54 research outputs found

    Present-self, past-self and the close-other : neural correlates of assigning trait adjectives to oneself and others

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    Information regarding the past-self may be viewed as information referring to other people. However, evidence supporting this notion at the neural level is rather sparse and it remains unclear whether the past-self is processed like any ‘other' or like the close-other only. The aim of this event-related potential study was to investigate this issue. A reflection task requiring evaluation of positive and negative trait adjectives with respect to present- and past-self, a close-other and a famous person was applied. We hypothesized that the past-self and close-other conditions would share their neural underpinnings. The process of reflection on the past-self and close-other was indeed associated with similar mean amplitudes of the late positive component (LPC), whereas in the case of the past-self vs. famous person comparison LPC was significantly enhanced for the past-self. Analogous effects were observed when LPC was calculated for trials with traits judged as either suitable or unsuitable to describe a person who was the target of reflection. Thus, these findings suggest that the processing of information related to the past-self resembles processing of information related to a personally relevant other. Moreover, sex-differences were observed in reaction times and LPC amplitudes for responses reflecting the positivity bia

    How familiarity warps representation in the face space

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    Recognition of familiar as compared to unfamiliar faces is robust and resistant to marked image distortion or degradation. Here we tested the flexibility of familiar face recognition with a morphing paradigm where the appearance of a personally familiar face was mixed with the appearance of a stranger (Experiment 1) and the appearance of one's own face with the appearance of a familiar face and the appearance of a stranger (Experiment 2). The aim of the two experiments was to assess how categorical boundaries for recognition of identity are affected by familiarity. We found a narrower categorical boundary for the identity of personally familiar faces when they were mixed with unfamiliar identities as compared to the control condition, in which the appearance of two unfamiliar faces was mixed. Our results suggest that familiarity warps the representational geometry of face space, amplifying perceptual distances for small changes in the appearance of familiar faces that are inconsistent with the structural features that define their identities

    Scrutinizing the grey areas of declarative memory: Do the self-reference and temporal orientation of a trait knowledge task modulate the Late Positive Component (LPC)?

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    Knowledge about the future self may engage cognitive processes typically ascribed to episodic memory, such as awareness of the future self as an extension of the current self (i.e., autonoetic awareness) and the construction of future events. In a prior study (Tanguay et al., 2018), temporal orientation influenced the Late Positive Component (LPC), an ERP correlate of recollection. The LPC amplitude for present traits was intermediate between semantic and episodic memory, whereas thinking about one's future traits produced a larger LPC amplitude that was similar to episodic memory. Here, we examined further the effect of temporal orientation on the LPC amplitude and investigated if it was influenced by whether knowledge concerns the self or another person, with the proximity of the other being considered. Participants verified whether traits (e.g., Enthusiastic) were true of themselves and the “other,” both now and in the future. Proximity of the other person was manipulated between subjects, such that participants either thought about the typical traits of a close friend (n = 31), or those of their age group more broadly (n = 35). Self-reference and temporal orientation interacted: The LPC amplitude for future knowledge was larger than for present knowledge, but only for the self. This effect of temporal orientation was not observed when participants thought about the traits of other people. The proximity of the other person did not modify these effects. Future-oriented cognition can engage different cognitive processes depending on self-reference; knowledge about the personal future increased the LPC amplitude unlike thinking about the future of other people. Our findings strengthen the notion of self-knowledge as a grey area between semantic and episodic memory

    "Elaboration CRM strategy for a new youths’ club THE GLOBE. "

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    Praca zawiera charakterystykę nowoczesnego sposobu zarządzania, opartego na współczesnej koncepcji marketingu. Zgodnie z literaturą przedmiotu dzisiejszy klient jest osobą bardziej świadomą, poinformowaną i staje się lojalny tylko w stosunku do firmy, z którą łączą go pozytywne, silne więzi. Potwierdzają to przeprowadzone przeze mnie badania. Szczególnie młodzi ludzie chcą wiedzieć, że ich zdanie się liczy i jest respektowane. Zbudowana strategia jest oparta o takie właśnie zachowania, które zapewniają interakcje między firmą a klientem. Teoria zawarta w pierwszej części pracy, przedstawiona (wykorzystana) jest za pomocą przejrzystych wypunktowań, tabel, rysunków i schematów w w jej drugiej części.Organizations have changed and are changing as a result of a focus on the customer. It is now recognized that meeting customer needs is the foundation of any successful organization, and that the customer comes first, second and third. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a model for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It is a kind of strategy for company function. Also it involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service and technical support. My Master’s thesis depicts the strategy for a new youths’ club. I can describe it in a following way: we put our customer first; we are professional; we respect each other; we work as a team; we are committed to continuous improvement

    Special economic zone in Radomsko as a stimulator of economic growth and changes in the social structure of the city

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    Specjalne strefy ekonomiczne funkcjonują w Polsce od 1997 roku. Przez wiele lat ten instrument polityki regionalnej znacznie się powiększył, a jedna z nich funkcjonuje w Radomsku. Dlatego głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie Łódzkiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej wraz z jej podstrefą – Radomsko, jej wpływu na lokalne społeczeństwo jak i rynek pracy. Metoda pracy obejmuję analizę tekstów naukowych, stron internetowych oraz informacji z przeprowadzonego wywiadu. Podstrefa specjalnej strefy ekonomicznej działa w Radomsku od 2005 roku i wraz ze swoją działalnością w mieście niewątpliwie przybyło nowych miejsc pracy (ok. 4 000) przyczyniając się do zmniejszenia bezrobocia o ok. 40% względem roku 2004. Wiele inicjatyw zrzeszających lokalną społeczność, czy zaangażowanie i współpraca inwestorów ze szkołami technicznymi przyczyniło się do poprawy sytuacji społecznej w mieście, jak i wizerunku miasta na tle regionu. Jednak funkcjonowanie strefy, również tej w Radomsku zaplanowane jest do 2026 roku, a w planach miasta nadal zauważamy brak kluczowych rozwiązań i planów na jej przyszłość.Special economical zones work in Poland since 1997. For many years this instrument of local economic policy significantly enlarged and one of them runs in Radomsko. Therefore, main aim of the thesis is introduction of Łódź Special Economic Zone with its subzone - Radomsko, its influence on local society and labor market. Method of thesis cover analysis of scientific literature, websites and information taken from performed interview. Subzone of Special Economical Zone works in Radomsko since 2005 and thanks to its activity in the city the number of workplaces have undoubtly grown (for about 4000 workplaces) causing the decrease of unemployment for about 40% in relation to 2004. Many initiatives bringing together local society or involvement and cooperation of investors with technical schools cause the improvement of social situation in the city, but also the image of Radomsko on the background of region. However functioning of the zone, also the one in Radomsko is planned to 2026 and the lack of key solution and plans for the future is still observed in city plans

    Iodine and Lipase Green Oxidation Technology

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    BiotechnologyApplied Science