231 research outputs found

    Lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginiai būdvardžiai ir subūdvardėję dalyviai

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    The article analyses 197 suffixal hybrid adjectives and 34 adjectival participles from the Lithuanian slang and non-standard dictionary. The study reveals that borrows with affixal adaptation are adapted to the language system, and the adaptive features are determined by regularities: hybrids replicate word-formation models from the Standard Lithuanian language. It was found that the most common suffix of affixal adaptation of borrowings from English is the suffix -inis. Distribution of hybrids with the suffix -iškas is different: almost twice less English originated hybrid adjectives with this suffix than Slavic languages. Adjectival passive participants are most commonly used in Lithuanian slang. Passive participles are the most likely to adjectivize, and there are only few adjectivized active participles in Lithuanian slang. Adjectivized passive participles usually have a negative figurative meaning or are used as substitutes for vulgarisms.Straipsnyje aptarti 197 lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginiai hibridiniai būdvardžiai ir 34 subūdvardėję dalyviai. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidžia, kad skoliniai afiksine adaptacija yra priderinami prie kalbinės sistemos ir adaptacinės ypatybės yra nulemtos aiškaus dėsningumo: žargoniniai hibridai sudaromi pagal darybinius modelius. Nustatyta, kad dažniausia skolinių iš anglų kalbos afiksinio adaptavimo priesaga žargone yra -inis: su ja daugiausiai anglų kalbos kilmės hibridinių būdvardžių, slaviškos kilmės hibridinių būdvardžių su šia priesaga žymiai mažiau. Priesagos -iškas hibridų pasiskirstymas kitoks: anglų kalbos hibridinių būdvardžių su priesaga -iškas beveik dvigubai mažiau negu slaviškos kilmės. Lietuvių kalbos žargone labiausiai linkę būdvardėti neveikiamosios rūšies dalyviai, subūdvardėjusių veikiamosios rūšies dalyvių yra mažai. Subūdvardėję neveikiamosios rūšies dalyviai dažniausiai turi neigiamą perkeltinę reikšmę ar vartojami kaip vulgarizmų substitutai

    Slaviškos kilmės veiksmažodžiai su priesagomis -inti, -uoti, -yti, -ėti, -auti lietuvių kalbos žargone: derivaciniai ir adaptaciniai hibridai*

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    The article analyses 246 hybrid verbs of Slavic origin with the suffixes -inti, -uoti, -yti, -ėti, -auti from the Lithuanian slang and non-standard dictionary. The study reveals that borrowings with affixal adaptation are always adapted to the linguistic system. The most popular suffix is -inti (190 hybrid verbs). There are some (64) derivative hybrids with this suffix, hybrids are formed from the adapted basic words, and therefore, in such cases hybrid verbs are derivations of the suffix -inti. There are twice as many adaptive hybrids (126), which are morphologically adapted by replacing the derivative suffix of the language donor with the suffix of the language recipient. Other suffixes are rare: -uoti (21), -yti (12), -ėti (12), -auti (11), with which derivative hybrids are usually formed from already adapted basic noun in slang.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami 246 slaviškos kilmės lietuvių kalbos žargono hibridiniai veiksmažodžiai su priesagomis -inti, -uoti, -yti, -ėti, -auti. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidžia, kad skoliniai afiksine adaptacija yra priderinami prie kalbinės sistemos. Žargone pati dariausia hibridų priesaga yra -inti (190 hibridinių veiksmažodžių). Su šia priesaga iš lietuvių kalboje adaptuotų pamatinių žodžių sudaryta nemažai derivacinių hibridų (64), tokiais atvejais hibridiniai veiksmažodžiai yra priesagos -inti derivatai. Dvigubai daugiau su priesaga -inti yra adaptacinių hibridų (126), kurie morfologiškai adaptuojami pakeičiant kalbos donorės darybinę priesagą su kalbos recipientės priesaga -inti. Kitos priesagos nėra tokios darios: -uoti (21), -yti (12), -ėti (12), -auti (11), dažniausiai su jomis sudaromi derivaciniai hibridai jau iš žargone adaptuoto pamatinio vardažodžio

    Lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginių prieveiksmių morfologija ir adaptacinės ypatybės: priesagos -ai hibridiniai vediniai iš priesaginių rusų kalbos kilmės būdvardžių

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    This article analyses 127 suffixal adverbs from Lithuanian slang and non-standard dictionary (Kaunas, 2012). The suffixal adverbs of Lithuanian slang have not been researched systematically according to grammatical classification. This research is based on the morphological analysis. The suffixal adverbs are divided into groups: every group includes some subgroups. First, the most productive derivatives groups are analyzed, then the less productive groups are involved. In each subgroup are described derivatives of individual suffixes; where necessary, due consideration is given to the underlying structure and various morphological properties. Every subgroup has a small description of the accentuation and the pronunciation or the root vocalism.Straipsnyje morfologiškai analizuojami lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginiai prieveiksmiai (127), atrinkti iš Lietuvių kalbos žargono ir nenorminės leksikos žodyno. Analize siekiama nustatyti sistemiškas morfologines ypatybes, tarties ir kirčiavimo adaptacinius ypatumus. Žargoninių prieveiksmių priesagos -ai vediniai, kurie kilę iš priesaginių rusų kalbos kilmės būdvardžių, yra suklasifikuoti pagal pamatinių žodžių priesagas. Klasifikacija pradedama nuo dariausių priesagų ir baigiama mažiau dariomis. Kiekviename poskyryje yra aptariamos tarties ir kirčiavimo adaptacinės ypatybės. Atlikta analizė nurodo, kad prieveiksmių morfologinės ypatybės yra perimtos iš rusų kalbos ir specifiškai transformuotos. Tarties ir kirčiavimo adaptacinės ypatybės yra nulemtos lietuvių kalbos teritorinių dialektų bei bendrinės kalbos pagal tam tikrus dėsningumus. Žargoniniams prieveiksmiams būdingas sistemiškas šaknies balsio diftongizuotas [e], [ie] varijavimas, taip pat lietuvių kalbos žargonybėse balsiai [i], [u] variantiškai gali būti adaptuoti kaip ilgieji. Priesaginiai hibridiniai prieveiksmiai, adaptuodamiesi lietuvių kalbos sistemoje, dažniausiai išlaiko pamatinių žodžių kirtį

    Menkaverčiai Anderseno pasakos „Coliukė“ vertimai iš tarpinių kalbų ir perpasakojimai

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    Hans Christian Andersen is one of the most famous Danish writers whose fairy tales have been read by almost every child. The first book of Andersen’s fairy tales appeared in Lithuanian in 1895 and their popularity has not faded ever since. However, most Lithuanian translations consist of fairy tales translated not from Danish, but from intermediate languages (English, Spanish, Italian, French). This article analyses abridged, retold versions and translations from the intermediate languages of Andersen’s tale “Thumbelina”. It is concluded that, due to commercialization and the desire to publish the tales more cheaply, they are distorted and simplified. As a result, the storyline changes and the artistically motivated, integral structural elements of content and form are violated.Hansas Christianas Andersenas – vienas garsiausių danų rašytojų, kurio pasakas yra skaitęs kone kiekvienas vaikas. Lietuvoje pirmoji Anderseno pasakų knyga lietuvių kalba pasirodė dar 1895 metais ir iki šiol šių pasakų populiarumas neblėsta. Vis tik didžiąją dalį lietuviškų vertimų sudaro trumpintos ir deformuotos pasakos, verstos ne iš danų, o iš tarpinių (anglų, ispanų, italų, prancūzų) kalbų. Šiame straipsnyje tiriami Anderseno pasakos „Coliukė“ sutrumpinti perpasakojimai ir vertimai iš tarpinių kalbų, lyginant su visaverčiu vertimu iš danų kalbos. Daroma išvada, kad dėl komercializacijos ir siekio pasakas išleisti pigiau jos yra iškraipomos, esmingai supaprastinamos: pakinta siužetinė linija, pažeidžiama meniškai motyvuota, vientisa turinio ir formos elementų struktūra

