38 research outputs found

    Biometrics Authentication of Fingerprint with Using Fingerprint Reader and Microcontroller Arduino

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    The idea of security is as old as humanity itself. Between oldest methods of security were included simple mechanical locks whose authentication element was the key. At first, a universal–simple type, later unique for each lock. A long time had mechanical locks been the sole option for protection against unauthorized access. The boom of biometrics has come in the 20th century, and especially in recent years, biometrics is much expanded in the various areas of our life. Opposite of traditional security methods such as passwords, access cards, and hardware keys, it offers many benefits. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. Therefore we focussed in this paper on the the design of low cost biometric fingerprint system and subsequent implementation of this system in praxtise. Our main goal was to create a system that is capable of recognizing fingerprints from a user and then processing them. The main part of this system is the microcontroller Arduino Yun with an external interface to the scan of the fingerprint with a name Adafruit R305 (special reader). This microcontroller communicates with the external database, which ensures the exchange of data between Arduino Yun and user application. This application was created for (currently) most widespread mobile operating system-Android

    Implementation of Innovative Technologies in the Fields of Electronic Locks

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    Almost every institution currently uses attendance system that ensures maintaining control over the attendance of employees, students and other persons. By using attendance system we can provide the right to enter certain rooms for only designated people. On the basis of reports from attendance system we can evaluate a monthly attendance of employees and the by that determine their real movement within the institution. Today is this system the usual standard in every medium and large institution, for example businesses, schools, universities and many others. The price for such a system, however, is often too high. Therefore companies opt also for other alternatives. Our task was to create a working prototype of such a system. Such a system must dispose at least with function for indicating the arrival and departure of employees to be able to determine the time of stay in the workplace. For this purpose we used the platform of microcontroller Arduino with a several basic sensors and software Arduino IDE. In this paper we present the achieved results in terms of applying different access cards

    The Possibilities of Classification of Emotional States Based on User Behavioral Characteristics

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    The classification of user's emotions based on their behavioral characteristic, namely their keyboard typing and mouse usage pattern is an effective and non-invasive way of gathering user's data without imposing any limitations on their ability to perform tasks. To gather data for the classifier we used an application, the Emotnizer, which we had developed for this purpose. The output of the classification is categorized into 4 emotional categories from Russel's complex circular model - happiness, anger, sadness and the state of relaxation. The sample of the reference database consisted of 50 students. Multiple regression analyses gave us a model, that allowed us to predict the valence and arousal of the subject based on the input from the keyboard and mouse. Upon re-testing with another test group of 50 students and processing the data we found out our Emotnizer program can classify emotional states with an average success rate of 82.31%

    The influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances for the transport behavior and proposals for sanctions

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    Tato bakalářská práce "Vliv alkoholu a psychotropních látek na dopravní chování a návrhy na postihy" se zabývá zákony, které souvisí s touto problematikou. V této práci budou vysvětleny pojmy, které jsou nazývány alkohol a drogy. Dále bude popsáno řízení řidiče při různých hladinách alkoholu v krvi a následné chování řidiče v provozu na pozemních komunikacích. Budou zde rozděleny drogy do určitých kategorií a také bude popsán vliv jednotlivých drog na chování řidiče v provozu na pozemních komunikacích. V této práci bude popsán postup Policie České republiky při zjišťování stavu řidiče, není-li ovlivněn alkoholem nebo psychotropní látkou. V další části budou navrhnuty opatření, které by měly zvýšit bezpečnost na pozemních komunikacích v České republice.This bachelor thesis ?The influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances for the transport behavior and proposals for sanctions? deals with the laws that relate to the issue. There willl be explained terms such as alcohol and drugs in my work. Then I will describe different drivers blood alcohol level and the following behavior of the driver on road. Drugs will be divided into certain categories and thein effect on driver behavior will be also described. Another past will talk about the methods of the police of the Czech Republic when identifying the state of the driver whether the driver is affected by alcohol or psychotropic drugs or most. Finally there will be proposed measures that should improve road safety in the Czech Republic.Katedra technologie a řízení dopravyStudent obhájil bakalářskou práci a zodpověděl otázky členů státní zkušební komise.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Nudging and its Use in Social Interaction

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    Liberal Arts and Humanities - Social Sciences ModuleStudium humanitní vzdělanosti - Společenskovědní modulFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    Streamline of the logistics services for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.

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    Tato diplomová práce Zefektivnění logistických služeb pro Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. se zabývá významem logistiky a základními funkcemi skladového hospodářství. Zde budou uvedeny definice logistiky podle známých a uznávaných autorů. Dále bude představena společnost Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. včetně jejího historického vývoje a také bude popsáno využití externích firem společností Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. V této práci budou také vysvětleny hlavní logistické služby z oblasti dopravy, které provozuje společnost Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. Mezi klíčové logistické služby patří primární distribuce, sekundární distribuce a skladování materiálu. V závěru práce budou představeny návrhy a opatření na změnu současného stavu, které by měly zajistit pokles finančních nákladů společnosti Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.This thesis Streamline of the logistics services for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. deals with the significance of logistics and basic functions of the stock. There will be mentioned the definitions of the logistics by known and respected anthors. Then I will present the company Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. including its historical development and I will deseribe the use of external firms of the company Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. I will also explain the main logistics services of transport which the company Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. keeps. Primary distribution, secondary distribution and storage of material belong among the main logistics services. In the final part of my thesis I will present the proposals and measures directed at the change of the current state which should quarantee the reduction of financial costs of the company Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.Katedra technologie a řízení dopravyStudent obhájil svou diplomovou práci, na otázky státní zkušební komise zdárně odpověděl

    Estimation of the Probability of Occurrence of Persons in an Area

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    The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to implement application that creates estimation of the probability of occurrence of persons in an area from given map data. The estimation of the probability is displayed by using a heat map. Heat map is created by using defined tags which determine how many people are in the area. During the implementation map data from OpenStreetMap were used. The created application can be used during the planning of the electricity equipment construction, which can be life-threatening if people are close to the area of this equipment

    System for automatic crate recognition

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    Nudging and its Use in Social Interaction

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    Liberal Arts and Humanities - Social Sciences ModuleStudium humanitní vzdělanosti - Společenskovědní modulFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie