187 research outputs found

    American Paratexts: Experimentation and Anxiety in the Early United States

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    “American Paratexts” argues that prefaces, dedications, footnotes, and postscripts were sites of aggressive courtship and manipulation of readers in early nineteenth-century American literature. In the paratexts of novels, poems, and periodicals, readers faced pedantic complaints about the literary marketplace, entreaties for purchases described as patriotic duty, and interpersonal spats couched in the language of selfless literary nationalism. Authors such as Washington Irving, John Neal, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and William Wells Brown turned paratexts into sites of instructional meta-commentary, using imperative and abusive reader-address to unsettle and then reorient American readers, simultaneously insulting them for insufficiently adventuresome reading habits and declaring better reading and readers essential to America’s status in a transatlantic book sphere. That focus on addressivity transformed the tone and content of the early republic’s prose, bringing the viciousness of eighteenth-century coterie publishing into the emerging mass market world of nineteenth-century monthly and weekly periodicals. Incorporating and expanding beyond Gérard Genette’s definition of the paratext, this dissertation combines the detailed bibliographical work of book historians and material text scholars with the insights of those studying the development of American authorship. Paratexts have too often been ignored as marginal or ancillary: this dissertation notes that it is in paratexts that authors in the early United States tackled subjects as varied as poetic meter, historiographical bias, national literary responsibility and the racial prejudice of white publishing norms. In their aggressive engagement of readers, these paratexts demanded a level of reader metacognition that facilitated the transformation of nineteenth-century transatlantic print culture

    Bitopological and topological ordered k-spaces

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    Domain theory, in theoretical computer science, needs to be able to handle function spaces easily. It also requires asymmetric spaces, and these are necessarily not T1. At the same time, techniques used with the higher separation axioms are useful there (see [Topology Appl. 199 (2002) 241]). In order to handle all these requirements, we develop a theory of k-bispaces using bitopological spaces, which results in a Cartesian closed category. The other well-known way to combine asymmetry and separation is ordered topological spaces [Nachbin, Topology and Order, Van Nostrand, 1965]; we define the category of ordered k-spaces, which is isomorphic to that found among bitopological spaces. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Ordered Products of Topological Groups

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    The topology most often used on a totally ordered group (G, \u3c) is the interval topology. There are usually many ways to totally order G x G (e.g., the lexicographic order) but the interval topology induced by such a total order is rarely used since the product topology has obvious advantages. Let â„ť(+) denote the real line with its usual order and Q(+) the subgroup of rational numbers. There is an order on Q x Q whose associated interval topology is the product topology, but no such order on â„ť x â„ť can be found. In this paper we characterize those pairs G, H of totally ordered groups such that there is a total order on G x H for which the interval topology is the product topology

    Auxiliary relations and sandwich theorems

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    A well-known topological theorem due to Katv etov states: Suppose (X,tau)(X,tau) is a normal topological space, and let f:Xto[0,1]f:Xto[0,1] be upper semicontinuous, g:Xto[0,1]g:Xto[0,1] be lower semicontinuous, and fleqgfleq g. Then there is a continuous h:Xto[0,1]h:Xto[0,1] such that fleqhleqgfleq hleq g. We show a version of this theorem for many posets with auxiliary relations. In particular, if PP is a Scott domain and f,g:Pto[0,1]f,g:Pto[0,1] are such that fleqgfleq g, and ff is lower continuous and gg Scott continuous, then for some hh, fleqhleqgfleq hleq g and hh is both Scott and lower continuous. As a result, each Scott continuous function from PP to [0,1][0,1], is the sup of the functions below it which are both Scott and lower continuous

    The Space of Minimal Prime Ideals of C(x) Need not be Basically Disconnected

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    Problems posed twenty and twenty-five years ago by M. Henriksen and M. Jerison are solved by showing that the space of minimal prime ideals of the ring C(X) of continuous real-valued functions on a compact (Hausdorff) space need not be basically disconnected-or even an F-space

    Topologies and Cotopologies Generated by Sets of Functions

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    Let L be either [0, 1] or {0, 1} with the usual order. We study topologies on a set X for which the cozero-sets of certain subfamilies H of Lx form a base, and the properties imposed on such topologies by hypothesizing various order-theoretic conditions on H. We thereby obtain useful generalizations of extremely disconnected spaces, basically disconnected spaces, and F-spaces. In particular we use these tools to study the space of minimal prime ideals of certain commutative rings

    06341 Abstracts Collection -- Computational Structures for Modelling Space, Time and Causality

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    From 20.08.06 to 25.08.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06341 ``Computational Structures for Modelling Space, Time and Causality\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    04351 Summary -- Spatial Representation: Discrete vs. Continuous Computational Models

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    Topological notions and methods are used in various areas of the physical sciences and engineering, and therefore computer processing of topological data is important. Separate from this, but closely related, are computer science uses of topology: applications to programming language semantics and computing with exact real numbers are important examples. The seminar concentrated on an important approach, which is basic to all these applications, i.e. spatial representation
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