3,127 research outputs found

    Spin-mediated dissipation and frequency shifts of a cantilever at milliKelvin temperatures

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    We measure the dissipation and frequency shift of a magnetically coupled cantilever in the vicinity of a silicon chip, down to 2525 mK. The dissipation and frequency shift originates from the interaction with the unpaired electrons, associated with the dangling bonds in the native oxide layer of the silicon, which form a two dimensional system of electron spins. We approach the sample with a 3.433.43 μ\mum-diameter magnetic particle attached to an ultrasoft cantilever, and measure the frequency shift and quality factor as a function of temperature and the distance. Using a recent theoretical analysis [J. M. de Voogd et al., arXiv:1508.07972 (2015)] of the dynamics of a system consisting of a spin and a magnetic resonator, we are able to fit the data and extract the relaxation time T1=0.39±0.08T_1=0.39\pm0.08 ms and spin density σ=0.14±0.01\sigma=0.14\pm0.01 spins per nm2^2. Our analysis shows that at temperatures 500\leq500 mK magnetic dissipation is an important source of non-contact friction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Astrophysical S-factors for fusion reactions involving C, O, Ne and Mg isotopes

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    Using the Sao Paulo potential and the barrier penetration formalism we have calculated the astrophysical factor S(E) for 946 fusion reactions involving stable and neutron-rich isotopes of C, O, Ne, and Mg for center-of-mass energies E varying from 2 MeV to 18-30 MeV (covering the range below and above the Coulomb barrier). We have parameterized the energy dependence S(E) by an accurate universal 9-parameter analytic expression and present tables of fit parameters for all the reactions. We also discuss the reduced 3-parameter version of our fit which is highly accurate at energies below the Coulomb barrier, and outline the procedure for calculating the reaction rates. The results can be easily converted to thermonuclear or pycnonuclear reaction rates to simulate various nuclear burning phenomena, in particular, stellar burning at high temperatures and nucleosynthesis in high density environments.Comment: 30 pages including 11 tables, 4 figures, ADNDT, accepte

    Radio Frequency Models of Novae in eruption. I. The Free-Free Process in Bipolar Morphologies

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    Observations of novae at radio frequencies provide us with a measure of the total ejected mass, density profile and kinetic energy of a nova eruption. The radio emission is typically well characterized by the free-free emission process. Most models to date have assumed spherical symmetry for the eruption, although it has been known for as long as there have been radio observations of these systems, that spherical eruptions are to simplistic a geometry. In this paper, we build bipolar models of the nova eruption, assuming the free-free process, and show the effects of varying different parameters on the radio light curves. The parameters considered include the ratio of the minor- to major-axis, the inclination angle and shell thickness (further parameters are provided in the appendix). We also show the uncertainty introduced when fitting spherical model synthetic light curves to bipolar model synthetic light curves. We find that the optically thick phase rises with the same power law (Sνt2S_{\nu} \propto t^2) for both the spherical and bipolar models. In the bipolar case there is a "plateau" phase -- depending on the thickness of the shell as well as the ratio of the minor- to major-axis -- before the final decline, that follows the same power law (Sνt3S_{\nu} \propto t^{-3}) as in the spherical case. Finally, fitting spherical models to the bipolar model synthetic light curves requires, in the worst case scenario, doubling the ejected mass, more than halving the electron temperature and reducing the shell thickness by nearly a factor of 10. This implies that in some systems we have been over predicting the ejected masses and under predicting the electron temperature of the ejecta.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, accompanying movie to figure 3 available at http://www.ast.uct.ac.za/~valerio/papers/radioI

    Experimental cross sections of Ho 165 (α,n) Tm 168 and Er 166 (α,n) Yb 169 for optical potential studies relevant for the astrophysical γ process

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    Background: Optical potentials are crucial ingredients for the prediction of nuclear reaction rates needed in simulations of the astrophysical γ process. Associated uncertainties are particularly large for reactions involving α particles. This includes (γ,α) reactions which are of special importance in the γ process. Purpose: The measurement of (α,n) reactions allows for an optimization of currently used α-nucleus potentials. The reactions Ho165(α,n) and Er166(α,n) probe the optical model in a mass region where γ process calculations exhibit an underproduction of p nuclei which is not yet understood. Method: To investigate the energy-dependent cross sections of the reactions Ho165(α,n) and Er166(α,n) close to the reaction threshold, self-supporting metallic foils were irradiated with α particles using the FN tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The induced activity was determined afterwards by monitoring the specific β-decay channels. Results: Hauser-Feshbach predictions with a widely used global α potential describe the data well at energies where the cross sections are almost exclusively sensitive to the α widths. Increasing discrepancies appear towards the reaction threshold at lower energy. Conclusions: The tested global α potential is suitable at energies above 14 MeV, while a modification seems necessary close to the reaction threshold. Since the γ and neutron widths show non-negligible impact on the predictions, complementary data are required to judge whether or not the discrepancies found can be solely assigned to the α width. © 2014 American Physical Society.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Measurements of Gd 152 (p,γ) Tb 153 and Gd 152 (p,n) Tb 152 reaction cross sections for the astrophysical γ process

