13 research outputs found

    Health-related factors for work participation in persons with spinal cord injury in Finland

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    Objective: To explore work participation and the health-related factors affecting work participation among the Finnish Spinal Cord injury (FinSCI) study population (n = 884). Methods: A cross-sectional explorative observational study in the FinSCI community survey applying Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) forms on Social Health and Global Health. Analyses of socio-demographic and injury-related data were performed. Results: Employment among the study population (n = 452) was 26.5%. Physical, Mental, Social and General Health were better in the employed group compared with work-age persons not working. Logistic regression showed that work participation was related to all health domains, but Physical Health and Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities in Social Health were the strongest indicators of likelihood of being at work. Paraplegia and young age were associated with increased likelihood of work participation. Conclusion: The first national survey among people with spinal cord injury in Finland shows low level of employment. The results suggest that pain, physical function, and ability to participate in social roles should be monitored by health and vocational professionals when assessing a person's likelihood of being in work.Peer reviewe

    Esitys lastensuojeluyksikkövierailulle

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    Aiheenamme on lastensuojelutyön ja poliisin yhteistyö ennalta estävän toiminnan parissa. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyömme produkti on PowerPoint-esitys lastensuojeluyksikössä vierailulla käytettäväksi niin Poliisiammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoille kuin poliisilaitoksillekin. Lastensuojelun piirissä olevat nuoret ovat enenevässä määrin yksi poliisia työllistävä asiakasryhmä ja opinnäytetyömme antaa omalta osaltaan tietoa tästä asiakaskunnasta. Tarkoituksenamme on myös mahdollistaa yhteistyön lisääminen lastensuojelun ja poliisin välille, antaa lastensuojelun asiakkaille positiivinen kohtaaminen poliisin kanssa sekä antaa poliisiopiskelijoille ja jo virassa oleville poliiseille matalan kynnyksen mahdollisuus lähestyä nuoria positiivisessa yhteydessä, nuorten turvalliseksi kokemassaan ympäristössä. Keräsimme aluksi tietoa selvittääksemme lukijalle tämänhetkistä lastensuojelun tilaa Suomessa. Lisäksi haastattelimme lastensuojelun ammattilaisia ja poliisissa työskentelevää ennalta estävän toiminnan ammattilaista. Näiden haastattelujen pohjalta saimme aikaan kattavan ajankohtaisen tietopaketin vierailun materiaaliksi niistä rikosilmiöistä, jotka tällä hetkellä ovat ajankohtaisia lastensuojelun piirissä oleville lapsille ja nuorille. Keskeiset tulokset haastatteluiden perusteella olivat, että lasten ja nuorten parissa toistuu sama pienehkö määrä rikoksia, joissa lapset ja nuoret ovat sekä rikoksesta epäillyn asemassa että asianomistajan asemassa ja se, että tälle ryhmälle olisi tärkeää saada tietoa suoraan poliisilta rikoksista, niiden seurauksista ja rikosprosessista. Tulimme asiantuntijahaastatteluiden ja lastensuojeluyksikköön tekemämme vierailun perusteella siihen tulokseen, että työmme on tarpeellinen lisä jo olemassa olevien vierailumateriaalien rinnalle. Tämän kaltaiselle yhteistyölle poliisin ja nuorten välille on aina tilausta ja tällä tavoin osaltamme mahdollistamme sen madaltamalla kynnystä lastensuojelulaitosvierailuille

    Facilitators and barriers in the rehabilitation process described by persons with spinal cord injury: a deductive-inductive analysis from the Finnish spinal cord injury study

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    AbstractBackground This study aimed to determine the factors that promote and facilitate rehabilitation as well as challenges and possible barriers perceived by people with spinal cord injury (SCI).Materials and Methods This study was part of a larger, mixed-method Finnish Spinal Cord Injury (FinSCI) study. We interviewed 45 persons with SCI representing participants from the FinSCI study and used a qualitative approach and a deductive-inductive content analysis to analyse the data.Results We identified 28 facilitators and 19 barriers in the rehabilitation process. The majority of the facilitators and barriers were related to the rehabilitation planning phase. There were more barriers than facilitators in applying for and accessing treatment or rehabilitation and during the implementation of rehabilitation. Facilitators consisted of successful, realized, or planned treatments or rehabilitation events; clear goals; multidisciplinary teamwork; support and monitoring in various changing situations; and the rehabilitees’ own capabilities and activities, among other things. The barriers included delays, challenges and deficiencies in the planning and implementation of treatment or rehabilitation; the lack of different skills; and resources of rehabilitation professionals; and different personal factors, which made the rehabilitation process cumbersome.Conclusions Good communication and interaction between stakeholders are crucial for the progress of rehabilitation

    Facilitators and barriers in the rehabilitation process described by persons with spinal cord injury: a deductive-inductive analysis from the Finnish spinal cord injury study

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    This study aimed to determine the factors that promote and facilitate rehabilitation as well as challenges and possible barriers perceived by people with spinal cord injury (SCI). This study was part of a larger, mixed-method Finnish Spinal Cord Injury (FinSCI) study. We interviewed 45 persons with SCI representing participants from the FinSCI study and used a qualitative approach and a deductive-inductive content analysis to analyse the data. We identified 28 facilitators and 19 barriers in the rehabilitation process. The majority of the facilitators and barriers were related to the rehabilitation planning phase. There were more barriers than facilitators in applying for and accessing treatment or rehabilitation and during the implementation of rehabilitation. Facilitators consisted of successful, realized, or planned treatments or rehabilitation events; clear goals; multidisciplinary teamwork; support and monitoring in various changing situations; and the rehabilitees’ own capabilities and activities, among other things. The barriers included delays, challenges and deficiencies in the planning and implementation of treatment or rehabilitation; the lack of different skills; and resources of rehabilitation professionals; and different personal factors, which made the rehabilitation process cumbersome. Good communication and interaction between stakeholders are crucial for the progress of rehabilitation.</p

    Beyond OER – Shifting Focus to Open Educational Practices: OPAL Report 2011

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    This study presents the findings of a quantitative study on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in Higher Education and Adult Learning Institutions. The study is based on the results of an online survey targeted at four educational roles: educational policy makers; institutional policy makers/managers; educational professionals; and learners. The report encompasses five chapters and four annexes. Chapter I presents the survey and Chapter II discloses the main research questions and models. Chapter III characterises the universe of respondents. Chapter IV advances with a detailed survey analysis including an overview of key statistical data. Finally, Chapter V provides an exploratory in-depth analysis of some key issues: representations, attitudes and uses of OEP. The table of contents and the complete list of diagrams and tables can be found at the end of the report