31 research outputs found

    Системное изучение лексики методом семантического поля

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    The article is devoted to the semantic field theory and typology of scientific studies in this area. This article also deals with the general characteristics of the semantic field. The semantic field method is effectively used to study the language of literary works. As an example, the lexeme “citizenship” is given, which is rather frequent in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko, a poet of the sixties of the XX century.Статья посвящена теории семантического поля, типологии исследований в данной области, также даются общие свойства поля. Метод поля находит эффективное применение в исследовании языка литературных произведений. В качестве примера дается лексема «гражданственность», которая является наиболее частотной в творчестве поэта-шестидесятника Е.А. Евтушенко

    Improving the integration of urban planning with disaster risk reduction

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    © 2016 Dr. Maria KornakovaIncreasing numbers of natural disasters worldwide and their impacts on human settlements indicate an urgent need to address these events. Urban planning is acknowledged as one of several mechanisms with the potential to reduce losses and decrease the overall vulnerability of human settlements. This research thesis undertakes an analysis of the integration of urban planning and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). While the importance of this integration has been acknowledged in a number of official frameworks for action (e.g. the Sendai or Hyogo frameworks), there is still limited documented and detailed discussion of how the integration process of various practices should occur, who should be involved, to what degree different stakeholders should be included, and who are the decision-makers of shared decisions. This research project addresses the challenges of integration using a two-stage research method. The first stage employs a heuristic approach towards three practical examples of integrated DRR and urban planning at an international level. These cases cover all four stages of the disaster cycle: the Swiss avalanche prevention and preparedness program, the 2005 Hurricane Katrina case with a focus on the response stage in New Orleans, and the 2007 UK floods focussing on the recovery stage. The findings of this first research stage reveal some general patterns of integration and signify a need for better understanding of the roles of stakeholders and of governance of integration processes. The second stage of this research thesis introduces institutional analysis as a way to understand both the potential and the challenges of integration. It provides an analysis of wider societal arrangements of integration, discusses roles of stakeholders, and indicates a need to address differences of values, views, and goals. The collaborative planning approach focuses on finding consensus between varieties of stakeholders, and is based on the inclusion of all relevant agents in decision-making processes. This concept is proposed as a bridging principle between diverse varieties of stakeholders in the two practices of urban planning and DRR. The collaborative planning approach is analysed in an in-depth case study of changes to bushfire planning policies after the devastating 2009 bushfires in Victoria, Australia using a policy analysis approach. This case reveals that collaborative planning has the potential to be applied to integrated DRR. However, there are some key institutional challenges that must be addressed. These challenges are discussed in four empirically derived themes. The first challenge is the need to maintain the quality of evidence as a basis for DRR solutions. Further, there is an acknowledged need to include professionals with skillsets and knowledge in both fields. Thirdly, a discussion of providing alternative solutions is carried out, suggesting some key characteristics of this process. Finally, the roles of stakeholders, broadly divided into policy users and end-users, are discussed. These elements constitute the framework of governance of integration processes and conclude this research thesis

    Systematic Study of Lexicon on the Basis of Semantic Field Method

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    The article is devoted to the semantic field theory and typology of scientific studies in this area. This article also deals with the general characteristics of the semantic field. The semantic field method is effectively used to study the language of literary works. As an example, the lexeme “citizenship” is given, which is rather frequent in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko, a poet of the sixties of the XX century

