13 research outputs found

    Information professionals and copyright literacy: a multinational study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multinational survey on copyright literacy of specialists from libraries and other cultural institutions. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on a multinational survey of copyright literacy competencies of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals and those who work in the cultural heritage sector (archives and museums), conducted in 13 countries, namely Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (CR), Finland (FI), France (FR), Hungary (HU), Lithuania (LT), Mexico (MX), Norway (NO), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Turkey (TR), UK and USA in the period July 2013-March 2015. An online survey instrument was developed in order to collect data from professionals regarding their familiarity with, knowledge and awareness of, and opinions on copyright-related issues. Findings: Findings of this study highlight gaps in existing knowledge of copyright, and information about the level of copyright literacy of LIS and cultural sector professionals. Also attitudes toward copyright learning content in academic education and continuing professional development training programs are investigated. Originality/value: This study aimed to address a gap in the literature by encompassing specialists from the cultural institutions in an international comparative context. The paper offers guidance for further understanding of copyright in a wider framework of digital and information literacy; and for the implementation of copyright policy, and the establishment of copyright advisor positions in cultural institutions. The recommendations support a revision of academic and continuing education programs learning curriculum and methods

    Kansallisesta kansainväliseksi:tutkimus suomalaisen tieteellisen lehden kansainvälisestä diffuusiosta

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    Abstract The research was focused on the international diffusion of a national zoological journal, Annales Zoologici Fennici. The purpose of the study was to apply diffusion of innovations research as a theoretical framework of a diffusion study conducted through the bibliometric methodology. The following research questions were studied: to which countries has Annales Zoologici Fennici diffused, what are the attributes of Annales Zoologici Fennici as an innovation, and what theoretical concepts adopted from diffusion research can be considered as useful in a bibliometric study of the diffusion of a scientific journal. The following concepts were examined: innovation, diffusion, and the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and trialability of an innovation. The international diffusion of Annales Zoologici Fennici was studied through citation analysis and an analysis of the national distribution of authors whose articles had been published in the journal, and as the attributes of innovation, the compatibility, complexity and observability of Annales Zoologici Fennici were examined. Both the study of citations and authors showed a growth of international awareness of Annales Zoologici Fennici during the study period, 1974–1996. The most important directions of diffusion were to the boreal areas. The diffusion was most marked in the horizontal direction, but an element of hierarchical diffusion was also noted. The compatibility of the journal as well as a decrease of complexity were found to have an influence on diffusion. Bibliometric methods were able to represent the international diffusion of a scientific journal.Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen aihe oli kansallisen tieteellisen lehden kansainvälinen diffuusio. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin suomalaisen, eläintieteellisen Annales Zoologici Fennici -lehden kansainvälisen aseman kehitystä innovaatioiden diffuusio-näkökulmasta bibliometrisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli lisätä ymmärrystä tieteellisen lehden kansainvälisestä leviämisestä. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella innovaatioiden diffuusiotutkimuksesta omaksuttujen käsitteiden soveltuvuutta tieteellisen lehden diffuusiota koskevaan tutkimukseen, jossa käytetään bibliometrisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä. Vastausta haettiin seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: mihin maihin Annales Zoologici Fennicin diffuusio on suuntautunut, millaiset ovat Annales Zoologici Fennicin ominaisuudet innovaationa ja miten hyvin innovaatioiden diffuusiotutkimuksen piirissä kehitetyt käsitteet soveltuvat tieteellisen lehden diffuusion tarkasteluun bibliometrisin menetelmin. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin seuraavia käsitteitä: innovaatio, diffuusio sekä innovaation suhteellinen etu, yhteensopivuus, monimutkaisuus ja näkyvyys. Kansainvälisen diffuusion tarkastelu perustui viittausanalyysiin ja Annales Zoologici Fennicissä artikkeleita julkaisseiden kirjoittajien kansallisen jakauman tarkasteluun. Annales Zoologici Fennicin saamista viittauksista tarkasteltiin kokonaismäärää ja viittausten alkuperää. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin Annales Zoologici Fennicin diffuusion hierarkkisuutta vertaamalla eri maista tulleiden viittausten ja artikkeleiden määrää näiden maiden panokseen eläintieteellisinä julkaisijoina. Annales Zoologici Fennici muuttui tarkastellun ajanjakson, vuosien 1974–1996 kuluessa, selvästi kotimaisesta tieteellisestä lehdestä aiempaa kansainvälisemmäksi. Lehden kansainvälinen diffuusio ilmeni sekä sen saamien viittausten määrän kasvuna että sen julkaisemien ulkomaisten artikkeleiden osuuden suhteellisena lisääntymisenä. Annales Zoologici Fennicin diffuusio on voimakkaimmin suuntautunut boreaalisille alueille. Muutoksiin liittyy Annales Zoologici Fennicin yhteensopivuuden laajeneminen ja monimutkaisuuden väheneminen. Diffuusiotutkimuksesta omaksutut käsitteet ja bibliometriset menetelmät soveltuivat tieteellisen lehden kansainvälistä diffuusiota koskevaan tutkimukseen

