22 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Kambing Silangan (Anglo-Nubian dan Peranakan Ettawah) yang Diberi Konsentrat dengan Level Protein dan Energi Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja pertumbuhan kambing silangan Anglo-Nubian dan Peranakan Ettawah (NE) yang diberi konsentrat dengan level protein dan energi berbeda. Sebanyak 24 ekor kambing perah NE jantan muda dibagi tiga kelompok berdasarkan bobot badan. Percobaan dirancang secara acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan dan delapan ulangan. Tiga macam konsentrat diformulasi untuk mendapatkan K1 = 15% PK + 2,6 Mkal/kg EM, K2 = 16% PK + 2,8 Mkal/kg EM dan K3 = 17% PK + 3,0 Mkal/kg EM, dengan rasio PK/EM sama. Bobot badan awal kambing adalah 14,40±2,99 kg/ekor. Pakan dasar yang diberikan adalah rumput Raja segar ad libitum, 500-800 g/ekor/hari campuran legum segar dan konsentrat sebanyak 2% BB. Percobaan dilakukan selama 16 minggu. Hasil pengamatan ternyata perlakuan konsentrat yang berbeda level protein dan energi dengan rasio sama, mempengaruhi (P0,05) konsumsi harian BK legum, UIP, DIP, SDA, Ca dan P. Perlakuan konsentrat tidak mempengaruhi (P0,05) kinerja pertumbuhan (PBBH, RKP), kecernaan nutrien dan IOFC. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja pertumbuhan kambing NE jantan muda tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan konsentrat dengan level protein dan energi berbeda

    A genome-wide resource for the analysis of protein localisation in Drosophila

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    The Drosophila genome contains >13000 protein-coding genes, the majority of which remain poorly investigated. Important reasons include the lack of antibodies or reporter constructs to visualise these proteins. Here, we present a genome-wide fosmid library of 10000 GFP-tagged clones, comprising tagged genes and most of their regulatory information. For 880 tagged proteins, we created transgenic lines, and for a total of 207 lines, we assessed protein expression and localisation in ovaries, embryos, pupae or adults by stainings and live imaging approaches. Importantly, we visualised many proteins at endogenous expression levels and found a large fraction of them localising to subcellular compartments. By applying genetic complementation tests, we estimate that about two-thirds of the tagged proteins are functional. Moreover, these tagged proteins enable interaction proteomics from developing pupae and adult flies. Taken together, this resource will boost systematic analysis of protein expression and localisation in various cellular and developmental contexts

    Targeting DNA Damage Response and Replication Stress in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Background and aims: Continuing recalcitrance to therapy cements pancreatic cancer (PC) as the most lethal malignancy, which is set to become the second leading cause of cancer death in our society. The study aim was to investigate the association between DNA damage response (DDR), replication stress and novel therapeutic response in PC to develop a biomarker driven therapeutic strategy targeting DDR and replication stress in PC. Methods: We interrogated the transcriptome, genome, proteome and functional characteristics of 61 novel PC patient-derived cell lines to define novel therapeutic strategies targeting DDR and replication stress. Validation was done in patient derived xenografts and human PC organoids. Results: Patient-derived cell lines faithfully recapitulate the epithelial component of pancreatic tumors including previously described molecular subtypes. Biomarkers of DDR deficiency, including a novel signature of homologous recombination deficiency, co-segregates with response to platinum (P < 0.001) and PARP inhibitor therapy (P < 0.001) in vitro and in vivo. We generated a novel signature of replication stress with which predicts response to ATR (P < 0.018) and WEE1 inhibitor (P < 0.029) treatment in both cell lines and human PC organoids. Replication stress was enriched in the squamous subtype of PC (P < 0.001) but not associated with DDR deficiency. Conclusions: Replication stress and DDR deficiency are independent of each other, creating opportunities for therapy in DDR proficient PC, and post-platinum therapy

    Pemanfaatan Kacang Kedelai sebagai Pengganti Kuning Telur di dalam Bahan Pengencer untuk Kriopreservasi Spermatozoa Hewan

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    The extenders commonly used for cryopreservation of spermatozoa are based on animal products such as egg yolk. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, phospholipid and low density protein which prevent the formation of ice crystals and protect the integrity of plasma membrane during cryopreservation process. Furthermore, egg yolk increased the risk of microbial contamination and related to the possible transmission of zoonotic agents. Soybeans are the products of vegetable protein is often used as an emulsifier in the production of food for humans and serves as a protection from the cold shock as well as low density protein in egg yolk. Several studies reported that soybean extenders for cryopreservation of spermatozoa produce the same quality or even better than the egg yolk based extenders and the optimal concentration of soy bean in the extenders forcryopreservation of spermatozoa at 0.8-1.5%

    ruminal fermentation and blood metabolites of growing goats fed ensiled Indigofera arrecta in complete diets

