204 research outputs found

    Emerging Concepts Impacting Head and Neck Cancer Surgery Morbidity

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    All treatment modalities for head and neck cancer carry with them a risk of adverse events. Head and neck surgeons are faced with significant challenges to minimize associated morbidity and manage its sequelae. Recognizing situations in which a surgical complication is an adverse event inherent to the procedure can alleviate the psychologic impact a complication might have on the treatment team and minimize external and internal pressures. Focusing on the complications that can be effectively modified, future complications can be avoided. Also, some surgical morbidities may not be preventable, necessitating the option to reconsider whether the incidents should be labeled toxic reactions rather than a complication. This discussion highlights some of the areas in which additional research is needed to achieve the goal of minimizing the impact of surgical morbidity.Peer reviewe

    Histological characteristics of early-stage oral tongue cancer in young versus older patients : A multicenter matched-pair analysis

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    Little is known about the histopathological characteristics that may differentiate early oral tongue cancer (OTSCC) between young and older patients. From a total of 311 cases diagnosed with clinically early-stage OTSCC at 6 institutions, only 42 patients were young patients were aged 60 years old were matched for center of management, clinical stage and gender. We compared epithelial and stromal histopathologic parameters between the two groups. Most of the parameters were similar between the two groups, although the young patients appeared to have marginally higher intensity of tumor budding, histologic risk score, infiltrative pattern of invasion and tumor-stroma ratio. However, none of the factors showed significant difference when comparing the two groups. The histological parameters reflect mechanisms of invasive growth and tissue response to invasive growth, but not the etiological difference in OTSCC between young and older patients. Further investigations are necessary to compare the genetic background of early OTSCC in the two groups.Peer reviewe

    Saúde bucal, práticas de higiene bucal e ocorrência de câncer da cavidade oral

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between oral health and hygiene practices and oral cancer. METHODS: Hospital-based case-control study in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from 1998 to 2002. A total 309 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and the pharynx and 468 controls matched by sex and age were included in the study. Cases were recruited in seven reference hospitals and controls were selected in five out of the seven participating hospitals. Detailed information on smoking, alcohol consumption, schooling, oral health status and hygiene practices were obtained through interviews. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), adjusted by sex, age, schooling, smoking, alcohol consumption as well as the variables oral health status and hygiene practices were estimated using unconditional logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The use of complete dental prosthesis was not associated with oral cancer but regular gum bleeding showed a strong association (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.2-7.9). Those who never attended a dental visit were more likely to have oral cancer (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.3-4.8). Daily mouthwash use showed a stronger association to pharynx (OR 4.7; 95% CI 1.8-12.5) than mouth cancer (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.6-6.3). CONCLUSIONS: Gum bleeding, no dental care, and daily mouthwash use were factors associated with oral cancer regardless of tobacco and alcohol consumption.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre saúde e higiene bucal na ocorrência de câncer oral. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle de base hospitalar, realizado entre 1998 e 2002 na área metropolitana de São Paulo, SP. Foram incluídos 309 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de boca e orofaringe e 468 controles, pareados com os casos por sexo e idade. Os casos foram levantados em sete hospitais que concentram a assistência médica a pacientes com a doença e os controles rastreados em cinco hospitais gerais dentre os sete. Informações pormenorizadas sobre tabagismo, consumo de álcool, escolaridade, saúde bucal e práticas de higiene bucal foram obtidas por entrevista. Por meio de análise de regressão logística não condicional foram calculados odds ratios (OR) e intervalos com 95% de confiança (IC 95%), ajustados por sexo, idade, nível educacional, tabagismo e consumo de álcool, bem como para as demais variáveis de saúde e higiene bucal. RESULTADOS: Uso de prótese bucal total não se associou a câncer oral, mas sangramento gengival freqüente apresentou alta associação (OR=3,1; IC 95%: 1,2;7,9). Nunca ter consultado dentista mostrou associação com câncer oral (OR=2,5; IC 95%: 1,3;4,8). Uso diário de enxaguatórios bucais apresentou associação mais intensa com tumores de faringe (OR=4,7; IC 95%: 1,8;12,5) do que com tumores de boca (OR=3,2; IC 95%: 1,6;6,3). CONCLUSÕES: Sangramento gengival, ausência de consultas com dentistas e uso regular de enxaguatórios bucais foram fatores associados com câncer oral, independentemente de tabagismo e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas.European Commission ContractFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Staging and grading of oral squamous cell carcinoma : An update

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a common malignancy of the head and neck region. OSCC has a relatively low survival rate and the incidence of the disease is increasing in some geographic areas. Staging and grading of OSCC are established prerequisites for management, as they influence risk stratification and are the first step toward personalized treatment. The current AJCC/UICC TNM staging (8th edition, 2017) of OSCC has included significant modifications through the incorporation of depth of invasion in the T stage and extracapsular spread/extranodal extension in the N stage. Further modifications for AJCC 8 have been suggested. On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) classification (4th edition, 2017) still endorses a simple, differentiation-based histopathologic grading system of OSCC (despite its low prognostic value) and ignores factors such as tumor growth pattern and dissociation, stromal reactions (desmoplasia, local immune response), and tumor-stroma ratio. The various controversies and possible developments of the current staging and grading criteria of OSCC are briefly discussed in this update together with possible applications of artificial intelligence in the context of screening and risk stratification.Peer reviewe

