276 research outputs found

    Contagious Anxiety: Anxious European Americans Can Transmit Their Physiological Reactivity to African Americans.

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    During interracial encounters, well-intentioned European Americans sometimes engage in subtle displays of anxiety, which can be interpreted as signs of racial bias by African American partners. In the present research, same-race and cross-race stranger dyads ( N = 123) engaged in getting-acquainted tasks, during which measures of sympathetic nervous system responses (preejection period, PEP) and heart rate variability were continuously collected. PEP scores showed that African American partners had stronger physiological linkage to European American partners who evidenced greater anxiety-greater cortisol reactivity, behavioral tension, and self-reported discomfort-which suggests greater physiological responsiveness to momentary changes in partners' affective states when those partners were anxious. European Americans showed physiological linkage to African American and European American partners, but linkage did not vary as a function of their partner's anxiety. Using physiological linkage offers a novel approach to understanding how affective responses unfold during dynamic intergroup interactions

    The SCR flare of 16 February 1984 as recorded by the Sayan spectrograph

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    The Sayan cosmic ray (CR) spectrograph recorded an SCR flare that occurred on 16 February 1984. Data from both 1-hour and 110-minute duration measurements in 10 channels with different energy sensitivity (of neutron monitors HM-64 located at different depths in the atmosphere, and of a neutron, multiple neutron and rigid mumeson component lead-less detector) is presented. The parameters of the SCR variation spectrum are evaluated and it is shown that the recording of multiple neutrons at the same geographic point and at the same level in the atmosphere provides information similar to that from a spectrographic complex of instruments

    A Flexible Health Care Workforce Requires a Flexible Regulatory Environment: Promoting Health Care Competition Through Regulatory Reform

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    Effective competition policy is critical to the success of U.S. health care reform, including efforts to reduce health care costs, increase quality of care, and expand access to health care services. While promoting competition is necessary at every level of the rapidly evolving health care system, it is particularly important with respect to licensed professionals who provide health care services. This Article argues that the current system of health care professional regulation, born of the last century, is in numerous respects an impediment to the kinds of changes needed to fully unleash the benefits of competition among different types of health care service providers. To the contrary, the current system of licensure and related regulations tends to artificially separate professionals in ways that not only insulate them from competition now, but also generate incentives to use regulation to perpetuate and fortify such insulation in the future. Drawing on analytic principles derived from antitrust law enforcement and other regulated industries, the Article argues that, although some regulation is necessary to protect public health and safety, the legacy regulatory system likely impedes the development of innovative, alternate service models that might facilitate enhanced competition by allowing all professionals to practice to the full extent of their education, licensure, and skill. The Article concludes by proposing a range of reforms that would re-conceptualize the core characteristics and methodology of traditional health care professional regulation

    A responsabilidade do Estado por omissão na efetivação dos direitos fundamentais sociais

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    Orientador: Estefânia Maria de Queiroz BarbozaMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: A proposta do presente trabalho é analisar a responsabilidade do Estado por omissão na efetivação dos direitos fundamentais sociais. Para tanto, procuramos analisar a maneira como os direitos fundamentais sociais são abordados na Constituição Federal de 1988, bem como a aplicabilidade e a eficácia por esta atribuída. Passando por um estudo da justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais, defende-se a completa exigibilidade do mínimo existencial, afastando na hipótese argumentos como o do princípio da separação dos poderes e da reserva do possível. Ademais, defende-se a possibilidade e a legitimidade do controle judicial de políticas públicas para a efetivação dos direitos sociais nas hipóteses de omissão estatal inconstitucional e a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado por omissão nos casos de danos causados pelo descumprimento de um dever estatal de proteger e garantir os direitos fundamentais sociais

    Langue allemande

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    Elissa Mailänder Koslov, maître de langue 1. Expression écrite et orale en allemand des sciences sociales (niveau I : débutant/intermédiaire) Cet enseignement avait pour but d’exercer et de perfectionner les connaissances linguistiques nécessaires à la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales. Nous nous sommes consacrés d’une part à la lecture de textes anthropologiques, sociologiques, historiques, littéraires et psychanalytiques pour acquérir un socle de vocabulaire et de notions commun à ..

    Le nazisme au quotidien

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    Elissa Mailänder Koslov, lectrice d’allemand Pour une histoire culturelle de l’Allemagne nazie Ce séminaire se propose d’étudier la face interne de l’ascension et de l’installation du nazisme, en donnant la primauté au vécu et aux pratiques des Allemands et Autrichiens ordinaires. Les deux premières séances ont situé l’histoire du quotidien dans son cadre historiographique et ont introduit quelques concepts-clef de l’Alltagsgeschichte, comme l’appropriation, le sens de soi et la domination co..

