13 research outputs found

    The impact of climate and land-use changes on birds

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    Změny klimatu zaznamenané v posledních dekádách mají značný dopad na ptačí druhy. Vlivem těchto změn bude pravděpodobně docházet k posunu hnízdních areálů k severu. Přestože není jisté, zda k těmto posunům skutečně dojde, tak i dnes můžeme na ptačích populacích pozorovat změny početnosti, které jsou v souladu s tímto mechanismem. Výsledky analýzy založené na dlouhodobých datech například prokázaly, že severské druhy vyskytující se na území České republiky mají negativnější trendy. Klimatem indukované posuny ale poskytují především náhled na to, jak v budoucnu bude vypadat uspořádání druhů v Evropě. Abychom zjistili, které skupiny druhů posunou své areály rozšíření nejvíce, jsme nejprve vypočítali míru předpokládaného posunu a následně jsme tuto proměnou vztáhli k ekologickým vlastnostem druhů. Míra posunu se dá považovat za ukazatel tlaku, jakým klima na jednotlivé druhy působí, a je zajímavé vědět, jak se tento tlak vztahuje k dlouhodobým trendům početnosti. Zjistili jsme, že vztah mezi mírou posunu a trendem početnosti je signifikantní, ale liší se v závislosti na pozici současného areálu rozšíření vůči České republice. Ačkoliv patří klima mezi hlavní faktory působící na distribuci a početnost, vliv habitatu se též projevil jako silný prediktor a je otázkou, která z těchto proměnných má na ptačí...Climate changes associated with increasing global temperature affect bird species. As a result, breeding ranges of European bird species will probably shift in future. Although it is unclear whether these shifts will come true, we can already see patterns recent bird population trends consistent with the impact of the changing climate. The results of our first analysis based on large-scale monitoring data showed that species with more northern latitudinal distributions had more negative population trends in the Czech Republic. Climatically induced shifts of species' geographic ranges can also provide important information about the potential future assembly of ecological communities. For this purpose we calculated the potential shifts of breeding ranges of European birds and explored their relationships with ecological variables to detect which ecological groups of birds will be most likely forced to move their ranges. Breeding habitat type showed the strongest relationship with the potential range shifts. The magnitude of the shifts can be considered as a measure of the climate change pressure on species. From this perspective, it is interesting to ask how these shifts relate to current species' population trends. Therefore we related the potential shifts to the long-term population trends of...Ústav pro životní prostředíInstitute for Environmental StudiesFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The effect of climate change and land use change on the long-term population trends of birds in the Czech Republic

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    Je známo velké množství studií zabývajících se geografickými areály a jejich budoucí projekcí v souvislosti s klimatickými změnami. Jen několik málo z nich se ale blíže zabývá charakteristikami druhů, které by mohly korelovat s předpovídaným posunem jejich evropských areálů. Objasnění těchto vztahů je přitom velmi významné z hlediska formulace efektivních ochranářských strategií. Ve své práci jsem na základě map z Klimatického atlasu hnízdního rozšíření ptáků v Evropě spočítala předpokládaný posun klimatických areálu u českých ptáků a testovala vztahy mezi predikovaným posunem a ekologickými vlastnostmi vybraných druhů. Souvislost s tímto posunem vykazoval typ rozšíření v Evropě a typ habitatu. V případě Evropského rozšíření je největší posun předpokládán u druhů s centrálním typem rozšíření, menší pak u druhů se severním a jižním typem rozšíření a nejmenší u druhů široce rozšířených. Z hlediska typu habitatu byl největší posun vypočítán pro lesní druhy a nejmenší pro druhy městské. Naše zjištění ohledně evropského rozšíření jsou celkem předpokládané, zato výsledky týkající se habitatu mohou být vysvětleny nižší citlivostí městských druhů na klimatické změny. Naopak druhy lesních habitatů jsou zřejmě více ovlivněny právě změnou klimatu. Z hlediska legislativní ochrany posunou překvapivě druhy...There are number of future projections of species' geographic ranges developed under conditions of ongoing climate change. However, only a few studies have assessed what are the characteristics of species explaining interspecific variability in the projected range shifts. Examination of such relationships is important for development of effective conservation strategies mitigating the effects of climatic changes. For this purpose, I calculated the predicted shifts of European ranges in Czech birds based on maps in A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds and explored relationships between these predicted shifts and several ecological traits. We found significant effects of the type of European distribution and habitat requirements. Concerning the type of European distribution, the largest shift is predicted in the central species and the northern species compared to widespread and southern species. According to the habitat type, the largest shift showed forest birds in contrast to the urban species which will shift slightly. The former pattern is probably attributable to spatial constrains different among these specific groups (central species are less limited compared to widespread species). The latter pattern could be explained by higher sensitivity of forest species to climatic changes...Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The effect of climate change and land use change on the long-term population trends of birds in the Czech Republic

