82 research outputs found

    Face Recognition Algorithms

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    U diplomskom radu opisana je primjena algoritama za prepoznavanje lica u samom po- četku razvoja algoriama i danas. Opisani su glavni pristupi koji se koriste prilikom osmiÅ”ljavanja algoritama kao Å”to su psihloÅ”ki i matematički pristup. Navedene su najbitnije sastavnice oba pristupa te je dan uvid u općeniti način pristupanja prepoznavanju lica. Algoritmi za prepoznavanje lica su u radu podijeljeni na dvije glavne kategorije - algoritmi koji koriste dvodimenzionalni i algoritmi koji koriste trodimenzionalni prikaz lica za prepoznavanje. Za svaku od kategorija navedena su po tri algoritma. Od dvodimenzionalnih algoritama opisane su Nixonova metoda, metoda Principal Component Analysis i Linear Discriminant Analysis. Metode algoritama koji koriste trodimenzionalni prikaz koje su opisane u radu su trodimenzionalno prepoznavanje bez rekonstrukcije lica, 3D Morphable Model i metoda bazirana na komponentama. Također, opisan je praktični dio rada u kojem je dana implemenatacija metode Principal Component Analysis i opisana je baza fotografija koriÅ”tena u navedenoj implementaciji. U dijelovima isstraživanja ovoga rada koriÅ”tena je FERET baza fotografija lica prikupljena u sklopu FERET programa, sponzorirana od strane ureda DOD Counterdrug Technology Development Program. Osim toga, pojaÅ”njen je način koriÅ”tenja implementiranog algoritmaThis thesis describes usage of face recognition algorithms since they first appeared until today. There is given insight into main approaches used in developing algorithms as psychological and mathematical approach. The most important components of both approaches are specified and there are explained general methods of face recognition. Face recognition algorithms are separated into two categories - algorithms using two-dimensional and three-dimensional face representations. There are described three methods for each category of algorithms. Among two-dimensional algorithms there are described Nixon method, Principal Component Analysis method and Linear Discriminant Method. Three-dimensional algorithms category consists of explanation od method for face recognition without face reconstruction, 3D Morphable Model method and method based on face components. Further more, there is explanation of practical part of this thesis where implementation of Principal Component Analysis method is given and there is description of images database used in implementation. Portions of the research in this paper use the FERET database of facial images collected under the FERET program, sponsored by the DOD Counterdrug Technology Development Program Office. Also, there is explained usage of implemented algorithm

    U potrazi za invazivnim stranim svojtama: studija slučaja iz herbarijskih zbirki ZA & ZAHO

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    Herbarium collections are the most reliable source of historical data available with respect to alien plants. A review of the ZA and ZAHO herbarium collections revealed the presence of as many as 1,152 specimens of invasive alien plant species (IAS), belonging to 70 plant taxa. The extent of sampling invasive taxa was not constant over time; a high 67% of the collection has been collected since the Second World War, with the collection peaking between 1900 and 1920, between 1960 and 1970 and in the years after 2010. Herbarium records of 17 taxa revealed that they first appeared in Croatia much earlier than was known from the literature so far. In order to enhance its public availability, the collection of IAS studied has been digitised and published in the virtual herbarium.Herbarijske zbirke predstavljaju najpouzdanije povijesne izvore podataka o stranim biljnim vrstama. Unutar zbirki ZA i ZAHO pronađena su ukupno 1152 herbarijska lista sa 70 invazivnih biljnih svojti. Intenzitet sakupljanja invazivnih svojti nije bio konstantan kroz vrijeme, čak 67 % zbirke sakupljeno je nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a vrhunci sakupljanja bili su od 1910. do 1920., od 1960. do 1970., te nakon 2010. godine. Herbarijski primjerci 17 vrsta dokazuju njihovu prvu pojavu u Hrvatskoj mnogo prije nego Å”to je dosad bilo poznato iz literature. Kako bi se povećala javna dostupnost zbirke, svi primjerci su digitalizirani i objavljeni u virtualnom herbariju

