1,323 research outputs found

    Discovery of Seven Companions To Intermediate-Mass Stars With Extreme Mass Ratios in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association

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    We report the detection of seven low-mass companions to intermediate-mass stars (SpT B/A/F; M similar to 1.5-4.5M(circle dot)) in the Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) Association using nonredundant aperture masking interferometry. Our newly detected objects have contrasts Delta L' approximate to 4-6, corresponding to masses as low as similar to 20 M-Jup and mass ratios of q approximate to 0.01-0.08, depending on the assumed age of the target stars. With projected separations rho approximate to 10-30 AU, our aperture masking detections sample an orbital region previously unprobed by conventional adaptive optics imaging of intermediate-mass Sco-Cen stars covering much larger orbital radii (similar to 30-3000 AU). At such orbital separations, these objects resemble higher-mass versions of the directly imaged planetary mass companions to the 10-30 Myr, intermediate-mass stars HR 8799, beta Pictoris, and HD 95086. These newly discovered companions span the brown dwarf desert, and their masses and orbital radii provide a new constraint on models of the Formation of low-mass stellar and substellar companions to intermediate-mass stars.NASA through the Sagan Fellowship ProgramNSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship AST-1203023Clay FellowshipNASA through Hubble Fellowship 51257.01AURA, Inc., for NASA NAS 5-26555W. M. Keck FoundationAstronom

    Kepler-445, Kepler-446 And The Occurrence Of Compact Multiples Orbiting Mid-M Dwarf Stars

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    We confirm and characterize the exoplanetary systems Kepler-445 and Kepler-446: two mid-M dwarf stars, each with multiple, small, short-period transiting planets. Kepler-445 is a metal-rich ([ Fe/H] = + 0.25 0.10) M4 dwarf with three transiting planets, and Kepler-446 is a metal-poor ([ Fe/H] = -0.30 0.10) M4 dwarf also with three transiting planets. Kepler-445c is similar toGJ 1214b: both in planetary radius and the properties of the host star. The Kepler-446 system is similar to the Kepler-42 system: both are metal-poor with large galactic space velocities and three short-period, likely rocky transiting planets that were initially assigned erroneously large planet-to-star radius ratios. We independently determined stellar parameters from spectroscopy and searched for and fitted the transit light curves for the planets, imposing a strict prior on stellar density in order to remove correlations between the fitted impact parameter and planet-to-star radius ratio for short-duration transits. Combining Kepler-445, Kepler-446, and Kepler-42, and isolating all mid-M dwarf stars observed by Kepler with the precision necessary to detect similar systems, we calculate that 21+ 7 -5 % of mid-M dwarf stars host compact multiples ( multiple planets with periods of less than 10 days) for a wide range of metallicities. We suggest that the inferred planet masses for these systems support highly efficient accretion of protoplanetary disk metals by mid-M dwarf protoplanets.NSF DGE1144152, AST-1005313NASA NAS5-26555NASA Office of Space Science NNX13AC07GAstronom

    Pairing in fermionic systems: A quantum information perspective

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    The notion of "paired" fermions is central to important condensed matter phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity. While the concept is widely used and its physical meaning is clear there exists no systematic and mathematical theory of pairing which would allow to unambiguously characterize and systematically detect paired states. We propose a definition of pairing and develop methods for its detection and quantification applicable to current experimental setups. Pairing is shown to be a quantum correlation different from entanglement, giving further understanding in the structure of highly correlated quantum systems. In addition, we will show the resource character of paired states for precision metrology, proving that the BCS states allow phase measurements at the Heisenberg limit.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Differences between Male and Female Welding Students’ Tinkering Self-Efficacy

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    Welding, agricultural mechanics and blue-collar trades have traditionally been perceived to be reserved for males, yet many females in recent years have enrolled in training programs and have entered these careers (England, 2010). In previous research, females have indicated lower levels of tinkering self-efficacy and confidence in mechanics settings (Baker & Krause, 2007). This study examined difference between male and female welding student’s perceptions of welding technology, tinkering self-efficacy, and perceptions of learning welding technology. Students were engaged in designated tinkering activities throughout the semester to promote developing tinkering abilities. Activities included but were not limited to GMAW and SMAW break tests, amperage and wire feed speed tests, utilizing Torchmate CAD software, and soldering copper pipes. Students completed a pre-survey and post-survey for researchers to determine differences in their perceptions of welding technology, tinkering self-efficacy, and perceptions of learning welding technology throughout the semester. The female students consistently indicated lower levels of tinkering self-efficacy in the welding setting compared to their male counterparts. Neither the female nor male welding student’s tinkering self-efficacy increased throughout the semester. We recommend additional research to be conducted to determine the specific factors which increase or decrease an individual’s tinkering self-efficacy. We also recommend educators and industry professionals consider gender stereotypes and be aware that females entering welding careers may potentially have lower tinkering self-efficacy levels compared to their male counterparts

