10 research outputs found


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    V nalogi poskušamo odkriti povezave med lastnostmi študentov in njihovim študijskim uspehom. Opisan je celoten proces zbiranja ter analize podatkov in relacij, ki vplivajo na študijski uspeh posameznika. Začnemo s kratkimi navodili o sestavi ankete in nadaljujemo s sestavo svoje. Pridobljene podatke najprej analiziramo z uporabo statistike. Uporabljene metode na kratko opišemo in jih nato izvedemo nad zbranimi podatki. Proces izvajanja, ki je opravljen v programu IBM SPSS Statistics, je tudi predstavljen. Nazadnje uporabimo podatke v podatkovnem rudarjenju. V predstavitvi podatkovnega rudarjenja se posebej posvetimo nalogi klasifikacije in njenim tehnikam. V orodju Weka z odločitvenimi drevesi ugotavljamo povezanost med karakteristikami študentov in njihovim študijskim uspehom.In the assignment we try to discover correlations between students’ characteristics and their academic success. We describe the whole process of collecting and analyzing data and relations which impact the students’ success. We start with short instructions on how to build a survey and continuing to build our own. Collected data is first analyzed with statistics. Used methods are shortly described and afterwards executed in a program called IBM SPSS Statistics. Finally the data is used in data mining, presentation of which is mainly focused on the classification task and its techniques. Using Weka we built decision trees to find out if there are any connections between students’ characteristics and their study success


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    Magistrska naloga preučuje posledice vpeljave spremenjenega načina križanja in mutacije v genetske algoritme. Naključna izbira genov v obeh operacijah je nadomeščena s postopkom izbire, pri kateri je verjetnost izbora posameznega gena odvisna od njegove starosti. Za ta namen je zgrajena aplikacija, v kateri so poleg tradicionalnega genetskega algoritma implementirani še dodatni operatorji mutacije in križanja. Izbira genov za sodelovanje v novonastalih načinih reprodukcije je na različne načine odvisna od starosti genov. Vsi načini delovanja so preizkušeni na treh različnih problemih. Rezultati starostno odvisnih načinov delovanja so z namenom ugotavljanja kredibilnosti takšnega delovanja primerjani z rezultati in delovanjem konvencionalnega genetskega algoritma.The master\u27s thesis studies the effect of introducing a new type of crossover and mutation into the genetic algorithms. The random selection in both operations is replaced by a new procedure, where the probability for each gene to be selected is dependant on its age. For this porpose an application is built, that in addition to the traditional genetic algorithm also implements extra mutation and corssover operators. Gene selection in the newly created reproduction methods is in different ways dependant on the genes age. All the various modes of operation are tried on three different problems. The results of age-dependent modes of operation are compared with the results of conventional genetic algorithm in order to establish the new operations credibility

    Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Body Sensor Network

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    Napredek na področjih mikroelektronike, vgrajenega računalništva in brezžične komunikacije je povzročil povečanje zanimanja za telesna senzorska omrežja. Telesno senzorsko omrežje sestavljajo senzorska vozlišča, porazdeljena v neposredni bližini telesa uporabnika, na telesu ali celo v telesu uporabnika. Vozlišča zbirajo fiziološke in druge podatke o stanju telesa in jih posredujejo zmogljivejšim napravam v obdelavo. Takšna oblika omrežja predstavlja predvsem potencial v razvoju in zmanjševanju stroškov zdravstvene oskrbe. Podatki, ki se pretakajo v takšnih omrežjih, so občutljivi. Zdravstveni podatki so tudi zakonsko opredeljeni kot posebna oblika osebnih podatkov, za katere je nujna dodatna skrbnost pri njihovem varovanju. Poleg varnega hranjenja takšnih podatkov je treba zagotavljati njihovo varnost tudi med prenosom iz senzorskih naprav v druge naprave v omrežju. To varovanje je v veliki meri odvisno od protokola overjanja in vzpostavitve ključa, ki preveri istovetnost naprav v komunikaciji in vzpostavi ključ, na podlagi katerega bo nadaljnja komunikacija šifrirana. Razvoj protokola za overjanje in vzpostavitev ključa, primernega za uporabo v telesnih senzorskih omrežjih, je zaradi zahtevane ravni varovanja in strojnih omejitev velik izziv. Cilj te disertacije je razvoj lastnega protokola za overjanje in dogovor o ključu, ki bo izpolnjeval vse varnostne zahteve in bo obenem učinkovit ter primeren za uporabo v senzorskih vozliščih. V ta namen so v doktorski disertaciji zbrane varnostne lastnosti, ki bi jih varni protokoli, primerni za uporabo v telesnih senzorskih omrežjih, morali izpolnjevati, ter možni napadi, na katere bi morali biti odporni. V okviru doktorske disertacije je bil izveden pregled literature, na podlagi katere je bila razvita nova klasifikacija obstoječih protokolov vzpostavitve ključa. Ob pregledu obstoječih protokolov je bila posebna pozornost posvečena tudi analizam, ki so jih avtorji takšnih protokolov izvedli za dokazovanje varnosti in učinkovitosti predstavljenih protokolov. Iz tega je nastal seznam metod vrednotenja varnosti in učinkovitosti protokolov. Disertacija predstavi dva nova lahka protokola vzpostavitve ključa, namenjena uporabi v telesnih senzorskih omrežjih. Protokola omogočata vzpostavitev komunikacije s senzorskim vozliščem na varen in nezahteven način. V dokaz tega je za vsak protokol opravljena varnostna analiza s hevristično metodo vrednotenja varnosti in analiza učinkovitosti, ki vključuje tudi primerjavo predlaganih protokolov z obstoječimi sorodnimi protokoli.Advances in the fields of microelectronics, embedded computing, and wireless communications have caused the interest in wireless body sensor networks to rise sharply. A body sensor network is constructed from sensor nodes distributed in direct vicinity, on, and even in the user’s body. The nodes collect physiological and other data about the state of the body and forward them on to more powerful devices for processing. This sort of network has wide application potential in the development and cost reduction of healthcare. Devices in such networks collect highly sensitive data. Health data is also legally recognised as a special form of personal data that require particular diligence in their protection. In addition to safely storing such data, it is also necessary to ensure their safety during transmission from sensor devices to other devices in the network. This security is highly dependent on the authentication and key establishment protocol, which verifies the identity of the devices in communication and establishes the key, with which all further communication will be encrypted. Development of a new authentication and key establishment protocol for body sensor network is a major challenge due to the required level of security and severe hardware constraints. The goal of this dissertation is the development of our own protocol for authentication and key agreement that meets all the security requirements and is also efficient and suitable for use on sensor nodes. For this purpose, the doctoral dissertation catalogues security requirements and possible attacks, which a secure protocol suitable for use in body sensor network should meet and be resistant to. A review of relevant literature was conducted, on basis of which a new classification of existing key establishment protocols was developed. When reviewing the existing protocols, special attention was paid to the analyses carried out by the authors to prove the security and effectiveness of the presented protocols. Based on this a list of all the methods for evaluating the security and effectiveness of protocols was created. The dissertation presents two new lightweight authentication and key establishment protocols for use in body sensor networks. The protocols provide a safe and efficient way to establish communication with the sensor nodes. To prove this, security analyses has been performed using an ad hoc security evaluation method, as well as efficiency analyses that include a comparison of the proposed protocols with existing similar protocols

    eIDAS Interoperability and Cross-Border Compliance Issues

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    The eIDAS Regulation provides a common foundation for secure electronic interaction between citizens, businesses, and public authorities. We investigated and identified interoperability and cross-border compliance issues in this paper. We have identified the following weaknesses: Organizational independence, remote access to banking services, remote video identification, use of electronic signatures in public administration, commercial access to the eIDAS network, biometric authentication mechanisms, and, finally, some technical issues with the mechanisms used to provide security and authentication in eIDAS nodes

    A Systematic Review of the Use of Blockchain in Healthcare

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    Blockchain technology enables a decentralized and distributed environment with no need for a central authority. Transactions are simultaneously secure and trustworthy due to the use of cryptographic principles. In recent years, blockchain technology has become very trendy and penetrated different domains, mostly due to the popularity of cryptocurrencies. One field where blockchain technology has tremendous potential is healthcare, due to the need for a more patient-centric approach to healthcare systems and to connect disparate systems and increase the accuracy of electronic healthcare records (EHRs). In this systematic review, an analysis of state-of-the-art blockchain research in the field of healthcare is conducted. The aim is to reveal the potential applications of the technology and to highlight the challenges and possible directions of blockchain research in healthcare. First, background information is discussed, followed by a description of the exact methodology used in this paper. Next, an analysis of the results is given, which includes a bibliometric overview, an analysis of gathered data and its properties, and the results of a literature quality assessment. Lastly, there is a discussion of the results from the analysis. The findings indicate that blockchain technology research in healthcare is increasing and it is mostly used for data sharing, managing health records and access control. Other scenarios are very rare. Most research is aimed at presenting novel structural designs in the form of frameworks, architectures or models. Findings also show that technical details about the used blockchain elements are not given in most of the analyzed publications and that most research does not present any prototype implementation or implementation details. Often even with a prototype implementation, no details about blockchain elements are given

    CyberSec4Europe D3.21 - Framework to design and implement adaptive security systems

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    The research results presented in this document represent the deliverable D3.21: “Framework to design and implement adaptive security systems” and are the continuation of the deliverable D3.4: “Analysis of key research challenges for adaptive security”. In this deliverable we aim to validate the challenges elicited in D3.4 with practitioners from industry. We also aim to understand how the assets developed by each partner in task T3.5 could be used to engineer an adaptive security system. In this deliverable, we present the results of a survey conducted with security practitioners from industry. The objective of the survey is to acquire the practitioners’ perspective on the application of adaptive security technologies and identify the research challenges that practitioners perceive to be the most critical in adaptive security. We use a reference architecture of an adaptive security system to identify the contributions of the assets provided by each partner. We showcase how the joint contributions of each asset can support some of the maritime transport use case scenarios elicited in task T5.5 Maritime Transport