    Inventarisation and mapping of vascular flora and habitats of park forest Adica (Vukovar, Croatia)

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    Park-Å”uma Adica nalazi se u Vukovaru, na krajnjem istoku Republike Hrvatske. Vaskularna flora Adice istraživana je po prvi puta tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2014. godine kada je zabilježeno ukupno 290 biljnih svojti (286 vrste i četiri podvrste) koje pripadaju u 203 roda i 77 porodica. Najbrojnije porodice su Poaceae (26 svojti), Fabaceae (25 svojti) te Asteraceae (21 svojta). U spektru životnih oblika prevladavaju hemikriptofiti (39,4%), a slijede terofiti (22%). Fitogeografska analiza pokazala je dominaciju biljaka koje pripadaju euroazijskom flornom elementu (31,4%) i biljaka Å”iroke rasprostranjenosti (30,7%). Na istraživanom području Adice zabilježeno je osam strogo zaÅ”tićenih vrsta, te prema Crvenoj listi vaskularne flore Hrvatske, jedna ugrožena, četiri osjetljive i četiri gotovo ugrožene biljne svojte. U flori Adice nalazi se 11 invazivnih biljaka. Također je provedeno i kartiranje staniÅ”ta, te je utvrđeno devet staniÅ”nih tipova sukladno Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji staniÅ”ta.Adica park-forest is situated in Vukovar, in the far eastern part of the Republic of Croatia. The vascular flora of Adica has been researched for the first time during the vegetation period of 2014 when a total of 290 plant taxa were recorded (286 species and four subspecies) and classified into 203 genera and 77 families. The most numerous families are Poaceae (26 taxa), Fabaceae (25 taxa) and Asteraceae (21 taxa). In the life form spectrum hemicryptophytes dominate (39,4%), followed by therophytes (22%). Phytogeographical analysis shows the prevalence of plants that belong to the Eurasian floral element (31,4%) and plants of wide distribution (30,7%). In the investigated area of Adica eight strictly protected species and, according to the Red list of vascular flora of Croatia, one endangered, four vulnerable and four near threatened plant taxa were noted. The flora of Adica also consists of 11 invasive plants. At the same time, habitat mapping was conducted and consequently nine habitat types were recorded following the National habitat classification

    Inventarisation and mapping of vascular flora and habitats of park forest Adica (Vukovar, Croatia)

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    Park-Å”uma Adica nalazi se u Vukovaru, na krajnjem istoku Republike Hrvatske. Vaskularna flora Adice istraživana je po prvi puta tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2014. godine kada je zabilježeno ukupno 290 biljnih svojti (286 vrste i četiri podvrste) koje pripadaju u 203 roda i 77 porodica. Najbrojnije porodice su Poaceae (26 svojti), Fabaceae (25 svojti) te Asteraceae (21 svojta). U spektru životnih oblika prevladavaju hemikriptofiti (39,4%), a slijede terofiti (22%). Fitogeografska analiza pokazala je dominaciju biljaka koje pripadaju euroazijskom flornom elementu (31,4%) i biljaka Å”iroke rasprostranjenosti (30,7%). Na istraživanom području Adice zabilježeno je osam strogo zaÅ”tićenih vrsta, te prema Crvenoj listi vaskularne flore Hrvatske, jedna ugrožena, četiri osjetljive i četiri gotovo ugrožene biljne svojte. U flori Adice nalazi se 11 invazivnih biljaka. Također je provedeno i kartiranje staniÅ”ta, te je utvrđeno devet staniÅ”nih tipova sukladno Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji staniÅ”ta.Adica park-forest is situated in Vukovar, in the far eastern part of the Republic of Croatia. The vascular flora of Adica has been researched for the first time during the vegetation period of 2014 when a total of 290 plant taxa were recorded (286 species and four subspecies) and classified into 203 genera and 77 families. The most numerous families are Poaceae (26 taxa), Fabaceae (25 taxa) and Asteraceae (21 taxa). In the life form spectrum hemicryptophytes dominate (39,4%), followed by therophytes (22%). Phytogeographical analysis shows the prevalence of plants that belong to the Eurasian floral element (31,4%) and plants of wide distribution (30,7%). In the investigated area of Adica eight strictly protected species and, according to the Red list of vascular flora of Croatia, one endangered, four vulnerable and four near threatened plant taxa were noted. The flora of Adica also consists of 11 invasive plants. At the same time, habitat mapping was conducted and consequently nine habitat types were recorded following the National habitat classification

