11 research outputs found

    RNF43-geenin mutaatioiden yhteys hammaspuutoksien syntyyn

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    Hammaspuutokset ovat yleisin kraniofakiaalinen anomalia. Ne voivat esiintyä sekä erillisinä anomalioina että oireyhtymien yhteydessä. Niiden vaikutus elämänlaatuun on negatiivinen muun muassa heikentyneen suunterveyden ja sosiaalisten suhteiden vaikeutumisen kautta. Pekka Niemisen tutkimusryhmä Helsingin yliopistosta löysi hammaspuutospotilaiden perimätutkimuksissa kaksi uutta mahdollisesti hammaspuutoksia aiheuttavaa geenimutaatiota geenissä RNF43. RNF43-proteiini on normaalisti toimiessaan osa hampaiden kehitykseen ja kasvuun vaikuttavan WNT-viestinnän negatiivista takaisinkytkentää. Mutaatioiden arvellaan häiritsevän hampaiden kehitystä WNT-viestinnän aktiivisuuden muuntelemisen kautta. Tutkimuksessamme tutkimme mutaatioiden vaikutusta RNF43-proteiinin määrään ja sijoittumiseen solussa ja pyrimme näin todistamaan mutaatioiden patogeenisyyden. Käytimme tutkimuksessa HEK293-soluja. Transfektoimme niitä villityypin ja kahden eri mutaation plasmideilla, jotka sisälsivät myös GFP-proteiinin. Värjäsimme niitä membraani- ja tumaväriaineilla, jotta pystyimme hahmottamaan GFP:n ja siten proteiinin sijaintia solussa fluoresenssi- ja konfokaalimikroskooppien avustuksella. Mutaatioilla ei havaittu olevan vaikutusta RNF43:n tuotannon määrään tai sijoittumiseen soluissa, emmekä näin ollen voineet tässä tutkimuksessa todentaa niiden patogeenisyyttä. Veimme tutkimuksellamme kuitenkin kyseisten mutaatioiden ja hammaspuutosten genetiikan tutkintaa eteenpäin. Tästä tutkimuksesta saatujen havaintojen pohjalta voidaan RNF43-geenin mutaatioiden tutkimusta jatkaa muilla menetelmillä

    Selluliitti, lymfangiitti vai vaskuliitti? Retrospektiivinen tutkimus 66:sta Yliopistollisessa hevossairaalassa hoidetusta potilaasta

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    Koskenranta, Elina Mykkänen, Anna Määttä, Merita Kareinen, Ilona Rantala, Merja Tulamo, Riitta-MariPeer reviewe

    Integration strategies and models to support transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments- an umbrella review

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    Aims The aim of this umbrella review was to establish recent evidence on integration strategies and models to support transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments. Design Umbrella review conducted according to joanna briggs institute guidelines. Data sources Data were collected from CINAHL, PubMed, Medic, ProQuest and Scopus electronic databases in 2021. Review Methods Two researchers simultaneously screened studies' eligibility by title, abstract and full text. Quality appraisal for the selected studies was assessed according to joanna briggs institute critical appraisal. Data were synthesized by conducting content analysis. Results Twenty-seven reviews were included in the final synthesis. Strategies and models for supporting the transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments were structured as intra-organizational, sociocultural, and professional development. Intra-organizational strategies and models were unique to a particular organization and included policies and support, diversity, collegial and peer support, employee treatment and workplace environment. Sociocultural strategies and models addressed social, cultural and group dynamics using cultural training, learning and support, social support and friendships, language and communication, and personal skills development. Professional development enhanced nursing competence, ability to practice and workplace professional development. This was supported through licensure and orientation to work, career and competence development, and workplace mentorship and preceptorship. Conclusion There is a need to understand culturally and linguistically diverse nurses' needs and motivation to integrate, which is essential toward developing efficient integrational strategies and models. Strategies and models also need to support cultural and personal competence development of native nurses to aid efficient integration of culturally and linguistically diverse colleagues. Future studies can evaluate nursing workforce shortages and their implications on integration process

