164 research outputs found

    Elasticity changes anti-correlate with NO production for human endothelial cells stimulated with TNF-α\alpha

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α\alpha) is a critical cytokine that is involved in systemic inflammatory response and contributes to the activation of the pro-inflammatory phenotype of the endothelium. In the present study, effects of TNF-α\alpha on morphology and elasticity of endothelium in relation to the production of NO and actin fiber reorganization were analyzed in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. The cells were incubated in MCDB medium solution and stimulated with 10ng/ml of TNF-α\alpha. Atomic force microscopy measurements have enabled characterization of cell morphology and elastic properties in physiological conditions. The spectrophotometric Griess method was applied to estimate nitric oxide (NO) production of the cells. We demonstrated that TNF-α\alpha-induced changes in elasticity of endothelium anti-correlate with NO production and are associated with the reorganization of actin cytoskeleton

    Analytical and Clinical Performance of Amyloid-Beta Peptides Measurements in CSF of ADNIGO/2 Participants by an LC–MS/MS Reference Method

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid-ÎČ1-42 (AÎČ42) reliably detects brain amyloidosis based on its high concordance with plaque burden at autopsy and with amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) ligand retention observed in several studies. Low CSF AÎČ42 concentrations in normal aging and dementia are associated with the presence of fibrillary AÎČ across brain regions detected by amyloid PET imaging. METHODS: An LC-MS/MS reference method for AÎČ42, modified by adding AÎČ40 and AÎČ38 peptides to calibrators, was used to analyze 1445 CSF samples from ADNIGO/2 participants. Seventy runs were completed using 2 different lots of calibrators. For preparation of AÎČ42 calibrators and controls spiking solution, reference AÎČ42 standard with certified concentration was obtained from EC-JRC-IRMM (Belgium). AÎČ40 and AÎČ38 standards were purchased from rPeptide. AÎČ42 calibrators' accuracy was established using CSF-based AÎČ42 Certified Reference Materials (CRM). RESULTS: CRM-adjusted AÎČ42 calibrator concentrations were calculated using the regression equation Y (CRM-adjusted) = 0.89X (calibrators) + 32.6. Control samples and CSF pools yielded imprecision ranging from 6.5 to 10.2% (AÎČ42) and 2.2 to 7.0% (AÎČ40). None of the CSF pools showed statistically significant differences in AÎČ42 concentrations across 2 different calibrator lots. Comparison of AÎČ42 with AÎČ42/AÎČ40 showed that the ratio improved concordance with concurrent [18F]-florbetapir PET as a measure of fibrillar AÎČ (n = 766) from 81 to 88%. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term performance assessment substantiates our modified LC-MS/MS reference method for 3 AÎČ peptides. The improved diagnostic performance of the CSF ratio AÎČ42/AÎČ40 suggests that AÎČ42 and AÎČ40 should be measured together and supports the need for an AÎČ40 CRM

    Cellular shear adhesion force measurement and simultaneous imaging by atomic force microscope

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    This paper presents a sensitive and fast cellular shear adhesion force measurement method using an atomic force microscope (AFM). In the work, the AFM was used both as a tool for the imaging of cells on the nano-scale and as a force sensor for the measurement of the shear adhesion force between the cell and the substrate. After the cell imaging, the measurement of cellular shear adhesion forces was made based on the different positions of the cell on the nano-scale. Moreover, different pushing speeds of probe and various locations of cells were used in experiments to study their influences. In this study, the measurement of the cell adhesion in the upper portion of the cell is different from that in the lower portion. It may reveal that the cancer cells have the metastasis tendency after cultured for 16 to 20 hours, which is significant for preventing metastasis in the patients diagnosed with early cancer lesions. Furthermore, the cellular shear adhesion forces of two types of living cancer cells were obtained based on the measurements of AFM cantilever deflections in the torsional and vertical directions. The results demonstrate that the shear adhesion force of cancer cells is twice as much as the same type of cancer cells with TRAIL. The method can also provide a way for the measurement of the cellular shear adhesion force between the cell and the substrate, and for the simultaneous exploration of cells using the AFM imaging and manipulatio