    'Bois noir' phytoplasma induces significant reprogramming of the leaf transcriptome in the field grown grapevine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phytoplasmas are bacteria without cell walls from the class <it>Mollicutes</it>. They are obligate intracellular plant pathogens which cause diseases in hundreds of economically important plants including the grapevine (<it>Vitis vinifera</it>). Knowledge of their biology and the mechanisms of their interactions with hosts is largely unknown because they are uncultivable and experimentally inaccessible in their hosts. We detail here the global transcriptional profiling in grapevine responses to phytoplasmas. The gene expression patterns were followed in leaf midribs of grapevine cv. 'Chardonnay' naturally infected with a phytoplasma from the stolbur group 16SrXII-A, which is associated with the grapevine yellows disease 'Bois noir'.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We established an on field experimental system in a productive vineyard that allowed application of molecular tools in a plant natural environment. Global transcription profiles of infected samples were compared with the healthy ones using microarray datasets and metabolic pathway analysis software (MapMan). The two-year-long experiment revealed that plant genes involved in primary and secondary metabolic pathways were changed in response to infection and that these changes might support phytoplasma nutrition. A hypothesis that phytoplasmas interact with the plant carbohydrate metabolism was proven and some possibilities how the products of this pathway might be utilized by phytoplasmas are discussed. In addition, several photosynthetic genes were largely down-regulated in infected plants, whereas defense genes from the metabolic pathway leading to formation of flavonoids and some PR proteins were significantly induced. Few other genes involved in defense-signaling were differentially expressed in healthy and infected plants. A set of 17 selected genes from several differentially expressed pathways was additionally analyzed with quantitative real-time PCR and confirmed to be suitable for a reliable classification of infected plants and for the characterization of susceptibility features in the field conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study revealed some fundamental aspects of grapevine interactions with the stolbur 'Bois noir' phytoplasma in particular and some plant interactions with phytoplasmas in general. In addition, the results of the study will likely have an impact on grape improvement by yielding marker genes that can be used in new diagnostic assays for phytoplasmas or by identifying candidate genes that contribute to the improved properties of grape.</p

    Merenje ispoljavanja aleksitimije i autističnih odlika kod studenata: unutraŔnja konzistentnost i konvergentna validnost skala