    Verkkokaupan blogin sisältöjen hyödyntäminen markkinoinnin automaatiossa

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan erään verkkokaupan sisältömarkkinoinnin uudelleenhyödyntämistä markkinoinnin automaation avulla. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli luoda verkkokaupalle uusi myyntikanava, joka hyödyntää jo olemassa olevaa blogimateriaalia sekä verkkokauppaan jo saatua liikennettä markkinoinnin automaation kautta. Verkkokaupan sisällöntuotantoa ja sisältöstrategiaa tarkastellaan siitä näkökulmasta, mikä on sen rooli yrityksen liiketoiminnassa ja mitä sillä on saavutettu ja mitkä ovat sen tavoitteet. Markkinoinnin automaatio-osiossa käsitellään yleisluontoisesti sitä, mitä on markkinoinnin automaatio, jonka jälkeen siirrytään käsittelemään sähköpostia, joka on toimeksiantajan valitsema automaation muoto, markkinoinnin automaation välineenä. Kappaleessa kerrotaan, millaisin toimin automaatiota lähdettiin rakentamaan ja millaisista ominaisuuksista se koostui. Markkinoinnin mitattavuutta tarkastellaan avainlukumittariston kautta. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käydään läpi mitä on avainluku- eli KPI-mittaristot, mikä on niiden tarkoitus ja mitä työkaluja toimeksiantaja on käyttänyt tiedon keräämiseen. Myyntiputken tekninen toteutus onnistui, mutta sen suurimmaksi haasteeksi nousi kävijöiden houkuttelu liittymään sähköpostilistalle. Ilman rekisteröitymisiä listalle ei myöskään saatu dataa varsinaisen automaation toiminnasta. Perehtymällä aluksi sähköpostimarkkinointiin liittyviin erityisongelmiin olisi tulokset mahdollisesti olleet paremmat

    RAB23 regulates musculoskeletal development and patterning

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    RAB23 is a small GTPase which functions at the plasma membrane to regulate growth factor signaling. Mutations in RAB23 cause Carpenter syndrome, a condition that affects normal organogenesis and patterning. In this study, we investigate the role of RAB23 in musculoskeletal development and show that it is required for patella bone formation and for the maintenance of tendon progenitors. The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in mammals and plays a critical role during movement by providing structural and mechanical support to the knee. Rab23 ( -/- ) mice fail to form a patella and normal knee joint. The patella is formed from Sox9 and scleraxis (Scx) double-positive chondroprogenitor cells. We show that RAB23 is required for the specification of SOX9 and scleraxis double-positive patella chondroprogenitors during the formation of patella anlagen and the subsequent establishment of patellofemoral joint. We find that scleraxis and SOX9 expression are disrupted in Rab23 ( -/- ) mice, and as a result, development of the quadriceps tendons, cruciate ligaments, patella tendons, and entheses is either abnormal or lost. TGF beta-BMP signaling is known to regulate patella initiation and patella progenitor differentiation and growth. We find that the expression of TGF beta R2, BMPR1, BMP4, and pSmad are barely detectable in the future patella site and in the rudimentary tendons and ligaments around the patellofemoral joint in Rab23 ( -/- ) mice. Also, we show that GLI1, SOX9, and scleraxis, which regulate entheses establishment and maturation, are weakly expressed in Rab23 ( -/- ) mice. Further analysis of the skeletal phenotype of Rab23 ( -/- ) mice showed a close resemblance to that of Tgf beta 2 ( -/- ) mice, highlighting a possible role for RAB23 in regulating TGF beta superfamily signaling.Peer reviewe

    Vanhempien käsityksiä lapsensa lääkkeettömän kivunhoidon ohjauksesta sairaalassa

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    Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Tarkoituksena oli kuvata vanhempien käsityksiä lapsensa lääkkeettömän kivunhoidon ohjauksesta sairaalassa ja selvittää taustekijöiden yhteyttä ohjaukseen. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Kuvailevan poikkileikkaustutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella 1–15-vuotiaiden lasten vanhemmilta (n=210) erään suomalaisen yliopistollisen sairaalan lastenosastoilla. Aineisto analysoitiin kuvailevin tilastollisin menetelmin. Tulokset: Vanhemmille eniten ohjattuja lääkkeettömiä kivunlievitysmenetelmiä lapsen kivunhoidossa olivat emotionaalisen tuen menetelmät, asentohoito sekä ajatusten suuntaaminen pois kivusta. Sen sijaan vähiten ohjattuja menetelmiä olivat musiikki ja hieronta. Ohjauksessa käytettiin harvoin kirjallista materiaalia, videoita tai Internet-sivustoja. Lapsen yksilölliset ominaisuudet huomioitiin hyvin ohjauksessa. Lapsen iällä ja kivun voimakkuudella oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys ohjattuihin menetelmiin. Vanhempien saama ohjaus eri menetelmien käytössä lisäsi heidän tyytyväisyyttään lääkkeettömän kivunhoidon ohjaukseen kokonaisuudessaan. Päätelmät: Vanhempia osallistava ohjaaminen lapsensa lääkkeettömässä kivunhoidossa on tärkeää. Vanhemmille tarjottuun ohjaukseen sekä monipuolisiin ohjausmenetelmiin tulee kiinnittää huomiota lastenhoitotyössä huomioiden myös lapsen yksilölliset ominaisuudet. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää lasten kivunhoidon kehittämisessä.Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to describe parents’ perceptions of received guidance in non-pharmacological pain management during their children’s hospitalization and to find out the association between the background factors and counselling. Data and methods: The data of this cross-sectional study were collected through a questionnaire from the parents of children aged 1–15 years (n=210) at pediatric wards in a Finnish university hospital. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Results: Parents received the most guidance in their child’s pain management on emotional support methods, positioning and distraction, while the least guided methods were music and massage. Written instructions, educational videos or websites were rarely used in the guidance. The individual characteristics of the child were well taken into account. Child’s age and intensity of pain were statistically significantly associated with the guided methods. Guidance in different methods increased parents’ satisfaction in the overall guidance in non-pharmacological pain management. Conclusions: The guidance of parents to take part in their children’s non-pharmacological pain treatment is important. Attention should be paid to the guidance and its methods offered to parents in pediatric nursing, and this should be done taking into account the child’s individual characteristics. The results of this study can be utilized in the development of children’s pain treatment

