541 research outputs found

    The Mayor of a Municipality – Competences, Qualifications, Current Status in the Slovak Republic

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    The mandatory authorities – the municipal office and the mayor of the municipality – play an irreplaceable role at the municipal level. Both bodies are elected. These authorities influence the direction of municipal development in the upcoming term of office, the municipal representatives’ protection of citizens’ needs and interests as well as fulfilment of the tasks and obligations imposed by the law. The main aim of the article is to clarify the importance and seriousness of the mayor as the highest representative of the municipal government in the Slovak Republic. Another aim is to present new realities connected with the mayor’s office as well as new requirements associated with it

    Family villa in hillside

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá zpracováním PD rodinné vily ve stráni poklidné příměstské obce Brestovec u města Myjavy. Projekt a přílohy jsou zpracovány dle součastně platných norem, vyhlášek a zákonů. Rodinný dům se nachází na parcele č. 35186/1 o výměře 37,33 m2, v katastrálním území č. 806277. Stavební objekt 01 má 2 nadzemní podlaží, bez podsklepení. Rozměry SO01 – rodinného domu jsou 30,6 x 15,5 m. Zastřešení SO01 je řešeno plochou vegetační střechou. Objekt je navržen ze systému VELOX BAU-SYSTEME. Základové konstrukce tvoří prostý beton C16/20 a podkladní betonová deska tloušťky 150 mm vyztužená karisítí.The bachelor’s thesis deals with the processing of PD family villa in a quiet suburban hillside village near the town of Myjava, Brestovec. Project and attachments are processed simultaneously according to applicable standards, regulations and laws. Family house is located on plot no. 35186/1 an area of 37.33 square meters, in the cadastral no. 806277. Building object SO01 has first and second floor, without basement. Dimensions SO01 - the house is 22,840 x 14,240 meters. SO01 is solved roofing flat roof vegetation. The building is designed from the system VELOX BAU-SYSTEME. Foundation structure consists of plain concrete C16/20 and concrete base slab thickness of 150 mm. The accompanying seminar thesis deals with the topic?.

    Service Innovation as a Drive for Competitiveness

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    Diplomová práce představuje paradigmata servisně orientované ekonomiky z hlediska konkurenceschopnosti firmy. Zaměřuje se na konkurenční výhody, kterých lze dosáhnout nebo podporovat rozvojem služeb. Teoretický základ prezentuje specifika a význam sektoru služeb v současných nejvyspělejších ekonomikách. Jmenuje hlavní konkurenční strategie používané v sektoru služeb a srovnává je se zažitými strategiemi známými z produktově orientované ekonomiky. Práce blíže analyzuje metody rozvoje služeb ve společnosti IBM GSDC Brno v oblasti globalních IT služeb. Pojednává o hlavních problémech spojených s jejich inovací a zároveň naznačuje současné a budoucí trendy v oblasti IT služeb. V praktické návrhové části jsou prezentovány nové přístupy k rozvoji služeb, které by mohly podpořit konkurenceschopnost firmy na globálním trhu služeb.The master thesis discusses the service-oriented economy paradigms with the focus on the company’s competitiveness. Specifically it points at the competitive advantages which can be achieved or promoted through service innovation. The theoretical background demostrates the specifics and the importance of services in today`s leading economies. It shows the competitive strategies used in service companies and compares them with the known strategies defined for and used in product-oriented economy. The thesis analyzes more closely the service innovation methods used by the IBM GSDC Brno company in the global IT services area. It indicates and discusses the main problems of service innovation which can hinder the competitive advantage development as well as the current and future trends in the IT services sector. As a result the thesis proposes the improved approaches to service innovation which can lead to better competitiveness on the global service marketplace.