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    Uvod: Aleksitimija kao subklinički fenomen i poremećaj iz spektra autizma dele pojedine karakteristike, a jedna od njih je upravo smanjena sposobnost razumevanja i identifikacije kako svojih, tako i tuđih emocija, kao i smanjena i kvalitativno izmenjena sposobnost komunikacije u vezi sa iskazivanjem ovih emocija kroz razgovor sa drugima. Cilj: Usled prepletenosto aleksitimije i autizma cilj naÅ”eg rada bio je da na populaciji studenata utvrdimo povezanost dve skale za procenu aleksitimije ā€“ Torontske skale za procenu aleksitimije (TAS-20) i Pertskog upitnika za procenu aleksitimije (PAQ), kao i povezanost skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika ā€“ crta autizma u oblasti socijalne komunikacije i stereotipnog ponaÅ”anja, izraženih kroz koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Metode: Uzorak je činilo 159 studenata (131 ženskog i 28 muÅ”kog pola) starosti od 19 do 36 godina. Za procenu aleksitimije koriŔćeni su TAS-20 i PAQ, dok je za procenu autističnih odlika koriŔćen koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visoku povezanost dva instrumenta za procenu aleksitimije (rs = 0,80, p < 0,001), s tim da je Pertski upitnik za procenu aleksitimije imao bolju unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost 0,96, u odnosu na 0,86 i ukazivao na manji procenat osoba sa visokim nivoom aleksitimije (5,7% u odnosu na 12,6%). Između aleksitimije i autističnih odlika utvrđena je umerena pozi- tivna povezanost (AQ i PAQ: rs = 0,46, p < 0,001; AQ i TAS-20: rs = 0,51, p<0,001). Zaključak: Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kome je koriŔćen Pertski upitnik aleksitimije preveden na srpski jezik. Upitnik je pokazao odličnu unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost, kao i konvergentnu validnost, izraženu kroz visoku korelaciju sa Toronto skalom za procenu aleksitimije. Dobijena korelacija između dve mere za procenu aleksitimije, kao i između skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika, u skladu je sa rezultatima prethodnih inostranih istraživanjantroduction: Alexithymia, as a subclinical phenomenon, and a disorder within the autism spectrum share certain characteristics, one of which is a reduced ability to understand and identify oneā€™s own and othersā€™ emotions, as well as a reduced and qualitatively altered ability to communicate and express these emotions through conversation with others. Aim: Due to the interweaving of alexithymia and autism, the aim of our study was to determine, on the student population, the correlation of two alexithymia assessment scales, the Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), as well as the association between alexithymia and autistic features ā€“ autism in the area of social communication and stereotypic behavior, expressed through the autistic coefficient (AQ). Methods: The sample consisted of 159 students (131 female and 28 male) aged 19 to 36 years. The Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) were used to assess alexithymia, while the Autism Quotient (AQ) was used to assess autistic features. Results: The results of the study indicate a high correlation between the two instruments for assessing alexithymia (rs = .80, p< .001), with the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire showing better internal consistency (Ī± =.96, compared to Ī± = .86) and indicating a lower percentage of individuals with high levels of alexithymia (5.7% compared to 12.6%). A moderate positive correlation was found between alexithymia and autistic traits (AQ and PAQ: rs= .46, p < .001; AQ and TAS-20: rs = .51, p < .001). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the used Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire for alexithymia has been translated into the Serbian language. The questionnaire demonstrated excellent internal consistency, as well as convergent validity, expressed through a high correlation with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The obtained correlation between the two measures of alexithymia, as well as between alexithymia and AQ, is in line with the results of previous international studies

    The effects of differently charged micelles as biomembrane mimetic systems on the ionization of rupatadine