    A Tale of Two NETs: A Pheochromocytoma Masquerading as a Pancreatic NET

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    Introduction: Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare endocrine neoplasms with myriad of clinical manifestations. We present a case of two different NETs in a patient to increase physician awareness and highlight the importance of prompt multidisciplinary approach to avoid catastrophic complications. Case Presentation: A 58-year-old female with history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and gastroesophageal reflux was referred to an oncology office for systemic therapy regarding suspected metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor based on abdominal imaging demonstrating a 1.6 cm pancreatic lesion and a 1.2 cm hypervascular right adrenal nodule. Endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration/biopsy of the pancreatic lesion was consistent with well differentiated NET WHO grade 1. Ga-68 Dotetate scan showed focal radiotracer uptake in the pancreatic tail and the right adrenal gland compatible with metastatic disease. The patient endorsed flushing, headache, gastroesophageal reflux and cough in addition to recent worsening in glycemic control, but denied any diarrhea or rashes. Vital signs were notable for elevated blood pressure to 188/90 mm of Hg. Physical exam was unremarkable. Further investigations revealed Chromogranin A 205 ng/ml, Plasma free metanephrines 552 pg/ml, a.m. cortisol 1 ug/dl following dexamethasone suppression test. Non-suppressibility in plasma free metanephrines was demonstrated with clonidine suppression test, concerning for pheochromocytoma. Multidisciplinary approach was initiated, she was placed on Doxazosin with improvement in her blood pressure. Staged surgical resection of pheochromocytoma followed by pancreatic NET management is currently planned. Discussion: Pancreatic NETs, also known as islet cell tumors, arise in the endocrine tissues of the pancreas and may be non-functional or secrete a variety of hormones including insulin, glucagon, gastrin and vasoactive intestinal peptide. In general, these are rare neoplasms, representing one to two percent of all pancreatic tumors (Manuel-Vasquez et al., 2018). Most commonly pancreatic NETs arise sporadically, however they can be associated with genetic syndromes including multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1), von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, neurofibromatosis type I or tuberous sclerosis (Metz & Jensen, 2008). Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors may be associated with pheochromocytomas as seen in the patient represented in our report as in patients with the above-mentioned genetic predispositions. Pheochromocytomas are rare catecholamine secreting tumor with malignant potential that arises from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. The most common clinical sign of pheochromocytoma is sustained hypertension, occasionally accompanied by excessive sweating, headache & heart palpitations (Pacak et al., 2001). However, pheochromocytomas are incredible rare with the incidence being cited as 0.8 per 100,000 person years in one study (Beard et al., 1983). Biochemical confirmation of the diagnosis using total fractionated urine metadrenalines or plasma-free metadrenalines should be followed by radiological evaluation to locate the tumor (Davison et al., 2017). Treatment of pheochromocytomas involves resection of the pheochromocytoma following appropriate medical preparation with alpha-adrenoreceptor blockade, calcium channel antagonists or alpha-metyrosine (Naranjo et al., 2017). Prompt diagnosis and proper multidisciplinary management is important to avoid delay in management and potential catastrophic cardiovascular and neurologic complications. To our knowledge this is the first reported case of a pancreatic NET and pheochromocytoma in an adult patient. Discovering two different NETs dramatically changed treatment strategy and offered hope for curative resection.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1073/thumbnail.jp

    Lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginių prieveiksmių morfologinė adaptacija: priesagos -ai hibridiniai vediniai iš būdvardžių su priesaga -iškas ir nepriesaginių būdvardžių

