11 research outputs found

    Disentangling 2:1 resonant radial velocity orbits from eccentric ones and a case study for HD 27894

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    In radial velocity observations, a pair of extrasolar planets near a 2:1 orbital resonance can be misinterpreted as a single eccentric planet, if data are sparse and measurement precision insufficient to distinguish between these models. We determine the fraction of alleged single-planet RV detected systems for which a 2:1 resonant pair of planets is also a viable model and address the question of how the models can be disentangled. By simulation we quantified the mismatch arising from applying the wrong model. Model alternatives are illustrated using the supposed single-planet system HD 27894 for which we also study the dynamical stability of near-2:1 resonant solutions. From the data scatter around the fitted single-planet Keplerians, we find that for 74%74\% of the 254254 putative single-planet systems, a 2:1 resonant pair cannot be excluded as a viable model, since the error due to the wrong model is smaller than the scatter. For 187187 stars χ2\chi ^2-probabilities can be used to reject the Keplerian models with a confidence of 95%95\% for 54%54\% of the stars and with 99.9%99.9\% for 39%39\% of the stars. For HD 27894 a considerable fit improvement is obtained when adding a low-mass planet near half the orbital period of the known Jovian planet. Dynamical analysis demonstrates that this system is stable when both planets are initially placed on circular orbits. For fully Keplerian orbits a stable system is only obtained if the eccentricity of the inner planet is constrained to <0.3<0.3. A large part of the allegedly RV detected single-planet systems should be scrutinized in order to determine the fraction of systems containing near-2:1 resonant pairs of planets. Knowing the abundance of such systems will allow us to revise the eccentricity distribution for extrasolar planets and provide direct constraints for planetary system formation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, one of them composed by two files, accepted by A&A, citations may appear in a non-standard way (double brackets) due to reformatting needs. Abstract slightly adjuste

    Can 1D radiative equilibrium models of faculae be used for calculating contamination of transmission spectra?

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    The reliable characterization of planetary atmospheres with transmission spectroscopy requires realistic modeling of stellar magnetic features, since features that are attributable to an exoplanet atmosphere could instead stem from the host star's magnetic activity. Current retrieval algorithms for analysing transmission spectra rely on intensity contrasts of magnetic features from 1D radiative-convective models. However, magnetic features, especially faculae, are not fully captured by such simplified models. Here we investigate how well such 1D models can reproduce 3D facular contrasts, taking a G2V star as an example. We employ the well established radiative magnetohydrodynamic code MURaM to obtain three-dimensional simulations of the magneto-convection and photosphere harboring a local small-scale-dynamo. Simulations without additional vertical magnetic fields are taken to describe the quiet solar regions, while simulations with initially 100 G, 200 G and 300 G vertical magnetic fields are used to represent different magnetic activity levels. Subsequently, the spectra emergent from the MURaM cubes are calculated with the MPS-ATLAS radiative transfer code. We find that the wavelength dependence of facular contrast from 1D radiative-convective models cannot reproduce facular contrasts obtained from 3D modeling. This has far reaching consequences for exoplanet characterization using transmission spectroscopy, where accurate knowledge of the host star is essential for unbiased inferences of the planetary atmospheric properties.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to APJ

    Stellar Surface Magnetic Fields Impact Limb Darkening

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    Stars appear darker at their limbs than at their disk centers because at the limb we are viewing the higher and cooler layers of stellar photospheres. Limb darkening derived from state-of-the-art stellar atmosphere models systematically fails to reproduce recent transiting exoplanet light curves from the Kepler, TESS, and JWST telescopes -- stellar brightness obtained from measurements drops less steeply towards the limb than predicted by models. All previous models assumed atmosphere devoid of magnetic fields. Here we use our new stellar atmosphere models computed with the 3D radiative magneto-hydrodynamic code MURaM to show that small-scale concentration of magnetic fields on the stellar surface affect limb darkening at a level that allows us to explain the observations. Our findings provide a way forward to improve the determination of exoplanet radii and especially the transmission spectroscopy analysis for transiting planets, which relies on a very accurate description of stellar limb darkening from the visible through the infrared. Furthermore, our findings imply that limb darkening allows measuring the small-scale magnetic field on stars with transiting planets.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures This is the submission version of manuscript to Nature Astronom

