200 research outputs found

    Pupil light reflex evoked by light-emitting diode and computer screen: methodology and association with need for recovery in daily life

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    Objectives: Pupil light reflex (PLR) has been widely used as a method for evaluating parasympathetic activity. The first aim of the present study is to develop a PLR measurement using a computer screen set-up and compare its results with the PLR generated by a more conventional setup using light-emitting diode (LED). The parasympathetic nervous system, which is known to control the ‘rest and digest’ response of the human body, is considered to be associated with daily life fatigue. However, only few studies have attempted to test the relationship between self-reported daily fatigue and physiological measurement of the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, the second aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between daily-life fatigue, assessed using the Need for Recovery scale, and parasympathetic activity, as indicated by the PLR parameters. Design: A pilot study was conducted first to develop a PLR measurement set-up using a computer screen. PLRs evoked by light stimuli with different characteristics were recorded to confirm the influence of light intensity, flash duration, and color on the PLRs evoked by the system. In the subsequent experimental study, we recorded the PLR of 25 adult participants to light flashes generated by the screen set-up as well as by a conventional LED set-up. PLR parameters relating to parasympathetic and sympathetic activity were calculated from the pupil responses. We tested the split-half reliability across two consecutive blocks of trials, and the relationships between the parameters of PLRs evoked by the two set-ups. Participants rated their need for recovery prior to the PLR recordings. Results: PLR parameters acquired in the screen and LED set-ups showed good reliability for amplitude related parameters. The PLRs evoked by both set-ups were consistent, but showed systematic differences in absolute values of all parameters. Additionally, higher need for recovery was associated with faster and larger constriction of the PLR. Conclusions: This study assessed the PLR generated by a computer screen and the PLR generated by a LED. The good reliability within set-ups and the consistency between the PLRs evoked by the set-ups indicate that both systems provides a valid way to evoke the PLR. A higher need for recovery was associated with faster and larger constricting PLRs, suggesting increased levels of parasympathetic nervous system activity in people experiencing higher levels of need for recovery on a daily basis

    The pupil near response is short lasting and intact in virtual reality head mounted displays

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    The pupil of the eye constricts when moving focus from an object further away to an object closer by. This is called the pupil near response, which typically occurs together with accommodation and vergence responses. When immersed in virtual reality mediated through a head-mounted display, this triad is disrupted by the vergence-accommodation conflict. However, it is not yet clear if the disruption also affects the pupil near response. Two experiments were performed to assess this. The first experiment had participants follow a target that first appeared at a far position and then moved to either a near position (far-to-near; FN) or to another far position (far-to-far; FF). The second experiment had participants follow a target that jumped between five positions, which was repeated at several distances. Experiment 1 showed a greater pupil constriction amplitude for FN trials, compared to FF trials, suggesting that the pupil near response is intact in head-mounted display mediated virtual reality. Experiment 2 did not find that average pupil dilation differed when fixating targets at different distances, suggesting that the pupil near response is transient and does not result in sustained pupil size changes

    Predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period: a prospective study in older hearing-help seekers

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    This study aimed to determine the predictors of entering a hearing aid evaluation period (HAEP) using a prospective design drawing on the health belief model and the transtheoretical model. In total, 377 older persons who presented with hearing problems to an ENT-specialist (n = 110) or a hearing aid dispenser (n = 267) filled in a baseline questionnaire. After four months, it was determined via a telephone interview whether or not participants had decided to enter a HAEP. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were applied to determine which baseline variables predicted HAEP status. A priori, candidate predictors were divided into ‘likely’ and ‘novel’ predictors based on the literature. The following variables turned out to be significant predictors: more expected hearing aid benefits, greater social pressure, and greater self-reported hearing disability. In addition, greater hearing loss severity and stigma were predictors in women but not in men. Of note, the predictive effect of self-reported hearing disability was modified by readiness such that with higher readiness, the positive predictive effect became stronger. None of the ‘novel’ predictors added significant predictive value. The results support the notion that predictors of hearing aid uptake are also predictive of entering a HAEP. This study shows that some of these predictors appear to be gender-specific or are dependent on a person’s readiness for change. After assuring the external validity of the predictors, an important next step would be to develop prediction rules for use in clinical practice, so that older persons’ hearing help seeking journey can be facilitated

    Impact of stimulus-related factors and hearing impairment on listening effort as indicated by pupil dilation

