63 research outputs found


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    Величезний масив знань, одержуваних із різних джерел, хвилею накриває тих, хто вчиться. Тому завдання вищої школи бути провідником, здатним вивести на вірний шлях адекватної оцінки одержуваної інформації, сприяти напрацюванню навиків її використання. Цикли вдосконалення на базі ЗМАПО тривають найчастіше лише один місяць. За цей час необхідно не тільки вірно подати матеріал, а й навчити вибірково ставитися до інформаційного потоку, раціонально працювати з Інтернет-ресурсами. Відкривається новий шлях в освіті, що полягає у використанні комп'ютерних технологій. При цьому дистанційне навчання є найважливішим компонентом системи відкритої освіти. Від рівня інформаційно-технологічного розвитку його темпів, рівня подачі матеріалу залежать стан освіти і, відповідно, її якість


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    Величезний масив знань, одержуваних із різних джерел, хвилею накриває тих, хто вчиться. Тому завдання вищої школи бути провідником, здатним вивести на вірний шлях адекватної оцінки одержуваної інформації, сприяти напрацюванню навиків її використання. Цикли вдосконалення на базі ЗМАПО тривають найчастіше лише один місяць. За цей час необхідно не тільки вірно подати матеріал, а й навчити вибірково ставитися до інформаційного потоку, раціонально працювати з Інтернет-ресурсами. Відкривається новий шлях в освіті, що полягаєу використанні комп'ютерних технологій. При цьому дистанційне навчання є найважливішим компонентом системи відкритої освіти. Від рівня інформаційно-технологічного розвитку його темпів, рівня подачі матеріалу залежать стан освіти і, відповідно, її якість


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    Determining the values embodied in the social ideal is one of the most important conditions for social development. Social ideals reflect the contradictions of reality and its dissatisfied needs. Social conflicts are solved by using the concept of an ideal social order, while the absence of the regulatory ideal of social ideas leads to unsystematic actions of social actors. One of the main causes of the crisis in Ukraine is the lack of social ideology and generaldefinition of long-term goals of society. Ukrainian society needs a national idea, a key element of which is the idea of the ideal form of society, the state and law. Therefore the problem of law society as a social and cultural ideal is issue of the day.The discussion of law society as a social ideal is insufficient in philosophical and law studies. Some premises forthe philosophical discourse of law society can be found in the writings of V. Nersesyants, E. Soloviev, A.Garnik,             S. Maximov, M. Tsimbalyuk, Y. Kalinowski, V. Andrushchenko. The analysis of scientific sources and publications indicates that problems of philosophical study of law society as a social ideal in its relation to the legal reality and the possibility of its realization in practice are not sufficiently explored. So, determining the terms and conditions for the exercise of the ideal of law society as a social ideal is the objective of this paper.Social ideals are required as the most important elements of the structure of consciousness and principles of reality’s development and conversion. The law ideal is a variety of social ideal. Social law ideal is an idea whose implementation is desirable and proper. The idea of it must be based on critical analysis and realism and indicate theactual ways to improve the existing legal order. The main theme of this doctrine should not be search of final socialperfection, but indications of the actual ways and means by which any order can be improved.One of the present ideals of social development is to build the law society. It provides for the principle of the rule of law, and its conditions of existence are the main institutional and non institutional components.The institutional are a civil society and a legal state. Non-institutional – they are person as an autonomous andresponsible legal entity, values of absolute human rights and justice. According to S. Maximov, the first condition for the improvement of law are non institutional conditions of formation law community.To solve the problem of implementing of law society we should refer to the concept of M. Alekseev. He said, thelegal concept consists of three levels: the legal entity, the legal values and legal rights and responsibilities.The first step towards the ideal society is the improvement the subject of law, the ideals embodied in the life byreal people. Accordingly, the level of their historical consciousness and method of social creativity must be very high. So perfect subject of law becomes spiritually mature personality with a well-developed sense of justice, so that it becomes possible existence of a "healthy" institutions of positive law, ethics legal statutes and actual perfect order.The second step to achieve the ideal is a statement of law values. The subject of law knows nature of law, critically assesses the value of existing law and realize value through the creation of institutions that embody legal values. Thus, we achieve a just rule of law, with reasonable rights and duties of its members.The implementation the law ideal is dialectical, it is always possible and at the same time never unattainable.Rule of law is realized gradually, any historical period is presented as a partially implemented social ideal. So law society does not provide existence of any empirical reality. It is unfinished movement toward the ideal, a gradual process of improving the social order through confirmation, protection and guarantee of human rights, justice and the rule of law, but not a achieving the final of perfect social life. But the idea of possibility to reach it in a particular society is compulsory.The ideal of law society is historically variable phenomenon of legal culture and the model of social ideology andit highly dependents on the socio-cultural and historical context of attempts to implement it. Approximation to the ideal of law society assumes agreement with moral demands and standards to the extent it is possible in a specific historical and cultural community space. It is particularly important be aware of it in the development of national law ideal for Ukraine. It has to consider the geopolitical, socio-economic, mental and historical conditions of the national cultural and legal traditions.Раскрывается сущность, специфика и роль правового общества как идеала общественного развития. Определяются условия и возможность практической реализации правового общества. Доказывается, что идеал правового общества является исторически изменчивой моделью общественной идеологии, ориентиром должного и целью развития правовой культуры, что следует понимать как бесконечный постепенный процесс улучшения общественного устройства путем утверждению прав человека и верховенства права.Розкрито сутність, специфіку та роль правового суспільства як ідеалу суспільного розвитку. Визначаються умови та можливість практичної реалізації правового суспільства. Доводиться, що ідеал правового суспільства є історично мінливою моделлю суспільної ідеології, орієнтиром належного і метою розвитку правової культури, що має розумітися як нескінчений поступовий процес поліпшення суспільного устрою шляхом утвердження прав людини та верховенства права