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    The total cross sections for the Gd152(p,γ)Tb153 and Gd152(p,n)152Tb reactions have been measured by the activation method at effective center-of-mass energies 3.47≤Ec.m.eff≤7.94 MeV and 4.96≤Ec.m.eff≤7.94 MeV, respectively. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 30.6% isotopically enriched Gd152 oxide on aluminum backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by a cyclotron accelerator. The cross sections were deduced from the observed γ-ray activity, which was detected off-line by an HPGe detector in a low background environment. The results are presented and compared with predictions of statistical model calculations. This comparison supports a modified optical proton+Gd152 potential suggested earlier.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Comparing league formats with respect to match importance in Belgian football

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    Recently, most clubs in the highest Belgian football division have become convinced that the format of their league should be changed. Moreover, the TV station that broadcasts the league is pleading for a more attractive competition. However, the clubs have not been able to agree on a new league format, mainly because they have conflicting interests. In this paper, we compare the current league format, and three other formats that have been considered by the Royal Belgian Football Association. We simulate the course of each of these league formats, based on historical match results. We assume that the attractiveness of a format is determined by the importance of its games; our importance measure for a game is based on the number of teams for which this game can be decisive to reach a given goal. Furthermore, we provide an overview of how each league format aligns with the expectations and interests of each type of club

    Light-ion production in the interaction of 96 MeV neutrons with oxygen

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    Double-differential cross sections for light-ion (p, d, t, He-3 and alpha) production in oxygen, induced by 96 MeV neutrons are reported. Energy spectra are measured at eight laboratory angles from 20 degrees to 160 degrees in steps of 20 degrees. Procedures for data taking and data reduction are presented. Deduced energy-differential and production cross sections are reported. Experimental cross sections are compared to theoretical reaction model calculations and experimental data at lower neutron energies in the literature. The measured proton data agree reasonably well with the results of the model calculations, whereas the agreement for the other particles is less convincing. The measured production cross sections for protons, deuterons, tritons and alpha particles support the trends suggested by data at lower energies.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cross-section measurement of the Ba 130 (p,γ) La 131 reaction for γ -process nucleosynthesis

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    Background: Deviations between experimental data of charged-particle-induced reactions and calculations within the statistical model are frequently found. An extended data base is needed to address the uncertainties regarding the nuclear-physics input parameters in order to understand the nucleosynthesis of the neutron-deficient p nuclei. Purpose: A measurement of total cross-section values of the Ba130(p,γ)La131 reaction at low proton energies allows a stringent test of statistical model predictions with different proton+nucleus optical model potentials. Since no experimental data are available for proton-capture reactions in this mass region around A ≈130, this measurement can be an important input to test the global applicability of proton+nucleus optical model potentials. Method: The total reaction cross-section values were measured by means of the activation method. After the irradiation with protons, the reaction yield was determined by use of γ-ray spectroscopy using two clover-type high-purity germanium detectors. In total, cross-section values for eight different proton energies could be determined in the energy range between 3.6 MeV ≤Ep≤ 5.0 MeV, thus, inside the astrophysically relevant energy region. Results: The measured cross-section values were compared to Hauser-Feshbach calculations using the statistical model codes TALYS and SMARAGD with different proton+nucleus optical model potentials. With the semimicroscopic JLM proton+nucleus optical model potential used in the SMARAGD code, the absolute cross-section values are reproduced well, but the energy dependence is too steep at the lowest energies. The best description is given by a TALYS calculation using the semimicroscopic Bauge proton+nucleus optical model potential using a constant renormalization factor. Conclusions: The statistical model calculation using the Bauge semimicroscopic proton+nucleus optical model potential deviates by a constant factor of 2.1 from the experimental data. Using this model, an experimentally supported stellar reaction rate for proton capture on the p nucleus Ba130 was calculated. At astrophysical temperatures, an increase in the stellar reaction rate of 68% compared to rates obtained from the widely used NON-SMOKER code is found. This measurement extends the scarce experimental data base for charged-particle-induced reactions, which can be helpful to derive a more globally applicable proton+nucleus optical model potential.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio