72 research outputs found

    Inn på tunet. Nasjonal og regional organisering. Gårdbrukerens økonomi og erfaring

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    Inn på tunet er tilrettelagte tilbud på gårdsbruk, rettet mot enkeltmennesker og/eller grupper. Målsettingen med Inn på tunet er primært å bidra positivt til helse, utvikling og trivsel for den enkelte bruker. Tilbudene bygger på samarbeid med oppvekst-, utdannings-, helse- eller sosialsektoren, og omfatter aktiviteter som bygger på både gårdens og bondens ressurser. Gårdbrukeren er direkte involvert i tilbudet, enten som leder eller i en assisterende rolle. Gårdsmiljøet åpner for mange muligheter for aktiviteter, der stell av dyr og planter, drift av skogen og pleie av kulturlandskapet, vedlikehold av maskiner og bygningsmasse utgjør aktivitetsgrunnlaget. Men det er også en rekke muligheter som ikke nødvendigvis har noe direkte med gårdsdriften å gjøre. Det kan være aktiviteter som snekring, husflid, baking og produksjon av ulike produkter - for eksempel ved. Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning (NILF) har undersøkt Inn på tunet (IPT) gjennom en telefonundersøkelse og økonomiundersøkelse blant tjenesteytere. Telefonundersøkelsen hentet erfaringer fra alle fylker, hvor vi tok for oss omfang og daglig drift av IPT fra Fylkesmannens Landbruksavdeling (FMLA) sin side. Økonomiundersøkelsen av IPT-aktiviteten omfattet åtte gårdsbruk for regnskapsåret 2005. Her kartla vi inntekter, kostnader, investeringer og arbeidsforbruk i forbindelse med IPT. Gårdene ble plukket ut i Møre og Romsdal, Sør- og Nord-Trøndelag Seks av gårdsbrukene ble i tillegg intervjuet om IPT-aktiviteten. Intervjuene omfattet motiver for oppstart, erfaringer fra etablering og drift, og gårdbrukerens egen vurdering av aktiviteten. Gårdene vi har undersøkt har tilbud rettet både mot skole/utdanning og mot psykisk helse. […]publishedVersio

    Toxic and essential trace elements in human primary teeth: A baseline study within The MoBaTooth Biobank and The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

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    The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) includes a nation-wide collection of deciduous teeth located in the MoBaTooth biobank. The aim of the present study is to create a baseline for early-life metal exposure using dentine biomarkers. Deciduous teeth were collected in the MoBaTooth biobank, a sub-study of the MoBa-study. This study uses 94 primary teeth from children with no known medical conditions at the age of 6 months, a normal birth weight (2500-4500g) and an equal number of teeth shed between 2008-2013 and 2014-2019. A total of 48 girls and 46 boys are included to create a baseline to characterise retrospective exposure to toxicants during multiple early-life developmental periods. Estimates of weekly prenatal and postnatal exposure to 18 metals by measuring dentine concentrations have been made using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Temporal trends in dentine levels differed from metal to metal. Girls had higher postnatal dentine levels of Mn and Zn, compared to boys (p = 0.020 for postnatal Mn-levels, and p = 0.011 for postnatal Zn-levels). Deciduous teeth provide retrospective information on the intensity and timing of early-life metal exposure at weekly temporal resolution. Creating a baseline, future studies can use outcomes of conditions and illness in children in case-control-studies aiming at prevention. Using deciduous teeth, a novel noninvasive biomarker, characterising early-life exposure to 18 metals in approximately weekly increments during sensitive developmental periods extending from the second trimester to 4 months postnatally has been performed.publishedVersio

    Saueholdet i Norge – utvikling, politikk og virkemidler

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    Associations between adverse childhood experiences and adversities later in life. Survey data from a high-risk Norwegian sample

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    Background: A history of childhood abuse and neglect (CAN) is associated with exposure to later negative life events. CAN at an early age, multiple cooccurring exposures (cumulative events), and a high severity and frequency of exposure have potential detrimental long-term effects. Objective: The present study examines the relationship between the severity of CAN and the prevalence of school difficulties and hardship at school, adult adversity and mental health. Participants and Settings: Participants were recruited from in- and out patient mental health or substance abuse treatment facilities, child protective services (CPS),and prisons (N=809, age range = 13–66, mean age= 27.62,SD=10.47). Methods: Exposure to childhood maltreatment was assessed by the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short Form (CTQ-SF). After adjusting for gender and age, we conducted a risk ratio regression analysis to investigate associations between severity of child abuse and neglect and hardship at school, adult adversity and adult mental health. Results: The moderate and severe level groups of CAN had statistically significant higher risk ratios for experiences of school difficulties, hardship at school, adult adversity and mental health problems. A robust dose-response was found between severity levels. Conclusion: At an individual level the findings highlight the association between exposure to abuse and adult adversity, underscoring the importance of targeting individuals with high risk of exposure to CAN to reduce the negative long-term risk for Polyvictimization.publishedVersio