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    Rupatadin je selektivni antagonist histaminskih H1 receptora druge generacije koji se primenjuje u terapiji alergijskog rinitisa i hronične urtikarije. Rupatadin sadrži tri jonizaciona centra, dva aromatična amina i jedan cikličan alkilamin. Dozirani farmaceutski oblici za oralnu primenu kao aktivnu supstancu sadrže rupatadin fumarat. U rastvoru rupatadin fumarata uspostavlja se složen sistem protolitičkih ravnoteža koji uključuje tri bazna centra rupatadina i dve karboksilne grupe fumarne kiseline. Poznavanje pKa vrednosti lekova neophodno je za procenu farmakokinetičkih osobina i bioraspoloživosti. U fizioloÅ”kim uslovima pKa vrednosti mogu biti promenjene u odnosu na vodeni rastvor usled interakcija sa naelektrisanim i polarnim biomolekulima. Ispitivanje jonizacije u pojednostavljenim sistemima biomembrana, kao Å”to su micelarni rastvori surfaktanata, pruža bolji uvid u ponaÅ”anje lekova u fizioloÅ”kim uslovima. Ispitan je uticaj micelarnih rastvora, anjonskog natrijumā€dodecilsulfata (SDS), katjonskog cetiltrimetilamonijumā€bromida (CTAB) i nejonskog 4ā€oktilfenol polietoksilata (TXā€100) na protolitičke ravnoteže rupatadina. Potenciometrijski su određene pKa vrednosti bez i u prisustvu 10ā€2 M surfaktanata, na temperaturi 25oC i pri konstantnoj jonskoj sili (0,1 M NaCl). Potenciometrijski podaci analizirani su primenom programa Hyperquad. Nezavisno određene pKa vrednosti fumarne kiseline koriŔćene su kao ulazni parametri za određivanje pKa vrednosti rupatadina. Određene su pKa vrednosti u vodenom rastvoru (pKa1=3,34; pKa2=4,72; pKa3=6,75) i uočen je uticaj svih primenjenih surfaktanata, SDS (Ī”pKa do +1,44); CTAB (Ī”pKa od ā€1,99 do +0,14); TXā€100 (Ī”pKa od ā€0,72 do +0,38), na promenu jonizacije. Jonizujući centri rupatadina uključuju se u elektrostatičke, hidrofobne, dipol interakcije i vodonične veze sa micelama. Dijagram raspodele ravnotežnih oblika u funkciji pH ukazuje da je promena raspodele najizraženija u pH oblasti 4 ā€“ 8 koja obuhvata biofarmaceutski značajne pH vrednosti. Pomeranje protolitičkih ravnoteža rupatadina pod uticajem micela ukazuje da biomolekuli različite polarnosti i naelektrisanja u fizioloÅ”kim uslovima mogu izazvati promenu raspodele ravnotežnih oblika od kojih zavise rastvorljivost i permeabilnost.Rupatadine belongs to selective secondā€generation histamine H1 receptors antagonists, used in seasonal allergic rhinitis and chronic urticaria. Rupatadine contains three ionizable basic centers, two aromatic and one cyclic aliphatic amine. Pharmaceutical dosage forms contain rupatadine fumarate as an active substance. Complex system of protolytic equilibria establishes in solution of rupatadine fumarate including three rupatadine basic centers and two carboxylic groups of fumaric acid. The pKa values are necessary for estimation of pharmacokinetic properties and bioavailability of drugs. Under the physiological conditions protolytic equilibria could be shifted due to interactions with biomolecules. The investigations of ionization in the present of simplified biomembrane systems (micellar solutions of surfactants) give better insight into physiological drug behavior. The effects of surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and 4ā€octylphenol polyethoxylates (TXā€100) on rupatadine ionization have been investigated. The pKa values were determined potentiometrically in the absence and in the presence of 10ā€2 M surfactants at 25Ā°C and constant ionic strength (0.1 M NaCl). Potentiometric data were analyzed in program Hyperquad. Independently determined pKa values of fumaric acid were used as input parameters for determination of rupatadine pKa values. The ionization in water was defined (pKa1=3.34; pKa2=4.72; pKa3=6.75) and shift in protolytic equilibria in the presence of micelles, SDS (Ī”pKa up to +1.44); CTAB (Ī”pKa from ā€1.99 to +0.14); TXā€100 (Ī”pKa from ā€0.72 to +0.38), were observed. The ionization centers of rupatadine are involved in electrostatic, hydrophobic, dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonds with micelles. Distribution diagram of equilibrium forms as a function of pH indicates that change in ionization is the most expressed in pH range 4ā€“8 which includes biopharmaceutically important pH values. The shift in rupatadine protolytic equilibria indicates that biomolecules of different charge and polarity could change distribution of equilibrium forms responsible for solubility and permeability.VII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem Zajedno stvaramo budućnost farmacije, Beograd, 10-14. oktobar 201

    Merenje ispoljavanja aleksitimije i autističnih odlika kod studenata: unutraŔnja konzistentnost i konvergentna validnost skala

