1,263 research outputs found

    The Differential Splicing of the SOCS2 5’UTR, a Gene Involved in Successful Central Nervous System Axon Regeneration in Xenopus laevis

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    The amphibian Xenopus laevis has the ability to regenerate axons of its optic nerve even after metamorphosis. From previous studies done in our lab, we found that Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 2 (SOCS2) could be involved in the complex pathway of genes regulating nervous system development and regeneration. 3’ and 5’ Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) revealed that the 5’ untranslated region (UTR) of SOCS2 contains two splice forms. One splice form contained a previously unidentified 68 base pair exon, which will be referred to as ‘Exon 2’, which we hypothesized is involved in post-transcriptional regulation of SOCS2. I performed in situ hybridization on retina sections of the regenerating and non-regenerating eye 12 days after optic nerve crush to test whether Exon 2 is specifically expressed during optic nerve regeneration. I observed that expression of the splice form containing Exon 2 increased in the retina. This suggests that Exon 2 does play a role in the regulation of expression of SOCS2 during regeneration. RT-PCR and qPCR were performed to study the expression differences of the two splice forms at 3 days and 7 days after optic nerve crush. These data, when combined with the in situ hybridization data, suggest that the 5’UTR of SOCS2 is differentially expressed relative to the stages of regeneration. The form of the SOCS2 5’UTR that contains Exon 2 is expressed more in the intermediate to late stages of optic nerve regeneration, whereas the form that lacks this exon is associated with the early stages. Based on these observations, I hypothesized that the 5’UTR with Exon 2 or without it could be functioning as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), to facilitate translation of SOCS2 protein under stress conditions where cap-dependent translation is suppressed. To test this in vivo, I have created a bicistronic fluorescent protein reporter plasmid that contains the SOCS2 5’ UTR sequences with and without Exon 2. In vitro transcribed mRNA from two control constructs was injected into X. laevis embryos. Assaying for expression indicated that this method can be used to determine IRES activity. mRNA from the experimental constructs containing the SOCS2 5’UTR will be injected into embryos for confirmation or denial of my hypothesis. From my study I hope to better understand the regulatory mechanisms of the SOCS2 5’UTR during axon regeneration in X. laevis

    Belt conveyor

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce spočívá navrhnutí pásového dopravníku pro písky různých zrnitostí a vlastností, dle zadaných parametrů. Úvod práce se zabývá hlavními částmi pásového dopravníku a jejich výběrem. Druhá část obsahuje konstrukční výpočet provedený dle normy ČSN ISO 5048 a k celé práci je dodána výkresová dokumentace.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design a belt conveyor for sand grit sizes and different qualities, according to specified parameters. The introduction covers the main parts of the belt conveyor and their selection. The second part contains design calculation performed according to ČSN ISO 5048 and the whole work is supplied drawings.


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Prognozarea formelor distructive de apendicită acută (AA) la copii reprezintă un moment cheie în stabilirea diagnosticului și a tacticii ulterioare de tratament. În prezent cel mai utilizat în chirurgia pediatrică este scorul pediatric pentru apendicită (PAS). Scopul. Evaluarea capacității de prognozare a scorului PAS a formelor distructive de apendicită acută. Material și metode. Acest studiu retrospectiv a fost realizat pe 64 copii care s-au prezentat cu semne de abdomen acut chirurgical în perioada 20212022. Datele au fost colectate conform algoritmului PAS. Rezultatele au fost comparate cu diagnosticul final și supuse analizei statistice pentru determinarea sensibilității și a specificității scorului PAS. Rezultate. Lotul de studiu a constituit 64 copii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 2 – 17 ani, dintre ei 41 băieți și 23 fete, 29 au fost operați, la 35 AA a fost exclusă. Din cei operați, 26 au fost confirmați histologic cu AA flegmonoasă, 2 cu AA gangrenoasă și 1 cu AA catarală. Aplicând Scorul PAS s-a stabilit corect prezența AA distructive la 21 pacienți, și absența ei la 28 pacienți, însă s-au omis 7 pacienți cu AA distructivă și diagnosticați greșit cu AA 8 pacienți cu alte patologii. Prin urmare, pentru o valoare limită ≥ 7 puncte, scorul PAS a demonstrat o sensibilitate, specificitate și precizie de 75%, 77,7% și respectiv 76,6%. Concluzie. Scorul PAS nu poate fi util pentru a diagnostica o formă distructivă de apendicită acută din cauza riscului foarte mare de diagnostic greșit la 24,1% de copii care necesită intervenție chirurgicală urgentă.Background. Predicting the destructive forms of acute appendicitis (AA) in children is a key moment in establishing the diagnosis and subsequent tactics of treatment. Currently the most widely used in pediatric surgery is the pediatric appendicitis score (PAS). Objective of the study. Assessment the ability of PAS score to predict the destructive forms of acute appendicitis. Material and Methods. This retrospective study was performed on 64 children who presented with signs of acute surgical abdomen between 20212022. The data were collected according to the PAS algorithm. The results were compared with the final diagnosis and subjected to statistical analysis to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the PAS score. Results. The study group consisted of 64 children aged between 2 and 17 years, of whom 41 were boys and 23 girls, 29 were operated on, in 35 AA were excluded. Of those operated, 26 were confirmed histologically with phlegmonous AA, 2 with gangrenous AA and 1 with catarrhal AA. Applying the PAS Score correctly established the presence of destructive AA in 21 patients, and its absence in 28 patients, but omitted 7 patients with destructive AA and misdiagnosed with AA 8 patients with other pathologies. Therefore, for a limit value ≥ 7 points, the PAS score showed a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 75%, 77.7% and 76.6% respectively. Conclusion. The PAS score may not be useful in diagnosing a destructive form of acute appendicitis due to the very high risk of misdiagnosis in 24.1% of children requiring urgent surgery

