35 research outputs found

    Simulations of Contrail Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing for Various Crystal Shapes

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of radiative-forcing computations to various contrail crystal shape models. Contrail optical properties in the shortwave and longwave ranges are derived using a ray-tracing geometric method and the discrete dipole approximation method, respectively. Both methods present good correspondence of the single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter in a transition range (3–8 µm). There are substantial differences in single-scattering properties among 10 crystal models investigated here (e.g., hexagonal columns and plates with different aspect ratios, and spherical particles). The single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter both vary by up to 0.1 among various crystal shapes. The computed single-scattering properties are incorporated in the moderate-resolution atmospheric radiance and transmittance model(MODTRAN) radiative transfer code to simulate solar and infrared fluxes at the top of the atmosphere. Particle shapes have a strong impact on the contrail radiative forcing in both the shortwave and longwave ranges. The differences in the net radiative forcing among optical models reach 50% with respect to the mean model value. The hexagonal-column and hexagonal-plate particles show the smallest net radiative forcing, and the largest forcing is obtained for the spheres. The balance between the shortwave forcing and longwave forcing is highly sensitive with respect to the assumed crystal shape and may even change the sign of the net forcing. The optical depth at which the mean diurnal radiative forcing changes sign from positive to negative varies from 4.5 to 10 for a surface albedo of 0.2 and from 2 to 6.5 for a surface albedo of 0.05. Contrails are probably never that optically thick (except for some aged contrail cirrus), however, and so will not have a cooling effect on climate

    Conditions influencing incoming global solar radiation in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) in spring 2015

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    This article analyses the conditions affecting the incoming global solar radiation in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) in spring of 2015. Incoming solar radiation turned out to be average for the season under analysis, as compared with longer-term data. The clearness index (KT) was 0.46, and was mainly determined by the extent of cloudiness. As a result of differences in the length of day, sunshine duration in May was greater than in April. Incoming solar radiation to the earth’s surface is also affected by the atmospheric optical properties. The average value of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 500 nm in Hornsund in spring of 2015 was 0.087. In the analysed period, increased values of AOD at 500 nm (up to 0.143) were observed, although these are not record values. Over April and May, the greatest part of optical depth was comprised of anthropogenic aerosols (41%), followed by marine aerosols (26%), desert dust (21%) and biomassburning aerosols (12%). This indicates the significant role of the anthropogenic factor in the climatic conditions of Spitsbergen

    Comparison of the Linke turbidity factor in Warsaw and in Belsk

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    The article describes the relationship between direct solar radiation in a city (Warsaw) and in its broadly-defined suburban area (Belsk). The analysis covers the days of 1969-2003 when observations were carried out at both sites. The degree of extinction of solar radiation was expressed by means of Linke’s turbidity factor. Its mean annual value on the selected days of the period under consideration was 3.00± 0.10 at Warsaw and 3.00±0.11 at Belsk. Any differences in the atmospheric turbidity between the Warsaw site and Belsk in individual seasons of the year were marginal and within the error margin of Linke’s factor. The period considered was also divided into two sub-periods (1969-1993 and 1994-2003), in which atmospheric turbidity in Warsaw and in Belsk was compared by individual seasons and whole years. At both analysed sites Linke’s atmospheric turbidity factor decreased in 1994-2003, compared to the values for the earlier sub-period (1969-1993). The differences in atmospheric turbidity between the Warsaw site and Belsk are small and often statistically insignificant. The reason for this is, perhaps, the location of the urban measurement site far from the city centre, even though the site was still situated in a typically urban environment

    ACE-ASIA - Regional climatic and atmospheric chemical effects of Asian dust and pollution

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    Although continental-scale plumes of Asian dust and pollution reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface and perturb the chemistry of the atmosphere, our ability to quantify these effects has been limited by a lack of critical observations, particularly of layers above the surface. Comprehensive surface, airborne, shipboard, and satellite measurements of Asian aerosol chemical composition, size, optical properties, and radiative impacts were performed during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) study. Measurements within a massive Chinese dust storm at numerous widely spaced sampling locations revealed the highly complex structure of the atmosphere, in which layers of dust, urban pollution, and biomass-burning smoke may be transported long distances as distinct entities or mixed together. The data allow a first-time assessment of the regional climatic and atmospheric chemical effects of a continental-scale mixture of dust and pollution. Our results show that radiative flux reductions during such episodes are sufficient to cause regional climate change