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    The study aimed to investigate the effects of offering different levels of ensiled or fresh Indigofera arrecta in completete diets on the feed consumption, ADG, ruminal fermentation characteristics and blood metabolites concentrations in growing goats. The I. arrecta/concentrate ratios of the complete diets were set at 85/100,75/100 and 65/100. Thirty weaned-male goats were used in the study, and were randomly allocated to one of the six treatments (5 heads per treatment). The diets were offered at 4% BW and the animals were weighed weekly. The study was arranged as a completed randomized design. Feed intake, average daily gain, feed efficiecy ratio, ruminal fermentation (pH, NH3 and VFA characteristics and blod metabolites (glucose and urea) were analysed. Feed intake of goats receiving ensiled Indigofera arrecta were lower (P 0.01) when goats were fed diets with lower level inclusion of Indigofera arrecta. Efficiency of feed utilization decreased (P 0.01) by the inclusion level of I. arrecta in the diets. Ruminal pH was not affected by ensiling process, but ruminal NH3 concentrations were greater (P 0.05) when diets consisted of 65% Indigofera arrecta in the complete diets. Increased rate of Indigofera arrecta inclusion in the diets resulted in lower (P 0.05), however, the plasma glucose level decreased (P < 0.05) as the level of I. arrecta inclusion in diets increased. It is concluded that I. arrecta could be used as the sole fresh or ensiled foliage in complete diets, although the performances of goats were better when fresh I. arrecta was offered. The level of I. arrecta inclusion in complete diets was recommended at not greater than 65%

    Effect of different protein and energy levels in concentrate diets on nutrient intake and milk yield of Saanen x Etawah Grade goats

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    Dairy goat contributes to food and nutrition security. However, information on nutrient consumption and milk yield, as well as milk composition of Saanen x Etawah (SAPERA) grade goat is limited. This experiment was done to evaluated nutrient intake, milk yield and its composition of lactating SAPERA goats fed with different levels of dietary energy and protein in concentrate diet. Thirty multiparous SAPERA goats were used in a randomized block design with three treatments (R1, R2 and R3) and ten replications for 12 weeks of lactation. The concentrate diets were formulated to contain: 18% CP and 72% TDN (R1), 17% CP and 75% TDN (R2), 16% CP and 78% TDN (R3). Those does were penned individually, and fed by basal diet (fresh chopped King Grass ad libitum, 500 g of fresh mixed forages) and 1 kg of experimental concentrate. Results showed that the treatments had significant (P0.05) effects on CP, DIP, Ca, P intakes and FCR but had no significant (P0.05) effects on DM and TDN intake. No significant differences were found in milk yield and milk composition between treatments. In conclusion, this trial suggested that the best feed for lactating SAPERA goats was the mixture of chopped grasses, mixed forages and concentrate diets (16% CP and 78% TDN) with 160 g/kg CP and 750 g/kg TDN of the total DM, produced a milk of 1.55 kg/d with 90 g/day of milk fat, 43 g/day of milk protein and 75 g/day of milk lactose

    Productivity and Nutritive Value of Mutant Benggala Grass (Panicum maximum cv Purple Guinea) in the Saline Soil of Coastal Area in Lebak-Banten Province

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    The coastal region of Lebak-Banten is an area with a relatively high population of buffalo. The forage requirement has relied on existing forage with low productivity and quality. The study aimed to investigate the physiological, morphological, and nutritional response of mutant benggala grass in the coastal area and to develop salt-tolerant forage crops with high productivity and nutritive value for livestock. The research was conducted in the Binuangeun coastal area, Muara Village, Wanasalam District, Lebak Regency, located at 6°50’34.4”S and 105°53’23.4”E. This study used a completely randomized block design with a factorial arrangement with 5 replications. The first factor consisted of 4 benggala grass mutants: mutant 12, 18, 36, 56, and a control. The second factor was the location or distance of the planting plots from the coastline (FC), consisting of L1: 50 m FC, L2: 75 m FC, L3: 100 m FC, and L4: 500 m FC, representative of low, moderate, and high salinity levels, and no saline. Observations were made during the dry and rainy seasons. The results showed that mutants 12 and 36 had higher fresh forage production during the rainy season, while mutant 36 had the highest forage production at the L1 location (high salinity conditions) during the dry season. Mutant 12 had higher crude protein values at the L2 location (moderate salinity) than the other mutants and locations (salinity levels) during the dry season. Meanwhile, mutant 18 at the L2 location (moderate salinity) had the highest crude protein value during the rainy season. In addition, mutant 12 had a high proline value at the L1 location (high salinity stress) as a plant adaptation response to salinity stress. The study suggests that mutants 12 and 36 have great potential to be developed into new salt-tolerant forage crop cultivars and can be grown in coastal areas of Lebak-Banten