1,046 research outputs found

    Earthworks planning for road construction projects: a case study

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    In this paper we construct earthwork allocation plans for a linear infrastructure road project. Fuel consumption metrics and an innovative block partitioning and modelling approach are applied to reduce costs. 2D and 3D variants of the problem were compared to see what effect, if any, occurs on solution quality. 3D variants were also considered to see what additional complexities and difficulties occur. The numerical investigation shows a significant improvement and a reduction in fuel consumption as theorised. The proposed solutions differ considerably from plans that were constructed for a distance based metric as commonly used in other approaches. Under certain conditions, 3D problem instances can be solved optimally as 2D problems

    Modelling single line train operations

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    Scheduling of trains on a single line involves using train priorities for the resolution of conflicts. The mathematical programming model described in the first part of this paper schedules trains over a single line track when the priority of each train in a conflict depends on an estimate of the remaining crossing and overtaking delay. This priority is used in a branch and bound procedure to allow the determination of optimal solutions quickly. This is demonstrated with the use of an example. Rail operations over a single line track require the existence of a set of sidings at which trains can cross and/ or overtake each other. Investment decisions on upgrading the number and location of these sidings can have a significant impact on both customer service and rail profitability. Sidings located at insufficient positions may lead to high operating costs and congestion. The second part of this paper puts forward a model to determine the optimal position of a set of sidings on a single track rail corridor. The sidings are positioned to minimise the total delay and train operating costs of a given cyclic train schedule. The key feature of the model is the allowance of non-constant train velocities and non-uniform departure times

    A sufi at the 14th century Akşehir: Hadji Ibrahim Sultan and his manzuma

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    Hacı İbrahim Sultan, XIV. yüzyıl Anadolu’sunda, Hamidoğulları devrinde yaşamış bir Rum (Anadolu) erenidir. O, Akşehir’e bağlı Maruf köyünde dedesi Hacı İbrahim’in XIII. yüzyılda başlattığı irşad faaliyetlerini sürdürmüş ve günümüze kadar varlığını ikâme ettiren bir manzûmenin ortaya çıkmasına vesîle olmuştur. Arşiv kayıtlarında, Hacı İbrahim Sultan tarafından kurulan vakıf ve bu vakfa bağlı müesseselerden bahseden pek çok kayda rastlamak mümkündür. Beylikler ve Osmanlı dönemlerinde Akşehir’in en zengin vakıflarından biri olduğu görülen Hacı İbrahim Sultan vakfı günümüze kadar intikal etmiştir. Çalışmamızda, Türk-İslâm vakıf geleneğinin temel yapı taşlarından biri olan tekke ve zâviyeler Hacı İbrahim Sultan Vakfı ölçeğinde ele alınacaktır.Hadji Ibrahim Sultan is a Rum (Anatolian) scholar who lived in Anatolia during the reign of Hamidoğulları at the 14th century. He continued the activity of guidance initiated by his grandfather Hadji Ibrahim at 13th century and brought a “manzuma” that exists until present days to light. At the records of Archive, it is possible to come upon plenty of records concerning the “waqf” - established by Hadji Ibrahim Sultan and the institutes attached to the said waqf. . The waqf of Hadji Ibrahim Sultan was one of the richest waqfs of Akşehir - at the time of Principalities and Ottoman Empire and it has survived until present day. In our work, it is aimed to analyze tekke and zawiyas as one of the main parts of the Turkish-Islamic Waqf tradition in the example of Waqf of Hadji Ibrahim Sultan

    Express Prediction Of External Distinctive Features Of Person Using The Program Of Dermatoglyphics For Prediction

