1,868 research outputs found

    Love and Loyalty

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    Discussion of why loyalty was not considered a virtue in classical Greece; contrast with modern conception of loyalt

    Ancients on Old Age

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    Greek and Roman literature has bequeathed us a variety of perspectives on old age. Old age, in ancient times before there were palliatives for pain and devices to compensate for failing sense, such as eyeglasses and hearing aids, could be painful and humiliating. At the same time, old age commanded a certain respect, for the wisdom that time and experience brought, and it afforded pleasures of its own, such as memories of former goods. If erotic passion and attractiveness were diminished, this might be considered a benefit rather than a loss. An aged person might still be able to manage personal affairs, and if death was closer, it was not something to be feared, if one had lived a full life. Old age was a stage in life, the final one, but not less valuable for that

    El remordimiento: los orígenes de un concepto moral

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    Análisis histórico del desarrollo del concepto moral de remordimiento a través de textos de autores griegos clásicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Epicurean Phantasia

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    En este artículo, examino el papel de la phantasia en la teoría epicúrea de la percepción y el pensamiento. Aprovechando de los fragmentos, recién editados, de la Peri phuseôs de Epicuro, y de nuevas interpretaciones de la función de phantasia según Aristóteles, además de textos transmitidos de Epicuro y de Lucrecio, considero problemas altamente discutidos tales como la manera en que los eidôla o simulacra se reducen de tamaño para que puedan entrar en el ojo, y los canales por los cuales se transmiten desde el ojo a la mente. Trato también de la naturaleza de la phantastikê epibolê , es decir, “la proyección de la phantasia ”, y su función en las actividades de pensar y recordar.In this paper, I examine the role of phantasia in the Epicurean theory of perception and thought. Making use of newly edited fragments of Epicurus’ Periphuseôs , and recent interpretations of the role of phantasia in Aristotle, along with received texts of Epicurus and Lucretius, I consider such vexed questions as how eidôla or simulacra are reduced in size so as to enter the eye, and the channels by which they are transmitted from the eye to the mind. I discuss further the nature of phantastikê epibolê , that is, “the projection of phantasia ”, and its function in processes of thinking and remembering

    Problems in Epicurean Physics

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    This article treats several problems in Epicurean atomic theory, including how atoms rebound (the answer is that they must keep moving at a uniform speed and simply move in another direction when impeded), the role of minima in defining the boundaries of an atom and accounting for its impenetrability and why adjacent atoms do not merge, and the explanation of atomic weight as a tendency of atoms emerging from collisions to move in a preferred direction, which is by definition “down.

    Epicurean Happiness: A Pig's Life?

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    In this paper, I argue that for Epicurus, the highest form and final end of human happiness arises whenthe body is free from pain and the soul is free from distress; these, moreover, are what Epicurus denotesas the static pleasures. The static pleasures may be accompanied by pleasant thoughts and sensations:these are what are called the kinetic pleasures. More particularly, the kinetic pleasures of the body arenot those of replenishment (as is commonly supposed), but consist rather in unalloyed, but alsounnecessary, pleasures such as sweet smells and delicious tastes; correspondingly, the kinetic pleasuresof the mind are joy (khara) and good cheer (euphrosunê), which also are in the class of non-necessarypleasures

    Morphometric Analysis of Left & Right Tonsils in Adult Symptomatic Type 1 Chiari Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Historically, CMI has been radiographically defined by cerebellar tonsillar descent below the foramen magnum (FM) more than 5 mm (2). This measurement is typically made with a single sagittal plane T1-or T2-weighted MR image. Studies have obtained additional morphometric measurements to help diagnose CMI, and establish normal values (3,4). These studies were somewhat These studies were somewhat successful in differentiating CMI patients from healthy subjects. However, results from these studies have shown that the standard TD measurement does not necessarily correlate with neurological symptom severity as patients with CMI-like symptoms have been found with a TD of less than 5 mm position below the FM (6,7). Also, a variety of morphometric measurements have been found insufficient to differentiate disease states related to CMI such as syringobulbia (8). Past studies have reported that the TD measurement is not a good measure for diagnosis of CMI, yet it is still being used today (7). The primary goal for this study is to provide a better method for diagnosing CMI. One aspect that has not been analyzed in previous work is morphometric measurement of the left and right tonsil with using a constant reference point in the mid-sagittal plane. We hypothesize, using the proposed methodology, that the cerebellar tonsil descent relative to the FM will be lower based solely on a mid-sagittal slice compared to the 7 clinical operators measurements

    Horace Odes 1.10: A Turning Point?

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    José Carlos Fernández Corte ha argumentado en esta revista que Horacio Odas 1.10 marca la conclusión de la serie de diez odas. En este artículo, sugiero que es mejor concebir Odas 1.10 como un poema de transición. En Odas 1.11, podemos percebir signos claros, por medio de juegos de palabras metaliterarios, de que este poema es continuación del grupo anterior y, a la vez, marca un nuevo comienzo

    Recommender Systems Notation

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    As the field of recommender systems has developed, authors have used a myriad of notations for describing the mathematical workings of recommendation algorithms. These notations appear in research papers, books, lecture notes, blog posts, and software documentation. The disciplinary diversity of the field has not contributed to consistency in notation; scholars whose home base is in information retrieval have different habits and expectations than those in machine learning or human-computer interaction. In the course of years of teaching and research on recommender systems, we have seen the value in adopting a consistent notation across our work. This has been particularly highlighted in our development of the Recommender Systems MOOC on Coursera (Konstan et al. 2015), as we need to explain a wide variety of algorithms and our learners are not well-served by changing notation between algorithms. In this paper, we describe the notation we have adopted in our work, along with its justification and some discussion of considered alternatives. We present this in hope that it will be useful to others writing and teaching about recommender systems. This notation has served us well for some time now, in research, online education, and traditional classroom instruction. We feel it is ready for broad use