zusammenarbeit mit China bedeutete gleichzeitig eine Vernachlässigung des russischen Fernen Ostens. Überdies hat Russland es versäumt, in der Partnerschaft mit China den Bedürfnissen der Region nachzukommen, da Chinas wirtschaftliches Engagement eher auf die zentralstaatliche Ebene abzielt und auf der Ebene interregionaler Beziehungen weniger bedeutsam ist. Die Möglichkeiten, mit alternativen Partnern wie Südkorea und Japan zusammenzuarbeiten, stellen wegen einer Mischung aus Geopolitik und Risikoscheu auf Seiten von Seoul und Tokio weiterhin eine Herausforderung dar

    Die Bedeutung Afghanistans für Russland: Regionale oder globale Strategie?

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    Afghanistan ist für Russland von großer Bedeutung – vor allem mit Blick auf die eigene Sicherheit, aber auch im Rahmen einer weitergreifenden Strategie, bei der es darum geht, den Einfl uss in Zentralasien zu behaupten. Russland entwickelt die Organisation des Vertrags für Kollektive Sicherheit (OVKS) als eine regionale Sicherheitsstruktur, ist jedoch momentan nicht in der Lage, einen Betrag zur Sicherheit in Afghanistan zu leisten. Trotz Vorbehalten gegenüber der Strategie der ISAF hofft Russland jedoch, dass der NATO-Einsatz in Afghanistan erfolgreich sein wird und setzt daher die Unterstützung des ISAF-Einsatzes fort

    Regioselective Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions of the Bis(triflate) of 1,4-Dihydroxy-9H-fluoren-9-one

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    1,4-Diaryl-9H-fluoren-9-ones were prepared by regioselective Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction of the bis(triflate) of 1,4-dihydroxy-9H-fluoren-9-one. The reactions proceeded with excellent site selectivity. The first attack occurs at position 1, due to electronic reason

    Carthage Bottoms Area Odor Study: A Missouri Test Case for Odorant Prioritization as a Prelude to Instrument Based Downwind Odor Monitoring Protocol Development

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    Past experience with crisis-driven odor investigations has shown that there is an odor impact priority ranking which is definable for virtually every malodor issue; whether from natural or synthetic source. An accurate definition of such odorant priority ranking is, in turn, critical to the development of accurate and objective instrument-based methods for odor assessment and monitoring relative to that source. This paper reports on the results-to-date relative to the Carthage Bottoms Area Odor Study; a test case undertaken by the Missouri DNR to evaluate the concept of odorant prioritization by MDGC-MS-Olfactometry. The ultimate goal of this study was to explore the utility of odorant prioritization as a first step toward the translation of sensory-only odor monitoring protocols to sensory-directed but instrument based alternatives. The Carthage Bottoms Area was selected by the Missouri DNR for this exploratory effort based upon a number of factors: including; (1) an intermittent but long-standing unresolved odor issue with respect to downwind citizenry; (2) a uniquely complex, diverse and densely co-located source industry mix within the combined Bottoms Area; (3) limited past success in point-source differentiation utilizing sensory-only protocols and (4) a past history of cooperation between citizenry, community officials, industry leaders and regulatory agencies in the exploration and implementation of technologies targeting enhanced mutually beneficial co-existance. MDGC-MS-O odorant profile and prioritization results are presented for SPME collections taken near and at-distance downwind as well as reference upwind with respect to the combined Bottoms Area
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