    EMC Aspect as Important Parameter of New Technologies

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    Groundwater Vulnerability of the Karst - Fissure Hydrogeological Structure of South – Facing Slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia

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    An “intrinsic vulnerability” (according to Zwahlen et al., 2004) to any contamination in general is considered using Malík´s extension (2005) of the Kullman´s method (2000), based on the assessment of the degree the rock disruption and karstification, affecting the shape of spring discharge recession curves. It is based on the presumption that the intensity of natural contamination attenuation processes depends on rock disruption/karstification. The method is applied on the Mesozoic rock environment of the most important hydrogeological structure in the southern slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mountains. Hydrograph analyses of groundwater depletion in the gauged or exploited springs were used for assessment of groundwater vulnerability to human and/or natural pollution. Differences in character of individual depletion hydrographs enable assessment an extent of absorption and elimination processes during the groundwater penetration through the rock environment from the infiltration area to the outflow in the spring or exploited source. The depletion hydrographs reflect not only the character (effect) of outflow area but reflect the effects whole infiltration and accumulation area. In total, 68 individual recession curves from 9 gauged springs were analysed. Obtained degrees of groundwater vulnerability are evaluated by 10 degree range of the Kullman´s vulnerability scheme, adjusted by Malík. The reached vulnerability values are consequently applied and assigned to the lithological types of discharge area of gauged springs. This study also describes an existence of individual laminar and turbulent sub-regimes that occur in the karts-fissure rock environment, the type of rock disruption from open micro– to macro fissures - to karst channels and subsequent estimation of the karstification degree

    Computing recession cone of a convex upper image via convex projection

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    It is possible to solve unbounded convex vector optimization problems (CVOPs) in two phases: (1) computing or approximating the recession cone of the upper image and (2) solving the equivalent bounded CVOP where the ordering cone is extended based on the first phase (Wagner et al., 2023). In this paper, we consider unbounded CVOPs and propose an alternative solution methodology to compute or approximate the recession cone of the upper image. In particular, we relate the dual of the recession cone with the Lagrange dual of weighted sum scalarization problems whenever the dual problem can be written explicitly. Computing this set requires solving a convex (or polyhedral) projection problem. We show that this methodology can be applied to semidefinite, quadratic and linear vector optimization problems and provide some numerical examples

    Formy teatralne i parateatralne w polonistycznej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w Polsce

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    The article makes the reader familiar with the most important and most interesting theatrical and quasi-theatrical forms, methods and techniques used in contemporary Polish schools. It begins with description of the simplest ones helping to develop the so-called ‘living word culture’ (e.g. narrating aloud, reading aloud, reciting, reading with roles assigned) Further, stage adaptations and modern forms of work utilising student-activating methods such as: drama games, inscenised trial, ’theatrical-literary workshop’, and drama are described. After T. Samulczyk-Pawluk, the following contemporary theatrical forms are listed as well: self-made theatre, doll theatre, objects theatre, poetry theatre, pantomime, plastic theatre, theatre of propositions, small forms theatre. The article contains a discussion of theatrical and quasi-theatrical forms in an early school education teacher’s work. These can to a large extent catalyse a pupil’s creative expression, which in turn allows him better to understand the text being discussed in class or play his part. Artykuł przybliża czytelnikowi najważniejsze i najciekawsze formy, metody i techniki teatralne i parateatralne stosowane we współczesnej szkole w Polsce, od najprostszych, które kształcą tzw. kulturę żywego słowa (np. głośne opowiadanie [gawędę], głośne czytanie, recytację, czytanie z podziałem na role), przez inscenizacje, do nowoczesnych form pracy, z wykorzystaniem metod aktywizujących, takich jak: gry dramatyczne, sąd inscenizowany, „warsztaty teatralno-literackie” i drama. Wyróżniono również (za T. Samulczyk-Pawluk) następujące współczesne formy teatralne: teatr samorodny, teatr lalek, teatr przedmiotów, teatr poezji, pantomima, teatr plastyczny, teatr propozycji, teatr małych form. W artykule wskazano jedną z najciekawszych form teatralnych stosowanych w szkołach słowackich – dramatyczne wychowanie. Specyfikę artykułu stanowi omówienie zagadnienia związanego z rolą form teatralnych i parateatralnych w pracy nauczyciela edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, które mają duży wpływ na wyzwolenie ekspresji twórczej ucznia, co pozwala mu lepiej zrozumieć omawiany tekst literacki czy budować rolę