    Verdiskaping og sysselsetting i tilleggsnæring i Trøndelag

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    Hovedmål for dette prosjektet har vært å finne den økonomiske verdiskapingen og sysselsettingen i tilleggsnæringer i trøndelagsfylkene. Målet har også vært å se på hvilke driftsformer innen tilleggsnæringer som er av størst økonomisk betydning, og hvilke driftsformer som har hatt størst vekst de seinere årene. Dessuten har det vært av interesse å gi en oversikt over omfanget av annen næring og lønnsinntekter til brukerfamilier som driver med tilleggsnæringer. Tilleggsnæring er næringsvirksomhet der en foredler brukets produkter, eller benytter gårdsbrukets ressurser, som areal, maskiner, bygninger med mer, utover tradisjonelt landbruk. Bakgrunnen for prosjektet ligger for en stor del i fylkesmennenes behov for underlagsmateriale for å koordinere utformingen av regionale strategier for landbruksrelatert næringsutvikling. Vår intensjon har vært at resultatene fra prosjektet skal være av betydning som beslutningsstøtte i den sammenheng. Data fra NILFs driftsgranskinger viser at det er liten eller ingen sammenheng mellom driftsoverskudd i jordbruket og driftsoverskudd i tilleggsnæring. Dette er bekreftet av andre undersøkelser. Fra driftsgranskingene vet vi også at det er betydelige forskjeller mellom landsdeler når det gjelder andelen av bruk med tilleggsnæringer. Mens tilleggsnæringsdata fra driftsgranskingene var kjent, var det usikkerhet omkring tilleggsnæringer på bruk utenfor driftsgranskingenes utvalgsgrunnlag, og for tilleggsnæringer til eiendommer med skog uten jordbruksdrift. Kjente data var utilstrekkelige for de beregningene trøndelagsfylkene hadde behov for. Det ble derfor gjennomført en intervjuundersøkelse blant brukere på mindre bruk i Trøndelag. Vi har også brukt data fra en tilsvarende undersøkelse NILF har gjennomført for hele landet. Når det gjelder skogeiendommer uten jordbruksdrift har SSB gjennomført en undersøkelse som vi har benyttet tilrettelagt materiale fra. […]publishedVersio

    Impact of previous disease-modifying treatment on safety and efficacy in patients with MS treated with AHSCT

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    Background Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a highly effective treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). The impact of previous long-lasting disease-modifying treatments (DMT) for safety and efficacy of AHSCT is unknown. Objective To explore whether previous DMTs with long-lasting effects on the immune system (anti-CD20 therapy, alemtuzumab and cladribine) affect treatment-related complications, long-term outcome and risk of new MS disease activity in patients treated with AHSCT. Methods Retrospective observational study of 104 relapsing remitting patients with MS treated by AHSCT in Sweden and Norway from 2011 to 2021, grouped according to the last DMT used ≤6 months prior to AHSCT. The primary outcomes were early AHSCT-related complications (mortality, neutropenic fever and hospitalisation length), long-term complications (secondary autoimmunity) and proportion of patients with No Evidence of Disease Activity (NEDA-3 status): no new relapses, no MRI activity and no disease progression during the follow-up. Results The mean follow-up time was 39.5 months (range 1–95). Neutropenic fever was a common AHSCT-related complication affecting 69 (66%) patients. There was no treatment-related mortality. During the follow-up period, 20 patients (19%) were diagnosed with autoimmunity. Occurrence of neutropenic fever, hospitalisation length or secondary autoimmunity did not vary dependent on the last DMT used prior to AHSCT. A total of 84 patients (81%) achieved NEDA-3 status, including all patients (100%) using rituximab, alemtuzumab or cladribine before AHSCT. Conclusion This study provides level 4 evidence that AHSCT in patients previously treated with alemtuzumab, cladribine or rituximab is safe and efficacious.publishedVersio

    Forprosjekt Tilleggsnæringer – avklaring av driftsgranskingenes representativitet for mindre bruk

