22 research outputs found

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team

    Implementation of discussion technologies in a personality-centered professional education

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    The conditions of modern labor market dictate the need for highly qualified specialists who creatively approach the performance of their professional activities, independently making competent productive decisions. In search of a solution to this problem, higher education institutions resort to the use of modern educational technologies. The article presents the forms of implementation of discussion technologies, their peculiarity, considers their importance and specificity of use in the conditions of personality-centered training and defines the goals of discussion technologies implementation in the course study. The study revealed an increase in the level of students’ training. The use of discussion technologies allowed them to study the topics of the course more deeply

    Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of the Formation of Students' Own Educational Strategies in the Process of Independent Learning

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    The scientific problem to which this article is devoted is determined by the tasks facing modern education. One of these tasks is to build a continuous education system, covering all stages of a person’s life. To ensure the movement of the individual in the educational space, it is necessary to form a culture of lifelong learning, which implies the development of technologies of self-education and self-learning. The latter become a fundamental factor in the system of continuous learning. The analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature showed that the independent work of students in its theoretical justification has always been interpreted as the most important component of the educational process. However, in recent years the problem of improving its effectiveness began to attract increasing attention of researchers. One of the ways, according to scientists, psychologists and methodologists, is to teach students the ability to learn. But in order to "learn how to learn", it is necessary to master various methods of organization and implementation of educational activities. This is facilitated, according to foreign scientists, by the use of various learning strategies. The purpose of this article is to consider different types of educational strategies formed within the framework of independent foreign language training of students. According to the authors of the article, educational process should be organized in such a way that the consistent and purposeful work on formation of teaching strategies is conducted, mastery of which promotes students’ ability to learn. The formation of this skill becomes a support for personal readiness to continuously learn throughout life

    Search for predictors of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis

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    Background. Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, spine and entheses that can occur in patients with psoriasis. The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis is 19.7%. In 70% of cases, psoriasis precedes the development of arthritis. It has been proven that a delay in the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis even by 6 months is associated with a deterioration in long-term radiological and functional results, leading to disability. The problem of early diagnosis of joint damage can be solved by identifying predictors of the risk of developing psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. Aims. To determine possible predictors for the development of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. Methods. The open, uncontrolled, prospective study enrolled 250 patients. The main group consisted of 190 patients diagnosed with plaque psoriasis. The control group consisted of 60 patients with psoriatic arthritis. In order to identify associations of clinical and genetic (HLA-B27 carriage) parameters with the development of psoriatic arthritis, we compared the frequency of occurrence of these parameters in patients with psoriatic arthritis and without. Results. Among 190 patients with plaque psoriasis 128 (67.4%) men, 62 (32.6%) women, aged 18 to 84 years (40.30 ± 15.56), the average duration of psoriasis was 10.09 ± 11.08 years (0–57). Among 60 patients with psoriatic arthritis 39 (65%) men, 21 (35%) women aged 18 to 86 years (44.43 ± 14.15), the average duration of psoriasis was 20.47 ± 13.22 years (2–57), the average duration of psoriatic arthritis was 7.97 ± 9.95 years (0–47). Сlinical predictors for the development of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis: nail psoriasis (OR = 2.244 [95% CI: 1.245–4.045]); severe psoriasis (PASI ≥ 20) (OR = 2.148 [95% CI: 1.161–3.975]); arterial hypertension (OR = 1.982 [95% CI: 1.031–3.812]); duration of psoriasis over 25 years (OR = 3.365 [95% CI: 1.676–6.756]), р 0,05. Conclusions. The joint consideration of informative predictors will allow us to develop an original multi-parameter mathematical model for calculating the risk of developing psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis

    Нелинейные локальные деформации мембран эритроцитов: действие токсинов и фармпрепаратов (Часть 2)

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    Modifiers of membranes cause local defects on the cell surface. Measurement of the rigidity at the sites of local defects can provide further information about the structure of defects and mechanical properties of altered membranes.The purpose of the study: a step-by-step study of the process of a nonlinear deformation of red blood cells membranes under the effect of modifiers of different physico-chemical nature.Materials and methods. The membrane deformation of a viscoelastic composite erythrocyte construction inside a cell was studied by the atomic force spectroscopy. Nonlinear deformations formed under the effect of hemin, Zn2+ ions, and verapamil were studied.Results. The process of elastic deformation of the membrane with the indentation of a probe at the sites of local defects caused by modifiers was demonstrated. The probe was inserted during the same step of the piezo scanner z displacement; the probe indentation occured at the different discrete values of h, which are the functions of the membrane structure. At the sites of domains, under the effect of the hemin, tension areas and plasticity areas appeared. A mathematical model of probe indentation at the site of membrane defects is presented.Conclusion. The molecular mechanisms of various types of nonlinear deformations occurring under the effect of toxins are discussed. The results of the study may be of interest both for fundamental researchers of the blood cell properties and for practical reanimatology and rehabilitology. Модификаторы мембран порождают локальные дефекты на поверхности клеток. Измерение жесткости в зонах локальных дефектов может дать дополнительную информацию о структуре дефектов и механических свойствах мембран в целом.Цель работы: пошаговое исследование процесса нелинейной деформации мембран эритроцитов при действии на них модификаторов различной физико-химической природы.Материалы и методы. Методом атомно-силовой спектроскопии провели исследование деформации мембран внутрь клетки вязко-упругой композитной конструкции эритроцита. Исследовали нелинейные деформации при действии гемина, ионов Zn2+, фармпрепарата верапамила.Результаты. Показали процесс упруго-эластичной деформации мембраны по мере индентации зонда в областях локальных дефектов, вызванных модификаторами. На один и тот же шаг смещения z пьезосканера зонд погружался на разные дискретные величины h, которые являются функциями структуры мембраны. В областях доменов при действии гемина возникали зоны натяжения и зоны пластичности. Привели математическая модель индентации зонда в области дефектов мембран.Заключение. Обсудили молекулярные механизмы различных видов нелинейных деформаций, возникающих при действии токсинов. Результаты работы могут представлять интерес как для фундаментальных исследований свойств клеток крови, так и для практической реаниматологии и реабилитологии