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    Uvod: Aleksitimija kao subklinički fenomen i poremećaj iz spektra autizma dele pojedine karakteristike, a jedna od njih je upravo smanjena sposobnost razumevanja i identifikacije kako svojih, tako i tuđih emocija, kao i smanjena i kvalitativno izmenjena sposobnost komunikacije u vezi sa iskazivanjem ovih emocija kroz razgovor sa drugima. Cilj: Usled prepletenosto aleksitimije i autizma cilj naÅ”eg rada bio je da na populaciji studenata utvrdimo povezanost dve skale za procenu aleksitimije ā€“ Torontske skale za procenu aleksitimije (TAS-20) i Pertskog upitnika za procenu aleksitimije (PAQ), kao i povezanost skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika ā€“ crta autizma u oblasti socijalne komunikacije i stereotipnog ponaÅ”anja, izraženih kroz koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Metode: Uzorak je činilo 159 studenata (131 ženskog i 28 muÅ”kog pola) starosti od 19 do 36 godina. Za procenu aleksitimije koriŔćeni su TAS-20 i PAQ, dok je za procenu autističnih odlika koriŔćen koeficijent autističnosti (AQ). Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na visoku povezanost dva instrumenta za procenu aleksitimije (rs = 0,80, p < 0,001), s tim da je Pertski upitnik za procenu aleksitimije imao bolju unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost 0,96, u odnosu na 0,86 i ukazivao na manji procenat osoba sa visokim nivoom aleksitimije (5,7% u odnosu na 12,6%). Između aleksitimije i autističnih odlika utvrđena je umerena pozi- tivna povezanost (AQ i PAQ: rs = 0,46, p < 0,001; AQ i TAS-20: rs = 0,51, p<0,001). Zaključak: Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvo istraživanje u kome je koriŔćen Pertski upitnik aleksitimije preveden na srpski jezik. Upitnik je pokazao odličnu unutraÅ”nju konzistentnost, kao i konvergentnu validnost, izraženu kroz visoku korelaciju sa Toronto skalom za procenu aleksitimije. Dobijena korelacija između dve mere za procenu aleksitimije, kao i između skala za procenu aleksitimije i autističnih odlika, u skladu je sa rezultatima prethodnih inostranih istraživanjantroduction: Alexithymia, as a subclinical phenomenon, and a disorder within the autism spectrum share certain characteristics, one of which is a reduced ability to understand and identify oneā€™s own and othersā€™ emotions, as well as a reduced and qualitatively altered ability to communicate and express these emotions through conversation with others. Aim: Due to the interweaving of alexithymia and autism, the aim of our study was to determine, on the student population, the correlation of two alexithymia assessment scales, the Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), as well as the association between alexithymia and autistic features ā€“ autism in the area of social communication and stereotypic behavior, expressed through the autistic coefficient (AQ). Methods: The sample consisted of 159 students (131 female and 28 male) aged 19 to 36 years. The Toronto Alexithymia Assessment Scale (TAS-20) and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ) were used to assess alexithymia, while the Autism Quotient (AQ) was used to assess autistic features. Results: The results of the study indicate a high correlation between the two instruments for assessing alexithymia (rs = .80, p< .001), with the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire showing better internal consistency (Ī± =.96, compared to Ī± = .86) and indicating a lower percentage of individuals with high levels of alexithymia (5.7% compared to 12.6%). A moderate positive correlation was found between alexithymia and autistic traits (AQ and PAQ: rs= .46, p < .001; AQ and TAS-20: rs = .51, p < .001). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the used Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire for alexithymia has been translated into the Serbian language. The questionnaire demonstrated excellent internal consistency, as well as convergent validity, expressed through a high correlation with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The obtained correlation between the two measures of alexithymia, as well as between alexithymia and AQ, is in line with the results of previous international studies