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    Previous research has reported effects of masker type and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on listening effort, as indicated by the peak pupil dilation (PPD) relative to baseline during speech recognition. At about 50% correct sentence recognition performance, increasing SNRs generally results in declining PPDs, indicating reduced effort. However, the decline in PPD over SNRs has been observed to be less pronounced for hearing-impaired (HI) compared to normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The presence of a competing talker during speech recognition generally resulted in larger PPDs as compared to the presence of a fluctuating or stationary background noise. The aim of the present study was to examine the interplay between hearing-status, a broad range of SNRs corresponding to sentence recognition performance varying from 0 to 100% correct, and different masker types (stationary noise and single-talker masker) on the PPD during speech perception. Twenty-five HI and 32 age-matched NH participants listened to sentences across a broad range of SNRs, masked with speech from a single talker (−25 dB to +15 dB SNR) or with stationary noise (−12 dB to +16 dB). Correct sentence recognition scores and pupil responses were recorded during stimulus presentation. With a stationary masker, NH listeners show maximum PPD across a relatively narrow range of low SNRs, while HI listeners show relatively large PPD across a wide range of ecological SNRs. With the single-talker masker, maximum PPD was observed in the mid-range of SNRs around 50% correct sentence recognition performance, while smaller PPDs were observed at lower and higher SNRs. Mixed-model ANOVAs revealed significant interactions between hearing-status and SNR on the PPD for both masker types. Our data show a different pattern of PPDs across SNRs between groups, which indicates that listening and the allocation of effort during listening in daily life environments may be different for NH and HI listeners

    Toward a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of masker type and signal-to-noise ratio on the pupillary response while performing a speech-in-noise test

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    Difficulties arising in everyday speech communication often result from the acoustical environment, which may contain interfering background noise or competing speakers. Thus, listening and understanding speech in noise can be exhausting. Two experiments are presented in the current study that further explored the impact of masker type and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) on listening effort by means of pupillometry. In both studies, pupillary responses of participants were measured while performing the Danish Hearing in Noise Test (HINT; Nielsen and Dau, 2011). The first experiment aimed to replicate and extend earlier observed effects of noise type and semantic interference on listening effort (Koelewijn et al., 2012). The impact of three different masker types, i.e. a fluctuating noise, a 1-talker masker and a 4-talker masker on listening effort was examined at a fixed speech intelligibility. In a second experiment, effects of SNR on listening effort were examined while presenting the HINT sentences across a broad range of fixed SNRs corresponding to intelligibility scores ranging from 100% to 0% correct performance. A peak pupil dilation (PPD) was calculated and a Growth Curve Analysis (GCA) was performed to examine listening effort involved in speech recognition as a function of SNR. The results of two experiments showed that the pupil dilation response is highly affected by both masker type and SNR when performing the HINT. The PPD was highest, suggesting the highest level of effort, for speech recognition in the presence of the 1-talker masker in comparison to the 4-talker babble and the fluctuating noise masker. However, the disrupting effect of one competing talker disappeared for intelligibly levels around 50%. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the pupillary response strongly varied as a function of SNRs. Listening effort was highest for intermediate SNRs with performance accuracies ranging between 30% and 70% correct. GCA revealed time-dependent effects of the SNR on the pupillary response that were not reflected in the PPD

    The pupil near response is short lasting and intact in virtual reality head mounted displays

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    The pupil of the eye constricts when moving focus from an object further away to an object closer by. This is called the pupil near response, which typically occurs together with accommodation and vergence responses. When immersed in virtual reality mediated through a head-mounted display, this triad is disrupted by the vergence-accommodation conflict. However, it is not yet clear if the disruption also affects the pupil near response. Two experiments were performed to assess this. The first experiment had participants follow a target that first appeared at a far position and then moved to either a near position (far-to-near; FN) or to another far position (far-to-far; FF). The second experiment had participants follow a target that jumped between five positions, which was repeated at several distances. Experiment 1 showed a greater pupil constriction amplitude for FN trials, compared to FF trials, suggesting that the pupil near response is intact in head-mounted display mediated virtual reality

    Impact of SNR, masker type and noise reduction processing on sentence recognition performance and listening effort as indicated by the pupil dilation response

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    Recent studies have shown that activating the noise reduction scheme in hearing aids results in a smaller peak pupil dilation (PPD), indicating reduced listening effort, at 50% and 95% correct sentence recognition with a 4-talker masker. The objective of this study was to measure the effect of the noise reduction scheme (on or off) on PPD and sentence recognition across a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) from +16 dB to −12 dB and two masker types (4-talker and stationary noise). Relatively low PPDs were observed at very low (−12 dB) and very high (+16 dB to +8 dB) SNRs presumably due to ‘giving up’ and ‘easy listening’, respectively. The maximum PPD was observed with SNRs at approximately 50% correct sentence recognition. Sentence recognition with both masker types was significantly improved by the noise reduction scheme, which corresponds to the shift in performance from SNR function at approximately 5 dB toward a lower SNR. This intelligibility effect was accompanied by a corresponding effect on the PPD, shifting the peak by approximately 4 dB toward a lower SNR. In addition, with the 4-talker masker, when the noise reduction scheme was active, the PPD was smaller overall than that when the scheme was inactive. We conclude that with the 4-talker masker, noise reduction scheme processing provides a listening effort benefit in addition to any effect associated with improved intelligibility. Thus, the effect of the noise reduction scheme on listening effort incorporates more than can be explained by intelligibility alone, emphasizing the potential importance of measuring listening effort in addition to traditional speech reception measures