    A roadmap to the efficient and robust characterization of temperate terrestrial planet atmospheres with JWST

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    Ultra-cool dwarf stars are abundant, long-lived, and uniquely suited to enable the atmospheric study of transiting terrestrial companions with JWST. Amongst them, the most prominent is the M8.5V star TRAPPIST-1 and its seven planets, which have been the favored targets of eight JWST Cycle 1 programs. While Cycle 1 observations have started to yield preliminary insights into the planets, they have also revealed that their atmospheric exploration requires a better understanding of their host star. Here, we propose a roadmap to characterize the TRAPPIST-1 system -- and others like it -- in an efficient and robust manner. We notably recommend that -- although more challenging to schedule -- multi-transit windows be prioritized to constrain stellar heterogeneities and gather up to 2×\times more transits per JWST hour spent. We conclude that in such systems planets cannot be studied in isolation by small programs, thus large-scale community-supported programs should be supported to enable the efficient and robust exploration of terrestrial exoplanets in the JWST era

    Accurate Short-Characteristics Radiative Transfer in A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RESearch (ANTARES)

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    We aim to improve the accuracy of radiative energy transport in three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical simulations in ANTARES (A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RESearch). We implement in the ANTARES short-characteristics numerical schemes a modification of the Bezier interpolant solver. This method yields a smoother surface structure in simulations of solar convection and reduces the artifacts appearing due to the limited number of rays along which the integration is done. Reducing such artifacts leads to increased stability of the code. We show that our new implementation achieves a better agreement of the temperature structure and its gradient with a semi-empirical model derived from observations, as well as of synthetic spectral-line profiles with the observed solar spectrum

    Magnetic origin of the discrepancy between stellar limb-darkening models and observations

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    Stars appear darker at their limbs than at their disk centres because at the limb we are viewing the higher and cooler layers of stellar photospheres. Yet, limb darkening derived from state-of-the-art stellar atmosphere models systematically fails to reproduce recent transiting exoplanet light curves from the Kepler, TESS and JWST telescopes—stellar brightness obtained from measurements drops less steeply towards the limb than predicted by models. Previous models assumed stellar atmospheres devoid of magnetic fields. Here we use stellar atmosphere models computed with the three-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic code MURaM to show that a small-scale concentration of magnetic fields on the stellar surface affects limb darkening at a level that allows us to explain the observations. Our findings provide a way forward to improve the determination of exoplanet radii and especially the transmission spectroscopy analysis for transiting planets, which relies on a very accurate description of stellar limb darkening from the visible to the infrared. Furthermore, our findings imply that limb darkening allows estimates of the small-scale magnetic field strength on stars with transiting planets

    A roadmap to the efficient and robust characterization of temperate terrestrial planet atmospheres with JWST

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    Ultra-cool dwarf stars are abundant, long-lived, and uniquely suited to enable the atmospheric study of transiting terrestrial companions with JWST. Amongst them, the most prominent is the M8.5V star TRAPPIST-1 and its seven planets, which have been the favored targets of eight JWST Cycle 1 programs. While Cycle 1 observations have started to yield preliminary insights into the planets, they have also revealed that their atmospheric exploration requires a better understanding of their host star. Here, we propose a roadmap to characterize the TRAPPIST-1 system -- and others like it -- in an efficient and robust manner. We notably recommend that -- although more challenging to schedule -- multi-transit windows be prioritized to constrain stellar heterogeneities and gather up to 2×\times more transits per JWST hour spent. We conclude that in such systems planets cannot be studied in isolation by small programs, thus large-scale community-supported programs should be supported to enable the efficient and robust exploration of terrestrial exoplanets in the JWST era