    Experimental study of smog microphysical and optical vertical structure in the Silesian Beskids, Poland

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    This study presents the vertical profiles of aerosol optical and microphysical properties obtained from cable car and ground-based measurements in the Silesian Beskids, Poland. The data were collected during a measurement campaign between 25 February and March 11, 2018. An AE-51 micro-aethalometer and PMS7003 and OPC-N2 optical particle counters were mounted on the cable car and used to measure the profiles of equivalent of black carbon (eBC) concentration and aerosol size distribution. In situ measurements of the optical properties of the aerosols were obtained using an AE-31 aethalometer and photoacoustic devices. A prototype lidar was used to determine the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height and the aerosol layers. In the middle phase of the study (1–6 March 2018), significant night-time temperature inversions were observed. During the inversion period, the parameters describing the amount of aerosols in the air increased significantly. The concentration of eBC exceeded the level of 15 μg/m3 several times, with an average level of 5.39 ± 4.42 μg/m3. Conversely, the results obtained in the first and third phases of the experiment were at the level of the aerosol background, being 1.45 ± 0.88 μg/m3 and 0.90 ± 0.95 μg/m3, respectively. Significant differences were also observed in the vertical profiles of PM10 mass and eBC concentration. In the middle phase of the study, the profiles showed a significant reduction in the concentration of pollutants with height, while in the first and third phases, there were slight variations with height

    Optical and radiative properties of an aerosol over South-Eastern Poland emitted during biomass burning in California in September 2020

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    Celem pracy jest określenie własności optycznych i radiacyjnych aerozolu obserwowanego podczas transportu dalekiego zasięgu zanieczyszczeń wyemitowanych w Ameryce Północnej we wrześniu 2020 r. Badania zostały zrealizowane w oparciu o dane pomiarowe pozyskane z fotometru słonecznego, lidaru oraz radiometru słonecznego (pyranometru) w stacji badawczej SolarAOT w Strzyżowie na Podkarpaciu, a także w oparciu o wyniki symulacji modelem trajektorii wstecznych, modelem transferu radiacji i transportu zanieczyszczeń. Wyniki badań wskazują na obecność silnie rozpraszających warstw aerozolu w całej troposferze oraz w dolnej stratosferze (pod koniec okresu pomiarowego). Obecność aerozolu w dolnej stratosferze jest w ostatnich latach bardzo rzadko obserwowana. Mimo tego wartości aerozolowej grubości optycznej były poniżej średniej wieloletniej. Obecność aerozolu w atmosferze spowodowała redukcję promieniowania dochodzącego do powierzchni ziemi w godzinach południowych o około 32 W/m2. Wymuszanie radiacyjne aerozolu podczas bezchmurnych warunków wynosiło ok -9 W/m2 na powierzchni ziemi i -5,2 W/m2 na górnej granicy atmosfery. Oszacowane wartości efektywności wymuszania radiacyjnego w połączeniu z pomiarami albedo pojedynczego rozpraszania wskazują na napływ umiarkowanie absorbującego aerozolu.The aim of the study is to determine the optical and radiation properties of the aerosol observed during long-range transport of biomass burning pollution emitted in North America in September 2020. The research was carried out at SolarAOT research station in Strzyzow (south-eastern Poland) on the basis of measurement data obtained from a sun photometer, aerosol lidar and solar radiometer (pyranometer), as well as on the basis of simulation results with backtrajetories model, radiation transfer and aerosol transport model. The results indicate the presence of highly scattering aerosol layers throughout the troposphere and in the lower stratosphere (during the end of the measuring period). The presence of an aerosol in the lower stratosphere has been very rarely observed in recent years due low stratovolcanic activity. Despite this, the aerosol optical thickness was below the long-term average. The presence of the aerosol in the atmosphere reduced the radiation reaching the Earth’s surface at noon by about 32 W/m2. The aerosol direct radiative forcing of the during clear conditions was about -9 W/m2 at the Earth’s surface and -5.2 W/m2 at the top of the atmosphere. The estimated radiative forcing efficiency in combination with the single scattering albedo measurements indicate moderately absorbing particles