9 research outputs found

    The Tomato Cf-5

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    Interaction between a cationic bolaamphiphile and DNA:The route towards nanovectors for oligonucleotide antimicrobials

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    Bacterial resistance to antimicrobials is a global threat that requires development of innovative therapeutics that circumvent its onset. The use of Transcription Factor Decoys (TFDs), DNA fragments that act by blocking essential transcription factors in microbes, represents a very promising approach. TFDs require appropriate carriers to protect them from degradation in biological fluids and transfect them through the bacterial cell wall into the cytoplasm, their site of action. Here we report on a bolaform cationic surfactant, [12-bis-THA]Cl2, with proven transfection activity in vivo. By studying the physical-chemical properties of its aqueous solutions with light scattering, cryo-TEM, ζ-potential, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies, we prove that the bolaamphiphiles associate into transient vesicles which convert into one-dimensional elongated structures over time. These surfactant assemblies complex TFDs with extremely high efficiency, if compared to common cationic amphiphiles. At Z+/- = 11, the nanoplexes are stable and have a size of 120 nm, and they form independently of the original morphology of the [12-bis-THA]Cl2 aggregate. DNA is compacted in the nanoplexes, as shown through CD spectroscopy and fluorescence, but is readily released in its native form if sodium taurocholate is added

    Coordinating assembly and export of complex bacterial proteins

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    The Escherichia coli twin-arginine protein transport (Tat) system is a molecular machine dedicated to the translocation of fully folded substrate proteins across the energy-transducing inner membrane. Complex cofactor-containing Tat substrates, such as the model (NiFe) hydrogenase-2 and trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA) systems, acquire their redox cofactors prior to export from the cell and require to be correctly assembled before transport can proceed. It is likely, therefore, that cellular mechanisms exist to prevent premature export of immature substrates. Using a combination of genetic and biochemical approaches including gene knockouts, signal peptide swapping, complementation, and site-directed mutagenesis, we highlight here this crucial ‘proofreading' or ‘quality control' activity in operation during assembly of complex endogenous Tat substrates. Our experiments successfully uncouple the Tat transport and cofactor-insertion activities of the TorA-specific chaperone TorD and demonstrate unequivocally that TorD recognises the TorA twin-arginine signal peptide. It is proposed that some Tat signal peptides operate in tandem with cognate binding chaperones to orchestrate the assembly and transport of complex enzymes

    War1p, a Novel Transcription Factor Controlling Weak Acid Stress Response in Yeast

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Pdr12p effluxes weak acids such as sorbate and benzoate, thus mediating stress adaptation. In this study, we identify a novel transcription factor, War1p, as the regulator of this stress adaptation through transcriptional induction of PDR12. Cells lacking War1p are weak acid hypersensitive, since they fail to induce Pdr12p. The nuclear Zn(2)Cys(6) transcriptional regulator War1p forms homodimers and is rapidly phosphorylated upon sorbate stress. The appearance of phosphorylated War1p isoforms coincides with transcriptional activation of PDR12. Promoter deletion analysis identified a novel cis-acting weak acid response element (WARE) in the PDR12 promoter required for PDR12 induction. War1p recognizes and decorates the WARE both in vitro and in vivo, as demonstrated by band shift assays and in vivo footprinting. Importantly, War1p occupies the WARE in the presence and absence of stress, demonstrating constitutive DNA binding in vivo. Our results suggest that weak acid stress triggers phosphorylation and perhaps activation of War1p. In turn, War1p activation is necessary for the induction of PDR12 through a novel signal transduction event that elicits weak organic acid stress adaptation

    Remnant signal peptides on non-exported enzymes:implications for the evolution of prokaryotic respiratory chains

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    International audienceThe twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is a prokaryotic protein targeting system dedicated to the transmembrane translocation of folded proteins. Substrate proteins are directed to the Tat translocase by signal peptides bearing a conserved SRRxFLK ‘twin-arginine’ motif. In Escherichia coli , most of the 27 periplasmically located Tat substrates are cofactor-containing respiratory enzymes, and many of these harbour a molybdenum cofactor at their active site. Molybdenum cofactor-containing proteins are not exclusively located in the periplasm, however, with the major respiratory nitrate reductase (NarG) and the biotin sulfoxide reductase (BisC), for example, being located at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Interestingly, both NarG and BisC contain ‘N-tail’ regions that bear some sequence similarity to twin-arginine signal peptides. In this work, we have examined the relationship between the non-exported N-tails and the Tat system. Using a sensitive genetic screen for Tat transport, variant N-tails were identified that displayed Tat transport activity. For the NarG 36-residue N-tail, six amino acid changes were needed to induce transport activity. However, these changes interfered with binding by the NarJ biosynthetic chaperone and impaired biosynthesis of the native enzyme. For the BisC 36-residue N-tail, only five amino acid substitutions were needed to restore Tat transport activity. These modifications also impaired in vivo BisC activity, but it was not possible to identify a biosynthetic chaperone for this enzyme. These data highlight an intimate genetic and evolutionary link between some non-exported redox enzymes and those transported across membranes by the Tat translocation system

    Characterisation of the membrane-extrinsic domain of the TatB component of the twin arginine protein translocase

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    The twin arginine protein transport (Tat) system transports folded proteins across cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria and thylakoid membranes of plants, and in Escherichia coli it comprises TatA, TatB and TatC components. In this study we show that the membrane extrinsic domain of TatB forms parallel contacts with at least one other TatB protein. Truncation of the C-terminal two thirds of TatB still allows complex formation with TatC, although protein transport is severely compromised. We were unable to isolate transport-inactive single codon substitution mutations in tatB suggesting that the precise amino acid sequence of TatB is not critical to its function