    Evaluarea scorului pediatric pentru apendicită în diagnosticul formelor distructive de apendicită acută la copii

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    Background. Predicting the destructive forms of acute appendicitis (AA) in children is a key moment in establishing the diagnosis and subsequent tactics of treatment. Currently the most widely used in pediatric surgery is the pediatric appendicitis score (PAS). Objective of the study. Assessment the ability of PAS score to predict the destructive forms of acute appendicitis. Material and Methods. This retrospective study was performed on 64 children who presented with signs of acute surgical abdomen between 2021- 2022. The data were collected according to the PAS algorithm. The results were compared with the final diagnosis and subjected to statistical analysis to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the PAS score. Results. The study group consisted of 64 children aged between 2 and 17 years, of whom 41 were boys and 23 girls, 29 were operated on, in 35 AA were excluded. Of those operated, 26 were confirmed histologically with phlegmonous AA, 2 with gangrenous AA and 1 with catarrhal AA. Applying the PAS Score correctly established the presence of destructive AA in 21 patients, and its absence in 28 patients, but omitted 7 patients with destructive AA and misdiagnosed with AA 8 patients with other pathologies. Therefore, for a limit value ≥ 7 points, the PAS score showed a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 75%, 77.7% and 76.6% respectively. Conclusion. The PAS score may not be useful in diagnosing a destructive form of acute appendicitis due to the very high risk of misdiagnosis in 24.1% of children requiring urgent surgery.Introducere. Prognozarea formelor distructive de apendicită acută (AA) la copii reprezintă un moment cheie în stabilirea diagnosticului și a tacticii ulterioare de tratament. În prezent cel mai utilizat în chirurgia pediatrică este scorul pediatric pentru apendicită (PAS). Scopul. Evaluarea capacității de prognozare a scorului PAS a formelor distructive de apendicită acută. Material și metode. Acest studiu retrospectiv a fost realizat pe 64 copii care s-au prezentat cu semne de abdomen acut chirurgical în perioada 2021- 2022. Datele au fost colectate conform algoritmului PAS. Rezultatele au fost comparate cu diagnosticul final și supuse analizei statistice pentru determinarea sensibilității și a specificității scorului PAS. Rezultate. Lotul de studiu a constituit 64 copii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 2 – 17 ani, dintre ei 41 băieți și 23 fete, 29 au fost operați, la 35 AA a fost exclusă. Din cei operați, 26 au fost confirmați histologic cu AA flegmonoasă, 2 cu AA gangrenoasă și 1 cu AA catarală. Aplicând Scorul PAS s-a stabilit corect prezența AA distructive la 21 pacienți, și absența ei la 28 pacienți, însă s-au omis 7 pacienți cu AA distructivă și diagnosticați greșit cu AA 8 pacienți cu alte patologii. Prin urmare, pentru o valoare limită ≥ 7 puncte, scorul PAS a demonstrat o sensibilitate, specificitate și precizie de 75%, 77,7% și respectiv 76,6%. Concluzie. Scorul PAS nu poate fi util pentru a diagnostica o formă distructivă de apendicită acută din cauza riscului foarte mare de diagnostic greșit la 24,1% de copii care necesită intervenție chirurgicală urgentă

    Screening for DMI and MBC Fungicide Resistance in Monilinia fructicola and Evaluation of Biorational Products for Control of Brown Rot on Peach in the Southeast United States

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    Monilinia fructicola (G. Winter) Honey is a fungal pathogen and is the causal agent of blossom blight, twig blight, green fruit rot, preharvest brown rot, and postharvest brown rot of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Especially pre-and postharvest brown rot can have devastating economic impacts and negatively effects yield for peach growers throughout the southeastern United States. The most effective method for the control of pre- and postharvest brown rot is the application of synthetic fungicides during preharvest season. However, the consecutive use of fungicides with the same mode of action potentially give rise to resistance. This thesis focuses on the current resistance status of M. fructicola to methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC) and demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides and the evaluation of polyoxin-D for brown rot control. Chapter 1 provides a snapshot of resistance to DMI fungicides for M. fructicola isolates collected between 2021 and 2022 from Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina while also examining the mechanisms of resistance, namely the presence or absence of the genetic element Mona upstream MfCYP51. Chapter 2 examines the same set of M. fructicola isolates in Chapter 1 for resistance to MBC fungicides and describes nucleotide sequence analysis of the Tub2 gene in sensitive, low resistant and resistant isolates. Chapter 3 focuses on the preharvest application of polyoxin-D as a solo product or in combination with thyme oil or mineral oil for the control of brown rot

    Briefing the Second Amendment before the Supreme Court

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    The Austrian Aschenputtel: Empress Elizabeth of Austria as Icon of Austrian National Identity

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    Application of inertial measuring unit in air navigation for ALS and DAP

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    This article describes the inertial measuring device IMU, as well as its use in airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photography. This device is used during the operation of a scanning unit and an aerial photo camera. The structure of an additional connection for a digital video camera is proposed, which will record video together with the GPS and IMU data stream. Also, conclusions are given about the quality of output data that affect a final product in engineering surveys.Keywords: Inertial measuring device (IMU), accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetomete

    Newton v. NBC: First Amendment Big Winner in Public Figure Defamation Action

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