2,076 research outputs found

    New and emerging therapeutic options for malignant pleural mesothelioma: review of early clinical trials.

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare tumor that is challenging to control. Despite some benefit from using the multimodality-approach (surgery, combination chemotherapy and radiation), survival remains poor. However, current research produced a list of potential therapies. Here, we summarize significant new preclinical and early clinical developments in treatment of MPM, which include mesothelin specific antibody and toxin therapies, interleukin-4 (IL-4) receptor toxins, dendritic cell vaccines, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and gene-based therapies. In addition, several local modalities such as photodynamic therapy, postoperative lavage using betadine, and cryotherapy for local recurrence, have also shown to be effective for local control of disease

    Development of the Western Part of the City Kroměříž

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    Rozvoj lokality umožní spojení obytné zástavby pomocí pěších a cykloturistických tras, překonat bariéru, kterou vytváří tato plocha a přerušuje jednou rovinu města a vytvořit komunikační osu s kopcem Barbořinou. V současné době území bylo zemědělské a určené pro rozvoj. Vzhledem k tomu, že tato plocha už se nepoužívá za účelem a nepřináší zisk, je to zelený brownfield. Realizace projektu vytvoří parkový areál, který se stane součástí urbanistické struktury, vytvoří nové druhy aktivit a vyřeší některé problémy s komunikací, například jako je nedostatek pěší a cyklo spojení mezi lokalitou Važany a Barbořinou.The development of the site allows to connect different residential areas by pedestrian and biking routes; to remove the barrier created by the site, which destroys integral space of the town; and to create a communication axis with the hill Barbořina. At present the site is defined as an agricultural area for further development. As it is no longer used on purpose, it can be considered as brownfield. The proposal is to create a park area, which will become a part of the urban fabric, will create space for new activities and will solve communication problems, such as lack of pedestrian and bicycle connection between the town and Barbořina.

    Institutional Traps of Russian Forest Enterprises: A Lawyer's View

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    Nowadays, it is generally recognized that it is necessary to change the institutional framework to achieve sustainability of the Russian forest sector. However, before being able to change things for the future one should know what the current situation is like. The aim of this paper is to study the institutions connected with the Russian forest sector from the point of view of a legal department of an individual forest industrial enterprise. The paper discusses the role of the lawyer in a forest enterprise, the main legal problems that Russian forest enterprises face in their business operations, and possible solutions to these problems based on foreign experiences

    Comparative analysis of The Last Man and Oryx and Crake in terms of Gender, Nature and Politics

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    The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the elements of Gender, Nature and Politics from the novels written by Mary Shelley and Margaret Atwood, The Last Man and Oryx and Crake. The first section focuses on the characteristics of Gender and its different and similar use in two novels. This section offers an analysis of male and female characters of both novels from different ranges of society. The second section focuses on the analysis of Nature and natural elements presented in novels. The elements that will be analysed in this part are sublime, catastrophe and the plague. The final section offers an analysis of politics represented by the elements such as politicas regimes, revolution, and the function of the plague around the politicsEl propósito de este estudio es comparar y contrastar los elementos de Género, Naturaleza y Política de las novelas escritas por Mary Shelley y Margaret Atwood, The Last Man y Oryx and Crake. El primer apartado se centra en un análisis comparativo de las características de género en estas novelas. En esta sección se ofrece un análisis de los personajes masculinos y femeninos de ambas novelas pertenecientes a diferentes estratos sociales. El segundo apartado se centra en el análisis de la Naturaleza y los elementos naturales presentados en ambas obras. Los elementos que serán analizados en esta parte son lo sublime, la catástrofe y la peste. La sección final ofrece un análisis de la política representada por elementos como los regímenes políticos, la revolución y la función de la peste en torno a la política.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Calculations of wall element for quick-safe building

