123 research outputs found

    Subsidence across the Antler foreland of Montana and Idaho: Tectonic versus eustatic effects

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    Devonian and Mississippian sedimentary rocks of western Montana and east-central Idaho were deposited on a cratonic platform that faced a deep basin to the west. The deep basin in Idaho was a northern extension of the Antler foredeep and formed as a flexural response to loading of the ancient North American continental margin by an inferred arc and thrust belt complex. Subsidence analyses of the Devonian-Mississippian strata indicate episodic subsidence events in the proximal foredeep and adjacent cratonic platform, an area approximately 800 km (500 mi) wide (palinspastic). Isopach maps for this sequence illustrate that many depocenters and paleohighs were geographically coincident across the foreland through time. The Devonian-Mississippian foreland structures had cross-sectional wavelengths of 50-200 km (30-120 mi) and amplitudes of about 50-350 m (160-1,150 ft). Some of these structures were tectonically inverted (i.e., paleohighs became depocenters and vice versa) several times during the 50-60 m.y. represented by this stratigraphic sequence. Many of these generally east-west-trending paleostructures were oriented at high angles to the north-south-trending axis of the Antler foredeep and the inferred strike of the Antler orogenic belt. These foreland structures coincide geographically with structural trends produced during Proterozoic extension, suggesting that the Proterozoic faults were reactivated during Antler convergence. The isopach maps also show progressive southeastward migration of Antler foredeep depocenters from Late Devonian to Early Pennsylvanian time. The southeastward migration of the foredeep depocenter suggests that the maximum thrust load moved progressively southeastward from Late Devonian to Early Pennsylvanian time. The complex patterns of subsidence across the Montana-Idaho foreland do not fit into simple flexural models for vertical loading of unbroken elastic plates. Instead, differential subsidence of the foreland may be related to several mechanisms: (1) flexure of mechanically independent, fault-bounded segments of the foreland produced by areally limited thrust loads (subregional vertical loading); (2) transmission of compressive in-plane stresses through the foreland lithosphere (regional horizontal loading) that may have reactivated Proterozoic fault systems; and (3) waxing and waning of in-plane compressive stresses resulting from the episodic nature of Antler convergence. Results from this study suggest that, in settings where the foreland lithosphere is broken by ancient fault systems, the foreland may exhibit complex patterns of differential subsidence that probably reflect a composite response to both vertical and horizontal loads. Also, the simultaneous pulses of subsidence documented across large parts of the Antler foreland suggest that it may be possible to date episodes of convergence along ancient continental margins, even when the ancient thrust belt complex is poorly preserved

    Subsidence across the Antler foreland of Montana and Idaho: Tectonic versus eustatic effects

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    Devonian and Mississippian sedimentary rocks of western Montana and east-central Idaho were deposited on a cratonic platform that faced a deep basin to the west. The deep basin in Idaho was a northern extension of the Antler foredeep and formed as a flexural response to loading of the ancient North American continental margin by an inferred arc and thrust belt complex. Subsidence analyses of the Devonian-Mississippian strata indicate episodic subsidence events in the proximal foredeep and adjacent cratonic platform, an area approximately 800 km (500 mi) wide (palinspastic). Isopach maps for this sequence illustrate that many depocenters and paleohighs were geographically coincident across the foreland through time. The Devonian-Mississippian foreland structures had cross-sectional wavelengths of 50-200 km (30-120 mi) and amplitudes of about 50-350 m (160-1,150 ft). Some of these structures were tectonically inverted (i.e., paleohighs became depocenters and vice versa) several times during the 50-60 m.y. represented by this stratigraphic sequence. Many of these generally east-west-trending paleostructures were oriented at high angles to the north-south-trending axis of the Antler foredeep and the inferred strike of the Antler orogenic belt. These foreland structures coincide geographically with structural trends produced during Proterozoic extension, suggesting that the Proterozoic faults were reactivated during Antler convergence. The isopach maps also show progressive southeastward migration of Antler foredeep depocenters from Late Devonian to Early Pennsylvanian time. The southeastward migration of the foredeep depocenter suggests that the maximum thrust load moved progressively southeastward from Late Devonian to Early Pennsylvanian time. The complex patterns of subsidence across the Montana-Idaho foreland do not fit into simple flexural models for vertical loading of unbroken elastic plates. Instead, differential subsidence of the foreland may be related to several mechanisms: (1) flexure of mechanically independent, fault-bounded segments of the foreland produced by areally limited thrust loads (subregional vertical loading); (2) transmission of compressive in-plane stresses through the foreland lithosphere (regional horizontal loading) that may have reactivated Proterozoic fault systems; and (3) waxing and waning of in-plane compressive stresses resulting from the episodic nature of Antler convergence. Results from this study suggest that, in settings where the foreland lithosphere is broken by ancient fault systems, the foreland may exhibit complex patterns of differential subsidence that probably reflect a composite response to both vertical and horizontal loads. Also, the simultaneous pulses of subsidence documented across large parts of the Antler foreland suggest that it may be possible to date episodes of convergence along ancient continental margins, even when the ancient thrust belt complex is poorly preserved