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    Fra 2001-2004 gikk nær en femdel av antallet bruk i 2001 ut av tilskuddsregisteret hos Statens landbruksforvaltning (SLF). Brukene var små, og avgangen størst innen driftsformer med relativt lav andel av tilleggsnæringer. Samlet arbeidsinnsats i tilleggsnæringer gikk mye ned på landsbasis. I følge driftsgranskingene øker tilleggsnæringer på de gjenværende driftsenhetene så mye at den samlede verdiskapingen likevel mest sannsynlig øker. I landbrukspolitikken har det de seinere årene blitt lagt vekt på å stimulere til ny næringsvirksomhet relatert til landbruksressursene. Gjennom blant annet bygdeutviklingsmidler er det gitt betydelig bidrag til annen virksomhet enn tradisjonelt jordbruk. Gjennom en del datakilder har vi noe kunnskap om omfang og resultater av disse tilleggsnæringene, men det er betydelig interesse for å øke kunnskapen om dette. Et hovedmål for dette prosjektet har vært å avklare om driftsgranskingene er representative også for de brukene som har for liten økonomisk aktivitet til å komme med i utvalgsgrunnlaget for driftsgranskingene. Et annet mål har vært å avklare forekomst og betydning av tilleggsnæringer på bebodde landbrukseiendommer som ikke er med i tilskuddsstatistikken til SLF. Det har også vært et mål å vurdere i hvilken grad driftsgranskingene er egnet som utgangspunkt for en statistikk for tilleggsnæringer, og å vurdere hvilke andre kilder vi kan hente data fra til en slik statistikk. […]publishedVersio

    Study protocol: the Norwegian Triple-S Cohort Study - establishing a longitudinal health survey of children and adolescents with experiences of maltreatment

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    Background Child maltreatment is prevalent and associated with both short- and long-term health problems. Previous studies have established child maltreatment as a risk factor for a wide range of problems over the life course such as mental- and somatic health problems, self-harm, alcohol- and drug abuse and decreased work-life participation. Still, there are few large and well-conducted longitudinal studies focusing on describing prevalence and identifying risk factors and long-term consequences of child maltreatment. The purpose of the current study is to recruit a large number of children and adolescents exposed to maltreatment and follow them long-term. Methods/design The current study is a longitudinal cohort study and will use a multi-informant design (child/adolescent, caregiver, and administrative data). Participants will be recruited from the Stine Sofie Centre (SSC), a learning and coping centre for children and adolescents (≤18 years) exposed to maltreatment, which includes physical and emotional abuse, neglect and/or sexual abuse. Questionnaire-based assessments from self-reports (as well as parent-reports) will be carried out at regular time intervals throughout their lives, on topics such as abuse, negative life events, mental and somatic health problems, resilience and coping, satisfaction with health services, social-, family-, and school function, as well as self-harm and substance abuse. Participants will be assessed upon entry to the centre and followed up annually until they reach 18 years and bi-annually after. Given written consent, participants’ responses will be linked to relevant national registries in order to examine predictive factors and important outcomes in terms of subsequent health, education, criminal records and work affiliation. Discussion This study will examine short- and long-term consequences of child maltreatment across a range of health-related outcomes in a longitudinal perspective. Results from the current study might have implications for the development of preventive and intervention programs related to child maltreatment and the organization and follow-up of the services these children receive. The current study will hopefully contribute with knowledge of risk-factors, short- and long-term health-related and other issues that can contribute to practices aimed at improving the overall life-course for children and adolescents who have experienced childhood maltreatment.publishedVersio

    Wear and Migration of Highly Cross-Linked and Conventional Cemented Polyethylene Cups with Cobalt Chrome or Oxinium Femoral Heads: A Randomized Radiostereometric Study of 150 Patients