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    Nowadays there are a lot of areas which are exposed by negative influence of natural phenomena such us earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and hurricanes. It is a challenge to organize some comfortable and spacious place for accommodation of casualties and providing the first aid for them. On the basis of the above, light and quickly mounted, demountable and relocatable structures, which names are quick-safe buildings are the best solution. The aim of this research was to choose the material for the wall structures and determine the thickness of the wall structures sufficient to resist the load and keep the stable climate inside the building, considering the outside temperature and other weather conditions. In this research three ways for wind load calculation are presented: according to the European standards, according to the American standards, according to the standards of the Russian Federation. Also a bending moment analysis according to strength of material were made. During the research a calculation of the wind load and a bending moment analysis were made. The wall structure of a quick-safe building was designed. A quick-safe building could be used by a government during a disaster recovery as a temporary residence for casualties

    Justice and prisoners’ families

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    This is the final version of the paper. Available from the publisher via the link in this record.Previous research has shown that prisoners' families in the UK are greatly affected by imprisonment: financially, socially, emotionally and practically. Despite an ever-growing body of literature, however, the topic of prisoners' families has not yet become one of the key themes in criminology and the sociology of punishment. Criminal justice policy has also failed to engage with the needs of prisoners' families, with criminal justice discourse being largely focused on justice as defined by punishments and deserts. Building on the concept of social justice, this paper argues that a broader understanding of justice within criminal justice is sorely needed if social justice is to be achieved for prisoners' families. It then discusses four types of injustices that are highlighted by thinking of prisoners' families through a social justice lens. It concludes that to do justice for prisoners' families, there is a need to broaden the meaning of justice in criminal justice, and discuss social justice and the collateral consequences of imprisonment.I would like to thank the Sir Halley Steward Trust for funding my Ph.D project – 'Making love last: Maintaining intimate relationships with long-term prisoners'. This paper has developed as a result of my work on this project over the past year. All views expressed in this paper are mine alone and not necessarily those of the Trust. I also extend my gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Rachel Condry, and to Dr. Joyce Arditti for their valuable feedback on an earlier draft of this paper

    The End of the Conservatory” Pre-conferencia en LIX College Music Society Conference

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    Durante el mes de octubre de 2016 se desarrolló en Santa Fe, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos, la LIX Colle- ge Music Society Conference (Conferencia Nacional de la Sociedad Universitaria de Música), organización profesional que reúne en sus filas a los académicos del área de la música de universidades norteamericanas y extranjeras. Durante la conferencia se presentaron charlas,conciertos, presentaciones, mesas redondas, discusiones y coloquios sobre los más diversos temas relacionados con la innovación, investigación, y el análisis del estado actual de la educación musical a nivel de pre y postgrado. En esa ocasión, además tuve el honor de ser elegida entre un gran número de postulantes para ofrecer un recital con obras del compositor chileno Enrique Soro Barriga (1884-1954), el cual fue acogido con mucho interés y entusiasmo por todos los colegas asistentes. En ese contexto se llevó a cabo una jornada de talleres pre-conferencia denominada "The End of the Conservatory” (El final del conservatorio), y a eso me referiré en el presente texto

    Burial clothing in Neolithic cemeteries of the Ukrainian steppe

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    Over 600 skeletons from numerous Neolithic cemeteries are known from the Pontic steppe. They came from the Lower Don, Azov-Dnieper and Surskaja cultures, with different sets of adornments on their burial clothing. The disposition of adornments provides valuable information on some items of burial clothing: caps, shirts with long sleeves, loincloths, and moccasins.Na področju Pontske stepe je na številnih neolitskih grobiščih dokumentiranih več kot 600 skeletov. Nahajajo se na področju kulture Spodnji Don, Azov-Dnjeper in Surskaja. Označujejo jih različno okrasje na mrtvaških oblačilih. Lega okraja omogoča sklepati o posameznih delih teh oblačil: pokrivalih, tunikah z dolgimi rokavi, predpasnikih in mokasinih