    Non-optimality of unitary operations for dense coding

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    One of the primary goals of information theory is to provide limits on the amount of information it is possible to send through various types of communication channels, and to understand the encoding methods that will allow one to achieve such limits. An early surprise in the study of \textit{quantum} information theory was the discovery of dense coding, which demonstrated that it is possible to achieve higher rates for communicating classical information by transmitting quantum systems, rather than classical ones. To achieve the highest possible rate, the transmitted quantum system must initially be maximally entangled with another that is held by the receiver, and the sender can achieve this rate by encoding her messages with unitary operations. The situation where these two systems are not maximally entangled has been intensively studied in recent years, and to date it has appeared as though unitary encoding might well be optimal in all cases. Indeed, this optimality of unitary operations for quantum communication protocols has been found to hold under far more general conditions, extending well beyond the special case of dense coding. Nonetheless, we here present strong numerical evidence supported by analytical arguments that indicate there exist circumstances under which one can encode strictly more classical information using dense coding with non-unitary, as opposed to unitary, operations.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, comments welcom

    Clean Positive Operator Valued Measures

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    In quantum mechanics the statistics of the outcomes of a measuring apparatus is described by a positive operator valued measure (POVM). A quantum channel transforms POVM's into POVM's, generally irreversibly, thus loosing some of the information retrieved from the measurement. This poses the problem of which POVM's are "undisturbed", namely they are not irreversibly connected to another POVM. We will call such POVM clean. In a sense, the clean POVM's would be "perfect", since they would not have any additional "extrinsical" noise. Quite unexpectedly, it turns out that such cleanness property is largely unrelated to the convex structure of POVM's, and there are clean POVM's that are not extremal and vice-versa. In this paper we solve the cleannes classification problem for number n of outcomes n<=d (d dimension of the Hilbert space), and we provide a a set of either necessary or sufficient conditions for n>d, along with an iff condition for the case of informationally complete POVM's for n=d^2.Comment: Minor changes. amsart 21 pages. Accepted for publication on J. Math. Phy

    Exploring 4D Quantum Hall Physics with a 2D Topological Charge Pump

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    The discovery of topological states of matter has profoundly augmented our understanding of phase transitions in physical systems. Instead of local order parameters, topological phases are described by global topological invariants and are therefore robust against perturbations. A prominent example thereof is the two-dimensional integer quantum Hall effect. It is characterized by the first Chern number which manifests in the quantized Hall response induced by an external electric field. Generalizing the quantum Hall effect to four-dimensional systems leads to the appearance of a novel non-linear Hall response that is quantized as well, but described by a 4D topological invariant - the second Chern number. Here, we report on the first observation of a bulk response with intrinsic 4D topology and the measurement of the associated second Chern number. By implementing a 2D topological charge pump with ultracold bosonic atoms in an angled optical superlattice, we realize a dynamical version of the 4D integer quantum Hall effect. Using a small atom cloud as a local probe, we fully characterize the non-linear response of the system by in-situ imaging and site-resolved band mapping. Our findings pave the way to experimentally probe higher-dimensional quantum Hall systems, where new topological phases with exotic excitations are predicted

    Quantum simulations under translational symmetry

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    We investigate the power of quantum systems for the simulation of Hamiltonian time evolutions on a cubic lattice under the constraint of translational invariance. Given a set of translationally invariant local Hamiltonians and short range interactions we determine time evolutions which can and those that can not be simulated. Whereas for general spin systems no finite universal set of generating interactions is shown to exist, universality turns out to be generic for quadratic bosonic and fermionic nearest-neighbor interactions when supplemented by all translationally invariant on-site Hamiltonians.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, references added, minor change