    Global and local controlson continental margin stratigraphy

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    Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 317 was devoted to understanding the relative importance of global sea level (eustasy) versus local tectonic and sedimentary processes in controlling continental margin sedimentary cycles. The expedition recovered sediments from the Eocene to recent period, with a particular focus on the sequence stratigraphy of the late Miocene to recent, when global sea level change was dominated by glacioeustasy. Drilling in the Canterbury Basin, on the eastern margin of the South Island of New Zealand, takes advantage of high rates of Neogene sediment supply, which preserves a high-frequency (0.1–0.5 m.y.) record of depositional cyclicity. The Canterbury Basin provides an opportunity to study the complex interactions between processes responsible for the preserved stratigraphic record of sequences because of the proximity of an uplifting mountain chain, the Southern Alps, and strong ocean currents. Currents have locally built large, elongate sediment drifts within the prograding Neogene section. Expedition 317 did not drill into one of these elongate drifts, but currents are inferred to have strongly influenced deposition across the basin, including in locations lacking prominent mounded drifts. Upper Miocene to recent sedimentary sequences were cored in a transect of three sites on the continental shelf (landward to basinward, Sites U1353, U1354, and U1351) and one on the continental slope (Site U1352). The transect provides a stratigraphic record of depositional cycles across the shallow-water environment most directly affected by relative sea level change. Lithologic boundaries, provisionally correlative with seismic sequence boundaries, have been identified in cores from each site and provide insights into the origins of seismically resolvable sequences. This record will be used to estimate the timing and amplitude of global sea level change and to document the sedimentary processes that operate during sequence formation. Sites U1353 and U1354 provide significant, double-cored, high-recovery sections through the Holocene and late Quaternary for high-resolution study of recent glacial cycles in a continental shelf setting. Continental slope Site U1352 represents a complete section from modern slope terrigenous sediment to hard Eocene limestone, with all the associated lithologic, biostratigraphic, physical, geochemical, and microbiological transitions. The site also provides a record of ocean circulation and fronts during the last ~35 m.y. The early Oligocene (~30 Ma) Marshall Paraconformity was the deepest drilling target of Expedition 317 and is hypothesized to represent intensified current erosion or nondeposition associated with the initiation of thermohaline circulation following the separation of Australian and Antarctica. Expedition 317 set a number of scientific ocean drilling records: (1) deepest hole drilled in a single expedition and second deepest hole in the history of scientific ocean drilling (Hole U1352C, 1927 m); (2) deepest hole and second deepest hole drilled by the R/V JOIDES Resolution on a continental shelf (Hole U1351B, 1030 m; Hole U1353B, 614 m); (3) shallowest water depth for a site drilled by the JOIDES Resolution for scientific purposes (Site U1353, 84.7 m water depth); and (4) deepest sample taken by scientific ocean drilling for microbiological studies (1925 m, Site U1352). Expedition 317 supplements previous drilling of sedimentary sequences for sequence stratigraphic and sea level objectives, particularly drilling on the New Jersey margin (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Legs 150, 150X, 174A, and 174AX and IODP Expedition 313) and in the Bahamas (ODP Leg 166), but includes an expanded Pliocene section. Completion of at least one transect across a geographically and tectonically distinct siliciclastic margin was the necessary next step in deciphering continental margin stratigraphy. Expedition 317 also complements ODP Leg 181, which focused on drift development in more distal parts of the Eastern New Zealand Oceanic Sedimentary System (ENZOSS).Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management InternationalPublished2.2. Laboratorio di paleomagnetismorestricte

    Relative sea-level rise around East Antarctica during Oligocene glaciation

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    During the middle and late Eocene (∼48-34 Myr ago), the Earth's climate cooled and an ice sheet built up on Antarctica. The stepwise expansion of ice on Antarcticainduced crustal deformation and gravitational perturbations around the continent. Close to the ice sheet, sea level rosedespite an overall reduction in the mass of the ocean caused by the transfer of water to the ice sheet. Here we identify the crustal response to ice-sheet growth by forcing a glacial-hydro isostatic adjustment model with an Antarctic ice-sheet model. We find that the shelf areas around East Antarctica first shoaled as upper mantle material upwelled and a peripheral forebulge developed. The inner shelf subsequently subsided as lithosphere flexure extended outwards from the ice-sheet margins. Consequently the coasts experienced a progressive relative sea-level rise. Our analysis of sediment cores from the vicinity of the Antarctic ice sheet are in agreement with the spatial patterns of relative sea-level change indicated by our simulations. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that near-field processes such as local sea-level change influence the equilibrium state obtained by an icesheet grounding line

    Lithology Dependence of Porosity In Slope and Deep Marine Sediments

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    Compilation of porosity data from 11 Ocean Drilling Program legs and 53 sites show that compaction in deep marine to upper-slope sediments is, at least in part, a function of both burial depth and lithology. Overall porosities range from 4 to 94%. Despite the broad range of porosities, there is an exponential trend toward decreasing porosity with depth. Comparison among samples dominated (90 to 100%) by each of six lithologies, based on grain size and composition, reveals the lithology dependence of compaction, except for biogenic silt-size sediments and elastic sands. In the former case, this may, in part, be due to mixing of calcareous and siliceous nannofossils. Clay-size clastic sediments show a clear change from rapid porosity reduction in the top 172 meters (porosity = 82.7 e(-depth/430)) to less pronounced loss of porosity below (porosity = 61.4 e(-depth/1671)). The remainder of the lithologies, silt (porosity = 75.5 e(-depth/1091)), biogenic sand (porosity = 88.5 e(-depth/1338)) and micrite (porosity = 69.5 e(-depth/1235)) show a good to strong exponential reduction of porosity with depth. These relations compare well with literature studies, taking into account the less pure nature of the lithologies used in this work. The silt compaction curve is unique; no previous studies of porosity separated silt from other grain sizes. Most sediment samples are of mixed grain sizes and types. The lithology-based porosity-depth relations were used to test four approaches to decompaction in mixed-lithology sediment used in backstripping. All methods generated porosity estimates that correlated strongly to the observed values, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.629 to 0.686. These methods that have been used for years are, for the first time, shown to be valid

    Earthworm myosin

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