    The gut microbiota influences blood-brain barrier permeability in mice

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    Pivotal to brain development and function is an intact blood-brain barrier (BBB), which acts as a gatekeeper to control the passage and exchange of molecules and nutrients between the circulatory system and the brain parenchyma. The BBB also ensures homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS). We report that germ-free mice, beginning with intrauterine life, displayed increased BBB permeability compared to pathogen-free mice with a normal gut flora. The increased BBB permeability was maintained in germ-free mice after birth and during adulthood and was associated with reduced expression of the tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-5, which are known to regulate barrier function in endothelial tissues. Exposure of germ-free adult mice to a pathogen-free gut microbiota decreased BBB permeability and up-regulated the expression of tight junction proteins. Our results suggest that gut microbiota-BBB communication is initiated during gestation and propagated throughout life

    Upregulating beta-hexosaminidase activity in rodents prevents alpha-synuclein lipid associations and protects dopaminergic neurons from alpha-synuclein-mediated neurotoxicity

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    Sandhoff disease (SD) is a lysosomal storage disease, caused by loss of beta-hexosaminidase (HEX) activity resulting in the accumulation of ganglioside GM2. There are shared features between SD and Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). alpha-synuclein (aSYN) inclusions, the diagnostic hallmark sign of PD, are frequently found in the brain in SD patients and HEX knockout mice, and HEX activity is reduced in the substantia nigra in PD. In this study, we biochemically demonstrate that HEX deficiency in mice causes formation of high-molecular weight (HMW) aSYN and ubiquitin in the brain. As expected from HEX enzymatic function requirements, overexpression in vivo of HEXA and B combined, but not either of the subunits expressed alone, increased HEX activity as evidenced by histochemical assays. Biochemically, such HEX gene expression resulted in increased conversion of GM2 to its breakdown product GM3. In a neurodegenerative model of overexpression of aSYN in rats, increasing HEX activity by AAV6 gene transfer in the substantia nigra reduced aSYN embedding in lipid compartments and rescued dopaminergic neurons from degeneration. Overall, these data are consistent with a paradigm shift where lipid abnormalities are central to or preceding protein changes typically associated with PD

    Hepatic circadian clock oscillators and nuclear receptors integrate microbiome-derived signals.

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    The liver is a key organ of metabolic homeostasis with functions that oscillate in response to food intake. Although liver and gut microbiome crosstalk has been reported, microbiome-mediated effects on peripheral circadian clocks and their output genes are less well known. Here, we report that germ-free (GF) mice display altered daily oscillation of clock gene expression with a concomitant change in the expression of clock output regulators. Mice exposed to microbes typically exhibit characterized activities of nuclear receptors, some of which (PPARα, LXRÎČ) regulate specific liver gene expression networks, but these activities are profoundly changed in GF mice. These alterations in microbiome-sensitive gene expression patterns are associated with daily alterations in lipid, glucose, and xenobiotic metabolism, protein turnover, and redox balance, as revealed by hepatic metabolome analyses. Moreover, at the systemic level, daily changes in the abundance of biomarkers such as HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids, FGF21, bilirubin, and lactate depend on the microbiome. Altogether, our results indicate that the microbiome is required for integration of liver clock oscillations that tune output activators and their effectors, thereby regulating metabolic gene expression for optimal liver function

    Temporal relationship between systemic endothelial dysfunction and alterations in erythrocyte function in a murine model of chronic heart failure