    Tekijänoikeuksien monet puolet:tutkimus tekijänoikeuslukutaidosta kirjastoissa, arkistoissa ja museoissa

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    Abstract Copyright literacy in Finnish libraries, archives and museums was studied by a web survey as part of a multinational research. The questionnaire was answered at least partly by 274 and completely by 156 informants who mostly were experienced professionals. The study focused on the awareness of national and international copyright legislation and institutions, regulations concerning different aspects of copyright, and sources of copyright information that the respondents would use. They were moderately well aware of national legislation and copyright institutions, open data and open access, while international regulations were less familiar. The results in many respects corresponds with those of an international survey concerning 13 countries. The most important information sources concerning copyright were the internet, colleagues, books and articles. The informants suggested a great variety of copyright issues for contents of future education, and especially wished for instruction on how to apply legislation in practical cases

    Uusien kirjastopalvelujen vaikuttavuus:arviointitutkimus Tietoyhteiskunnan tilat ja sisällöt -hankkeessa

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    Abstract The targets of the project Library Spaces and Concepts in the Information Society funded by the ESF were to upgrade working age citizens’ content skills needed in the information society through cooperation of libraries and other actors, to create and establish new work practices and to develop physical and virtual spaces. Three Finnish regional libraries participated in the project. Hämeenlinna City Library – Häme Regional Library developed a wiki based regional database Häme-Wiki, a web based map service Virtual Path (Virtuaalipolku), and an editing and digitizing room in the library. Kouvola City Library – Regional Library opened a special space, Mediamaja, for young people and immigrants with equipment for processing music and images or for digital games. Tampere City Library – Pirkanmaa Regional Library developed event production and teaching of media literacy. The study of the impact of the project focused on the enhanced information and communication technology skills of library personnel and patrons, new work practices, implementation of new services and their benefit for users. The regional impact was demonstrated by collaboration partners outside the libraries. Visibility in media and the diffusion of service innovations was also studied, likewise the fulfillment of the targets of the project. Different kinds of surveys, interviews, observations and link analyses were used as research methods. The use of the new services was ascertained through downloads of the new web services, by user generated musical or textual content in Häme-Wiki, Virtual Path or YouTube, where the bands rehearsing in Mediamaja published their music videos. The benefit for users originated from the opportunity to publish their own works in the web, but also from the opportunity to retrieve locally produced information not available elsewhere. Regional impact was seen in cooperation with schools, municipal organizations, societies and enterprises. Visibility in the media was achieved by newspaper articles, but also in news stories on radio and TV, and also through incoming links to the new web services. The editing and digitizing space diffused into seven other regional libraries. The study material encompasses best the impact in the library organizations, whereas some surveys among users received only few responses. Nevertheless, the research material provided a multifaceted general view of the fulfillment of the aims of the project. During the study period some new services had been functioning for little more than a year, some of them only a few months, and some of them were just beginning. Therefore it was not feasible to study any long-term impacts; this would need another study in years to come.Tiivistelmä Tietoyhteiskunnan tilat ja sisällöt (TTS) -hankkeen tavoitteena oli vahvistaa työikäisen väestön sisällöllisiä tietoyhteiskuntataitoja kirjastojen ja muiden toimijoiden yhteistyöllä, luoda ja vakiinnuttaa uusia työkäytäntöjä ja yhteistyömalleja kirjastoihin sekä jalostaa tietoyhteiskunnan fyysisiä ja virtuaalisia tiloja. Hankkeeseen osallistuivat omilla osahankkeillaan Hämeenlinnan kaupunginkirjasto – Hämeen maakuntakirjasto, Kouvolan kaupunginkirjasto-maakuntakirjasto ja Tampereen kaupunginkirjasto – Pirkanmaan maakuntakirjasto. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan TTS-hankkeen vaikuttavuutta. Hämeenlinnassa tarkastelun kohteina ovat wiki-pohjainen alueellinen tietokanta Häme-Wiki, Virtuaalipolku -karttapalvelu sekä kirjastoon perustettu editointitila ja digitointipiste, Kouvolassa nuorisolle ja maahanmuuttajille suunnattu Mediamaja ja Tampereella kirjaston henkilökunnalle suunnattu medialukutaidon opetus ja tapahtumatuotanto. Vaikuttavuutta tutkimuksessa edustivat vahvistuneet kirjastojen henkilökuntien ja asiakkaiden tieto- ja viestintätekniset taidot, uudet työkäytännöt, uusien palvelujen käyttöönotto ja tästä koituva hyöty käyttäjälle. Seudullista vaikuttavuutta edusti yhteistyö kirjaston ulkopuolisten tahojen kanssa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin medianäkyvyyttä, palveluinnovaation diffuusiota ja TTS-hankkeen tavoitteiden toteutumista. Tutkimusmenetelmiä olivat eri tavoin toteutetut kyselyt ja haastattelut, havainnointi ja linkkianalyysit. Tutkimustuloksissa uusien palvelujen käyttöönotto ilmeni verkkopalvelujen latausmäärien kasvuna ja käyttäjien luomien teksti- tai musiikkisisältöjen tallentamisena Häme-Wikiin, Virtuaalipolku-palveluun tai YouTubeen, johon tallennettiin Mediamajassa toimivien bändien tuotantoa. Käyttäjien kokema hyöty tuli mahdollisuudesta julkaista verkossa omaa tuotantoa ja uusien verkkopalvelujen tarjoamasta paikallisesta tiedosta, jota ei ole muualta saatavissa. Seudullista vaikuttavuutta edusti yhteistyö oppilaitosten, kunnallisten organisaatioiden, yhdistysten ja yritysten kanssa. Medianäkyvyys ilmeni sanomalehtiartikkeleiden, mutta myös radio- ja tv-uutisten kautta sekä linkityksinä, jotka kohdistuivat kirjastojen uusiin verkkopalveluihin. Palveluinnovaatioista editointitila ja digitointipiste ehtivät tarkastellun ajanjakson aikana levitä seitsemään maakuntakirjastoon. Vahvimmin tutkimusaineisto edusti hankkeen vaikutuksia kirjastoissa, sen sijaan käyttäjiltä tuli niukemmin vastauksia verkko- ym. kyselyihin. Tutkimusaineistot antoivat kuitenkin kokonaiskuvan TTS-hankkeen tavoitteiden toteutumisesta. Vaikuttavuustutkimuksen aikana osa uusistapalveluista oli ollut toiminnassa runsaan vuoden, osa joitakin kuukausia ja osa oli juuri käynnistymässä. Tästä syystä pitkänaikavälin vaikutuksia ei voitu tutkia tässä hankkeessa, vaan ne vaatisivat muutaman vuoden kuluttua oman tutkimuksensa

