419 research outputs found

    The Rice-Shapiro theorem in Computable Topology

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    We provide requirements on effectively enumerable topological spaces which guarantee that the Rice-Shapiro theorem holds for the computable elements of these spaces. We show that the relaxation of these requirements leads to the classes of effectively enumerable topological spaces where the Rice-Shapiro theorem does not hold. We propose two constructions that generate effectively enumerable topological spaces with particular properties from wn--families and computable trees without computable infinite paths. Using them we propose examples that give a flavor of this class

    Fixed Points on Abstract Structures without the Equality Test

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    In this paper we present a study of definability properties of fixed points of effective operators on abstract structures without the equality test. In particular we prove that Gandy theorem holds for abstract structures. This provides a useful tool for dealing with recursive definitions using Sigma-formulas. One of the applications of Gandy theorem in the case of the reals without the equality test is that it allows us to define universal Sigma-predicates. It leads to a topological characterisation of Sigma-relations on |R


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    Статья посвящена обсуждению методологических проблем внедрения онлайн-обучения в образовательный процесс. Рассмотрены факторы, порождающие потребность в цифровой дидактике профессионального образования и обучения. В качестве альтернативы традиционному электронному обучению предлагаются «передовые», «умные», «SMART» технологии. Для реализации онлайн-обучения предложена модель смешанного обучения с использованием частей онлайн-курса для освоения дисциплины или модуля отражающая процессы самоорганизации в обучающей средеThe article is devoted to the discussion of methodological problems of implementation of online learning in the educational process. The factors generating the need for digital didactics of vocational education and training are considered. As an alternative to traditional e-learning, "advanced", "smart" and "SMART" technologies are offered. To implement online learning, a model of blended learning using parts of the online course for the development of the discipline or module reflecting the processes of self-organization in the learning environment is propose

    Professional education dual model based practice-oriented personnel training for high technology manufacture

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    Successful experience of implementation of dual professional education system for Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant company personnel training is described. Aspects of combination of plant based practical education and college based theoretical education are revealed. The way to carry out the practice-oriented training at actual manufacturing plant conditions and the results are shownРассмотрен положительный опыт внедрения элементов дуальной системы образования в подготовку кадров для промышленной группы металлургического комплекса России. Раскрыта сущность совмещения практического обучения на предприятии и теоретического обучения студентов в образовательном учреждении. Показан алгоритм реализации практико-ориентированного обучения в конкретных условиях промышленного предприятия и его результативност

    The musical culture of mass-media and the problem of scientific comprehension. On the path of modernization or conservation?

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Equine Tendinopathy Therapy Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The application of animal mesenchymal stem cells has been actively studied in veterinary medicine over the past decade. In horses, the use of stem cells is mainly aimed at the treatment and maintenance of the musculoskeletal system. This review summarizes the currently published data on the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells in equine tendon injuries. Tendon lesions are the most common cause of horse limp. It has been demonstrated that the use of mesenchymal stem cells compared with traditional methods of treatment can significantly reduce the re-injury. Currently, there are a large number of stem cell application protocol versions. Many researchers have obtained positive clinical results in using a combination of mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich blood plasma. Studies have demonstrated the safety of using allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells as an alternative to autologous. This review shows that the application of mesenchymal stem cells for horse tendon regeneration is a perspective area in veterinary medicine

    Integration of the Baltic states into the internal energy market of the EU

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    In the thesis I study integration of the Baltic States into the Internal Energy Market of the EU. The object of the study is the Baltic States. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are isolated from the energy system of the EU and cannot create free and open energy market. The theory of neo-functionalism helps me to understand the main principles of integration. The key concept of the theory is the spillover process. The sectoral spillover process explains interdependence of political and economic integration and the geographic spillover process shows the principles of regional integration. One of the main neo-functionalists Ernst Haas points out that states which are excluded from the integration process influence the integration. This concept explains the Russian influence on the energy integration of the EU which is important for the study. To understand the problem I use the analysis of the documents. I compare the progress reports of the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan and analyze the implementation of the energy projects. A systems approach helps me to understand the cooperation of such different systems as Russia and the EU. The main problem is that the EU and the Baltic States do not have enough money to construct the infrastructure. Russian Gazprom offers to finance some projects but it will continue the dependence of the Baltic States on Russia and the main goal of the Internal Energy Market will not be achieved.

    Национально-обусловленный дискурсивный паттерн русскоязычных текстов

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    The article deals with the currently important issue of the influence of mentality and national character on peculiarities of a nation’s mindset, and as a result on the peculiarities of text-building procedure. The author calls such peculiarities of text-building procedure “nationally determined discourse pattern” and gives its definition. In order to identify the peculiarities of the nationally determined discourse pattern typical for Russian-speaking people the author conducted the comparative analysis of Russian-speaking students’ papers, written both in Russian and in English. The process of identifying the features of the discourse pattern was based on a number of typologies of nationally determined mindsets and some national features of Russian people, which were described by several researchers in the spheres of culturology and ethno-psychology. The features of Russian people’s discourse pattern described in the article appear to be very important in teaching foreign languages, since teachers of English have to take these features into consideration while teaching Effective Writing in English to Russian-speaking students.Данная статья посвящена актуальному вопросу влияния менталитета и национального характера на особенности мышления народа и, как следствие, на особенности текстопостроения. Данные особенности текстопостроения автор статьи именует национально-обусловленным дискурсивным паттерном и дает ему определение. Для определения особенностей национально-обусловленного дискурсивного паттерна носителей русского языка был проведен сравнительный анализ письменных работ русскоязычных учащихся, написанных ими как на русском, так и на английском языках. Выделение особенностей дискурсивного паттерна велось на основе ряда типологий национально-обусловленных видов мышления, а также некоторых национальных чертах носителей русского языка, выявленных различными исследователями в области культурологии и этнопсихологии. Описанные в статье характеристики национально-обусловленного дискурсивного паттерна носителей русского языка имеют большое значение для лингводидактики, так как преподаватели английского языка должны учитывать данные характеристики при обучении русскоязычных учащихся письменной речи на английском языке