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    Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) are both prognostic factors in heart failure (HF), but the relationship between them is not clear. In this study, we used a unique mouse model of chronic HF driven by cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of activated Gαq protein (Tgαq*44 mice) to characterise the relationship between the development of peripheral ED and the occurrence of structural nanomechanical and biochemical changes in red blood cells (RBCs).Systemic ED was detected in vivo in 8-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, as evidenced by impaired acetylcholine-induced vasodilation in the aorta and increased endothelial permeability in the brachiocephalic artery. ED in the aorta was associated with impaired nitric oxide (NO) production in the aorta and diminished systemic NO bioavailability. ED in the aorta was also characterised by increased superoxide and eicosanoid production. In 4- to 6-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, RBC size and membrane composition displayed alterations that did not result in significant changes in their nanomechanical and functional properties. However, 8-month-old Tgαq*44 mice presented greatly accentuated structural and size changes and increased RBC stiffness. In 12-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, the erythropathy was featured by severely altered RBC shape and elasticity, increased RDW, impaired RBC deformability, and increased oxidative stress (GSH/GSSH ratio). Moreover, RBCs taken from 12-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, but not from 12-month-old FVB mice, co-incubated with aortic rings from FVB mice, induced impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation and this effect was partially reversed by an arginase inhibitor (ABH, 2(S)-amino-6-boronohexanoic acid).In the Tgαq*44 murine model of HF, systemic endothelial dysfunction accelerates erythropathy and, conversely, erythropathy may contribute to endothelial dysfunction. These results suggest that erythropathy may be regarded as a marker and a mediator of systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF. In particular, targeting RBC arginase may represent a novel treatment strategy for systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF. RBC arginase and possibly other RBC-mediated mechanisms may represent novel therapeutic targets for systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF.Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) both have prognostic value for heart failure (HF), but it is not known whether these pathologies are related. We comprehensively characterized endothelial and RBC functional status in a unique murine model of chronic heart failure with a prolonged time course of HF progression. Our results suggest that ED accelerates erythropathy and, conversely, erythropathy may contribute to ED. Accordingly, erythropathy in HF reflects ED and involves various changes (in functional, structural, nanomechanical, and biochemical levels) that could have diagnostic and therapeutic significance for HF

    First amyloid ÎČ1-42 certified reference material for re-calibrating commercial immunoassays

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    INTRODUCTION: Reference materials based on human cerebrospinal fluid were certified for the mass concentration of amyloid beta (AÎČ)1-42 (AÎČ42 ). They are intended to be used to calibrate diagnostic assays for AÎČ42 . METHODS: The three certified reference materials (CRMs), ERM-DA480/IFCC, ERM-DA481/IFCC and ERM-DA482/IFCC, were prepared at three concentration levels and characterized using isotope dilution mass spectrometry methods. Roche, EUROIMMUN, and Fujirebio used the three CRMs to re-calibrate their immunoassays. RESULTS: The certified AÎČ42 mass concentrations in ERM-DA480/IFCC, ERM-DA481/IFCC, and ERM-DA482/IFCC are 0.45, 0.72, and 1.22 Όg/L, respectively, with expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of 0.07, 0.11, and 0.18 Όg/L, respectively. Before re-calibration, a good correlation (Pearson's r > 0.97), yet large biases, were observed between results from different commercial assays. After re-calibration the between-assay bias was reduced to < 5%. DISCUSSION: The AÎČ42 CRMs can ensure the equivalence of results between methods and across platforms for the measurement of AÎČ42

    The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2 Biomarker Core: A review of progress and plans

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    INTRODUCTION: We describe Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Biomarker Core progress including: the Biobank; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid beta (AÎČ1-42), t-tau, and p-tau181 analytical performance, definition of Alzheimer's disease (AD) profile for plaque, and tangle burden detection and increased risk for progression to AD; AD disease heterogeneity; progress in standardization; and new studies using ADNI biofluids. METHODS: Review publications authored or coauthored by ADNI Biomarker core faculty and selected non-ADNI studies to deepen the understanding and interpretation of CSF AÎČ1-42, t-tau, and p-tau181 data. RESULTS: CSF AD biomarker measurements with the qualified AlzBio3 immunoassay detects neuropathologic AD hallmarks in preclinical and prodromal disease stages, based on CSF studies in non-ADNI living subjects followed by the autopsy confirmation of AD. Collaboration across ADNI cores generated the temporal ordering model of AD biomarkers varying across individuals because of genetic/environmental factors that increase/decrease resilience to AD pathologies. DISCUSSION: Further studies will refine this model and enable the use of biomarkers studied in ADNI clinically and in disease-modifying therapeutic trials