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    This article is one part of the research of adverbs in Lithuanian slang. Although there is no systematic and comprehensive research into the Lithuanian language slang, slang is commonly believed to be chaotic and have no grammatical system. The purpose of this article is to morphologically examine the derivatives formed with suffix -ai from the adjectives with suffix -iškas and from the primary adjectives without suffixes. The material (79 adverbs) is collected from the dictionary of Lithuanian slang and the dictionary of non-standard Lithuanian. The study aims to identify the systematic morphological features. To achieve the aim the research words are classified according to their suffixes, their origin is determined and morphological analysis is performed.The research reveals that a foreign language unit that emerges in the context of another language undergoes assimilation - it is transformed in one way or another by adapting it to the linguistic system. In Lithuanian slang, adverbs with the suffix -ai are mostly made up from hybrid adjectives of Russian origin with the suffix -iškas. There is also a number of adverbs formed from English hybrid adjectives. A few are derived from semantically neologic adjectives. The majority of suffixal -ai derivatives that are formed from primary adjectives are Russian origin. Adverbs which are derived from the adjectives with the suffix -iškas always retain the accent in the root: this pattern is common to all slang adverbs. All forms of adverbial degrees have accented suffixes. The findings of the reseach reveal that the morphological features of the studied slang adverbs have undergone certain transformations and follow the regularities of the Lithuanian language system: the slang adverbs copy derivative models of the standard language. Įprastai skolinių tyrimuose daugiausiai dėmesio skiriama daiktavardžiams, būdvardžiams, veiksmažodžiams. Atskirų, skirtų kiekvienai kalbos daliai, sisteminių ir išsamių lietuvių kalbos žargono leksikos tyrimų nėra. Straipsnyje morfologiškai analizuojami priesagos -ai hibridiniai prieveiksmiai iš būdvardžių su priesaga -iškas ir nepriesaginių būdvardžių: aptariama jų daryba ir kaityba (laipsniavimas). Medžiaga (79 prieveiksmiai) rinkta iš Lietuvių kalbos žargono ir nenorminės leksikos žodyno. Tyrimu siekiama nustatyti sistemiškas ypatybes, darybines analogijas, kurios yra perimamos iš bendrinės kalbos sistemos. Tiriamieji žodžiai klasifikuojami pagal darybinio pamato priesagas, atliekama sisteminė analizė, kuria siekiama išgryninti vyraujančius darybinius modelius

    Enabling Decision-Making in Battery Electric Bus Deployment through Interactive Visualization

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    The transit industry is rapidly transitioning to battery-electric fleets because of the direct environmental and financial benefits they could offer, such as zero emissions, less noise, and lower maintenance costs. Yet the unique spatiotemporal characteristics associated with transit system charging requirements, as well as various objectives when prioritizing the fleet electrification, requires the system operators and/or decision-makers to fully understand the status of the transit system and energy/power system in order to make informed deployment decisions. A recently completed NITC project, No. 1222 titled An Electric Bus Deployment Framework for Improved Air Quality and Transit Operational Efficiency, developed a bi-objective spatiotemporal optimization model for the strategic deployment of the Battery Electric Bus (BEB) to minimize the cost of purchasing BEBs, on-route and in-depot charging stations, and to maximize environmental equity for disadvantaged populations. As agencies such as the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) adopt the model and results, they desire to have a tool that could enable detailed spatiotemporal monitoring of components for the BEB system (e.g., locations of BEBs, the state-of-charge of batteries, charging station energy consumption at each specific timestamp), so that the integration of BEBs into the power/grid system as well as its operating condition could be better understood. To this end, this Translate Research to Practice grant will support the development of a visualization tool that allows transit operators/planners as well as decision-makers to explore the interdependency of the BEB transit system and energy infrastructure in both spatial and temporal dimensions with high resolution. The tool will be built on the scenario-based optimization modeling effort in NITC Project No. 1222, and allow agencies to make phase-wise (short-, mid-, or long-term) decisions based on investment resources and strategic goals. This project will also develop a guidebook to provide step-by-step guidance on data compilation for BEB analysis, model input, model implementation, and results interpretation. It will further detail how the developed visualization tool is structured and designed to ensure results exploration across transit operation and energy consumption. Both the guidebook and the tool will be directly useful to practitioners to easily implement our optimization model for their own transit network, and allow them to build interactive visualizations to assist with decision-making

    Regulation of Sox9 activity by crosstalk with nuclear factor-κB and retinoic acid receptors