    Oral cavity protozoa relevant in the practice of dentistry

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    Introduction: Oral cavity is the colonization site of most diverse microorganisms. The homeostasis of oral microbioma is affected by numerous factors. Periodontal diseases occur as a consequence of disturbed oral microbioma homeostasis, when an inflammatory reaction occurs in the periodontal tissue. The impact of parasites on periodontal pathophysiology has not been sufficiently studied, and present and future research should hopefully answer quite a few questions concerning the issue. Aim of the paper: In the light of the present knowledge of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and epidemiology of oral cavity infections caused by Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax, the aim of the paper was review of literature which could to point to the importance of protozoa in the practice of dentistry and to possible oral cavity manifestations of parasitic infections relevant for public health. Conclusion: Dentists have an essential role in the diagnosis of oral diseases caused by oral cavity protozoa, and protozoa relevant for public health that produce systemic infections, the pathological changes of which may manifest in the oral cavity. Their identification represents a challenge and requires multidisciplinary approach for a timely diagnosis and adequate management

    Rapunzel syndrome ā€“ a rare cause of acute pancreatitis: case report

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    Cilj: Osvijestiti o mogućnosti postojanja sindroma Rapunzel u adolescentica s akutnim pankreatitisom. Prikaz slučaja: U hitnu pedijatrijsku ambulantu javila se petnaestogodiÅ”nja djevojka zbog povremenih bolova u gornjem dijelu abdomena koji su se intenzivirali par dana pred dolazak. Prilikom fizikalnog pregleda nađena je u epigastriju i lijevom hipohondriju bolna rezistencija veličine otprilike 10 cm u promjeru. Opsežnom laboratorijskom analizom naÅ”le su se poviÅ”ene koncentracije enzima guÅ”terače te se postavila dijagnoza akutnog pankreatitisa. Daljnjom obradom indicirala se gastroskopija kojom se prikazala masa kose na ulazu u želudac. Kompjutoriziranom tomografijom uočilo se da ona seže sve do bulbusa duodenuma. Nakon provedenog konzervativnog liječenja pankreatitisa abdominalni bolovi su regredirali, doÅ”lo je do normalizacije enzima guÅ”terače te je bilo indicirano operativno liječenje. Učinila se eksplorativna laparotomija i gastrotomija. Ekstirpirao se trihobezoar težine 1 kg i dužine 25 cm oblika odljeva lumena želuca i početnog dijela duodenuma. Postavila se dijagnoza sindroma Rapunzel. Dječji psihijatar potvrdio je prisutnu trihotilomaniju i trihofagiju te se djevojku uključilo u psihoterapijski tretman. Zaključak: Sindrom Rapunzel vrlo je rijetko stanje, ali treba biti uključeno u diferencijalnu dijagnozu akutnog pankreatitisa u adolescenata. Specifični simptomi trihotilomanije i trihofagije u kombinaciji s nespecifičnim simptomima, poput dugotrajnog bola u abdomenu, trebali bi pobuditi sumnju na razvoj trihobezoara.Aim: To raise awareness about the existence of Rapunzel syndrome in female adolescents with acute pancreatitis. Case report: A 15-year-old girl came to the emergency pediatric clinic due to the occasional pain in the upper abdomen, which had intensified a few days before her arrival. During physical examination, a painful resistance of approximately 10 cm in diameter was palpated in the epigastrium and the right hypochondrium. Extensive laboratory analysis revealed raised concentrations of pancreatic enzymes so a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis was made. Further examination indicated gastroscopy, which showed a mass of hair at the entrance to the stomach. Computed tomography revealed that the mass reached all the way to the duodenal bulbus. After the conservative treatment of pancreatitis, the abdominal pain regresses and the pancreatic enzymes returned to normal so the operative treatment was indicated. Exploratory laparotomy and gastrotomy were performed. A kilogram heavy and 25 cm long trichobezoar in the shape of the gastric lumen and the initial part of the duodenum were exploited. Rapunzel syndrome was diagnosed. The child psychiatrist confirmed the presence of trichotillomania and trichophagia, so the girl was referred to the psychotherapy treatment. Conclusion: Rapunzel syndrome is a very rare condition but should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in adolescents. Specific symptoms of trichotillomania and trichophagia in combination with non-specific symptoms such as prolonged abdominal pain should raise the suspicion of the development of trichobezoars
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