84 research outputs found

    Preface: Eighteen Views on the Legitimacy Crisis and the Elections to the European Parliament

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    Elżbieta Kużelewska : [email protected]żbieta Kużelewska - Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuDariusz Kloza - Uniwersytet w Białymstoku15-2

    Czy Szwajcarzy nie chcą dołączyć do UE? Szwajcarskie referenda w sprawie integracji europejskiej

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    Switzerland is unique in Western Europe, not having joined the European Union (EU). Switzerland is still neither a member of the EU nor of the European Economic Area. However, the Swiss were asked to vote on issues concerning the EU several times. Three times the results of those referenda were negative. The Swiss seem to be satisfied with a relationship with the EU based on bilateral agreements. They do not see the need for closer cooperation, within the structure of the EU. The aim of this paper is to explore whether the citizens of Switzerland want to join the EU or not. Analyzing the negative results of Swiss referenda on issues concerning the EU might be helpful in understanding the Swiss point of view.Szwajcaria jest jednym z nielicznych państw Europy Zachodniej, które nie przystąpiły do UE. Szwajcarzy kilkakrotnie wzywani byli do głosowania w referendum w sprawach związanych z UE, niemniej trzykrotnie głosowali przeciwko. Obywatele Szwajcarii wydają się być zadowoleni ze stosunków z UE opartych na umowach dwustronnych. Nie widzą potrzeby zacieśniania współpracy. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie czy obywatele Szwajcarii rzeczywiście nie chcą przystąpienia ich państwa do UE. Analiza negatywnych wyników referendów w sprawach dotyczących UE może być przydatna w zrozumieniu szwajcarskiego punktu widzenia

    Status ustrojowy władzy wykonawczej w Belgii

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    Belgium is a founding member of the European Union (EU). It is a trilingual federation, consisting of four different entities constituted on the basis of language. The linguistic groups within the Belgian population have had a long history of conflict. For many years, tensions between the French and Dutch speaking areas have been ameliorated through the principle of “territoriality.” The application of this principle resulted in the division of the country into three areas: the Flemish Region (the Dutchspeaking region in the north), the Walloon Region (the French speaking region in the south) and the Brussels-Capital Region (officially bilingual but predominantly francophone). In each of those areas, only one language has official status, and the speakers of other national languages residing there have no linguistic rights. The principle of territoriality has resolved some tensions between the linguistic groups by guaranteeing linguistic rights within geographic boundaries, yet it has not fully resolved them. The Belgian experience in dealing with a multicultural and multi-linguistic polity will clearly provide valuable insights for other national groups wrestling with the ever-increasing heterogeneity among their linguistic populations. More important in the short term, however, is the ongoing struggle for dominance between French and Dutch speakers within Belgium. The specificity of the Belgian federal system is also reflected in the executive power.Artykuł koncentruje się na władzy wykonawczej w Belgii na poziomie federalnym. Omówione są tu organy egzekutywy, ich miejsce w rozwiązaniach ustrojowych oraz faktyczna rola w sprawowaniu władzy. Wyjaśniony został proces formowania rządu i trudności w sformowaniu gabinetu koalicyjnego. Wskazano także źródła konstytucjonalizmu belgijskiego i konstytucyjne podstawy ustroju Belgii

    Referendum in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

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    For more than 80 years the Czechs and the Slovaks have been functioning within one political, economic and social system. Various political and economic circumstances resulted in the division of Czechoslovakia to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Ever since the political systems of both countries became different. These various political systems inspired me to examine the people’s participation in the political life of those countries. The aim of this paper is to analyse and compare the most common form of direct democracy – a referendum – in both the Czech and Slovak political systems. It will be compared on two levels. The first one will deal with general constitutional background of a referendum and its procedures, as well as with a comparison of regulations in the respective countries. The second one will concern the practice of referendum in the analysed countries.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Performance of Multi-Clustering Recommender System after Selection of Clusters based on V-Measures

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    Identification of neighbourhood based on multi-clusters has been successfully applied to recommender systems, increasing recommendation accuracy and eliminating divergence related to a difference in clustering schemes. The algorithm M-CCF was developed for this purpose that was described in author\u27s previous papers. However, the solution do not equally take advantage on all the partitionings. Selection of clusters to forward to recommender system\u27s input, without deterioration in recommendation accuracy, can simplify its structure. The article describes a solution of a cluster selection based on entropy measure between clustering schemes, eliminating ones, which are redundant. The results reported in this paper confirmed its positive impact on the M-CCF system\u27s overall recommendation performance (measured by RMSE and Coverage)

    Od wizji do rzeczywistości. Dziesięć lat dewolucji w Walii

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    Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków na naukę w latach 2009-2010 jako projekt badawczy Nr N N116 [email protected] w BiałymstokuBayerische Landtag, REGLEG, München 2004.Civil Service, Civil Service Code, London 2010.Commission on the Powers and Electoral Arrangements of the National Assembly for Wales, Report of the Richard Commission, Cardiff 2004.Conservative Party, 1979 Conservative Party General Election Manifesto, London 1979.Conservative Party, Conservative Manifesto for Wales 1983, Cardiff 1983.Conservative Party, Opportunity and Prosperity for Wales, Cardiff 1997.Conservative Party, The Best Future for Britain, London 1992.Conservative Party, The Best Future for Wales, Cardiff 1992.Conservative Party, You can only be sure with the Conservatives, London 1997.Devolution. 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    Axiological foundation of non-democratic regimes in selected post-soviet republics

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    Elżbieta Kużelewska: [email protected] R. Bartnicki - University of BiałystokElżbieta Kużelewska - University of Białystok153-17

    Współpraca transgraniczna w Europie w świetle prawa międzynarodowego

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    Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku – kontynuacja, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy BIBL/SP/0040/2023/01.11612