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    ABSTRACT: This randomized study was performed to compare wear and migration of five different cemented total hip joint articulations in 150 patients. The patients received either a Charnley femoral stem with a 22.2 mm head or a Spectron EF femoral stem with a 28 mm head. The Charnley articulated with a g-sterilized Charnley Ogee acetabular cup. The Spectron EF was used with either EtOsterilized non-cross-linked polyethylene (Reflection All-Poly) or highly cross-linked (Reflection All-Poly XLPE) cups, combined with either cobalt chrome (CoCr) or Oxinium femoral heads. The patients were followed with repeated RSA measurements for 2 years. After 2 years, the EtO-sterilized non-cross-linked Reflection All-Poly cups had more than four times higher proximal penetration than its highly cross-linked counterpart. Use of Oxinium femoral heads did not affect penetration at 2 years compared to heads made of CoCr. Further follow-up is needed to evaluate the benefits, if any, of Oxinium femoral heads in the clinical setting. The Charnley Ogee was not outperformed by the more recently introduced implants in our study. We conclude that this prostheses still represents a standard against which new implants can be measured. Osteolysis induced by wear debris of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is considered the most common cause for failure of total hip arthroplasties (THA). 1 Sterilization technique and UHMWPE quality are related to wear. 2 Sterilization with gamma irradiation in air breaks the polymer chains and generates free radicals. Free radicals may combine with each other creating cross-links between adjacent molecules, which reduces abrasive wear. However, they entail the disadvantage of oxidative degradation of polyethylene (PE) when exposed to the body's oxidative environment, which may lead to deterioration of mechanical properties. 3 To address the problem, sterilization methods in inert environments with ethylene oxide (EtO) or gas plasma were introduced. However, these methods do not have the benefits of cross-linking, and an earlier report showed increase in early in vivo wear after EtO sterilization. 4 Highly cross-linked polyethylenes (HXLPE) provides a considerable reduction of wear compared to conventional polyethylene (PE). Concerns of PE wear have also been addressed by introducing alternative femoral head materials. Oxidized zirconium (Oxinium, Smith & Nephew) was introduced in the last decade for use in THA. Radiostereometric analysis (RSA) enables in vivo measurement of relative 3D motion in the range of 0.1 mm and 0.058. Due to its accuracy, few patients are needed to obtain satisfactory statistical power. With RSA the degree of migration during the first years after surgery correlates with the implant's longterm performance. We wanted to evaluate wear and migration patterns of the cemented highly cross-linked Reflection All-Poly XLPE cup and its non-irradiated counterpart, the cemented Reflection All-Poly cup, when articulating with either Oxinium or traditional cobalt chrome (CoCr) femoral heads (Smith & Nephew). Our null hypothesis was that wear and migration were equal to the Charnley Ogee prostheses (DePuy Intl

    Secretoneurin Is an Endogenous Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Inhibitor That Attenuates Ca2+-Dependent Arrhythmia

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    BACKGROUND: Circulating SN (secretoneurin) concentrations are increased in patients with myocardial dysfunction and predict poor outcome. Because SN inhibits CaMKII delta (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta) activity, we hypothesized that upregulation of SN in patients protects against cardiomyocyte mechanisms of arrhythmia. METHODS: Circulating levels of SN and other biomarkers were assessed in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT; n=8) and in resuscitated patients after ventricular arrhythmia-induced cardiac arrest (n=155). In vivo effects of SN were investigated in CPVT mice (RyR2 [ryanodine receptor 2]-R2474S) using adeno-associated virus-9-induced overexpression. Interactions between SN and CaMKII delta were mapped using pull-down experiments, mutagenesis, ELISA, and structural homology modeling. Ex vivo actions were tested in Langendorff hearts and effects on Ca2+ homeostasis examined by fluorescence (fluo-4) and patchclamp recordings in isolated cardiomyocytes. RESULTS: SN levels were elevated in patients with CPVT and following ventricular arrhythmia-induced cardiac arrest. In contrast to NT-proBNP (N-terminal proB- type natriuretic peptide) and hs-TnT (high-sensitivity troponin T), circulating SN levels declined after resuscitation, as the risk of a new arrhythmia waned. Myocardial pro-SN expression was also increased in CPVT mice, and further adeno-associated virus-9-induced overexpression of SN attenuated arrhythmic induction during stress testing with isoproterenol. Mechanistic studies mapped SN binding to the substrate binding site in the catalytic region of CaMKII delta. Accordingly, SN attenuated isoproterenol induced autophosphorylation of Thr287-CaMKII delta in Langendorff hearts and inhibited CaMKII delta-dependent RyR phosphorylation. In line with CaMKII delta and RyR inhibition, SN treatment decreased Ca2+ spark frequency and dimensions in cardiomyocytes during isoproterenol challenge, and reduced the incidence of Ca2+ waves, delayed afterdepolarizations, and spontaneous action potentials. SN treatment also lowered the incidence of early afterdepolarizations during isoproterenol; an effect paralleled by reduced magnitude of L-type Ca2+ current. CONCLUSIONS: SN production is upregulated in conditions with cardiomyocyte Ca2+ dysregulation and offers compensatory protection against cardiomyocyte mechanisms of arrhythmia, which may underlie its putative use as a biomarker in at-risk patients.Peer reviewe