    The Excitable System in the Cell Surface

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    The article analyzes E.A. Yevtushenko collections of “Utrennij narod”, “Zavtrashnij veter” and the poem “Zima”, which reflected the thorny social issues typical for the Soviet society of the 1970s.The urgency of this article is determined by the following factors: 1) close attention of the modern science to the issues of the conceptual analysis of text; 2) an increased interest in identifying the specifics of World Art Picture of the individual writers; 3) poor attention to the legacy of the poet E.A. Yevtushenko and the lack of the research of this particular theme in his work. The article aims in studying and describingtg the features of verbal and artistic expression of the concept of “citizenship” in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko, to study the structure and the implementation of the verbal concept “citizenship” on the material of artworks E.A. Yevtushenko.The material of this research are poems and prose by E.A. Yevtushenko of different creative periods. These poems and prose are objectifying the analyzed concept. In addition to the disclosure and clarification of the lexical content of the concept of “citizenship” in the system of the Russian language the following lexicographical material was used: “Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language”V.I. Dahl; Dictionary of Russian language S.I. Ozhegova; Etymological dictionary of Russian Mikhail Vasmer, Dictionary of Russian ed. A.P Evgenyeva, Explanatory Dictionary of Russian ed. D.N. Ushakov and others.The main research method is a special linguistic technique conceptual analysis method that includes the steps of: 1) the vocabulary analysis of lexical paradigm of the word “citizenship”, 2) continuous sample of word lexical items appealing to the concept of “citizenship”, 3) contextual analysis to identify the content of the concept of “citizenship”. Also methods of theoretical research were used: the analysis, synthesis and deductive method (transition from general ideas about the concept “citizenship” to private terminals), a comparison, and also additional methods: descriptive component analysis method, the distribution method of analysis, the solid (from dictionaries) and partial sample material (of texts), word-forming analysis techniques, stylistic and frequency of the statistical characteristics of etymological analysis, a method of continuous sampling, analysis of dictionary definitions, conceptual analysis,comparative-typological analysis and statistical analysis. System-based and text-based approach were used.In conclusion author assumes that the words of the national cultural components play important text-forming role in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko. Identified sovietisms, vernacular elements, dialecticisms and words of the new way of life are the building the blocks of language of E.A. Yevtushenko, displaying a rich artistic world of the poet. Those elements express the way of life of the Soviet people

    Establishing motives for committing crimes: criminalistic possibilities and criminal procedure expediency

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    The lack of unanimity on the motive understanding by psychologists studying the motivation of goal-oriented behavior and lawyers analyzing the crime causes and mechanisms is stated. The possibility of unconscious motives of criminal behavior is admitted. The practical problems of es-tablishing and proving the motives for specific crimes, which can be judged only presumably, by studying actus reus and perpetrator’s testimony, are shown. Establishing the motive for crime is complicated by the fact that the guilty person is often not aware of it, conceals or distorts it. The authors acknowledge that crime is impossible without a motive (talking about mentally healthy person). Consequently, they state the inevitable difficulties in establishing any motive and the lack of objective need for its establishing to find a person guilty of committing a crime. The expediency of establishing cognition limits of crime psychology by the subject of proof is argued. It’s concluded that the preliminary investigation bodies and courts must fully, comprehensively and objectively investigate the circumstances that determine the conclusion about the presence or absence of guilty motive in perpetrator’s actions. They must justify this conclusion in the indictment and sentence by bringing evidence only in case if this motive is provided by criminal law as element of crime. It’s argued that the list of circumstances to be proved in every criminal case, provided by article 73 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code, can’t be considered satisfactory, if practical possibilities of their establishing aren’t taken into account. It’s proposed to exclude the motives for crime from this list

    The role of defendable space as a key urban design tool for bushfire risk management

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    Changes in climatic conditions around the world associated with anthropogenic climate change have result in increased numbers of extreme weather events. Population growth, migration, urban sprawl and tree change movements are often combined with peoples’ desire to live near beneficial natural assets such as water bodies, elevated slopes or forests. Accordingly, these events are increasingly leading to disasters that cause significant damage to human settlements, injury or loss of life. This is particularly evident in the Australian context, where the increased frequency of extreme weather has led to greater numbers of bushfires. Given that fire will continue to be integral to Australia’s natural landscape, there is an ongoing need to develop tools for managing the risks associated with bushfires

    The built environment and resilience: the challenges of integrated action

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