    Evaluation of fetal absorbed doses from computed tomography examinations of pregnant patients: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, no systematic data are available on fetal radiation exposure as a result of radiographic studies during pregnancy. Consequently, there are no approved methods of its calculation that can be used in clinical practice. It is especially relevant for computed tomography scans as it is a widely used and highly informative method of diagnostic imaging associated with high exposure levels. AIM: to systematize currently available data on radiation dose absorbed by the fetus from computed tomography scans in pregnant women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The search for publications in Russian and English was conducted in PubMed/Medline, Google Scholar and еLibrary. The final analysis included 12 papers including 8 studies using human body phantoms, 3 retrospective studies and one prospective clinical study. RESULTS: Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography scans as well as whole-body scans were found to be associated with the highest fetal radiation exposure. However, in none of the publications the fetal exposure limit was exceeded. CONCLUSION: Clinically indicated non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans in pregnant women are not likely to be associated with the fetal absorbed doses that exceed the limit of 100 mGy regardless of the scanned area. However, this limit might be exceeded in case of performing multiple studies or if multiphase abdominal or pelvic computed tomography scans, or whole-body computed tomography scans are performed in patients with multiple trauma. In these cases, a decision regarding the need for these investigations should be made by a multi-disciplinary team (including radiation safety specialists, diagnostic radiologists and clinicians) based on the results of additional risk assessment

    Metagenomic profiling of viral and microbial communities from the pox lesions of lumpy skin disease virus and sheeppox virus-infected hosts

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    IntroductionIt has been recognized that capripoxvirus infections have a strong cutaneous tropism with the manifestation of skin lesions in the form of nodules and scabs in the respective hosts, followed by necrosis and sloughing off. Considering that the skin microbiota is a complex community of commensal bacteria, fungi and viruses that are influenced by infections leading to pathological states, there is no evidence on how the skin microbiome is affected during capripoxvirus pathogenesis.MethodsIn this study, shotgun metagenomic sequencing was used to investigate the microbiome in pox lesions from hosts infected with lumpy skin disease virus and sheep pox virus.ResultsThe analysis revealed a high degree of variability in bacterial community structures across affected skin samples, indicating the importance of specific commensal microorganisms colonizing individual hosts. The most common and abundant bacteria found in scab samples were Fusobacterium necrophorum, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Helcococcus ovis and Trueperella pyogenes, irrespective of host. Bacterial reads belonging to the genera Moraxella, Mannheimia, Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus were identified.DiscussionThis study is the first to investigate capripox virus-associated changes in the skin microbiome using whole-genome metagenomic profiling. The findings will provide a basis for further investigation into capripoxvirus pathogenesis. In addition, this study highlights the challenge of selecting an optimal bioinformatics approach for the analysis of metagenomic data in clinical and veterinary practice. For example, direct classification of reads using a kmer-based algorithm resulted in a significant number of systematic false positives, which may be attributed to the peculiarities of the algorithm and database selection. On the contrary, the process of de novo assembly requires a large number of target reads from the symbiotic microbial community. In this work, the obtained sequencing data were processed by three different approaches, including direct classification of reads based on k-mers, mapping of reads to a marker gene database, and de novo assembly and binning of metagenomic contigs. The advantages and disadvantages of these techniques and their practicality in veterinary settings are discussed in relation to the results obtained

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team.El propósito del artículo es analizar la experiencia de formar la competencia de la disposición de los solteros para trabajar en equipo. Esta competencia se caracteriza por la capacidad del alumno para darse cuenta de su rol en el equipo y llevar a cabo la interacción social, para centrarse en la cooperación con los miembros del equipo. Los requisitos para la formación de solteros modernos que sean capaces de un crecimiento personal y profesional continuo mediante un trabajo colectivo eficaz se reflejan en los documentos reglamentarios. En la estructura de la competencia de disposición para trabajar en equipo, distinguimos componentes motivacionales, cognitivos y funcionales. Su formación se lleva a cabo en el transcurso del estudio del módulo "Hombre, sociedad, cultura", las disciplinas "Fundamentos de la cultura gerencial", "Psicología general" y otras. Donde se juega un papel significativo mediante el uso de tecnologías educativas innovadoras que contribuyen a construir una interacción efectiva entre los estudiantes. Se presta especial atención al desarrollo de cualidades del estudiante como la sociabilidad, la apertura, el sentido de ayuda mutua, el estado de ánimo emocional positivo. Las tecnologías educativas modernas de interacción tienen un impacto activo en el proceso de formación de las competencias de preparación para trabajar en equipo del bachillerato