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    The aim of our study was to investigate the current state of computer identification applications, such as artificial neural networks. The material of our study were antroposcopic and anthropometric parameters obtained from 180 male and females aged 18–55 years living in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and belonging to Boiko, Lemko or Hutsul ethno-territorial group. Prints of comb pattern of the toes obtained by scanning with Futronic\u27s FS80 USB2.0 Fingerprint Scanner using the program ftrScanApiEx.exe. followed by the transfer of data to a personal computer. For statistical processing of the obtained data we use STATISTICA 12 from the company StatSoft. Construction of neural networks was carried out using Neural Networks. As a result of our research there was carried out the prediction of anthropometric and antroposcopic parameters (ethno-territorial and gender belonging, etc.) through the use of dermatoglyphic parameters of the hands and feet in 180 people living in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The proposed method allowed to obtain the results with a forecasts probability 73–90 %. The use of above algorithm of actions allowed a 50 % increase of quality of identification of unknown person for using dermatoglyphic method and 67 % facilitatation of the process of identification (of quantitative and qualitative calculations, determining correlations between parameters) in comparison with previously known manner. Therefore, our proposed method can be used as an express diagnostics of common phenotypic traits of the person (ethno-territorial affiliation, gender, etc.) at admission of mass victims (natural disasters, acts of terrorism, armed conflicts, man-made disasters, etc.), it doesn\u27t not require a long time for conducting, specially trained staff and is inexpensive.Conclusions: The possibility of predicting external-recognizing features of a person such as etno-racial belonging, sex, anthropometric and antroposcopic parameters will allow widely use dermatoglyphic method at the level with other methods in conducting forensic identification of impersonal, fragmented and putrefactive modified corpses


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    Light scattering is a powerful characterization tool for determining shape, size, and size distribution of fine particles, as well as complex, irregular structures of their aggregates. Small angle static light scattering and elliptically polarized light scattering techniques produce accurate results and provide real time, non-intrusive, and in-situ observations on prevailing process conditions in three-dimensional systems. As such, they complement conventional characterization tools such as SEM and TEM which have their known disadvantages and limitations. In this study, we provide a thorough light scattering analysis of colloidal tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanoparticles in the shape of irregular nanospheres and cylindrical nanowires, and of the resulting aggregate morphologies. Aggregation characteristics as a function of primary particle geometry, aspect ratio of nanowires, and the change in dispersion stability in various polar solvents without the use of dispersants are monitored over different time scales and are described using the concepts of fractal theory. Using forward scattered intensities, sedimentation rates as a result of electrolyte addition and particle concentration at low solution pH are quantified, in contrast to widely reported visual observations, and are related to the aggregate structure in the dispersed phase. For nanowires of high aspect ratios, when aggregate structures cannot directly be inferred from measurements, an analytical and a quasiexperimental method are used

    A new approach to age and risk taking behavior of agents

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references leaves 32-33.In this thesis, we use evolutionary game theory techniques to analyze the relation between risk taking behavior of agents and their ages. We suppose that risk aversion is the stable pattern for the old agents and risk seeking is the stable pattern for the young agents as it is commonly assumed so in economics literature. First, we solve a benchmark model without heterogeneity in terms of age di§erentiations. In such a case, we observe that mutation either increases or decreases with respect to the payo§ levels, depending on the initial Ötness levels of the population groups. In the second step, we introduce heterogeneous population frontier. The anticipated level of the initial mutant proportion provides incentives to triger the evolution. Then, we analyze numerically the e§ects of the initial level of Ötness, initial risk averse and risk seeking proportions on the pattern of the evolution process. Finally, we studied the intertemporal e§ects of di§erent risk averse and risk seeking population proportions on mutation.Kozan, ZeynepM.S

    Pediatric paraspinal penetrating sewing needle

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    Pediatric spinal injuries are very rare conditions and account for 1%-10% of all spinal injuries Domestic accidents, such as falling and bumping, are frequent events during childhood.In this study, a 1-year-old boy who was under treatment due to a penetrating trauma at the posterior thoracolumbar intersection is presented. The patient was referred to our clinic after a needle became impaled into his back due to an accident that occurred at home. The patient’s neurologic assessment was normal. A radiologic study of the patient showed the presence of a metallic foreign object, extending into the paravertebral muscle on the left side of the T12-L1 intersection. The needle was removed promptly after an emergent surgical procedure. No any complications were present during the follow-up visit after 1 month. Emergent surgical intervention is necessary in paraspinal and spinal penetrating traumas. © 2015, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Universitas Indonesia. All rights reserved