    Binaural summation, binaural unmasking and fluctuating masker benefit in bimodal and bilateral adult cochlear implant users

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    OBJECTIVES : The number of bilateral adult cochlear implant (CI) users and bimodal CI users is expanding worldwide. The addition of a hearing aid (HA) in the contralateral non-implanted ear (bimodal) or a second CI (bilateral) can provide CI users with some of the benefits associated with listening with two ears. Our was to examine whether bilateral and bimodal CI users demonstrate binaural summation, binaural unmasking and a fluctuating masker benefit. METHODS : Direct audio input was used to present stimuli to 10 bilateral and 10 bimodal CochlearTM CI users. Speech recognition in noise (speech reception threshold, SRT) was assessed monaurally, diotically (identical signals in both devices) and dichotically (antiphasic speech) with different masking noises (steady-state and interrupted), using the digits-in-noise test. RESULTS : Bilateral CI users demonstrated a trend towards better SRTs with both CIs than with one CI. Bimodal CI users showed no difference between the bimodal SRT and the SRT for CI alone. No significant differences in SRT were found between the diotic and dichotic conditions for either group. Analyses of electrodograms created from bilateral stimuli demonstrated that substantial parts of the interaural speech cues were preserved in the Advanced Combination Encoder, an n-of-m channel selection speech coding strategy, used by the CI users. Speech recognition in noise was significantly better with interrupted noise than with steady-state masking noise for both bilateral and bimodal CI users. CONCLUSION : Bilateral CI users demonstrated a trend towards binaural summation, but bimodal CI users did not. No binaural unmasking was demonstrated for either group of CI users. A large fluctuating masker benefit was found in both bilateral and bimodal CI users.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ycii20hj2022Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    The ICF core sets for hearing loss project : functioning and disability from the patient perspective

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    OBJECTIVE : To explore areas of functioning, disability, and environmental factors of adults with hearing loss (HL) by using the ICF classification as a tool to determine and document each element. DESIGN : A qualitative study applying mainly focus-group methodology was applied. STUDY SAMPLE : Thirty-six Dutch and South African adults (≄ 18 years of age) with HL (20-95 dB HL) who used oral communication as first communication. Summative content analysis was performed on the transcripts by linkage to appropriate ICF categories. RESULTS : 143 ICF categories were identified, most of which belonged to the Activities & Participation (d) component, closely followed by the Environmental factors component. Participants specifically mentioned categories related to oral communication and interaction. Assistive technology (such as hearing aids), noise, and support by and attitudes of others in the environment of the participants were considered highly influential for functioning and disability. CONCLUSIONS : The present study illustrates the complex and encompassing nature of aspects involved in functioning and disability of adults with HL. Findings highlight the necessity of using a multidimensional tool, such as the ICF, to map functioning and disability with hearing loss, allowing consideration and evaluation of aspects that are both internal and external.The Oticon Foundationhttp://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iija20hb2017Speech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    The development of a Self-Rated ICF-based questionnaire (HEAR-COMMAND Tool) to evaluate Hearing, Communication, and Conversation disability: Multinational experts’ and patients’ perspectives

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    ObjectiveAn instrument that facilitates the advancement of hearing healthcare delivery from a biomedical model to a biopsychosocial one that underpins the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health framework (ICF) brief and comprehensive Core Sets for Hearing Loss (CSHL) is currently unavailable. The objective is to describe the process of developing and validating a new questionnaire named the HEAR-COMMAND Tool created by transferring the ICF CSHL into a theory-supported, practically manageable concept.DesignA team from Germany, the USA, the Netherlands, and Egypt collaborated on development. The following ICF domains were considered; “Body Functions” (BF), “Activities and Participation” (AP), and “Environmental Factors” (EF). The development yielded English, German, and Arabic versions. A pilot validation study with a total of 109 respondents across three countries, Germany, Egypt, and the USA was conducted to revise the item terminology according to the feedback provided by the respondents.ResultsThe questionnaire included a total of 120 items. Ninety items were designed to collect information on the functioning and 30 items inquiring about demographic information, hearing status, and Personal Factors. Except for the “Body Structures” (BS) domain, all the categories of the brief ICF CSHL were covered (a total of 85% of the categories). Moreover, the items covered 44% of the comprehensive ICF CSHL categories including 73% of BF, 55% of AP, and 27% of EF domains. Overall, the terminology of 24 ICF-based items was revised based on the qualitative analysis of the respondents' feedback to further clarify the items that were found tod be unclear or misleading. The tool highlighted the broad connection of HL with bodily health and contextual factors.ConclusionsThe HEAR-COMMAND Tool was developed based on the ICF CSHL and from multinational experts' and patients' perspectives with the aim to improve the execution of audiological services, treatment, and rehabilitation for adult patients with HL. Additional validation of the tool is ongoing. The next step would be to pair the tool with BS categories since it was excluded from the tool and determine its effectiveness in guiding hearing health care practitioners to holistically classify categories influencing hearing, communication, and conversation disability
