69 research outputs found

    The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the north of Iran. An epidemiologic comparative study

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    Background and Objective: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the main aim of this study is to explorer prevalence of it in the north of Iran with comparison of Turkman and non-Turkman ethnic groups in 2012. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that conducted on the 248 subjects aged 25-70 years (Turkman=88 and non-Turkman=160). Individuals were chosen randomly from 25 clusters. Waist circumference was measured with the subject standing at the end of normal breathing; blood pressure was measured in three times and 5 ml of venous blood drawn after 8-12 h fast in the morning for laboratory test. Biochemical analysis including fasting blood glucose, triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was assayed using a commercially kit (Pars Azmoon, Karaj, Iran). ATP-III method and SPSS 16.0 software (Chicago II, USA) were used for diagnosis of MetS and for statistical analyzes, respectively. P-value < 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: Compare to Turkman group, the mean of FBG (fasting blood glucose), triglyceride and waist circumference are 15.9 mg/dl, 30.2 mg/dl and 6.5 cm were more in non-Turkman group, respectively (P<0.05 for all). The Pearson's correlation coefficient is positive between age and MetS (r=0.287, P=0.01). Generally, MetS was common in 37.9 of subjects and it was 14.7 in non-Turkman more than in Turkman people (P=0.015). Prevalence rate of MetS in men and women was 29.7 and 43.5, respectively (P=0.001). Conclusion: In the north of Iran, the prevalence of MetS is high and it was in non-Turkman ethnic group more than in Turkman group and in women more than in men while gender differences only was shown in non-Turkman ethnic group

    Analytical advances in the ex vivo challenge efficacy assay

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    The ex vivo challenge assay is being increasingly used as an efficacy endpoint during early human clinical trials of HIV prevention treatments. There is no standard methodology for the ex vivo challenge assay, although the use of different data collection methods and analytical parameters may impact results and reduce the comparability of findings between trials. In this analysis, we describe the impact of data imputation methods, kit type, testing schedule and tissue type on variability, statistical power, and ex vivo HIV growth kinetics. Data were p24 antigen (pg/ml) measurements collected from clinical trials of candidate microbicides where rectal (n = 502), cervical (n = 88), and vaginal (n = 110) tissues were challenged with HIV-1BaL ex vivo. Imputation of missing data using a nonlinear mixed effect model was found to provide an improved fit compared to imputation using half the limit of detection. The rectal virus growth period was found to be earlier and of a relatively shorter duration than the growth period for cervical and vaginal tissue types. On average, only four rectal tissue challenge assays in each treatment and control group would be needed to find a one log difference in p24 to be significant (alpha = 0.05), but a larger sample size was predicted to be needed for either cervical (n = 21) or vaginal (n = 10) tissue comparisons. Overall, the results indicated that improvements could be made in the design and analysis of the ex vivo challenge assay to provide a more standardized and powerful assay to compare efficacy of microbicide products

    Validating the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3): A Comparison Between 561 Female Eating Disorders Patients and 878 Females from the General Population

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    The Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) is used worldwide in research and clinical work. The 3rd version (EDI-3) has been used in recent research, yet without any independent testing of its psychometric properties. The aim of the present study was twofold: 1) to establish national norms and to compare them with the US and international norms, and 2) to examine the factor structure, the internal consistency, the sensitivity and the specificity of subscale scores. Participants were Danish adult female patients (N = 561) from a specialist treatment centre and a control group (N = 878) was women selected from the Danish Civil Registration system. Small but significant differences were found between Danish and international, as well as US norms. Overall, the factor structure was confirmed, the internal consistency of the subscales was satisfactory, the discriminative validity was good, and sensitivity and specificity were excellent. The implications from these results are discussed

    Analysis of transcriptional response to heat stress in Rhazya stricta

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    Clusters of assembled transcripts of R. stricta SRA in mature leaves (A5-L8) at different time points of the day (A, morning; F-H, midday & L, dusk). Grey lines indicate expression patterns of individual transcripts in a given cluster. Blue lines indicate overall expression pattern across different transcripts of a given cluster. (PDF 397 kb

    Antidiabetic properties of dietary flavonoids: a cellular mechanism review

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