    Oral health, hygiene practices and oral cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between oral health and hygiene practices and oral cancer. METHODS: Hospital-based case-control study in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from 1998 to 2002. A total 309 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and the pharynx and 468 controls matched by sex and age were included in the study. Cases were recruited in seven reference hospitals and controls were selected in five out of the seven participating hospitals. Detailed information on smoking, alcohol consumption, schooling, oral health status and hygiene practices were obtained through interviews. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), adjusted by sex, age, schooling, smoking, alcohol consumption as well as the variables oral health status and hygiene practices were estimated using unconditional logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The use of complete dental prosthesis was not associated with oral cancer but regular gum bleeding showed a strong association (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.2-7.9). Those who never attended a dental visit were more likely to have oral cancer (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.3-4.8). Daily mouthwash use showed a stronger association to pharynx (OR 4.7; 95% CI 1.8-12.5) than mouth cancer (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.6-6.3). CONCLUSIONS: Gum bleeding, no dental care, and daily mouthwash use were factors associated with oral cancer regardless of tobacco and alcohol consumption.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre saúde e higiene bucal na ocorrência de câncer oral. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle de base hospitalar, realizado entre 1998 e 2002 na área metropolitana de São Paulo, SP. Foram incluídos 309 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de boca e orofaringe e 468 controles, pareados com os casos por sexo e idade. Os casos foram levantados em sete hospitais que concentram a assistência médica a pacientes com a doença e os controles rastreados em cinco hospitais gerais dentre os sete. Informações pormenorizadas sobre tabagismo, consumo de álcool, escolaridade, saúde bucal e práticas de higiene bucal foram obtidas por entrevista. Por meio de análise de regressão logística não condicional foram calculados odds ratios (OR) e intervalos com 95% de confiança (IC 95%), ajustados por sexo, idade, nível educacional, tabagismo e consumo de álcool, bem como para as demais variáveis de saúde e higiene bucal. RESULTADOS: Uso de prótese bucal total não se associou a câncer oral, mas sangramento gengival freqüente apresentou alta associação (OR=3,1; IC 95%: 1,2;7,9). Nunca ter consultado dentista mostrou associação com câncer oral (OR=2,5; IC 95%: 1,3;4,8). Uso diário de enxaguatórios bucais apresentou associação mais intensa com tumores de faringe (OR=4,7; IC 95%: 1,8;12,5) do que com tumores de boca (OR=3,2; IC 95%: 1,6;6,3). CONCLUSÕES: Sangramento gengival, ausência de consultas com dentistas e uso regular de enxaguatórios bucais foram fatores associados com câncer oral, independentemente de tabagismo e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas

    Malignant carotid body tumors: What we know, what we do, and what we need to achieve. A systematic review of the literature

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    : Malignant carotid body tumors (MCBT) are rare and diagnosed after detection of nodal or distant metastases. This systematic review (SR) focuses on MCBT initially approached by surgery. Preferred Reporting Items for SR and Meta-Analysis (MA) guided the articles search from 2000 to 2023 on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Among 3548 papers, 132 (337 patients) were considered for SR; of these, 20 (158 patients) for MA. Malignancy rate was 7.3%, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) mutation 17%, age at diagnosis between 4th and 6th decades, with a higher prevalence of females. MCBTs were mostly Shamblin III, with nodal and distant metastasis in 79.7% and 44.7%, respectively. Malignancy should be suspected if CBT >4 cm, Shamblin III, painful or otherwise symptomatic, at the extremes of age, bilateral, with multifocal disease, and SDHx mutations. Levels II-III clearance should be performed to exclude nodal metastases and adjuvant treatments considered on a case-by-case basis

    Pharyngeal Reconstruction Methods to Reduce the Risk of Pharyngocutaneous Fistula After Primary Total Laryngectomy: A Scoping Review

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    Introduction: The most common early postoperative complication after total laryngectomy (TL) is pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF). Rates of PCF are higher in patients who undergo salvage TL compared with primary TL. Published meta-analyses include heterogeneous studies making the conclusions difficult to interpret. The objectives of this scoping review were to explore the reconstructive techniques potentially available for primary TL and to clarify which could be the best technique for each clinical scenario. Methods: A list of available reconstructive techniques for primary TL was built and the potential comparisons between techniques were identified. A PubMed literature search was performed from inception to August 2022. Only case-control, comparative cohort, or randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies were included. Results: A meta-analysis of seven original studies showed a PCF risk difference (RD) of 14% (95% CI 8-20%) favoring stapler closure over manual suture. In a meta-analysis of 12 studies, we could not find statistically significant differences in PCF risk between primary vertical suture and T-shaped suture. Evidence for other pharyngeal closure alternatives is scarce. Conclusion: We could not identify differences in the rate of PCF between continuous and T-shape suture configuration. Stapler closure seems to be followed by a lower rate of PCF than manual suture in those patients that are good candidates for this technique

    Hurthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland : Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Introduction Hurthle cell carcinoma (HCC) comprises about 5% of thyroid carcinoma cases. Partly because of its rarity there is much we still need to know about HCC as compared to other histological cancer subtypes. Methods We conducted a systematic literature review following PRISMA guidelines and meta-analysis, from 2000 to 2020, to investigate the main characteristics of HCC and clarify information concerning tumor behavior and treatment. Results Our review included data from 9638 patients reported in 27 articles over the past 20 years. This tumor occurred more frequently in women (67.5%). The mean age was 57.6 years, and the mean size of the neoplasm at diagnosis was 30 mm. Extrathyroidal extension was common (24%) but lymph node metastasis was not (9%). Total thyroidectomy was the most common surgical approach, with neck dissection usually performed in cases with clinically apparent positive neck nodes. Radioiodine therapy was frequently applied (54%), although there is no consensus about its benefits. The mean 5- and 10-year overall survival was 91% and 76%, respectively. Conclusion This review serves to further elucidate the main characteristics of this malignancy. HCC of the thyroid is rare and most often presents with a relatively large nodule, whereas lymph node metastases are rare. Given the rarity of HCC, a consensus on their treatment is needed, as doubts remain concerning the role of specific tumor findings and their influence on management.Peer reviewe
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