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    Within the conducted studies there were highlighted urgent questions of introducing the management system of quality and safety of food products. Quality and safety parameters that determine the notion of food product quality have been established by analyzing the normative and legislative base. There were studied quality parameters of granulated fillers that are structured systems of the ball-like form with diameter (3…7)·10-3 m and are characterized with a plastic, a bit crumbling consistence. Granules may be used as fillers for milk and sour-milk products, cheeses, ice-cream, dessert products, confectionary ones, beverages, salads, culinary floury products. The organoleptic quality evaluation of the products was realized by the descriptive (qualitative) method and by the profile analysis one (quantitative). Each organoleptic parameter (consistence, taste, smell and so on) is presented as a totality of components (descriptors), evaluated by quality, intensity and manifestation order. A characteristic of organoleptic parameters with intensity scales of separate signs is presented as profile diagrams. The complex organoleptic index that is 4.89…4.95 points has been determined. Basic physical-chemical properties of the new products were studied. It has been determined, that the content of main nutritive substances in the composition of fillers is: proteins 3.4…7.2 %, lipids – 2.5…6.5 %, total carbohydrates 7.8…13.2 %, mineral substances 0.25…1.12 %, that allow to pose fillers as products with the high food value. Safety parameters of the granulated fillers were studied – microbiological and toxicological ones, and also the content of mycotoxins and antibiotics. It has been proved, that the new products fully correspond to established norms by these parameters. The study of microbiological indices of the new products has proved the content of viable lactate bacteria in the fillers in amount 3·108…1·107 CFU in 1 g of a product and the absence of the pathogenic and conventionally pathogenic microflora. The expert evaluation of safety of the granulated fillers as to the content of food supplements in their composition allows to make a conclusion about the correspondence of the developed products to international legislative requirements. It has been proved, that the storage term of new products is 90 days at temperature 1…6 °С and relative air humidity no more 75 %

    Correction of microcirculation disorders in diseases of digestion organs of professional etiology in the rehabilitation period in mutimorbid patients.

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    In-process on the basis of literary data and own researches a conclusion that gastrovascular continuum is a component part of cardiovascular physiological (during aging) and pathological process as a result of inflammation of microvasculature in acute and relapses of chronic illnesses of organs of digestion is drawn. It is set that in the diseases of digestion organs there is violation of central and regional hemodynamics and  connected with them capillary disorders. Treatment regimens for application by family doctors and rehabilitation physicians, by medical attendants during medical rehabilitation of patients with illnesses of digestion organs of professional etiology are offered