    Emeriitprofessor Nikolai Koslovi bibliograafia 1959-2013

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    TäistekstLaborandist rektoriks! Armas lugeja, kes sa hoiad käes me kauaaegse rektori, prof. emeritus Nikolai Koslovi bibliograafiat koos tema lühielulooga, saad jälgida veterinaariateadlase, riigiametniku ja haridusametniku teed läbi väga keeruka ajastu kuni tänapäevani välja. Valdav enamus inimesi on mäletamiseks liiga noored. See on sisuline aruanne tehtud tööst. Kuid see puudutab vaid trükiseid, mis on üks väga väike osa tegelikult tehtud tööst eelkõige Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia juhtimisel ja selle arendamisel. Allakirjutanul on olnud au tunda Nikolai Koslovi sünnist saati, sest minu isa ja Nikolai Koslov olid kursusevennad ja head sõbrad. Põhiline osa meie rektori tegevusest sai mulle tuttavaks siiski õpingute ajal. Need algasid 1973. aastal, mil EPA rektor oli president Arnold Rüütel ja meie päevakangelane teadusprorektor. See oli aeg, kus tehti otsused toonane akadeemia välja ehitada Tähtvere väljale. See oli väga pika sihikuga otsus, mis alles tänapäeval on peaaegu lõplikult ellu jõudnud. See näitab, et juba toona tehti väga põhjapanevaid otsuseid, planeeriti ning alustati Eesti ühe parema ülikoolilinnaku ehitust. Paralleelselt juhtimistööga tegeles professor Koslov kogu aeg teadustööga, mille tulemusi korrastatud kujul saategi käesolevast väljaandest lugeda. Ka siin tegutses Nikolai Koslov teadusele väga olulises valdkonnas uurides veiste tuberkuloosi, mis on läbi aegade olnud kogu inimkonna suureks probleemiks. Käesolev väljaanne on tänukummardus, meie kauaaegsele rektorile, lugupeetud professor Nikolai Koslovile tema 90. juubeli puhul. Palju õnne! Eesti Maaülikooli rektor Mait Klaasse

    Manejo Conservador vrs QuirĂşrgico con placa volar en pacientes mayores con fractura distal de radio

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    Distal radius fractures are one of the most frequent injuries found it emergency service. Conservative treatment was very frequent until few years ago. However in past decades we have seen a progressive tendency to surgical treatment of this type of fractures, because of multiple complications that came with conservative management.Objective: to compare the evolution of 50 years or older patients with distal extra articulate fractures of distal radius who were treated with conservative vs. volar plate, and attended in external consultation of orthopedics and trauma department in Hospital Escuela during the period between June 2009 and June 2010.Methods: descriptive, longitudinal study, with a 27 patients sample with diagnosis of a distal extra articulate radius fracture who were treated with a conservative method because of evolution time, vs. patients treated with volar plate, both groups were evaluated in two and three month after the first treatment. We analyze radiological changes, function, pain and consequences related to both methods.Results: The majority didn't present changes in angulations and radius height. In both treatments the most common consequence was the articular range motion. Patients treated with volar plate could do their daily activities with low grade difficulty, however patients treated with conservative management 12 weeks after the fracture, had moderate difficulty to do their activitiesConclusions: patients treated by surgery presented less alteration in radiological evaluation and have better function 8 weeks after surgery because of rigid stabilization and early movementKey Words: Distal radius fracture; conservative management; surgical management; complications; functionDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rmpm.v13i3.622 Revista de los Postgrados de Medicina UNAH Vol. 13 N° 3 Agosto-Octubre 2010Las fracturas de la región distal de radio constituyen lesiones que se atienden con mayor frecuencia en los servicio de urgencias.(1) El tratamiento conservador era el de elección hasta hace algunos años. Sin embargo se ha visto una tendencia progresiva al tratamiento quirúrgico, debido a los importantes trastornos funcionales que acompañaban a los métodos ortopédicos (2).Objetivo: Se comparo la evolución en pacientes mayores de 50 años con fractura extraarticular distal de radio, manejados con tratamiento conservador vrs. tratamiento quirúrgico con placa volar; atendidos en la Consulta Externa de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Escuela, desde de Junio del 2009 a Junio del 2010.Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal, con muestra de 27 pacientes mayores de cincuenta años. Parte de los pacientes fueron manejados con tratamiento conservador, debido a un prolongado tiempo de evolución transcurrido desde el momento de la fractura; y a la vez se estudiaron los pacientes que fueron manejados quirúrgicamente con placa volar; con evaluaciones a los dos y tres meses postratamiento. Se analizaron hallazgos radiológicos, complicaciones, y funcionalidad relacionadas con ambos manejos.Resultados: La mayoría no presentaron alteraciones en la altura y angulación radial en ambos manejos, la perdida de rango articular normal fue la complicación mas reportada, los pacientes manejados con placa volar realizaron sus actividades cotidianas con menor dificultad la las 12 semanas.Conclusión: Los pacientes con manejo quirúrgico presentan menor alteración de parámetros radiológicos, y obtienen mejor grado funcional a las 8 semanas postratamiento debido la movilización precoz y fijación rígida de la fractura.Palabras Claves: Fractura extra articular distal de radio; manejo conservador; manejo quirúrgico; complicaciones; funcionalidad.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rmpm.v13i3.622 Revista de los Postgrados de Medicina UNAH Vol. 13 N° 3 Agosto-Octubre 201

    Electroformation in a flow chamber with solution exchange as a means of preparation of flaccid giant vesicles

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    A recently described technique (Estes and Mayer, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1712 (2005) 152--160) for the preparation of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) in solutions with high ionic strength is examined. By observing a series of osmotic swellings followed by vesicle bursts upon a micropipette transfer of a single POPC GUV from a sucrose solution into an isoosmolar glycerol solution, a value for the permeability of POPC membrane for glycerol, P = (2.09+/-0.82) x 10^{-8} m/s, has been obtained. Based on this result, an alternative mechanism is proposed for the observed exchange of vesicle interior. With modifications, the method of Estes and Mayer is then applied to preparation of flaccid GUVs.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerface
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