91 research outputs found


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    This article reviews the literature on the rising issue of poverty due to disability and the role of small and medium business enterprises (SME’s). Literature survey identifies different causes which accelerate the poverty problem in the society. It has also been provided that growth in the number of disabled people around the globe is increasing and is a threat to the global poverty eradication programs. This article provides that there is a positive association between the development of SME’s and poverty alleviation.Â


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    The paper portrays the development of green banking in Pakistan, the concept not much developed and needs more attention of higher authorities due to globalization, intense competition in global markets and an increase in environmental issues across the country. Green banking practices may include eco-friendly light system, implementation of SolarPowered ATMs, Solar Power as an alternate source of Energy in Rural and remote branches and digitalization of the branches to reduce paperwork. The study suggests that banking sector is an important stakeholder in the Pakistan economy and can play a prominent role in reducing environmental problems. AsPakistan is currently facing high environmental risks,banks might contribute to reduce environmental issues by adopting green and sustainable banking practices such as the implementation of environmental standards for lending


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    The paper portrays the development of green banking in Pakistan, the concept not much developed and needs more attention of higher authorities due to globalization, intense competition in global markets and an increase in environmental issues across the country. Green banking practices may include eco-friendly light system, implementation of SolarPowered ATMs, Solar Power as an alternate source of Energy in Rural and remote branches and digitalization of the branches to reduce paperwork. The study suggests that banking sector is an important stakeholder in the Pakistan economy and can play a prominent role in reducing environmental problems. AsPakistan is currently facing high environmental risks,banks might contribute to reduce environmental issues by adopting green and sustainable banking practices such as the implementation of environmental standards for lending

    Az atópiás dermatitis patomechanizmusa

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    Okmányos meghitelezés I.

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    Hazai nagyvállalati etikai kódexek tartalmi elemzése

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    Az etikai kódexek az etikai értékek, normák, alapelvek, magatartási szabályok írásba foglalását jelentik, és hozzájárulnak annak tisztázásához, hogy a vállalatok üzleti hétköznapjaiban mit tekintenek legitimnek és felelősségteljesnek. A cikk az etikai kódexek szerepének szakirodalmi áttekintése után az 50 legnagyobb árbevételű hazai cég közül azok etikai kódexét vizsgálja, amelyek magyar nyelvű etikai kódexe az interneten elérhető. A tartalmi összehasonlítás kiterjed a magyar és az amerikai gyakorlatra is. Az elemzés gondolatébresztőként szolgálhat az etika intézményesítését tervező vállalatok számára

    Relationships between Social Entrepreneurship, CSR and Social Innovation: In Theory and Practice

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    The shared goal of social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility and social innovation is the advancement of society. The business model of social enterprises is characterized by unique strategies based on the competencies of the entrepreneurs, and is not aimed primarily at the maximization of profits, but rather at carrying out goals for the benefit of society. Corporate social responsibility refers to the active behavior of a company, by which it can create new solutions to meet the needs of society, either on its own or in cooperation with other social stakeholders. The objectives of this article are to define concepts, describe and integrate relevant theoretical models, develop a model and introduce some examples of international practice that can inspire initiatives for social development