46 research outputs found

    Business Cards Generator

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    Vizitky jsou i dnes důležitou součástí komunikace. Použití vizitky je jednoduchý způsob pro sdílení základních kontaktních informací. V této práci jsou popsané základní vlastnosti vizitek. Dále se práce zabývá tvorbou webové aplikace pro generování vizitek. Výsledkem aplikace je PDF soubor s navrženýma vizitkami.Even nowadays, business cards are a very important part of communication. Using business cards is an easy way to share basic contact information. In this thesis the elementary properties of business cards are described. The thesis deals with the creation of a Web application for generating business cards. The result of the application is a PDF file with designed business cards.

    Regulatory Overhaul of the OTC Derivatives Market: The Costs, Risks and Politics

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    Epistemic Violence in Beowulf

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    Throughout the more than two centuries of scholarship on Beowulf scholars have engaged in a consistent controversy in interpretation revolving around the issue of Christian versus pre-Christian content in the poem. While scholars largely agree that the understanding of the poem depends on understanding this content, scholars still widely disagree on what that understanding should be. The history of this problem is summarized, moving from viewing the poem as primarily pre-Christian, to general agreement that it is primarily Christian, to the current climate of viewing the text as hybridization. The thesis then proposes that, following the theories of Michel Foucault and Gayatri Spivak, the poem is best understood when the presence of Christianity is seen as epistemic violence: the erasure of one episteme by the invasion of another episteme, as part of an exercise of social power

    A Study of the Women of Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson: A Teiresian Vision

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    Impact of Advanced Access Scheduling on Missed Appointment Rates in Primary Care

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    A major problem encountered within outpatient physician offices are missed appointments. Missed appointment research revealed how no-show rates remain a focus for healthcare administrators as decreasing no-show rates may reverse harmful health consequences. The purpose of this study, which also addressed the research gap, was to determine if there was an association between advanced access scheduling and no-show rates for patients scheduled with preferred primary care physicians versus nonpreferred primary care physicians. The health belief model was the conceptual framework as missing a prescheduled appointment is a health behavior. The 1st and 2nd research questions examined whether there was a statistically significant mean proportion difference between the national no-show rate and the study no-show rates. The 3rd research question examined the association between the preferred and nonpreferred primary care physicians and no-show visit status. Historic primary care prescheduled visit data were electronically obtained for patients over the age of 18. Utilizing SPSS software, 4,815 visits were analyzed using z test of proportion and Chi Square test for association. Study results demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the national no-show rate and this study and a significant association between physician type and visit status. Results indicated the potential for improved appointment compliance if patients are scheduled with their preferred primary care physician. This study may promote positive social change by providing healthcare administrators with an understanding of the significance surrounding advanced access scheduling and patient no-show behaviors, thus decreasing missed appointment rates in primary care

    Matching The International Federation Of Accountants International Education Guideline 11 To AIS Textbooks: An Examination Of The Current State Of Topic Coverage

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    The challenges for professors teaching the AIS course are numerous as the breadth of information technology [IT] topics to be covered continues to expand, leaving the question of which topics are of most importance. For the majority of AIS professors, the AIS text is the primary guide on these decisions. This paper reviews the contents of eleven well-regarded AIS texts through the framework of the IT knowledge components suggested by the International Federation of Accountants [IFAC]. The findings suggest that current AIS texts are addressing many of the IFAC broad areas of knowledge, although with varying emphasis on selected topics. The analysis presented here will be useful in determining not only which text may best fit the AIS professors needs, but also in identifying when supplemental materials may be required to provide additional topic coverage

    Design of a System for Precise Localization Services

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bolo analyzovať bezdrôtovú lokalizáciu v interiéri. Analyzované sú niektoré technológie bezdrôtovej lokalizácie ako Time of Arrival alebo Time Difference of Arrival. V práci je taktiež popísaný systém spoločnosti SEWIO. Hlavnou časťou je popis, návrh a implementácia Kalmanovho filtra. Kalmanov filter je použitý na vylepšenie dvojrozmerných pozičných dát a pri synchronizácii kotiev (zariadenia na určenie polohy objektu v systéme SEWIO). Je popísaných niekoľko systémových modelov pre Kalmanov filter.The aim of this term project was to analyze wireless indoor localization. It contains analysis of some wireless localization techniques such as Time of Arrival or Time Difference of Arrival. The paper also describes the system of SEWIO Company. Main part of the master’s thesis is description, design and implementation of the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is used to improve two-dimensional positional data and synchronization of anchors (devices for finding a position of an object in SEWIO system). There are described a few system models for the Kalman filter.

    Identifying the role of selection in the expression of aggressive phenotypes in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia

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    Evolutionary theory predicts that selection should minimize variation inbehavioral traits if they are associated with reproductive success. Yet, some behavioraltraits, such as territorial aggression, show high levels of variation. Selection may play arole in maintaining this variation, if individuals with differing aggressive phenotypes usealternative tactics to obtain similar reproductive success. In this study, we examined therole of selection in the maintenance of individual variation by measuring the fitnessconsequences of territorial aggression in an urban population of song sparrows,Melospiza melodia. Song sparrows are socially, but not genetically monogamous due tothe presence of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs). We tested the hypothesis that aggressivemale song sparrows would not achieve greater annual reproductive success thanunaggressive males due to trade-offs associated with aggressive phenotypes. Wepredicted: 1) that aggression would show a positive relationship with nest productivity,but that aggressive males would face a trade-off between the energy required to defendhigh quality territories and paternal investment in nestling growth; and 2) that aggressivemales would be more likely to seek or obtain extrapair fertilizations, but that they wouldface a trade-off between seeking extrapair fertilizations and losing paternity in their social nests. We did not uncover a relationship between aggression and annual reproductivesuccess or nest productivity, but we did find a significant, positive relationship betweenaggression and nestling growth rate. Nestling growth rates have been shown to affectboth the recruitment and reproductive success of offspring, and thus, aggressive malesong sparrows could achieve greater fitness by producing more successful offspring thanunaggressive males. Our study indicates that aggressive male phenotypes may be favoredvia selection on their offspring that acts well after fledging and emphasizes theimportance of examining multiple components of reproductive success when investingthe role of selection in maintaining individual variation in behavioral traits

    Geology of the historical Bodrogköz

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    Abstract The Bodrogköz is predominantly a flat area surrounded by the rivers Tisza, Bodrog and Latorica. The Hungarian-Slovakian border cuts it into two parts; consequently, the geologic data in the two countries are different in terms of scale and in approach. The authors harmonized the different data on the two sides and created a unified geologic database for the entire area. The Bodrogköz is part of the depression at the northeastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain. It is covered mostly by Quaternary formations but in the Slovakian part there are smaller outcrops of Permian formations and Miocene volcanics