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    Introduction: Sox9 and p300 cooperate to induce expression of cartilage-specific matrix proteins, including type II collagen, aggrecan and link protein. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, found in arthritic joints, activates nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), whereas retinoic acid receptors (RARs) are activated by retinoid agonists, including all-trans retinoic acid (atRA). Like Sox9, the activity of NF-kappaB and RARs depends upon their association with p300. Separately, both TNF-alpha and atRA suppress cartilage matrix gene expression. We investigated how TNF-alpha and atRA alter the expression of cartilage matrix genes. Methods: Primary cultures of rat chondrocytes were treated with TNF-alpha and/or atRA for 24 hours. Levels of transcripts encoding cartilage matrix proteins were determined by Northern blot analyses and quantitative real-time PCR. Nuclear protein levels, DNA binding and functional activity of transcription factors were assessed by immunoblotting, electrophoretic mobility shift assays and reporter assays, respectively. Results: Together, TNF-alpha and atRA diminished transcript levels of cartilage matrix proteins and Sox9 activity more than each factor alone. However, neither agent altered nuclear levels of Sox9, and TNF-alpha did not affect protein binding to the Col2a1 48-base-pair minimal enhancer sequence. The effect of TNF-alpha, but not that of atRA, on Sox9 activity was dependent on NF-kappaB activation. Furthermore, atRA reduced NF-kappaB activity and DNA binding. To address the role of p300, we over-expressed constitutively active mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (caMEKK)1 to increase p300 acetylase activity. caMEKK1 enhanced basal NF-kappaB activity and atRA-induced RAR activity. Over-expression of caMEKK1 also enhanced basal Sox9 activity and suppressed the inhibitory effects of TNF-alpha and atRA on Sox9 function. In addition, over-expression of p300 restored Sox9 activity suppressed by TNF-alpha and atRA to normal levels. Conclusion: NF-kappaB and RARs converge to reduce Sox9 activity and cartilage matrix gene expression, probably by limiting the availability of p300. This process may be critical for the loss of cartilage matrix synthesis in inflammatory joint diseases. Therefore, agents that increase p300 levels or activity in chondrocytes may be useful therapeutically

    Impact of COVID-19 Infection on 24 Patients with Sickle Cell Disease One Center Urban Experience, Detroit, MI, USA

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    The city of Detroit has a large population of individuals with sickle cell disease, and hospitals in Detroit have seen some of the highest numbers of cases of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) in 2020. The purpose of this study was to examine the pathophysiological characteristics of COVID-19 in patients with sickle cell disease or trait to determine whether these patients have unique manifestations that might require special consideration. This retrospective analysis included 24 patients with confirmed COVID-19 and sickle cell disease or trait who were seen at the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA, between March 1 and April 15 2020. Of the 24 patients, 18 (75.0%) had heterozygous sickle cell trait, one (4.0%) was a double heterozygote for Hb S (HBB: c.20A\u3eT)/β(+)-thalassemia (β(+)-thal), four had sickle cell anemia (β(S)/β(S)) and one (4.0%) had Hb S/Hb C (HBB: c.19G\u3eA) disease. A total of 13 (54.0%) patients required hospitalization. All four patients with sickle cell anemia, developed acute pain crisis. We observed one patient who developed acute pulmonary embolism and no patients developed other sickle cell associated complications. Additionally, three (13.0%) patients required packed red blood cell transfusion without the need of exchange transfusion, and one patient required admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), mechanical ventilation and subsequently died. Patients with sickle cell disease or trait and laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 had a generally mild, or unremarkable, course of disease, with lower chances of intubation, ICU admission and death, but with a slightly longer hospitalization

    Site-selective C-C modification of proteins at neutral pH using organocatalyst-mediated cross aldol ligations

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    The bioconjugation of proteins with small molecules has proved an invaluable strategy for probing and perturbing biological mechanisms. The general use of chemical methods for protein functionalisation can be limited however by the requirement for complicated reaction partners to be present in large excess, and harsh conditions which are incompatible with many protein scaffolds. Herein we describe a site-selective organocatalyst-mediated protein aldol ligation (OPAL) that affords stable carbon-carbon linked bioconjugates at neutral pH. OPAL enables rapid modification of proteins using simple aldehyde probes in minimal excess, and is utilised here in the affinity tagging of proteins in cell lysate. Furthermore we demonstrate that the β-hydroxy aldehyde OPAL product can be functionalised again at neutral pH in a tandem organocatalyst-mediated oxime ligation. This tandem strategy is showcased in the ‘chemical mimicry’ of a previously inaccessible natural dual post-translationally modified protein integral to the pathogenesis of the neglected tropical disease Leishmaniasis