    Real Time Tissue Identification from Diathermy Smoke by Differential Mobility Spectrometry

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    Current methods for intraoperative surgical margin assessment are inadequate in terms of diagnostic accuracy, ease-of-use, and speed of analysis. Molecular analysis of tissues could potentially overcome these issues. A system based on differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) analysis of surgical smoke has been proposed as one potential method, but to date, it has been able to function in a relatively slow and heavily controlled manner that is inadequate for clinical use. In this study, we present an integrated sensor system that can measure a surgical smoke sample in seconds and relay the information of the tissue type to the user in near real time in simulated surgical use. The system was validated by operating porcine adipose tissue and muscle tissue. The differentiation of these tissues based on their surgical smoke profile with a cross-validated linear discriminant analysis model produced a classification accuracy of 93.1% (N = 1059). The measurements were also classified with a convolutional neural network model, resulting in a classification accuracy of 93.2%. These results indicate that the DMS-based smoke analysis system is capable of rapid tissue identification from surgical smoke produced in freehand surgery.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Integration strategies and models to support transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments:an umbrella review

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    Abstract Aims: The aim of this umbrella review was to establish recent evidence on integration strategies and models to support transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments. Design: Umbrella review conducted according to Joanna Briggs institute guidelines. Data sources: Data were collected from CINAHL, PubMed, Medic, ProQuest and Scopus electronic databases in 2021. Review methods: Two researchers simultaneously screened studies’ eligibility by title, abstract and full text. Quality appraisal for the selected studies was assessed according to Joanna Briggs institute critical appraisal. Data were synthesized by conducting content analysis. Results: Twenty-seven reviews were included in the final synthesis. Strategies and models for supporting the transition and adaptation of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing staff into healthcare environments were structured as intra-organizational, sociocultural, and professional development. Intra-organizational strategies and models were unique to a particular organization and included policies and support, diversity, collegial and peer support, employee treatment and workplace environment. Sociocultural strategies and models addressed social, cultural and group dynamics using cultural training, learning and support, social support and friendships, language and communication, and personal skills development. Professional development enhanced nursing competence, ability to practice and workplace professional development. This was supported through licensure and orientation to work, career and competence development, and workplace mentorship and preceptorship. Conclusions: There is a need to understand culturally and linguistically diverse nurses’ needs and motivation to integrate, which is essential toward developing efficient integrational strategies and models. Strategies and models also need to support cultural and personal competence development of native nurses to aid efficient integration of culturally and linguistically diverse colleagues. Future studies can evaluate nursing workforce shortages and their implications on integration process

    Mentors’ cultural competence at mentoring culturally and linguistically diverse nursing students in clinical practice: An international cross-sectional study

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    Aims: This study aimed to identify mentors’ cultural competence profiles at mentoring culturally and linguistically diverse nursing students in clinical practice and explore associating factors. Background: Globalization has had a significant impact on healthcare, increasing the diversity of healthcare workforces and the number of culturally and linguistically diverse nursing students in clinical practice. The cultural competence of mentors is important to secure students’ safe and successful learning. The mentor role in clinical practice contributes toward enabling and ensuring students’ high-quality and goal-oriented development of competence. Design: This study implemented a cross-sectional design with a final sample of 270 clinical practice mentors from Finland, Lithuania, Spain and Slovenia. Methods: The data were collected using an online survey including the Mentors’ Cultural Competence Instrument, Mentors’ Competence Instrument and background questions during 2020- 2021. The data were analyzed using a K-mean cluster algorithm to identify mentors’ competency profiles. Results: Three significantly differing mentor competency profiles (Profile A 42%, Profile B 41%, Profile C 17%) were identified in this study. The cultural competence of the mentors in clinical practice varied between intermediate and high levels. Mentors rated their cultural competence as best in the area of cultural sensitivity and awareness, whereas the lowest scored area was cultural interaction and safety. Conclusions: This study showed that the cultural competence of mentors in clinical practice varied and was influenced by mentors’ work experience, age, job title and frequency of mentoring. This study provides new knowledge that could help to develop cultural competence operating models and education to enhance the cultural competence of healthcare professionals