238 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in patients undergoing liver transplantation: An emerging problem

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    In our institution, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia appeared to occur with increasing frequency in patients undergoing liver transplantation. We thus conducted a prospective study to define risk factors and outcome in these patients. Over a 19-month period 6% of liver transplants were followed by Pseudomonas bacteremia. The mean age was 46 years (range, 24 to 67 years). The interval between transplantation and onset of bacteremia was 3 to 372 days (mean, 80). The incidence of Pseudomonas bacteremia in liver transplants was three times that of other transplants (heart, lung, kidney). Ninety one percent of infections were nosocomial. Polymicrobial bacteremia occurred in 30% of episodes. The portal of entry was respiratory in 30%, abdominal in 35%, and biliary in 13%. Four patients had recurrent Pseudomonas bacteremia: liver abscess (1), biliary obstruction (2), subhepatic abscess (1). Survival at 14 days was 70%. Survival rates were significantly lower for patients with hypotension, on mechanical ventilators, and increasing severity of illness (p < 0.05). Survival was higher when bacteremia occurred within the first 30 days after transplantation compared to after 30 days. A large number (43.4%) of Pseudomonas bacteremias occurred after transplant surgery or biliary tract manipulation, while the patient was receiving a prophylactic regimen of cefotaxime and ampicillin. P. aeruginosa is an important pathogen in the liver transplant recipient; prevention may be possible for a subgroup of patients with the use of prophylactic antibiotics with activity against P. aeruginosa

    Effects of the Pause Procedure on Classroom Engagement

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    The purpose of this study was to examine an instructional strategy intended to enhance engagement in the college classroom. The effects of the pause procedure on classroom engagement and cognitive load were studied. The relationships between levels of classroom engagement and near-term learning outcomes, as well as engagement and cognitive load were investigated in the Net Generation (Net Gen) students. The goal of this study was to empirically link the Net Gen to classroom engagement and cognitive load through the use of the pause procedure. The study was implemented in a baccalaureate nursing program located at a small, private, liberal arts college in the Midwest. Pausing was introduced in three of six senior-level three hour weekly nursing class sessions. Near-term conceptual learning, engagement and mental effort, indicating cognitive load, were measured each class session. Statistical differences in engagement, conceptual learning and mental effort were measured between pause and non-pause class sessionSchool of Teaching and Curriculum Leadershi

    Community-Acquired versus Nosocomial Klebsiella pneumoniae Bacteremia: Clinical Features, Treatment Outcomes, and Clinical Implication of Antimicrobial Resistance

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    We conducted this study to compare clinical features, outcomes, and clinical implication of antimicrobial resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia acquired as community vs. nosocomial infection. A total of 377 patients with K. pneumoniae bacteremia (191 community-acquired and 186 nosocomial) were retrospectively analyzed. Neoplastic diseases (hematologic malignancy and solid tumor, 56%) were the most commonly associated conditions in patients with nosocomial bacteremia, whereas chronic liver disease (35%) and diabetes mellitus (20%) were the most commonly associated conditions in patients with community-acquired bacteremia. Bacteremic liver abscess occurred almost exclusively in patients with community-acquired infection. The overall 30-day mortality was 24% (91/377), and the mortality of nosocomial bacteremia was significantly higher than that of community-acquired bacteremia (32% vs. 16%, p<0.001). Of all community-acquired and nosocomial isolates, 4% and 33%, respectively, were extended-spectrum cephalosporin (ESC)-resistant, and 4% and 21%, respectively, were ciprofloxacin (CIP)-resistant. In nosocomial infections, prior uses of ESC and CIP were found to be independent risk factors for ESC and CIP resistance, respectively. Significant differences were identified between community-acquired and nosocomial K. pneumoniae bacteremia, and the mortality of nosocomial infections was more than twice than that of community-acquired infections. Antimicrobial resistance was a widespread nosocomial problem and also identified in community-acquired infections

    Internal plate fixation of fractures: short history and recent developments

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    Metal plates for internal fixation of fractures have been used for more than 100 years. Although initial shortcomings such as corrosion and insufficient strength have been overcome, more recent designs have not solved all problems. Further research is needed to develop a plate that accelerates fracture healing while not interfering with bone physiology

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Notified Cases as Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Private Sectors of Korea

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    The diagnostic accuracy of the data reported in the Korean tuberculosis surveillance system (KTBS) has not been adequately investigated. We reviewed the clinical data of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) cases notified from private medical facilities through KTBS between January and June, 2004. PTB cases were classified into definite (culture-proven), probable (based on smear, polymerase chain reaction, histology, bronchoscopic finding, computed tomography, or both chest radiograph and symptoms) or possible (based only on chest radiograph) tuberculosis. Of the 1126 PTB cases, sputum AFB smear and culture were requested in 79% and 51% of the cases, respectively. Positive results of sputum smear and culture were obtained in 43% and 29% of all the patients, respectively. A total of 73.2% of the notified PTB cases could be classified as definite or probable and 81.7% as definite, probable, or possible. However, where infection was not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically, only 60.1% of the patients were definite, probable, or possible cases. More than 70% of PTB notified from private sectors in Korea can be regarded as real TB. The results may also suggest the possibility of over-estimation of TB burden in the use of the notification-based TB data

    Traditional and Molecular Techniques for the Study of Emerging Bacterial Diseases: One Laboratory’s Perspective

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    Identification of emerging bacterial pathogens generally results from a chain of events involving microscopy, serology, molecular tools, and culture. Because of the spectacular molecular techniques developed in the last decades, some authors think that these techniques will shortly supplant culture. The key steps that led to the discovery of emerging bacteria have been reviewed to determine the real contribution of each technique. Historically, microscopy has played a major role. Serology provided indirect evidence for causality. Isolation and culture were crucial, as all emerging bacteria have been grown on artificial media or cell lines or at least propagated in animals. With the use of broad-range polymerase chain reaction, some bacteria have been identified or detected in new clinical syndromes. Culture has irreplaceable advantages for studying emerging bacterial diseases, as it allows antigenic studies, antibiotic susceptibility testing, experimental models, and genetic studies to be carried out, and remains the ultimate goal of pathogen identification