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    There are number of future projections of species' geographic ranges developed under conditions of ongoing climate change. However, only a few studies have assessed what are the characteristics of species explaining interspecific variability in the projected range shifts. Examination of such relationships is important for development of effective conservation strategies mitigating the effects of climatic changes. For this purpose, I calculated the predicted shifts of European ranges in Czech birds based on maps in A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds and explored relationships between these predicted shifts and several ecological traits. We found significant effects of the type of European distribution and habitat requirements. Concerning the type of European distribution, the largest shift is predicted in the central species and the northern species compared to widespread and southern species. According to the habitat type, the largest shift showed forest birds in contrast to the urban species which will shift slightly. The former pattern is probably attributable to spatial constrains different among these specific groups (central species are less limited compared to widespread species). The latter pattern could be explained by higher sensitivity of forest species to climatic changes..

    The impact of climate and land-use changes on birds

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    Climate changes associated with increasing global temperature affect bird species. As a result, breeding ranges of European bird species will probably shift in future. Although it is unclear whether these shifts will come true, we can already see patterns recent bird population trends consistent with the impact of the changing climate. The results of our first analysis based on large-scale monitoring data showed that species with more northern latitudinal distributions had more negative population trends in the Czech Republic. Climatically induced shifts of species' geographic ranges can also provide important information about the potential future assembly of ecological communities. For this purpose we calculated the potential shifts of breeding ranges of European birds and explored their relationships with ecological variables to detect which ecological groups of birds will be most likely forced to move their ranges. Breeding habitat type showed the strongest relationship with the potential range shifts. The magnitude of the shifts can be considered as a measure of the climate change pressure on species. From this perspective, it is interesting to ask how these shifts relate to current species' population trends. Therefore we related the potential shifts to the long-term population trends of..

    The effect of climate change and land use change on the long-term population trends of birds in the Czech Republic

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    There are number of future projections of species' geographic ranges developed under conditions of ongoing climate change. However, only a few studies have assessed what are the characteristics of species explaining interspecific variability in the projected range shifts. Examination of such relationships is important for development of effective conservation strategies mitigating the effects of climatic changes. For this purpose, I calculated the predicted shifts of European ranges in Czech birds based on maps in A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds and explored relationships between these predicted shifts and several ecological traits. We found significant effects of the type of European distribution and habitat requirements. Concerning the type of European distribution, the largest shift is predicted in the central species and the northern species compared to widespread and southern species. According to the habitat type, the largest shift showed forest birds in contrast to the urban species which will shift slightly. The former pattern is probably attributable to spatial constrains different among these specific groups (central species are less limited compared to widespread species). The latter pattern could be explained by higher sensitivity of forest species to climatic changes..

    The impact of global climate change on birds

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    Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The impact of climate and land-use changes on birds

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    Climate changes associated with increasing global temperature affect bird species. As a result, breeding ranges of European bird species will probably shift in future. Although it is unclear whether these shifts will come true, we can already see patterns recent bird population trends consistent with the impact of the changing climate. The results of our first analysis based on large-scale monitoring data showed that species with more northern latitudinal distributions had more negative population trends in the Czech Republic. Climatically induced shifts of species' geographic ranges can also provide important information about the potential future assembly of ecological communities. For this purpose we calculated the potential shifts of breeding ranges of European birds and explored their relationships with ecological variables to detect which ecological groups of birds will be most likely forced to move their ranges. Breeding habitat type showed the strongest relationship with the potential range shifts. The magnitude of the shifts can be considered as a measure of the climate change pressure on species. From this perspective, it is interesting to ask how these shifts relate to current species' population trends. Therefore we related the potential shifts to the long-term population trends of..

    Species’ ecological traits correlate with predicted climatically-induced shifts of European breeding ranges in birds

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    Climatically induced shifts of species’ geographic ranges can provide important information about the potential future assembly of ecological communities. Surprisingly, interspecific variability in the magnitude and direction of these range shifts in birds has been the subject of few scientific studies, and a more detailed examination of species’ ecological traits related to this variability is needed. Using maps in the Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds (Huntley et al. 2007) we calculated the potential shifts of European breeding ranges in 298 bird species, and explored their relationships with breeding habitat, dietary niche, migration strategy, life history and geographic position of the current breeding range. Breeding habitat type showed the strongest relationship with the potential range shifts, with forest and wetland species showing the largest magnitude of shift. At the same time, ecological specialists showed a larger magnitude of shifts than generalists. In addition, we found that species with current ranges situated near continental borders and species with lower migratory capacity are more limited in their potential to shift due to climate change. Our analyses thus indicate which ecological groups of birds will be most likely forced to move their ranges under predicted climate change. This knowledge can help to adopt proper conservation actions. These actions will be particularly important in the case of specialist species, which have been shown to be the most sensitive to climate change impacts