    The cognitive authority of user-generated health information in an online forum for girls and young women

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    Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of one particular online discussion forum as a potentially authoritative health information source for its users. The concept of cognitive authority is used as a starting point for understanding information evaluation in this context. The focus is placed on the types of information users seek for from this forum, the ways they assess the credibility of information obtained, and their views on the impact of this information. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical data were collected with a questionnaire survey from the users of a Finnish online forum for girls and young women (n=290). The data were analyzed qualitatively with content analytic techniques and quantitatively by using descriptive analysis. Findings: The forum was found to offer girls and young women the possibility to receive health information from peers. It was viewed as an appropriate source for experiential rather than factual health information and used to find information on sexuality, bodily functions and diets, for example. Author-related cues, argumentation and tone, veracity and verification were recognized as means to evaluate information credibility. Credibility evaluation was found to be linked with conceptions of the forum and the type of information sought. A share of the respondents recognized the information obtained to have influence on their thinking or behavior. Originality/value: Based on the findings, it can be argued that the members of the online forum — individually or collectively — can act as cognitive authorities for other users. The findings cannot be generalized beyond this online forum, to Finnish girls or young women, or even the users of the online forum. However, they provide insights into the ways young people evaluate user-generated information in a particular online setting and domain of knowledge and as such contribute to research on cognitive authority, credibility evaluation and information literacy

    Public librarians as partners in problem-based learning in secondary schools:a case study in Finland

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    Abstract Introduction: Teachers in Finland are demanded to develop students’ competencies in information literacy. However, they can meet this demand only by collaborating with public librarians. The aim in this case study was to explore the perspectives of teachers, librarians and students in a problem-based project and to analyse the advantages and challenges of collaboration between teachers and librarians. Methods: Teachers and librarians together designed and implemented a learning project in a secondary school, where triangulation of data collection took place: group interviews with four teachers and two librarians and a questionnaire for forty students. Analysis: The interviews and questionnaires were categorized and analysed by means of qualitative content analysis, using QSR NVivo 10. The categorization followed theory-based procedures. Results: The study reveals that collaboration between teachers and librarians was rewarding, especially in joint teaching situations. Challenges were related to lack of planning time, students’ diverse skill levels and, to some degree, to the unclear roles of teachers and librarians. The study resulted in a model for integrating information literacy with problem-based learning. Conclusion: The new model produces new understanding of the characteristics and critical points of the collaboration and clarifies how information and communications technology (ICT) can be used to support student-centred, problem-based learning processes facilitated and instructed by teachers and public librarians located in physically separated places

