34 research outputs found

    Regional manifestations of changes in atmospheric circulation in the Central Black Earth region : by the example of Belgorod region

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    The aim of this work is the estimation of the reasons of occurrence of the area of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena and the analysis of the circulation processes, leading to the establishment of extreme weather conditions in the region. Using the calendar of the consistent changes of elementary circulation mechanisms and daily observations of the weather in the south of Central Black Earth region (by the example of Belgorod region).yesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Demographic and spatial structure at the stage of expansion in the populations of some alien land snails in Belgorod city (Central Russian Upland)

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    Field studies of alien terrestrial gastropods Xeropicta derbentina (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae), Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Enidae) and Harmozica ravergiensis (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae) were carried out in the south of the Central Russian Upland in Belgorod (Russia). An analysis of the dynamics of population density, their demographic structure and spatial organization was performed on the basis of data for three years of observations (2017, 2019, 2020)

    Correlation Between the Resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking of Steel Tubes of Gas Pipelines with Their Layerwise Texture Inhomogeneity

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    In the present work, the influence of the tubes texture layering on their resistance to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) is demonstrated by the example of several main gas pipelines (MGP) constructed of X70 steel tubes of different manufactures and operated under various exploitation conditions. X-ray studies of crystallographic texture and structural characteristics were implemented for external and internal layers of various tubes sections, which were cut out from MGP zones with fixed SCC defects and without them. Correlation between the depth of corrosion cracks and the thickness of the surface layer with sharply differing texture parameters is established. The system data analysis also shows that the presence of the texture component {110} <001> in the tubes surface layers can increase their resistance to the SCC. Keywords: crystallographic texture, structure, texture layering, electron backscattered diffraction, stress corrosion cracking, main gas pipeline, hot rolling

    Cardiac tumours in children

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    Cardiac tumours are benign or malignant neoplasms arising primarily in the inner lining, muscle layer, or the surrounding pericardium of the heart. They can be primary or metastatic. Primary cardiac tumours are rare in paediatric practice with a prevalence of 0.0017 to 0.28 in autopsy series. In contrast, the incidence of cardiac tumours during foetal life has been reported to be approximately 0.14%. The vast majority of primary cardiac tumours in children are benign, whilst approximately 10% are malignant. Secondary malignant tumours are 10–20 times more prevalent than primary malignant tumours. Rhabdomyoma is the most common cardiac tumour during foetal life and childhood. It accounts for more than 60% of all primary cardiac tumours. The frequency and type of cardiac tumours in adults differ from those in children with 75% being benign and 25% being malignant. Myxomas are the most common primary tumours in adults constituting 40% of benign tumours. Sarcomas make up 75% of malignant cardiac masses. Echocardiography, Computing Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the heart are the main non-invasive diagnostic tools. Cardiac catheterisation is seldom necessary. Tumour biopsy with histological assessment remains the gold standard for confirmation of the diagnosis. Surgical resection of primary cardiac tumours should be considered to relieve symptoms and mechanical obstruction to blood flow. The outcome of surgical resection in symptomatic, non-myxomatous benign cardiac tumours is favourable. Patients with primary cardiac malignancies may benefit from palliative surgery but this approach should not be recommended for patients with metastatic cardiac tumours. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy may prolong survival. The prognosis for malignant primary cardiac tumours is generally extremely poor

    Problems in Studying English Language Among Future Engineers

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    The article presents the results of a research conducted among students of MAI (NRU) and MADI in order to find out the difficulties they face in the process of learning a foreign language in the framework of the compulsory course. The research was conducted by questionnaire. The students of the 1-3 courses of MAI and MADI, studying engineering and English language were interviewed.It was revealed that future engineers are aware of the demand for English in their professional activities, and the main objectives of studying of the language at the University are verbal professional and personal communication (communication with foreign colleagues, as well as with friends and acquaintances). At the same time, educational motivation (mastering of educational literature, obtaining a credit) turned out to be less significant.Students consider the discussion to be the most effective method of educational activity. More than a quarter of the students admit that they lack knowledge gained at school to master the English language course successfully, as a result they lack a vocabulary and have difficulties with grammar, pronunciation and translation. Lack of time and motivation prevents them from overcoming these problems. To improve the motivation of studying English, the researchers propose to use a variety of methods, in particular, role-playing, work in pairs, discharge, etc.Mastering English language is also hindered by organizational problems – the lack of speaking practice in the classroom, a small number of classes per week, large group size, high speed of passing through language material and a significant amount of homework. The research revealed students’ wishes regarding the optimization of the English language course at the University. Future engineers would like more attention to be paid to speaking practice, communication with native speakers, watching videos as part of the English compulsory course

    Regional manifestations of changes in atmospheric circulation in the Central Black Earth region : by the example of Belgorod region

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    yesThe aim of this work is the estimation of the reasons of occurrence of the area of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena and the analysis of the circulation processes, leading to the establishment of extreme weather conditions in the region. Using the calendar of the consistent changes of elementary circulation mechanisms and daily observations of the weather in the south of Central Black Earth region (by the example of Belgorod region).Belgorod State National Research Universit

    Trends in summer season climate for Eastern Europe and Southern Russia in the early 21st century

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    The goal of this research is to evaluate changes in temperature and precipitation in the Central Chernozem Region of southwester

    Ionic transport in Samarium doped Ceria free-standing single crystal membrane

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    We present the realization of Samarium Doped Ceria (SDC) free-standing membranes and their structural and ionic transport properties. An epitaxial layer of water-soluble Sr3Al2O6 (SAO) sacrificial layer was deposited onto SrTiO3 (100) oriented single crystal substrate, followed by the deposition of the SDC layer. The free-standing SDC membrane was produced by etching the SAO layer in water. The creation of a 2D free-standing membrane allowed us to determine its transport and structural properties without any possible contribution of the substrate. Moreover, the availability of a thin SDC single crystal free-standing membrane offers the opportunity to tune the electrical properties by applying, for instance, compressive or tensile strain much larger than any substrates can induce by the lattice mismatch. Furthermore, this procedure allows the transfer of the film onto any kind of substrate and complex integrated circuit, i.e. those based on silicon technologies, giving the possibility to realize a new class of complex devices based on oxide ultra-thin films