    Attention and altmetrics

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    Abstract Introduction: The concept of attention is applied in two altmetric studies concerning: (1) the use of social media tools on the web pages of scientific journals, and indications of attention in these pages received, and (2) attention received by the radio news on the web page of an indigenous radio station. The purpose is to reveal characteristics of web publications connected to the attention they receive. Method: Altmetric data describing attention data was compiled from the Facebook sites of scientific journals and the Facebook pages of an indigenous radio station news programme, as well as the news programme’s web site. The study was both quantitative and qualitative. Analysis: Attention was operationalized in the form of comments, likes or sharing of Facebook postings and these were analyzed quantitatively. The contents of the postings were analysed by qualitative content analysis. Results: The characteristics of the postings receiving most attention were relevance, community (in the sense of ownership), belonging and co-creation, and engagement in the meaning of interactivity. Conclusions: In altmetric research, data originating from several sources can reflect the societal impact a project or a publication may have, not only the impact it has in science. Attention economy theory supports the interpretation of altmetric data

    Embodied cognition and information experiences of transgender people

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    Abstract Introduction: This paper examines how the concept of embodied cognition can be used to better understand information experiences where an individual’s body plays a major role. We will examine information grounded in body-based actions, as well as information sharing through bodies and gender expression on transgender people. The term ‘transgender’ is used as an umbrella term for diverse gender-variant identities. Method: The data includes 25 semi-structured interviews with Finnish binary and non-binary transgender people. Analysis: Interviews were analysed with a combination of theoretically and empirically driven content analysis. Results: Embodiment plays a significant role in transgender people’s information experiences in relation to their gender identity. These information experiences involve knowledge derived from emotions, affects and senses. Gender expression happens in relation to others. Moreover, gender expression is constantly created and shared with others through dress and style. Conclusions: In the context of information seeking and the sharing of intimate and personal topics, the concept of embodied cognition deepens the understanding of information as embodied, situational and social. This concept offers a new perspective of information experiences as embodied, and it helps to dismantle the body-mind dichotomy

    Data sharing practices in open access mode:a study of the willingness to share data in different disciplines

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    Abstract Introduction: Considering the problems of making research data freely available despite many initiatives and legislation, this study explores the possible differences and similarities of research fields in understanding and enacting open access use and sharing of research data. Methods: An online survey was distributed and 671 responses of researchers from Lithuania and Finland were surveyed. Analysis: Chi-squared tests were used to compare proportions across questions groups. Bonferroni corrections applied to p-values were used to reduce the risk of type I errors in the post-hoc analysis of Chi-squared tests. Chi-squared post-hoc tests using adjusted residuals were calculated. Results: Willingness to share research data in open access mode was higher in natural, biomedical and technological sciences than in humanities and social sciences. Although the principle of open research data is supported, there are considerable differences in the character of research data, and the ethical concerns and data management policies between different research fields. Conclusions: Changing culture of data sharing is much harder than publication of new initiatives and legislation. By comparing results with the data from same survey from UK, France, and Turkey we find out that researcher in Finland and Lithuania are more conservative regarding open research data

    Drop out factors in data literacy and research data management survey:experiences from Lithuania and Finland

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    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of factors that affect the respondents to drop out of an already started survey on research data management. We decided to take a questionnaire on data management survey at Vilnius University and Oulu University implemented in 2017 as a case study. The data for the analysis was collected using the questionnaire, which was used in multinational research for Data Literacy and Research Data Management, performed by a group of researchers in more than ten countries, initiated by Serap Kurbanoğlu and Joumana Boustany. This paper describes the analysis of 1 185 survey samples, of which 515 were unfinished and 670 finished in both universities. For the analysis of the data, we used Framework for Web Survey Participation created by Andy Peytchev (2009). The collected data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 19 with descriptive and inferential statistical tests. The most significant factors on deciding not to finish the survey were the length of the survey, the scientific field, experience, age and the topic of the survey. No statistically significant difference was measured between those who finished the survey and unfinished evaluating the data by gender and job position. An important factor in not finishing the survey was the design of the survey